Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 59: The Thoughts of the Greedy Star God Shirley (I am sick today, so only one chapter with 5

"Marshal, this is the control key. Each war group has an exclusive control box, which is used to control the bomb collar around the prisoner's neck. You can use this control key to open the boxes of all war groups. And execute any member of the Punishment Corps without any reason..."

"Legion, where are you now?"

"By order of the great regent.

The punishment legions originally scattered across the five hundred worlds of Ultramar are marching towards Macragge as quickly as possible.

At the same time, two battleships currently in service will be transferred to Macragge from the Fourteenth and Thirteenth Legions of Ultramar. Another fifteen cruisers have been prepared and have been parked in Macragge. In Lage's low-Earth orbit, you can be inspected at any time! "

"Got it! You can go now!"

"Yes, Your Excellency, Marshal!" After giving a vigorous military salute, the official secretary of the Ministry of Military Affairs quickly left Chen Guo's office.

Feeling that his heartbeat was getting farther and farther, and after repeatedly making sure that there were no surveillance or recording equipment in the surrounding rooms, Chen Guo tore off her uniform and changed it in front of Lou Doyle and Des. Put on your own loose clothes.

"Damn it, couldn't Guilliman, an idiot, make the dress looser when designing it?

Can he really fit in such a crowded place? "

"Ha, Patriarch, I actually think that even if you didn't wear this marshal uniform to attend the investiture ceremony just now, no one would say anything about you!" Lou Duo Yin'er sat on the sofa with his arms stretched out.

On his power armor, the place where the logo was originally erased was repainted with the logo of the Second Empire, but in addition to the logo of the Second Empire, there was also the logo of the Punishment Legion.

This is because, under Chen Guo's suggestion, Lu Doyin'er became the leader and commander of those reformed rebel Astartes punishment warriors... Although there were only a few hundred of them, and because of the surgery All the reasons are that he has become a tool man who only knows how to obey orders and act.

However, I don’t know what method the Dark Angel’s pharmacists used.

Although most of their speech and emotional organs were removed, the rigorously trained skills and combat patterns of these warriors who punished Asta were not washed away.

Therefore, to a certain extent, these punishment Astartes warriors without any emotions may, at certain moments, be more powerful than those warriors Astartes with memories and emotions, and they are not as fierce as those who have memories and emotions. Fear of death and never have to worry about momentum again.

But it is only limited to certain specific moments. After all, these guys will only obey orders. They have no emotions and must constantly adjust their orders before they can execute the task perfectly.

Otherwise, there will probably be a lot of punishment Asta dragging heavy weapons on the battlefield, inexplicably crossing the distant buffer zone, insisting on rushing into the enemy's face and engaging in hand-to-hand combat...

This is also the reason why the Emperor did not design all Astartes to be such puppets, because what the Empire needs is not cannon fodder, but sharp knives that can truly complete various tasks.

(Although the Emperor did not design this kind of Astartes, under the leadership of certain Primarchs, certain legions eventually became like this - Angron, look away, I am referring to you! )

Chen Guo looked at Lu Doyin'er, who was lying around and showing no etiquette at all, and rolled his eyes angrily, "No, since we have decided to take over the position of marshal, we still have to do a good job on the surface... ...Lao De, when you go to take delivery of the cruiser later, talk to the internal secretary and ask her to make two more marshal uniforms for me, and make them bigger!"

Des, who stood aside like a loyal butler, nodded.

As Chen Guo's subordinate and deputy, Des also became the general of the Penal Legion. At the same time, together with another guy named Cadron who was forced in by Guilliman, they formed the staff headquarters of the Second Empire's Penal Legion. .

Des is the chief of staff, and the guy named Calderon is the deputy chief of staff...

"Sir, that guy from Calderon is very restless!" Des said in a conspiratorial tone, "Ever since he got on the ship, he has been wooing the Demon Face crew members overtly and covertly whenever he has the chance.

So far, many crew members have come to report to me. I asked them to stand still and asked some crew members to pretend to surrender. "

For this guy named Calderon, any discerning person can tell that he is a spy and spy placed by Guilliman in the Legion of Punishment.

To put it bluntly, Chen Guo was almost certain that the person named Cardron must have a control bracelet with higher permissions than his own... or a controller of the same type.

When Chen Guo behaves abnormally, this guy will not hesitate to use a controller with higher permissions to release Chen Guo's control over the entire Punishment Legion.

Of course, when Chen Guo was obedient and safe as the marshal, Calderon would never do such a thing that was harmful to others and not beneficial to himself as long as his mind was not twitchy.

However, judging from these recent events.

This Calderon seems to be a twitchy idiot!

"...Don't worry about him!"

A smile appeared on Chen Guo's face. Guilliman was no fool. He placed such a conspicuous traitor in his army. His real purpose was not to monitor Chen Guo, but to reassure others. of!

After all, he suddenly became one of the few marshals of the Second Empire from a non-staff member, so it was inevitable that he would not make others dissatisfied.

