Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 60 Koz, tell me, what is the prophecy of my future? (1/2)

"My Lord, all the legions have been arranged to the designated locations, and a big net has been completely laid out!"

"Really? What did Leon say, how prepared is his Dark Angel Legion?"

“Driving away the target!

Lord, but I guess this time it will be in vain. "

"How to say?"

Lu Doyin'er smiled and said, "The troops Laian sent this time are indeed enough.

But this front was too long, and with the opposition of Guilliman and Sanguinius, Leon was unable to use his powerful weapons.

He was forced to personally lead the army deep into the mountains and forests filled with various bombs and mines.

The Yinlirians controlled and led by Midnight Ghost, although they are only weak planetary warlords on Macragge, do not have powerful black technology weapons.

But they have been residents of Macragge since ancient times, and because they have never surrendered to the Macragge government, they have been in constant friction and war with the Macragge government.

It can be said that they are very familiar with the entire Macragge!

Under this premise, Midnight Ghost himself has the ability to predict the future... If Midnight Ghost can be caught, it can only mean that he has a bigger conspiracy! "

As the descendant of Midnight Ghost himself, Lou Doyle is not close to him, but he is still enough to understand how insidious and mentally ill his genetic father really is.

"He's here!" Shirley, standing behind Chen Guo, said silently, "This is a good opportunity!"

"I know!"

Although Chen Guo couldn't feel who was approaching here like Shirley, he could indeed feel a cold aura that was constantly approaching here.

"My lord, are you talking to me?"

Des looked at the result and said to himself, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

This is not the first time Chen Guo talks to himself, but his voice was soft before, so Des didn't take it to heart.

However, just now he clearly heard and understood these three words... This meant that Chen Guo was definitely not talking to himself.

"...Shirley, come out! It's been so long. If you don't come out, they will think I'm sick!" Chen Guo was silent for a moment, but she still felt that it would be better to let Shirley appear in front of everyone.

"Okay!" Shirley didn't hesitate much. Her body changed and she slowly appeared in front of everyone in the room.

The expressions of Des and Lou Doyle changed instantly.

They never dreamed that there would be such a woman beside them all the time.

Fortunately, it seems that the relationship between this woman and Chen Guo is pretty good, otherwise, all the issues discussed between them these days would have to be leaked?

You must know that if some of the issues they discussed with each other were leaked, it would probably cause an uproar!

There is even murderous intention in Des's eyes... I don't know why, but he is particularly keen on silencing him now!

The last time, when he was on the planet of the Grand Instructor of the Assassin Court, if Chen Guo hadn't stopped him, he would have directly killed the demon face Ling Ke who was present at the time!

"Don't worry, Shirley can be considered one of our own!" Chen Guo stretched out her hands to comfort the two people in front of her, "You don't have to worry about Shirley leaking any secrets..."

"Remove all the legions near node 137, and send out gunboats to block the nearby airspace!" Shirley suddenly interrupted Chen Guo and gave orders in a commanding tone!

But Kelu Doyin'er and Des ignored her, but they all looked at her blankly, not knowing what she was talking about.

"Can you tell me everything?" Chen Guo rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Follow her order and evacuate all the legions near Node 137! A guest is coming!"

"Yes!" Facing Chen Guo's order, Des began to execute it without hesitation. He quickly walked out of the war room and started giving orders from the communications office next door!

"Lou Duo Yin'er, you and Des are responsible for the on-the-spot command here. Shirley and I will come as soon as we go!" After Chen Guo said that, he turned around and left with Shirley, without hesitation at all.

Looking at the makeshift fortress in the distance, Coze, the primarch of the Night Lords and known as the Midnight Ghost, slowly showed a touch of disdain in his eyes.

These guys were so cowardly that they all actually ran away.

But, it’s just right!

Most of the Yinlilian people under his command had been lost under the almost crazy pursuit of the Night Angel. They could no longer withstand the loss for the time being and had to rush out of the so-called encirclement.

Otherwise, he will soon become a polished commander again.


With a dull sound, Des jumped onto the fortress.

But before he could stand still, a pair of silver-red axes struck him in the face!


With a soft sound, the power claws in Curze's hands flashed rapidly, and he used all his strength to block the two axes that were slashing at him. Although he failed to chop him into four pieces, he was still hit hard. It flew out until it hit the ground beside it, dragging a long trace on the ground.

"nice one!"

Looking at the pair of lightning claws that were not damaged at all under his full-strength slashing, Chen Guo showed an interested expression on his face.

He recognized this pair of lightning claws.

They are called Mercy and Forgiveness, a pair of fine lightning claws specializing in killing, and their origin is unknown.

The name Mercy and Forgiveness is just the name given to them by the members of the Midnight Lords Legion.

As for what their names are, no one knows.


Koz exerted force on his back and jumped up lightly from the ground. Fresh red blood began to flow slowly from the corners of his pale mouth.

The huge force injured his internal organs.

However, with his strong recovery ability, this minor injury can be fully recovered in a few minutes at most.

But Chen Guo did not give him time and opportunity to recover!

With a sneer, Chen Guo flew up again.

But what he didn't expect was that just now, Koz clearly couldn't predict his movements, but after just a dozen seconds, Chen Guo unexpectedly discovered that no matter which direction he attacked from, Koz could dodge accurately.

Even though Chen Guo relied on his strong muscle control and made a sudden change of moves without premeditation, Koz still easily dodged it.

Of course, Koz's extremely sharp lightning claws could not penetrate Chen Guo's armor. For a while, neither side could do anything to the other.

