Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 55 I am not a prisoner, let Guilliman come and pick me up!

Under the leadership of dozens of Ultramarines Astartes, Chen Guo looked like a high-ranking official from the Ultramar 500 World.

Wherever he went, the bustling starport began to become quiet, and people on the road were roughly pushed to both sides. They all looked at this strange team with puzzled eyes.

People kept whispering to each other, whispering about which high-ranking official was able to get so many Astartes to escort him.

But gradually, some knowledgeable and discerning spectators found something wrong, that is, among these people surrounded by Ultramarines Astartes, there were other Astartes, and the armor worn by these Astartes was a new kind of armor... Could it be that there were other Astartes Legions coming?

"Zamutuo, have you seen this kind of power armor?" Two white scarred Astartes stood up from the high-end restaurants on both sides of the starport street.

"No, the armor patterns of the guys in front are very similar to those of the Night Lords, but the colors are different. I have never seen the power armor models of the guys behind. They look weird... They don't look like power armor, but like armor for Titans."

"Is this the new armor designed by the Thirteenth Legion? It doesn't look good!"

"Hehe, let's eat!"

Walking through the starport in a swagger, Chen Guo was pointed at all the way, and her original good mood was immediately gone.

"Damn, I was invited to participate in the Second Empire Establishment Ceremony, not to be taken away as a prisoner by you!"

Chen Guo stopped, and the people behind him stopped as well.

"We are about to reach the teleportation platform. Please be patient for a moment, my father is waiting for you!" The extreme warrior walking in front still spoke to Chen Guo in a ritual voice and tone.

"Get lost! I don't want to waste my time talking to you! If Guilliman wanted to see me, he should have come to pick me up in person. If I hadn't shown mercy, he would have died!" Chen Guo said as he mercilessly knocked away the Ultramarines in front of him, and walked towards a high-end restaurant in the middle of the Star Harbor Street with his subordinates behind him.

"Sir, I'm sorry, it's full!" The restaurant's foreman, who was originally standing on the side of the road, came over immediately and stopped the people who came.

Looking through the window, Chen Guo frowned slightly at the restaurant with many empty seats.

But before he could say anything, Lu Duoyiner slapped the foreman in front of him and sent him flying. His head hit the wall in the distance and a big hole was directly opened. Bright red blood and brain matter flowed all over the floor.

After looking at him, Chen Guo raised his legs and walked into the restaurant.

Seeing this scene, the people who were eating in the restaurant were immediately stunned. The nobles in luxurious clothes and some wandering merchants dressed as warriors got up and left. A few local imperial navy generals from Macragge wanted to come up and meddle in other people's business, but they were pointed at by Zero's cold grenade gun and had to leave the restaurant.

In the end, only a few Blood Angel Astartes wearing bright red armor sitting in the corner were left in the originally lively restaurant.

After looking at them, Chen Guo found a seat near the window and sat down.

Lu Doyle sat opposite him, and the wandering Astartes found a table and sat down. Under the influence of pheromones, the Zeros quickly occupied the key points of the entire restaurant, ensuring that they could transform this high-end restaurant into an airtight fortress in the first time during the battle.

The Ultramarines looked at Zero's gun pointing at them, silently called the patrol team to drag away the foreman who was not yet dead on the ground, and then directed the other foreman of the restaurant to come and take orders.

After casually ordering a few foods that looked like they wouldn't taste bad, the two wandering Astartes, under the command of Lou Doyle, stepped into the kitchen and began to monitor the preparation of each dish.

These two guys are two pharmacists.

Although, after practicing the Blood River Sutra, Chen Guo theoretically shouldn't be afraid of any poisons.

But there is a saying that it is better to be cautious than to be afraid of a thousand.

As one dish after another was served, Chen Guo ate while looking at the four Blood Angels sitting in the distance.

These Blood Angel Astartes are indeed the most handsome legion in the entire empire, with their flowing hair and extremely handsome faces... But who would have thought that these bloody angels who look very elegant are actually violent legions that can compete with Angron's World Eaters.

During the Great Crusade, the Blood Angels and the World Eaters formed a "friendly" competitive relationship, just because they were both good at taking the initiative and were equally bloodthirsty and brutal. However, under the leadership of Angron, the World Eaters became a completely crazy army, creating more bloody massacres than the last, while the Blood Angels' rage was more restrained under the wise management and teaching of Sanguinius.

You should know that the World Eaters have no genetic defects, while the bloodthirsty genetic defects of the Blood Angels are well known.

Comparing the two, it is clear who is superior between the World Eaters and the Blood Angels.

