Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 56: Saint Geris is so handsome! (1/2)

"Let me introduce you. This is the Primarch of the Dark Angels, Leon Jonson!"

Leon Jonson held his head high without saying anything, his face full of pride.

Guilliman ignored his stinky face and continued to introduce another genetic prototype to Chen Guo: "This is the Primarch of the Blood Angels, Sanguinius!"

"Hello, Mr. Chen Guo!"

Compared to the arrogance of the Lion King and the arrogant style of the Knight Master, Sanguinius seemed polite and full of an indescribable affinity.

"Mr. Sanguinius, it's my honor to meet you!"

Facing the smiling face of Sanguinius, Chen Guo stretched out his palm and shook his hand vigorously.

The four people sat down again, and Chen Guo waved to Lu Duoyin and the others like a master, "You all go out!"

"Yes, master!"

Lu Duoyin was about to leave with his subordinates and Lingke, but Leon Zhuangsen didn't know what was wrong with him:


I smell the dirty smell of stinky bats on you!"

Seeing that this big brother was about to start a childish temper again, Guilliman frowned immediately. He glanced at Chen Guo who pretended not to hear, and shot a look at Sanguinius.

The latter immediately understood and said to Lu Duoyin who stopped: "Let's go!"

Lu Duoyin glanced at Chen Guo and saw a slight nod, then he continued to walk out boldly. Soon there were only four people left in the messy restaurant.

Leon Zhuangsen was obviously unhappy when he saw his brother taking the initiative to destroy his stage, and his originally arrogant face was immediately full of dissatisfaction.

But he didn't throw a tantrum like a child after all. He just kept holding the power sword in his hand and venting his dissatisfaction to the people around him.

Guilliman and Sanguinius ignored him. In fact, if Leon Johnson hadn't insisted on coming over, Guilliman would not have been prepared to call him at all.

With a bright smile on his face, Guilliman, who had already made various plans, played his diplomat and politician skills and began to use various simple but meaningful words and hearty laughter to ease the slightly awkward atmosphere.

"Mr. Chen Guo, thank you very much for being invited to participate in the establishment of the empire. As the inviter, we feel very honored!"

"Yes, Guilliman's meaning is what I mean!"

Chen Guo looked at them singing the same tune, and didn't put on any airs. He reached out and took out four bottles of liquor from the magic bag, threw two bottles to Sanguinius, and then threw one bottle to Guilliman, and opened the last bottle by himself.

Facing the strong wine handed over by Sanguinius, Leon Johnson took it and put it aside. Although he did not drink with him, at least he did not throw the bottle behind him the moment he received it.

Looking at his stinky face, Chen Guo knew that the dark experience of the lion king in his childhood made his autism still not cured.

However, Chen Guo was unwilling to care too much about a mental patient, even if he was also a mental patient.

After a few casual drinks with Guilliman and Sanguinius, the relationship between the three gradually began to heat up, especially under the leadership of Guilliman, the master of diplomacy, Chen Guo was no longer silent and began to discuss with them some strange things he had seen in the universe.

To be honest, as two Primarchs fighting on the front line, what have they not seen? Therefore, when they first started talking, when Chen Guo proposed various wonderful things, they just showed surprised expressions due to etiquette.

It's just a show!

But when Chen Guo took out two items that were full of the power of the Warp as gifts to Sanguinius and Guilliman, their faces all changed!

As the Primarchs who fought on the front line against the Chaos Demons, how could they not be familiar with the stench from the power of the Warp!

But everyone knows that even the vicious and brutal Warp Demons are made up of pure energy bodies, and after death they will gradually turn into energy and disappear.

But the two items in front of them are real items.

Although they have seen such precious things, they have never encountered someone who can send two directly like Chen Guo!

The two things Chen Guo sent were not the other one, but the blue crystal that successfully blocked his full-strength attack in the previous Chaos Champion Preliminary - the All-Knowing Tears.

Although there was a conspicuous crack on this All-Knowing Tears, which was the mark of Chen Guo's slashing, it still had a strong defensive ability, just right for Guilliman.

I hope he can keep it well and successfully dodge when Fulgrim attacks him in the future... Of course, Chen Guo also knows that this is impossible.

Because even if this gem has strong defensive capabilities, whether Guilliman is worthy of wearing it is one thing, and whether this gem will suddenly become ineffective during the future battle with Fulgrim is another question.

However, according to the character of the Lord of Change Tzeentch and her attitude towards Slaanesh, everything is still uncertain...

And the item that Chen Guo gave to Sanguinius was the prize from Khorne that he had taken from his father Nurgle before - a talisman blessed by Khorne.

Inlaying it on a weapon can make the weapon have the characteristic of ignoring armor to a certain extent.

Very suitable for Sanguinius, the Primarch with an indissoluble bond with Khorne!

You know, Sanguinius has fought with a certain Khorne demon for several times!

Sure enough, being handsome is not a problem at all.

Look, even the Khorne demon with only bloodthirsty killing intent in his heart will be defeated by Sanguinius's armor!

Faced with such a luxurious gift, Guilliman and Sanguinius staged a classic three-way return. It is unknown where these two guys who received "Western" education learned this etiquette, but in the end they both accepted the two items and gave them to Chen Guo as a return gift with the weapons they carried with them.

I don't know if these two guys have discussed it beforehand, and they all gave their pistols to Chen Guo. Looking at the extra grenade guns and plasma guns in front of them, Chen Guo accepted them without any hesitation.

The three of them were all happy, except for the lion king, Leon Johnson, who was sitting there alone, feeling depressed, but very proud.

As Leon Johnson was very keen on collecting all kinds of banned technology weapons, and was the only one among all the legions authorized by the Emperor to use these banned technology weapons.

Of course, he also wanted a gift of his own!

