Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 58: Guilliman uses the procrastination tactic again. (1/2)

"Sir Sanguinius, I'll call you Sanguinius!"

Chen Guo casually poured himself another glass of wine, and then Sanguinius poured another glass, and quickly handed the wine in his hand to him.

Looking up and drinking the wine in the glass, Chen Guo said: "Sanguinius, you don't need to be so nervous.

For the second empire that is about to be established, your existence is indispensable!"

"What do you mean?"

"Hehe, do you really not know, or are you pretending to be stupid with me?" Chen Guo drank the wine in his hand again, "The Second Empire is not a farce, nor a joke, but an ideal that Guilliman has placed all his thoughts on.

And at the same time, to some extent, this is also a big dream to save mankind!

The purpose of the existence of the Second Empire is not to split the empire, nor is it a rebellion for Guilliman for the so-called power. He just did one thing... to save mankind!

He can actually leave you aside and be the regent himself, or even the emperor of the Second Empire!

Do you really think If he leaves the Blood Angels and the Dark Angels, will he not be able to become the Regent of the Second Empire or even His Majesty the Emperor?

He chose you not because he wanted to push you out to be a scapegoat, but because he knew you were absolutely rational and could also take on this responsibility.

Don't hesitate, you are being forced to do something, billions of people are watching Guilliman at this moment, if you don't want him to get carried away and make a decision that you will regret.

You'd better go now and take over the position of Regent safely, so that at least if something goes wrong in the future, you can still change it, after all, you are the Regent of the Second Empire! "

Sanguinius didn't say anything, but just drank the wine in his hand silently, then picked up the Regent's sword with a very gorgeous decoration beside him, and left the room quickly with a pair of white wings.

Chen Guo didn't stay for long, he also followed Sanguinius to Guilliman who was giving a speech.

But unlike Sanguinius, Chen Guo did not push forward, nor could he push forward, but stood silently in the last row, standing next to Lu Doyle.

Guilliman's heart, which had been tense, suddenly dropped as he looked at Sanguinius who slowly appeared beside him.

He smelled the faint smell of alcohol, and his brain, which had been operating on multiple lines, immediately understood who was helping him. In addition to his gratitude, the repetitive words he had been saying suddenly changed.

He grabbed Sanguinius's right hand, raised it high, and shouted in his loudest voice: "Long live the Empire! Long live mankind, long live the Regent!"

Feeling countless hot eyes quickly gathered on him, Sanguinius forced out a very ugly smile.


The Second Empire was officially established, and the whole of Macragge was immersed in the joy of the establishment of the Second Empire.

But some people were not so happy, such as Saint Gilles, the regent of the Second Empire!

Although he successfully got rid of the psychological barrier at that time and took the initiative to assume the position of the regent of the Second Empire, after everything was over, he began to fall into endless distress again... There was no way, who made this holy angel a person of high morals, and noble people would constantly create troubles and... troubles for themselves!

Guilliman and Leon were very busy.

Especially Guilliman, since Leon came to him, he finally didn't have to fight on the front line in person.

Relying on the powerful multi-threaded processing ability, he only needs to deal with those small mountains of files very happily every day!

Compared with Guilliman's pure happiness, Leon's happiness is not so obvious.

Because the most urgent opponent he faced was the stinky bat that could shuttle freely in the dark.

Obviously, the net was set up to guard, but the damn stinky bat still escaped.

However, Leon did not blame the descendants he had arranged to guard Curze too much... because he had no chance to blame them anymore.

One hundred Dark Angels Astartes, including two Dark Angels Legion's Dreadnoughts, all fell to Curze's hands.

Not a single person was left alive, and Curze, the damn stinky bat, blew up the prison and killed a lot of mortal auxiliary soldiers when he left. Leon wanted to investigate the responsibility but didn't know who to find. He could only silently lead a large number of subordinates to hunt Curze all over Macragge.

"Lu Duoyiner!"

"Master, am I here?"

"What do you think is the chance that Leon can catch your genetic father?"

"One hundred percent chance... No, it should be one hundred and one percent chance!" Lu Duoyiner said with certainty, "Although my father is very proficient in stealth assassination.

But he is only one person after all, and this is not a desolate planet, but Macragge.

Once the Protector of our Second Empire gets angry, he will use those terrible black technology weapons of the Golden Age without any scruples.

Then, I can guarantee that my gene father will be caught soon!"

"You are very open-minded!" Chen Guo smiled, "He is your gene father anyway, don't you worry about him at all?"

"Sorry, Patriarch, I am from the Lower Council! My father has been delaying my application form for the Upper Council for two years and has not approved it, so... I'm sorry, I don't have any feelings for him at all!"

"Oh, the Lower Council?"

"Yes, the Lower Council!"

Lu Duoyiner shook his head speechlessly, "The so-called Upper Council is actually a small circle of more than a dozen Midnight Lords. They are the closest to my gene father, and they are also the only more than a dozen century-old veterans who have survived since the founding of the Legion.

The Lower Council is the real Night Bat Council. My gene father has never taken care of me, so I'm sorry, we don't have much feelings for him!"

"Oh! "

Chen Guo nodded thoughtfully. He had learned a lot. This time, he really learned a lot.

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, how could he know this kind of story that was not even written in the chronicles.

"Sir, the Lord is calling you!"

"Thank you! "

He thanked the curvy female officer in front of him.

Chen Guo and Lu Doyle pushed the door and walked into the room.

Chen Guo imagined that the room inside should be spacious and grand, and Guilliman was sitting behind the desk in casual clothes, waiting for Chen Guo's arrival with a smile.

