Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 57: The Second Empire, the Great Military Parade! (1/2)

The six horns left by the ancient war king are now only three due to the attack of a certain stinking bat.

Although, the damn stinking bat wanted to destroy all the horns.

But if the lion king Leon had not rushed to the battlefield as soon as possible and personally smashed the three war horns that had been damaged but could still be repaired and used into pieces, the sound of the horns today should have been louder and more resonant.

However, even if there were only three war horns, the sharp and heavy sound began to slowly echo above Macragge.

These ancient war horns were hollowed out from the teeth of some extremely huge monsters. In the past, they were tied to the advancing chariots and stepped into the battlefield with the brave warriors.

But today, they can only sit on the solid military square, locked in the tower and the solid sentry post, and try to sing the prelude of the Second Empire.

As the hoarse roar of the horn slowly dissipated, the Thirteenth Legion...

No, it was the Second Empire's military band that began its own work.

More than 80,000 musicians recruited from the 500 worlds of Ultramar played a joyful triumphal song with passionate trumpets, horns and drums!

This is the music that is played in Macragge and the entire 500 worlds of Ultramar to welcome victories and major festivals.

Today, it also represents the Second Empire's shining light like a star.

Guilliman, wearing golden and blue ceremonial armor, holding a golden sword inlaid with gems, took the lead in walking through the Titan Gate that allows Emperor-class Titans to pass smoothly.

Today, in order to celebrate the establishment of the Second Empire, Macragge and even Ultramar's Titan Society came out in full force.

All kinds of Titans, big and small, were painted with gorgeous and colorful decorations, making these terrible war machines look softer and brighter.

Looking up at the huge Titan Gate, Guilliman's face showed a serious expression.

Above his head, there were neatly hung flags of different legions and teams, including the Ultramarines, Dark Angels, Iron Hands... a total of fifteen.

No, sixteen!

Just yesterday, after the last rehearsal, Chen Guo urgently designed a flag and hung it up, so now there are a total of sixteen flags hanging on this huge Titan Gate.

At the same time, the "young" Zero Corps also succeeded in standing next to the Space Wolves, which had only ten people, because of Chen Guo's help, and was able to witness the birth of the Second Empire with their own eyes.

The bluestone and marble from the Karut Mountain quarry, after being polished and smooth, covered the 900-hectare square.

Standing on the square on the first step above, Guilliman could look down on everything below, including the Hero Avenue that runs through the entire city.

Once upon a time, only one thousandth of the bricks that made up this hero's road were engraved with the names of the victims.

But since the Horus Heresy, new names have been engraved on it every day.

Only a few short years have passed.

One thousandth has evolved into one percent, and this road is already full of various names.

Continuing to look into the distance, on the magnificent cliff-like walls, the majestic towers and solid hall castles of Hera Castle soared up, overlooking the entire inner court of Macragge, the Macragge Supreme Council, Ultramar, and the Central Guard Camp of the future Second Empire...

These buildings are all quite large buildings in themselves, and they also have a long history.

But when compared with the Legion Fortress that reaches deep into the sky, they are like children gathered at the foot of the Legion Fortress, appearing so small and full of distinct layers.

Behind these magnificent scenes, the distant peaks of Hera's Crown pierce the sky, and the morning stars penetrate the clean atmosphere, illuminating it like a blood-red beam of light, straight into the universe!

The dazzling Lapurnis River flows from the west, like a crystal clear gem river in the red sunlight, winding through the smoky buildings of the Mechanicus and the magnificent Red Palace of the Astropaths.

Because the Astropaths are full of the stinking power of the Warp, they can only stay there alone.

At the same time, only the Mechanicus, which also releases a large amount of polluted mist, is forced to sit next to the Red Palace and be neighbors with those Astropaths.

Looking to the southwest, there is the geographical center of Macragge City, where the main roads of Macragge from north to south and from east to west meet.

In the center of the geographical center, a milestone stands here.

All measurements in Macragge are based on it, and from a technical point of view, the measurements of the entire Ultramar are the same... He is equivalent to a code of law for the entire town of Ultramar, a supreme code of law.

In the past, Guilliman, whose hands were stained with the blood of the Macragge rebels, stood on this milestone and gave his first inspiring speech. It was from this place at that time that the title of King of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar slowly fell on his head.

Looking to the south, the colonnade extends straight out from the south of the square.

When I was young, there used to be dense forests there, but since the Emperor came, it has become the largest training ground. Trees have been cut down in batches, and the ground in the rugged area has been leveled.

The Central Guards, who are responsible for protecting the safety of the entire Macragge, will conduct the most brutal training in this area whenever they are not fighting, so as to adapt to the bloody battles that may occur in the future.

"Woo woo woo!"

The heavy and hoarse sound of the war horn once again shocked the four directions, interrupting Guilliman's meditation and fantasy, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Although, at this moment, there are still countless troubles and chaos in front of the Second Empire that is about to be established, especially that damn stinky bat, who escaped again!

But for some reason, his heart is full of energy, as if his mission is to wait for this day to come, waiting to take over the burden of saving mankind.

"Father... Long live mankind!"

Guilliman's face showed a confident smile again.

This is a memorable day for the entire Macragge.

No, it's the whole Ultramar.

No, it's a day that all mankind should know and remember forever.

Because, on this day, the Second Empire will once again take up the banner of saving mankind, and the hope of mankind will not be extinguished.


The uniform footsteps behind him sounded. Just by listening to this one footstep, Guilliman knew that it was his Invincible Iron Guard and senior officers of the 13th Legion, as well as all the officers and fleet commanders of the Imperial Army who could be contacted in the entire Ultramar Five Hundred Worlds and even the Ultramar Segmentum, and several senior officials of the Mechanicus representing the Macragge Senate and major Forge Worlds.

