Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 63 Guilliman's Choice (1/2)

"Whose order is this?"

"This is an order from the military!"

"...Is it signed by the Prime Minister himself?"

"Yes, but the Prime Minister signed it only after the Regent signed it."

"But the Shining Star is the most powerful battle barge of the Invincible Iron Guard..."

The battle barge (also called the battle mothership, don't worry about the translation problem.) is the largest level of warship used by the Astartes Legion (excluding the Queen of Glory class battleship). After the promulgation of the Holy Code, the vast majority of Astartes regiments will have two or three of these powerful warships...but there are also some that don't have one, after all, there are many regiments that are so poor that they almost have to make a living.

However, it should be particularly noted that the battle barge does not refer to a single battleship name or level, but refers to a battleship used exclusively by the Astartes after the battleship-class hull has been modified, or overall improved and optimized on a large scale.

Because it is a special combat ship, the battle barge is particularly suitable for naval battles, planetary attacks of space fleets and boarding operations against enemy ships - in simple terms, it is to rush up and hit the enemy to death.

Or when facing the enemy on the ground of the planet, use various destructive weapons to blow up the enemy.

The battle barge is very powerful and has an extremely noble status in naval battles.

Unfortunately, during the Great Expedition, the most common use of this ship was to launch an assault on other planets.

This is entirely because, except for a small number of enemies, no other enemies can survive until the battle barge appears!

The main configuration of the battle barge is to support planetary assaults and landing operations at close range, so it is equipped with a large number of bombardment turrets and torpedo tubes.

A large amount of hull space is also used to launch spacecraft such as Thunderhawks and airdrop pods, which can be continuously launched at the same location until all the ground troops with a large number of people are deployed on the planet and the enemy troops are hit head-on from the ground.

In order to adapt to the complex and dangerous naval battles, battle barges are usually equipped with extremely heavy armor and reinforced void shields. They can forcibly break through the defense of planetary artillery while ensuring the integrity of the hull, thereby completing various extremely difficult tasks.

But it is no exaggeration to say that for a fleet, if the flagship is the core of the fleet, then the battle barge is the strongest ram and the sharpest bayonet in the fleet.

It is a special existence used to suppress the bottom of the box.

The Shining Star battle barge owned by Guilliman's Invincible Iron Guard is a battle barge that has just been refurbished by the Invincible Iron Guard.

The Mechanicus Sage who was responsible for rebuilding this battle barge immediately understood the combat style and dangerousness of this battle barge based on the battle traces and various wounds left on it, and also understood how to transform and reinforce it.

You know, in order to transport space warriors and their vehicles, the battle barge must enter the planetary orbit and stay and garrison in place almost motionlessly.

This makes it very vulnerable to attacks from other warships and planetary defense systems... It can even be said that these attacks cannot be avoided and must be endured.

Therefore, the Mechanicus sage who was responsible for transforming this battle barge immediately dismantled it completely after personally inspecting the devastated hull, and then used a super-dense alloy rich in a fusion of multiple extremely hard metals to make a special keel to replace the original battle barge's keel that was severely deformed and full of cracks.

This kind of super-dense alloy can only be found in the Ultramar 500 world and is a patented product of the Pitan Casting World.

And after the keel was cast, in order to increase its hardness, the mechanical sage also specially put the entire set of keels on a high-gravity planet for gravity compression for half a year.

The already very hard fusion alloy was completely hardened in this high-pressure environment, but it would only be installed on the ship after undergoing various high-intensity tests to ensure that it would not cause the hull to disintegrate due to some small collisions.

In addition, the mechanical sage who was responsible for building this battle barge, in order to connect these super-dense alloy skeletal structures, would also use a large amount of plastic steel and fine gold to specially reinforce the connection points, and then pour in a large amount of high-strength steel concrete.

It was like casting a foundation on the surface of a planet to build a building, pouring layer by layer, reinforcing point by point, until the entire hull was completely wrapped, and then a layer of erosion armor specially used to defend against high temperature, low temperature and even some thermal light cannons would be put on the outside to ensure that it has a strong defense that can be a target for several hours.

But in addition to ensuring that the battle barge itself has powerful capabilities, the transformation of the void shield is also very important.

The difference between the void shield and the radiation shield does not seem to be great, but they have a key difference.

The radiation shield uses the energy of the spacecraft itself, and the purpose of the radiation shield is to defend against enemy attacks.

However, the radiation shield also has a very important disadvantage... that is, it will emit intense radiation. Once used for a long time, the body cells of the crew will be seriously damaged.