Even if Chen Guo can crush most of the guys who hold the rank of marshal with Chen Guo with one hand!

"I said it when I came here. If Guilliman can readily give me the Mechanical Ark, then it is not impossible to help him work.

However, since he has already started dragging me down at this moment, I have to make some small moves! "

"My Lord, my opinion is that after we have taken over all the punishment legions, we will send all the punishment legions out to die. Then you take the opportunity to resign as the marshal of this legion, and we can leave in a battleship!" Des gave What seems to be the best advice right now!

"Old man, you are still too naive!"

Chen Guo shook her head, her tone full of ridicule: "The punishment legion will never be exhausted.

Furthermore, Guilliman will not let me go even after sending them all away. He will find various reasons that I cannot refuse to tie me to him.

Besides, I don’t want to leave until I get Mechanical Ark!

We really need a mechanical ark! "

Chen Guo's eyes suddenly flashed with determination, "Linda showed me a list before I left.

Ralph Jacob, a master forger, can build a dock, but at most it can only build a dock for cruisers, and even if he can build a dock for making cruisers, it will take decades. Carry out ant moving-style manufacturing.

During this period, all other projects will also be abandoned... Spending decades and all your energy building a small, immovable target?

I will never do such a stupid thing, so it is urgent to obtain a Mechanical Ark. Only by owning our own Mechanical Ark can we create a powerful ship that is completely our own! "


"Shh!" Chen Guo suddenly turned around and put her index finger in front of her mouth, directly interrupting Des's words!

He quickly walked back to his seat, and with a wave of his hand, he put the tattered marshal's uniform on the ground into the magic bag he carried with him.


Soon, a dull knock on the door rang.

"Please come in!"

Two dark angels, covered in black power armor, walked in from the door.

Skulls and wings are engraved on their shoulders, which represents that they come from the Deathwing Company under the Dark Angels.

This is a large company composed of experienced veterans. It is no exaggeration to say that all those who can enter this large company are the elite of the Dark Angels. All members are equipped with the Terminator armor with the strongest combat capabilities. Specialized in dealing with various extremely dangerous missions and extremely high-risk beheading missions.

At the same time, most of the Death Wings are century-old veterans who have joined the Dark Angels since the founding of the group. It is no exaggeration to say that they have witnessed how the empire gained such a huge territory step by step.

But unfortunately, because they did not die in advance, they were about to witness the turning point of the empire turning from prosperity to decline!

"Your Excellency Marshal, this is a military order issued to you by Your Excellency Lord Protector Laian, requiring you and your team to enter the designated combat location within twenty-eight Terra hours!"

After the Dark Angel on the left finished speaking, he placed the document in his hand on the table in front of Chen Guo, then gave a standard military salute, then turned around and left alone, leaving the Dark Angel on the left standing alone. In front of Chen Guo.

Des seemed to have not seen the dark angel at all. He picked up the document and looked through it. Then he threw the document to Lu Duoyin'er and said to Chen Guo: "My lord, Laon has put us in charge of almost half of Macragge.

The Punishment Legion hasn't arrived yet. If we want to complete this task within the scheduled time, we have to use our own Zero Gram Legion! "

Lu Duo Yin'er also nodded, "This is obviously to test our strength, and by the way, let us be used as cannon fodder to compete with... the rebel team pulled up by the Midnight Ghost!"

Speaking of which, the Primarch of the Night Lord, Mr. Curze, who is known as the Midnight Ghost, is also a wonderful person.

I don’t know what he relied on, but he was able to pull out a rebel army out of thin air in Macragge, Guilliman’s hometown. With the help of his rich guerrilla theory and the ability to predict the future in a short period of time, he was able to live and breathe. A group of mortal guerrillas and Leon's Dark Angel Legion armed with various black technology weapons were used to create a tie!

This is not to say that the Dark Angel Legion commanded by Leon is weak, but that Kerzner's ability to predict at any time is simply too powerful.

However, in a battle with an enemy who knew all your strategic deployments more than ten days in advance, Leon was actually able to draw a draw, and slowly gained the upper hand and gained the initiative in the battle.

This is enough to prove the powerful combat effectiveness of the Dark Angel Legion.

You know, Laon is the one who competes with Horus for the battle master.

If it weren't for Laian's loss of too many subordinates and troops during the final clearing of the Ran Dan campaign, it would also have had a series of negative effects.

Whether the Warmaster's turn will be Horus's or not is still a question!

"My lord, I suggest you find Sanguinius. I am certain that Guilliman knows about this.

But Sanguinius may not know about this, so if you go to him, there should be a high possibility that this order can be invalidated or reduced.

The reason...the reason is that using a too long battle line will affect Macragge's daily life and may cause a certain degree of personal harm to them. "

Des passed through the dark angel standing in front of Chen Guo, causing ripples in the water.