In addition, there were all captains of the Grand Company of the Astartes Legion.

Except for a small number of centurions of the 13th Legion, the captains of other Grand Companies represented other legions that came to Macragge. As Chen Guo's representative, Lu Doyne stood at the end of the team with Sadie of the Blood Angels Legion.

Looking back at them, Guilliman frowned slightly, but he didn't say much, still turning his head with a smile on his face.

The second long trumpet sound had just ended, followed by a loud music. Different from the joy of triumphal music, the grand victory march resounded through the sky, and the behemoths of the Titan Society also resonated together.

The war machines from various Astartes Legions and Mechanicus stood around the military square or on both sides of the colonnade avenue leading directly to the south. They represented the thirty-five Titan Legions and twenty-four large-scale forge worlds that had been completely included in the Second Empire's battle sequence at this moment.

At the same time, these twenty-four large-scale forge worlds will also become the Second Empire's endless arms factories in the future. They will serve as the pillars and trump cards of the Second Empire, supporting the Second Empire and successfully carrying the banner of the Empire.

This magnificent Titan force includes more than 500 Warhound Titans, more than 150 Reaver Titans, more than 50 Warlord Titans and 6 Emperor Titans.

Among these 6 Emperor Titans, two belong to Guilliman and one belongs to Sanguinius. The other three have black hulls and are hung with all kinds of strange and bizarre black-tech weapons.

Needless to say, these are all Lion King Leon's!

These three big guys are all his spoils of war.

He used all the resources of the eight rebellious Mechanicus worlds and made them with all his strength. They are his most beloved treasures.

Normally, unless he encounters a difficult opponent, he will never take out these three treasures to see people.

Unexpectedly, this time Guilliman was able to convince him to move out these three treasures from the bottom of the box... Or maybe he didn't move these treasures out under Guilliman's persuasion, but he took them out voluntarily!

After all... if he failed to become the Imperial Warmaster, being a Protector of the Second Empire would not be bad!

There was a roar in the sky, and the dark warship quickly broke through the clouds and hovered over the huge military square. The landing hatch and the springboard opened at the same time, and the dark angel phalanx jumped off the spacecraft with great momentum, and they entered the square along the avenue.

Each dark angel legion came down at a different time, but they were in unison, and the armor of each warrior was polished to a shine.

As the company phalanxes entered the square, these dark angels with full style began to walk towards the reserved positions on the square.

This process was extremely fast and seamless. All the dark angels Astartes were like one person, sharing the same brain, and there would be no mistakes.

Guilliman rolled his eyes silently in his heart. This was not the first time he had seen such a scene. When the great prince of the empire just came to Macragge, Guilliman had seen it once.

Damn Leon, he actually used the golden age's black technology of suspension to park a cruiser in the square, and then crushed most of the bricks in the square when he left, forcing her to mobilize hundreds of thousands of workers before she successfully replaced all the fashions in the square before the Second Empire's founding ceremony began.

Fortunately, this time, under his firm request, the cruiser equipped with a powerful suspension engine did not stop in the square but floated in the air. However, when these damn dark angels landed, they still couldn't help but step on the fragile stone bricks and make cracks one after another.

Well, it seems that we have to find someone to repair the ground after the ceremony.

However... compared with the upcoming founding ceremony, this little problem can be ignored.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

Another heavy footsteps came, and the Lion King Leon, accompanied by several senior generals of the Dark Angel Astartes, quickly passed through the Titan Gate and stood beside Guilliman.

He did not change into the gorgeously decorated ceremonial armor, nor did he take the golden sword inlaid with red and green gems. Instead, he took the greatsword of the dead given by Chen Guo, looked ahead with a serious face, and an irresistible domineering aura emerged from his body.

Guilliman glanced at him, and he also glanced at Guilliman. When their eyes met, Guilliman saw the helplessness in his elder brother's eyes, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Could it be that... Sanguinius had failed to deliver and backed down?

As an excellent politician and diplomat, how could Guilliman not know that his brother did not want to be the regent of the Second Empire at all!

But, but at the moment, apart from him, Guilliman really couldn't find any other suitable candidate!

Although he was extremely anxious, Guilliman's expression was still full of smiles. He silently took a step forward and began his passionate speech.

"The people of Macragge, the soldiers of the Empire, the great expeditionary corps..."

"Sir, you must go!"

Sanguinius looked at the old woman in front of him who was as tall as his thighs, and his face was full of embarrassment.

"Woman, I am the son of the Emperor!"

"Sir, you are indeed the son of the Emperor, but you are also the son of the Empire, the regent of the Second Empire. The Empire and its people need you to stand up!"

Eudun's face was full of irresistibility. As Guilliman's adoptive mother and the de facto deputy commander of the Thirteenth Legion.

After years of training, her aura is stronger than Guilliman to some extent, oppressing Sanguinius so much that he dared not look at the old man with his eyes!

Chen Guo wore a well-fitting but not very comfortable ceremonial armor, gently shaking the unknown wine in his hand.

He looked at the two men, one tall and one short, rolled his eyes silently, raised his head and drank the wine in his hand, "Lady Euton, I think Guilliman needs your encouragement more now.

In addition, if possible, I would like to ask you to give me some space temporarily. I want to have a good talk with His Excellency Sanguinius.

Don't worry, I will convince him!"

Euton looked back at Chen Guo, with a kind and majestic smile on her face. She nodded and said, "Thank you, Your Excellency!"

"It's my honor!"

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