But the actual situation was not like that. When Chen Guo first saw it, he was shocked by the densely packed mountain of documents that were in close contact with the roof!

But he didn't have time to be too surprised. From another door in another direction, two Macragges wearing very cool clothes... now they should be called the Second Empire Central Guards pushed a cart full of documents into the room.

Watching them skillfully pile the documents on the cart on the high mountain of documents, Chen Guo couldn't help but feel a little pity for Guilliman.

With so many documents, even if Guilliman has the extraordinary ability of multi-threaded processing, I'm afraid he will have to be busy for a long time to clear all these documents!

"Is it Mr. Chen Guo? Please go forward. I have a lot of documents here, so I may not be able to go out to greet you!" Guilliman's voice came from behind the pile of documents. Chen Guo curled his lips and ordered Lu Doyle to stand aside and wait. He lifted his legs and climbed over the pile of documents and came to Guilliman.

Looking at Guilliman who was writing furiously and processing ten documents at the same time, Chen Guo found that he still underestimated Guilliman's multi-threaded operation.

"Please sit down!"

Casually pointing to the pile of documents next to him, Guilliman wrote with one hand and picked up a teacup with the other hand to pour a cup of tea for Chen Guo.

"Thank you... Does Your Excellency Guilliman have to deal with such government affairs every day?"

"Yes, the Ministry of the Interior of the Second Empire is being established.

Because of the establishment of the Second Empire, not only the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, but also three-quarters of the galaxies in the entire Ultramar have already contacted the Second Empire and are willing to submit to the rule of the Second Empire.

Therefore, the number of clerks under my command was not enough for a while, so I had to do it myself.

However, after the Second Empire's Ministry of the Interior is completed, this situation should be much better! "Although Guilliman's hands were constantly moving, he had a modest smile on his face, "My combat capability is actually ranked last among my brothers. The only thing I can show off is handling this kind of internal affairs!"

"You are too modest!" Chen Guo smiled and took a sip of the cold tea in his hand.

This is not cold water, this is cold brewed tea, and it tastes bitter and sweet. After the first sip, I want to take a second sip.

After a few pleasantries, Guilliman shifted the topic to the main topic, "Sir Chen Guo, thank you for saving the day.

I was already thinking that if Saint Giles hadn't shown up.

I would have no choice but to nominate Lai Ang to be the regent of this empire!"

"You're welcome, sir...but why can't you be a little bolder and be the regent yourself?"

"Hehe, I don't know how to do it, and I don't dare to do it! "Guilliman only answered this sentence, and did not continue to answer, but continued to talk about his own topic, "Since you have officially joined the Second Empire, you may not have as much free time as before!"

It's finally here!

Chen Guo was excited. Is this finally going to negotiate with me?

Although he had expected this day to come and had made plans, Chen Guo still pretended to be ignorant on the surface, "What do you mean?"

"I don't know if you still remember the verbal agreement between us at that time!"

"Of course I remember!"

"It's good to remember. The thing is, regarding your question about the mechanical ark, I have already customized one from the Mechanicus, but building a mechanical ark is different from building a cruiser or even a battleship. It takes years or even decades to build a mechanical ark.

After all, owning a mechanical ark is indirectly equivalent to owning an interstellar dock that can be moved at will.

Therefore, there has been an amazing casting world that made Ark Mechanical. If you want to build an Ark Mechanical again, you need to go through fine grinding to cast it perfectly, so it may take a little longer! "

Drag word trick!

Chen Guo immediately understood Guilliman's plan, but he didn't bother to expose him.

Chen Guo smiled and nodded, "I know this, but I don't plan to get a brand new Mechanical Ark, so if possible, I don't mind getting an old Mechanical Ark."

"Sorry!" Shaking his head decisively, Guilliman said apologetically, "If it had been before the Horus Heresy, I could have easily fulfilled your request without any effort.

But now the Second Empire is in urgent need of a huge fleet to fight on all sides, and now every Mechanical Ark is operating at full power, working hard to produce ships for combat. Therefore, your request will not matter to me now. Not satisfied either.

In addition, I said that I would give you a brand new Mechanical Ark, so I can't discount it at all... However, in order to compensate you, I can give you something else! "

"What!" Chen Guo asked curiously.

"It's like this. During the previous rebellion, we captured a lot of prisoners. After our discussion, I asked the monks of the Mechanicus to install explosive collars on all of them, and also asked the pharmacists of the Dark Angel Legion to They were treated biochemically.

Now, all have been processed and transformed into a heavy firepower punishment battle group.

And merged with some of the previous punishment war groups to form a powerful punishment legion. At the same time, I allocated one battleship and fifteen cruisers to this legion, which greatly increased the legion's interstellar combat capabilities.

If you don't mind, I would like to hand over the control of this legion to you, and make you responsible for helping Lord Laon to hunt down the Primarch of the Night Lord hidden on Macragge! "

"Punishment Legion?"

"Yes, it is an entire Punishment Legion. In addition to millions of mortal auxiliaries, there are also about a few hundred captured Astartes from the Night Lords and the Word Bearers.

Moreover, the Dark Angel's pharmacists have brainwashed them and transplanted them with biochemical drugs. Now they have completely lost their subjective consciousness and will only fight tirelessly according to orders..."

“What happens to their equipment?”

"You can rest assured that all their equipment, including all weapons and equipment and ammunition supplies on the ships, will be provided by the Second Empire.

If you are willing to accept it, you will become the Marshal of the Punishment Legion and be incorporated into the Military Ministry being formed in the Second Empire. You will only accept orders from me, Sanguinius, and Leon. "

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