But the doctrine of chivalry, and the autistic personality that had never been good but never admitted, made Leon Johnson, this proud guy, very eager for Chen Guo to give him a gift, but he just didn't open his mouth.

I am arrogant, I just want it in my heart, but I have to say that I don't want it.

To be honest, Chen Guo actually prepared a third gift - a death sword exchanged from the treasure house of Karsus.

But unfortunately, this sword may not be given away today.

After the friendly exchange between the two sides, Guilliman suddenly changed the subject and said directly: "Sir, why did you do this!"

This sudden change made Chen Guo a little confused. He looked at Sanguinius who was also a little confused, and shook his head in confusion, "Why do you do this?"

"Why did you attack the Steel Ball World?" Guilliman reminded at the right time.

"Oh, so you are talking about this matter. It is true that I attacked the Steel Ball Casting World, but this is entirely because there is a little personal conflict between me and the Steel Ball Casting World. At the same time, there are some personal conflicts between me and the Mechanicus, but they are limited to personal conflicts. I have no dissatisfaction with the mechanical shape of Mars, really!"

"Personal conflict?"

Leon Johnson suddenly became interested.

As the only Dark Angel boss who is allowed to use black technology products at will among all the Astartes Legions and can keep all black technology products privately without handing them over to the Mechanicus.

There are various origins between Leon Johnson and the Mechanicus that must be mentioned.

"Yinkaros Emergency Plan"

This is a secret order issued directly by the Emperor to Leon.

The significance of its existence is to allow the First Legion, that is, the Dark Angels Legion, to retain the various black technologies it discovered at will.

At the same time, Leon Johnson was approved to use these powerful black technology weapons to judge and eliminate the Mechanicus forces that had second thoughts about the Empire when necessary.

Before the Horus Rebellion, Leon Johnson had successfully relied on this plan to successfully kill eight Mechanicus forces that wanted to betray the Empire... Although most of these eight Mechanicus forces had misunderstandings, relying on this law, the Mechanicus dared not say a fart.

In other words, if any Mechanicus's Forge World dared to say a word, Leon Johnson dared to rely on this plan to flatten it, and the Mechanicus had no place to complain!

After all, challenging the "Imperial Crown Prince" verbally is almost the same as having second thoughts and wanting to rebel!

This is why Leon Johnson suddenly interrupted when he heard that he had a personal grudge with the Mechanicus!

Chen Guo's brain was working rapidly, and he soon thought of the secret order issued by the Emperor himself!

At the same time, he cursed himself in his heart for being a fool!

Chen Guo quickly took out the Death Greatsword that he had exchanged for nearly 500,000 materialization points from the treasure house of Karsus.

According to Karsus, this was a greatsword he made with his own hands, with tens of thousands of runes engraved on it, including not only auxiliary runes such as armor-breaking, solid, light, sharp, etc.

It also includes a complete set of rune sets that can absorb the souls of the killed, making the greatsword sharper and sharper, and can release the Death Slash, which is no armor, by consuming the souls absorbed in the greatsword.

It is just right for Leon Johnson.

He quickly handed the greatsword to Sanguinius, who continued to act as the middle messenger in silence and passed the greatsword to Leon Johnson.

The moment he received the greatsword, as a knight who took the Knight's Creed as his life principle, Leon Johnson immediately realized that this was a very good weapon. Although he still had a big prejudice against Chen Guo, he gladly accepted the gift and handed his pistol to Sanguinius, asking him to be a messenger again.

"Sir Leon Jonson, I have a very important message to share with you, about a great sage who rebelled against the Mechanicus!"

"Oh, really? I'm all ears!" Leon Jonson stroked the new weapon in his hand, raised his eyebrows, and his tone was still very arrogant, but the look in his eyes told Chen Guo that he was very interested in this topic.

"Sir Guilliman knows that my wife is a former blood and tears slave of the Mechanicus, and is also a famous biological sage. He told me a dark story about the Mechanicus..."

Chen Guo exaggerated this great sage of machinery, whose true face he had never seen, and portrayed him as a pervert who had thrown himself into the arms of Slaanesh - even though this pervert might be more perverted than he described!

Although the ability described by Chen Guo was not as outstanding as Guilliman's, he still successfully mobilized the emotions of this knight, making this stubborn, old-fashioned, extremely arrogant, but not lacking in passion, Primarch immediately slam the table to express his opinion.

As long as there is a chance, even if he directly rushes into the Mars Forge Base, he will successfully kill this perverted great sage who has already thrown himself into the arms of Slaanesh.

Moreover, it is not known whether Guilliman's assist was intentional or unintentional, Guilliman said two or three words to calm Leon Johnson.

But in Leon Johnson's ears, these two or three words turned into ridicule and ridicule, making his already turbulent emotions erupt like a volcano!

Leon Johnson slammed the table in front of him on the spot, and vowed to cut off the real body of the great sage and give it to Chen Guo as a gift, and then angrily took the new sword and left without looking back.

Of course, before leaving, he did not forget to give Guilliman a fierce look, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

Watching his departing back, Chen Guo smiled and said to Guilliman: "Thank you, Sir Guilliman!"

"You're welcome, Leon Johnson keeps his word, Sir Chen Guo, just wait for the gift!"

After a few more pleasantries, Guilliman spoke again to bring today's chat to an end: "Sir Chen Guo, we have to say goodbye too. The establishment of the Second Empire is imminent. Sanguinius and I have to hunt down the traitors of the Assassin Court and prepare for the Second Empire's military parade.

I'm really sorry, let's have a good chat at the cocktail party after the military parade!"

"No problem, I sincerely congratulate the Second Empire on its prosperity in advance, and at the same time... Long live mankind!"

"Long live!"

The three of them drank the liquor in their hands, and this brief meeting ceremony finally ended.

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