Chen Guo glanced at Des, who was still continuing to talk, and waved his hand to interrupt him, saying, "Okay, I want to think about it by myself. You two go and prepare first. I guess this It is impossible to completely eliminate it under a war order, but it is still possible to reduce it, so they still have to mobilize troops, and they cannot find any excuse for Guilliman on such a small issue! "

"Yes, my lord!" Des nodded and left the room with Lu Doyiner. After listening to their footsteps completely disappearing from his ears, Chen Guo focused on that person again. The dark angel stood motionless in front of him.

After a long silence, Chen Guo said with some uncertainty: "...Xue... Li?"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Chen Guo call out his name, the Dark Angel standing in front of him couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter.

"Hehehehe, I knew there was no way I could hide this from you!"

The tall dark angel quickly dissipated, and a strange woman with long white hair appeared in front of Chen Guo.

Although Chen Guo had never seen this strange woman before, she was still able to tell that she was Star God Shirley.

However, what is strange is that she did not bear Came Cullivan's body, but turned into this appearance...

"How about it?

Do I look very good-looking now?

Did it open your eyes?

Tsk tsk tsk, I knew you were a white-haired person! "

Shirley said with a playful smile and sat down on the table in front of Chen Guo!

"Aren't you following the Cullivan family to become a great Rogue Trader?" Chen Guo rolled her eyes and threw a bottle of liquor to Shirley.

Recently, for some reason, Chen Guo became obsessed with this strong drink and couldn't stop drinking it.

"Oh, it's a shitty business! The whole galaxy is in such chaos, and you still have business!" Shirley bit off the bottle cap made of pure gold, and drank the liquor in her hand in one gulp. He drank it all and then continued to look at Chen Guo eagerly.

Chen Guo threw another bottle to her speechlessly, "If you can't become a Rogue Trader, then what are you doing here? Do you want to save your brothers?"

"Why save them? If there was no chance, I would have eaten them all!" Shirley drank the second bottle of liquor in her hand as she did, "I came here to accept the invitation, guess what I am Whose invitation did you accept?”

"Sister Silence?"

"No, guess again!"


"No, guess the bigger picture!"

"You mean...the one sitting on the golden toilet?" Chen Guo's tone was full of seriousness.

"Congratulations, you guessed it right!" Shirley threw off her shoes and began to sway her jade-white feet, "That damn guy threatened me and asked me to come here to watch the show. I guarantee that I will come second." The empire can be successfully established. If, if I don't come, he will release those idiots who have a grudge against me and let them kill me!

There is no way, although they have become fragments now, I am also fragments now. I couldn't beat them back then and still do now, so I can only be obedient and come here to be the protector!

However, his move was obviously overly worrying, because so far, it seems that the Second Empire has been successfully established without even making a single move, and the contract between me and him has been completed. Only then can I Come to you! "

Shirley almost gritted her teeth when she said this. When had she, a star god, been insulted like this?

"In other words... the Emperor actually knows about the establishment of the Second Empire?"

When Chen Guo just finished saying this, he felt an inexplicable coldness on the back of his neck, as if a pair of eyes that could penetrate time and space were staring at him.

He quickly turned around and looked behind him, only to see the hard wall and a makeshift portrait of him hanging on it.

"Don't look, he is trapped on the golden toilet now.

Unless, he wants to watch Terra become the second Eye of Terror, and at the same time watch humanity completely perish due to his own mistakes.

Otherwise, he would just be like this, looking around with his eyes! "Shirley's words were full of disdain.

If she could regain her former strength, she could overthrow Tyra in a matter of minutes!

After all, in the real universe, the Star God is an invincible existence... Unfortunately, at this moment, she is just a fragment, and her strength is not even one-twentieth of her original strength.

And if she wants to return to the peak of her strength, she has to absorb at least a thousand more stars!

According to the calculation that one is absorbed every 800 years... Well, the human empire may not survive until then!

After all, from the moment Horus raised the banner of rebellion, the human empire led by the emperor has begun to go downhill.

Compared with the long golden age, the rise of the empire is really short!

"Now that the contract with him is complete, what are you going to do next?"

"What else can you prepare?

I don't want to go back to the Kalivan family before the Horus Heresy ends, and I don't want to cling to a star for hundreds of years... Otherwise, I'll follow you and be your bodyguard for free, but you have to provide food!"

"Heh, provide food!" Chen Guo laughed speechlessly, "No, I can't afford a bodyguard like you who eats so much.

I don't have so much food for you to eat, and you'll eat me when you're hungry!"

"Who said you don't have anything... Don't you have a Penal Legion that's about to be sent away as cannon fodder?

Let's play a play, you give them to me to eat, so that I won't feel hungry for at least ten Terra years, and when the Horus War is over, I'll continue to go back to harm the Kalivan family!"

Chen Guo finally understood why this greedy guy came to find her, it turned out that she was eyeing her millions of Penal Legion.

Chen Guo's eyes suddenly turned, and a good plan came to his mind!

Maybe... if this plan can achieve the expected effect, Guilliman might be able to send him a mechanical ark immediately!

Yes, let's do it!

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