As if stimulated by Chen Guo's gaze, or as if they had finished the dinner, the four Blood Angels stood up from their seats while wiping their mouths and slowly walked towards Chen Guo.

Lu Doyin quickly threw down the tableware in his hand and took the other three wandering Astartes to step forward.

Then, Lou Duo Yin'er suddenly shouted in surprise: "Oh, Sadie, it's you!"

"Lu Doyin'er? You're not dead!"

Looking at the Astartes hugging each other, Chen Guo smiled and asked, "Do you know each other?"

"Sir, this is Sadi!" Lu Doyin'er hugged the extremely handsome Blood Angel Astartes next to him again, then loosened his arms around his shoulders and said to Chen Guo: "The relationship between him and me We are friends of life and death. If it weren't for him, I almost died in a battle with the Orcs! "

"Oh, is it so!"

Chen Guo nodded thoughtfully.

Lu Doyin quickly turned to his former comrades and said: "This sir is my current sponsor. Since the Eighth Legion completely rebelled, I have led my subordinates to break away from the Eighth Legion and become wanderers. Astartes…faced with his father’s choice and loyalty to the empire, this may be the best solution.”

Blood Angel Astartes Saadi also nodded thoughtfully.

If it had been in the past, he would have unhesitatingly denounced Lou Doyle as a traitor who betrayed the empire and the emperor.

But now, the Second Empire is almost established.

And if nothing else goes wrong, Sangelius, the Primarch of the Blood Angels, will also become the regent of the Second Empire.

Although the theory that Guilliman has been promoting is to prevent the Empire from falling into endless darkness and chaos, and to prevent mankind from returning to the Dark Ages, the Second Empire was established, but there are pros and cons to this rhetoric.

It would not be an exaggeration to call it a rebellion.

After all, this is a different banner, how can you still have the nerve to say that you are not a rebel!

With a slight aristocratic etiquette, Saddi pulled Lu Doyiner and walked to the side.

Chen Guo moved her ears gently and immediately heard the conversation between them clearly.

It turned out that Saadi wanted to win over Lou Doyle to join the Blood Angels Legion, but after being rejected, he continued to extend an olive branch and invited him to join the Second Empire that was directly established.

"No need, Sadi!" Lu Doyin'er slowly put away his smile. He glanced at Chen Guo in the distance and said, "My donor is pretty good to me now. I have already betrayed my father once. Already..."

Lu Duo Yin'er didn't finish his words, but the meaning he wanted to express was already very clear. Satidi nodded and didn't say anything more. He just patted Lu Duo Yin'er on the shoulder hard and walked with him behind him. The subordinates left the restaurant and disappeared outside the encirclement of the Ultramarines.

Sitting back opposite Chen Guo, Lu Duoyin'er continued to enjoy the food.

"Actually, if you agree to him, I won't stop you. After all, I'm not an unkind person!" Chen Guo took a sip of the slightly bitter sweet wine.

"Boss, don't be ridiculous! Even if I want to leave, are you really willing to let me go? I know too many secrets. Even after death, my soul may not be able to be free!" Lou Duoyin'er Smiling very candidly, he said: "Besides, I am really fed up with the empire's rules and regulations. Now that I have more free choices, why should I go back and suffer like that!"

Chen Guo slowly put away her smile. He felt Lu Duo Yin'er's heartbeat that did not change at all, and nodded silently, "Very good, your answer makes me very satisfied. I was really thinking about it just now." Now, what method should be used to make you and your subordinates disappear from this world without anyone noticing.

However, I have changed my mind now... Lou Duoyin'er, are you willing to be completely loyal to me and become my retainer!

Just like Des! "

Lu Duoyin turned around and threw up the seat behind him, knelt on one knee, put his right hand on his chest, and said, "Lu Duoyin is willing to follow you forever!"

Seeing Lu Doyin'er do this, the wandering Astartes who were transformed from the Night Lords Astartes behind him also knelt down on one knee and began to swear allegiance to Chen Guo.

Chen Guo took out his ax and tapped their shoulders one after another. After tapping all their shoulders, he said loudly: "Okay, I accept your allegiance. Now all get up!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Master!" Lu Doyin stood up and was about to say a few compliments, but suddenly turned around and looked out the window.

Wherever he looked, the human wall formed by the Ultramarines Astartes quickly split open on both sides, revealing three figures, one blue, one red, and one black!

"Oh, it's finally here. It's so slow!" Chen Guo placed the ax beside the chair as if nothing had happened and continued to enjoy the delicious food on the table.

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