According to data reports, when using radiation shields for a long time, a large number of crew members will suffer from various diseases due to various radiation side effects, and will be forced to retire or even die prematurely...

In this case, the relatively safe void shield replaces the existence of radiation shields.

However, the void shield is not without any disadvantages.

Compared with the radiation shield, it can be continuously opened, and because it does not need to transfer energy, it basically will not overheat or overload.

But the void shield is different.

The operating principle of the void shield forces it to absorb some of the energy carried by explosions and light energy weapons.

In this way, although it can be used to maintain the existence time of the void shield, if the energy is too strong and not handled in time, it will immediately overload!

Once overloaded, the shield generator of the void shield must circulate energy to release excess energy...

This sounds very simple, isn't it just sending a special person to push the rod to dissipate heat? Anyone with hands can do it.

But in fact, this is not a simple problem.

As long as it is not handled in time, even if it is only a second late, the plasma sparks and super high heat caused can kill all nearby mechanical servants.

And even the Astartes warriors who were specially sent to pull the push rods may not be able to survive the overload.

This is not a joke.

Sometimes, in the course of combat, even Astartes warriors who would not die on the front battlefield may be electrocuted or scalded to death in the narrow shield launch room.

And this is not the most terrifying thing. If the overloaded launcher is not handled in time, causing the entire void shield launcher to explode, the entire ship will be completely exposed to the enemy's artillery fire...

However, this mechanical sage has too many resources to prevent this from happening, and Guilliman has given too many resources.

Therefore, the void shield configuration of this battle barge is one of the most advanced shields that the Imperial Army can use at present.

Although the void shield is still the same void shield, under the transformation of the mechanical sage, the void shield launchers are scattered in various corners of the hull.

In this way, even if the void shield overload in one area fails, the entire hull will not be exposed to enemy fire.

At the same time, because a large number of energy transfer pipelines and super-large battery devices are laid to store energy that may overload the void shield launcher, the speed of overloading of this battle barge will be greatly reduced.

Some people may not understand the benefits of doing this. After all, no matter how much preparation is made, overloading will occur over time.

This has to talk about some related issues between interstellar naval battles.

In some fierce battles, in order to achieve the final victory, the captain of the ship will manually adjust the shield launcher to the overload state, which can temporarily give the battle barge the highest defense capability, so that it can rush to the enemy at full speed under the gunfire.

However, doing so will also cause the shield launcher to be directly scrapped due to overload... The specific scrapping time depends purely on luck and the quality of the shield launcher.

On this specially modified battle barge, because of the dispersed shield launchers and the super-large storage batteries that have been prepared long ago, the life of the shield launcher in the overload state can be greatly extended.

This means that this battle barge can withstand fierce artillery fire and fly for a long time with overload.

During this period of time when it is completely overloaded, it is enough for a battle barge with gun muzzles all over its body to fly to the enemy and tear the enemy into pieces with its powerful firepower.

After confirming that the spacecraft will not be destroyed at will in the real universe, the mechanical sage in charge of the transformation began to transform the subspace defense capability of this battle barge.

After all, this is a world intertwined with the subspace. There is not only reality and the battlefield of the universe, but also another battlefield called the subspace.

However, this mechanical sage does not have many means of subspace defense. The only thing he can do is to transform and optimize the original Geiger field.

Like all ships that can navigate in the subspace, the battle barge must also be protected by the Geiger field.

Moreover, because this set of battle barges belonged to Guilliman's personal guards, in order to prevent problems caused by frequent jumps, this barge was rarely loaded with four Geiger force fields. The purpose of doing so was to prevent one of the Geiger force fields from malfunctioning during use, while the other three Geiger force fields could still be used normally, thus truly protecting the ship from the harsh environment of the subspace and the evil subspace creatures!

After completing the defense work, the mechanical sage began to load various powerful weapons on this battle barge.

In addition to the conventional macro cannon, the photon spear is also an indispensable part. In addition, this mechanical sage did not know whether he was asked by someone or he was so crazy... He actually loaded a large number of Gauss weapons on the top of the ship!

In fact, Gauss weapons are not new products. They were already in service during the Golden Age. However, due to the technological regression caused by the interruption of the times, the technology of Gauss weapons has been lost a lot. The current Gauss weapons are no longer as stable as those in the Golden Age... Although they are still powerful and can easily tear apart the void shield of cruisers at close range, sometimes they will explode due to overload while shooting.

Therefore, most ships will not carry such weapons, even though their power is indeed not small.

In addition to Gauss weapons, this guy also installed four bombardment cannons with the largest caliber on the battle barge.