"You can't kill me today, you don't deserve to kill me!" Koz's voice was silent and hoarse in the first half, but the second half was high-pitched and sharp, as if he had changed a person.

Chen Guo suddenly flashed a trace of viciousness, "If you have a mental illness, go and get treatment. It's wrong for you to hang out without taking medicine!" As he spoke, Chen Guo's eyes suddenly flashed with a violent white light!

But what Chen Guo didn't expect was that at the moment when his eyes began to flash white light and he used the Eye of Medusa, Koz closed his eyes and relied on his perception to fight Chen Guo in the most dangerous close combat.

"Looking for death!" Chen Guo, who had been defeated invisibly, began to dance with silver-red lightning all over his body. The dazzling lightning accompanied the axe, and each swing continuously hit Koz's body.

Even with the ability to predict the future, Koz still couldn't avoid such dense electric current.

However, I don't know if it was because his mental illness gave him a certain degree of blessing, or whether the suit of armor on his body had a strong anti-electric ability. Even when these strong currents hit Koz, he would tremble all over his body involuntarily, but he was still able to rely on his strong perception and predictive ability to dodge from Chen Guo's axe!

Seeing that he could not penetrate Chen Guo's armor with his lightning claws alone, Koze, like a flexible dancer, kept dodging while quickly taking out a very narrow power dagger from his waist and accurately and viciously inserted it into Chen Guo's waist.

Koze's two famous weapons appeared.

This seemingly unremarkable dagger has a resounding name - Widowmaker!

Compared with firearms, the Primarch Koze prefers this kind of weapon that can cause disability and injury at will. The blade style of this knife comes from an assassination sect on Nostraman, the home planet of the Midnight Lords Legion... To say it is an assassination sect is actually a compliment, because this sect is very bloody and brutal. Except for not sacrificing to Chaos, it has done all the evil things that can be done.

They would even open a person's chest, gently wrap the person's two lungs around the back, and ensure that the blood vessels on them would not be broken, and then use extremely fine filaments to gently pass through their bodies and fix them in the air. From a distance, they looked like two angels with red wings...

The Widowmaker completely imitated a knife of the sect. This fine-toothed blade was used by the sect to establish its power and kill people. This knife was very cruel, but also extremely accurate and sharp.

Koz usually did not use this dagger, but would only use it when encountering a strong opponent or torturing prisoners.

And, he also used psychic power very insidiously!


The sharp dagger easily pierced into the black armor, but it stopped after only a few centimeters and got stuck in Chen Guo's armor.

Looking at the place where he stabbed the dagger, Chen Guo showed a sinister smile on his face. He took advantage of the fact that Koz didn't react a little bit, and seized the opportunity to kick Koz's chest with his legs, kicking him directly into the air. Then, he kept swinging the double axes in his hands, and bloody wounds appeared on Koz's body one after another!

But, suddenly, Koz turned 360 degrees in the air, and then did a backflip, and directly escaped from Chen Guo's attack range. He strode over the fortress like nothing happened, and rushed into the dense forest in the distance.

While running, he also shouted: "You will die, you will die in the hands of the enemy you fear most. Not only you will die, but everyone around you will die!"

Chen Guo did not chase him, but just pulled out the Widowmaker inserted in his armor and admired it carefully.

"Do you want me to help?" Shirley, who was standing far away and watching with an unknown fruit in her hand, slowly floated to Chen Guo's side.

"Just catch him back!"

"No big deal!"

Shirley smiled faintly, waved her hand violently, and invisible power burst out from her body. The next second, Koz, who had fled into the forest and disappeared without a trace, was dragged back by the invisible power and fell heavily on the ground of the high wall of the fortress.


His pale face was full of disbelief, but his ability to predict the future worked again, and he quickly understood what had happened.

Shirley saw that she was exposed, so she stopped hiding. When she appeared, she slowly sat on the wall of the fortress beside her, and she kept chewing the fruit in her hand.

"Star God... Hahahaha!" Coze suddenly laughed up to the sky, "I was wondering why everything I saw was a failure, it turns out it was because of this... Hahaha!"

"Hello, Midnight Ghost!" Chen Guo slowly walked to Coze, "You should have predicted your death, right?"

"Hahaha, yes, I will die at the hands of the Empire's lackeys, the sharp but venomous dagger will slowly cut across my throat, I will sit on the lonely throne, calmly waiting for death to come.

However, I am not afraid of death, I will sit quietly on the throne, watching such a dark foreign country slowly decay and eventually dissipate..." Coze seemed to have turned into a melancholy wandering poet at this moment.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's a pity that you will be disappointed!" Chen Guo suddenly grinned, waving the axe to chop off the head of the stinky bat in front of him.


A large sword flashing with a pale blue light suddenly rushed out from nowhere and blocked Chen Guo's swinging axe.

Oh, it turns out that Lai Ang is here!

"Hehehe, you can't kill me..." Before Koz could finish his mocking words, Leon kicked him in the head and kicked him out quickly.

Then Leon threw away the big sword in his hand and started punching and kicking Koz on the ground.

Finally, he was still not satisfied, so he grabbed Koz's legs and lifted him up from the ground, kept throwing his body to the ground, and began to make Koz and the hard fortress walls have close contact.

Soon, clear human face marks were left on the hard fortress walls.

"Enough!" Seeing that Leon had almost vented his anger, Chen Guo stepped forward to stop him, snatched Koz from his hand, and coldly put the unrecognizable face in front of himself, "Tell me, what is my future in the prophecy you saw!"

"Hehehe, let me go... I'll tell you!"

"Okay!" Chen Guo agreed to Koz's request without any hesitation.

But this also brought dissatisfaction from Leon on the side.


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