War Paradise

Chapter 940-Sodom War of Chaos

In many ancient legends in Europe, vampires are described as a source of horror.

It is said that such mysterious monsters that come out at night often live in ancient castles on the outskirts, kidnapping some young and beautiful poor women to their own territory, putting them on luxurious clothes and exquisite makeup, and then choosing A "good day and auspicious day", enjoy your own prey.

Even if it was later proved that most of the historical records about vampires were just misunderstandings caused by poor medical standards in the Middle Ages. However, this unknown heretical creature still often appears in various entertainment works, angering its own sense of existence.

And in the game "War Paradise", vampires are naturally not absent:

Breathtaking screams erupted in the air, and the three Daoist shadows once again transformed into a huge group of bats, and they pounced on Lin Chi, fast enough to be invisible to the naked eye.

Lin Chi strode over the observer's corpse and dashed forward with the bonus of the "touching" skill. With the doubling of the running speed, he temporarily escaped the pursuit of the bat swarm for a while.

However, the vampires under the blood god's command will naturally not be thrown away so easily, and the speed of the bat group has increased again. In the whistling wave of shadows, some inexplicable sounds can be vaguely heard:

"Kill him..."


"Are these vampires player under the blood god?" Lin Chi complained secretly in his heart.

This is the first time he has encountered a cursed person from the "undead zone". There is no doubt that these players incarnate as vampires are more difficult to deal with than the players under Samer and Leviathan.

The weapon in Lin Chi's hands could not cause substantial damage to the vampire at all, and even the use of the Dark Sword would have no effect at all.

Only the attack of the Sacred series can break through the blood clan's immortality, but Lin Chi, who was originally a walking corpse, does not have any Sacred equipment at all, and that kind of stuff can even cause damage to himself.

——If you want to run now, you can probably only rely on other Devils on the street. After all, when the three vampires were chasing Own, they were also fighting against the Devils patrolling the city!


Devil’s roar shook the entire street. A rock giant bursting into flames smashed a building on the side of the street into fragments. A dozen metal piles inserted on its back were burnt red, making it look like a giant hedgehog. .

——The Abyss The Underworld fire, hero-level NPC (leader-level), cannot be recruited.

Seeing the giant rock monster crawling out of The Underworld, Lin Chi also decisively avoided the dangerous area near the The Underworld fire, watching the Underworld fire waving his burning arms and grabbing the bats in the air.

Faced with a rocky body that could not be sucked blood, the three vampires were caught off guard for a while. A wave of crimson flames swept across, a large number of bats were instantly scorched, and a death prompt appeared in Lin Chi's sight:

The player "I am an actor" has died.

As one vampire exited the field, the remaining two turned into bat swarms and dodged on both sides, avoiding the attack of The Underworld fire.

At the same time, an observer who had just arrived also saw Lin Chi's location, and several The Underworld soldiers nearby immediately surrounded him and started chasing the uninvited guest.

The battle situation in the undead zone has become more and more complicated, directly transforming into a chaotic war between the three parties, but Lin Chi is the only one on his side. He is undoubtedly at a big disadvantage and has directly become a "brother and younger brother".

In order to survive, he also tried his best to madly forward, and two more The Underworld fires rushed over, raising his big hand to his body!


A fiery light burst out from behind the fire of The Underworld, and the indestructible rock on its body was blown into a rift. Two white-robed figures appeared on the battlefield, with the heads of The Underworld soldiers in their hands.

"The Devil Sword Cult is here! Devil will surely kill the fallen Devil!"

The practitioner of the Demon Sword Cult, who is also a leader-level existence, also joined the war during the chaos, making the already chaotic battlefield situation more complicated.

The two Devil hunters who had just managed to escape from Lin Chi's "Magic Claws" also rushed toward Lin Chi at this time, and the red clothes were hunting in the strong wind.

While the other Devils were trying to seal the blood god, the two Devil hunter camp members who followed the practitioner and launched an attack from the rear were very rewarding and gained a lot of attribute values ​​from Devil's heads.

At this time, their attribute value also surpassed Lin Chi again. While the practitioner of the Devil Sword Order dragged the fire of The Underworld, two Devil hunters had already swung their swords and killed them, holding the long swords distributed by the organization. , Pierced Lin Chi's chest!

However, unlike the last time when he fought Devil Hunter, Lin Chi's skills had already cooled down.

"Slow Sword Technique!"

The two Devil hunters heard mysterious background sounds from nowhere, and their movement speed instantly slowed to a pitiful level, entering a fatal frame drop state.

Until they were beheaded by an invisible sword, they didn't know what happened. The two corpses that had recovered to normal disappeared into fragments, and the kill prompt popped out in due course.

With the death of Devil Hunter, Lin Chi, who had absorbed the attributes of the two, gained Ascension again in his physical attributes. The whole person jumped out to the outside of the battlefield, intending to take the opportunity to escape.

The nearby enemies are extremely dangerous, and once they are eyed by them, it is difficult to run away. Taking advantage of the fighting between them, now is the last chance to escape!

However, the vampire player under the blood god is still chasing after him.

"Don't try to escape!"

The harsh screams erupted from the air, and a large number of bats pressed towards Lin Chi. At this time, The Underworld fire not far from Lin Chi's side was still at war with the practitioner of the Demon Sword Cult.

Even if the two Devil hunters under his command are killed in battle, the primary goal of the practitioner is still to kill Devil in the city. These monsters who regard the legendary Devil hunter "Dante" as an idol will never stop the slaughter of Devil!

"Kill Devil! Show the glory of the Devil Sword Order to the world!"

Amidst the practitioner's roar, the huge body of The Underworld fire hit by the giant sword exploded, and dozens of spikes on his body flew out in all directions, nailing through the bodies of two practitioners in an instant.

When a picket flew over, Lin Chi had already entered the "limit state". With the super reaction speed of the first generation machine, the whole person jumped and rose into the air, his feet just falling on the hot red tips. On the pile.

The incredibly powerful kinetic energy hit from under his feet and flew out with Lin Chi's entire body. He was like a pilot with his feet on the missile, his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared outside of the explosion smoke.

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