Bombardment cannons are super-large acceleration cannons composed of a large number of heavy batteries and specially designed circuits, which can launch a large number of magma bombardment warheads.

As the name suggests, bombardment cannons are specially used to bombard planets in planetary orbits.

Battle barges in orbit can use bombardment cannons to cause devastating damage to planets to clear the way for the deployment of landing troops.

During the battle, bombardment artillery often first targets missile silos and orbital defense systems on the ground to ensure that landers and orbital vehicles can be safely and quickly deployed on the ground and in the air.

Then it will be used to destroy the enemy's command bunkers and shield generators to help the ground landing forces quickly occupy the planet.

At certain moments, some battle barges will bombard densely populated central areas to shock and scare the rulers of the planet and re-declare their allegiance to the Empire, so that the rebellion is strangled in the cradle before it fully breaks out... This kind of thing has happened more than once, and among the guys who implement this tactic, there are many Primarchs who are famous for their gentleness.

As the most important spearhead in every expedition fleet, battle barges can carry these weapons that can destroy the world, such as cyclone torpedoes or virus bombs.

After introducing the Shining Star, let's return to reality again.

"Who is it for?"

Looking at the unquestionable face of the Imperial officer in front of him, the deputy commander of the Invincible Iron Guard, Yingjie, Jerry Blomfield, took a few heavy breaths before finally asking the question he had always wanted to know.

"Imperial Marshal, Commander of the Punishment Legion, His Excellency Jack Smoak!"

Silence, Jerry Blomfield was silent for a long time before finally sighing, "... I need enough time to dismantle the configuration of the whirlwind torpedoes and virus bombs!"

"No, the Prime Minister said that all weapons and servitors on the ship will not be moved, and all will be handled by His Excellency the Marshal!"

"... I want to see Lord Guilliman!" Jerry Blomfield's tone gradually became a little weird.

"You can find anyone you want, but the order given to us is to vacate the spacecraft within two Terra days and hand it over to His Excellency the Marshal."

Looking at the two expressionless mortal officers, Jerry Blomfield's eyes flashed with anger.

Although Jerry Blomfield is also a veteran of the Ultramarines.

But he is completely different from his gene brothers and even his gene father.

He is not a qualified politician and diplomat. He has no talent in diplomacy and politics.

He has a bad temper, vicious tactics, and is stubborn... But it may be because of this "blood" and his stubborn loyalty that he has made great military achievements and was selected into the Invincible Iron Guard team, successfully promoted to a hero and deputy commander.

"I'm going to see the Prime Minister now. No one is allowed to board the Shining Star before I come back!" Jerry Blomfield seemed to be talking to the two officers of the military, but in fact he was giving orders to his subordinates behind him.

Looking at Jerry Blomfield who left angrily, the faces of the two officers of the military were still calm.

As if they had expected something like this to happen today.

They looked coldly at the Invincible Iron Guard in front of them wearing the iron cavalry armor, not afraid of these powerful and terrible Astartes warriors at all.

Although they are mortals, the moment they put on the military uniforms, they are the generals of the Second Empire. The mission and duties of the Second Empire give them an equal and opposing status with the Astartes.

Jerry Blomfield came to Guilliman's office angrily, but when he came to the door of the office, he unexpectedly found that the Grand Master of the Astronomican Court, Fili, was also walking angrily from another direction.

A deputy commander of the Invincible Iron Guard and a Grand Master of the Astronomican Court met at the door of Guilliman's office.

Although neither of them spoke, they knew what happened just from the look in each other's eyes.

"Shining Star!"

"Thirty Astronomicanists!"

When both sides heard what the other had lost, they couldn't help but take a breath.

Not to mention the Shining Star, this famous hero-level battle barge, which is very famous in the entire Ultramar 500 World, was given away just like that!

Not to mention the thirty astropaths. Everyone knows how precious psychics who are considered non-threatening are, and now they are being given away without any hesitation.

And thirty of them at once!

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The sound of heavy footsteps behind them came again. The two looked back and saw another hero, Wendell Adelaide.

He also came over with an angry face.

Wendell Adelaide is also a hero, but his vertebrae were broken during a battle. The Mechanicus came to help him stand up again, so he became Guilliman and the Mechanic. A bridge of communication between divine religions...the specific position is equivalent to the casting general of the Second Empire.

"Why are you here?" Wendell Adelaide was not a fool. They looked at each other and immediately understood, "Three thousand mechanical monks plus half a million mechanical servants and massive ammunition and weapons. …”

After hearing what he said, the other two people immediately looked at him with pitiful eyes.

Compared with Wendell Adelaide, their losses seemed not that great.

However, it still made them feel painful.

The three of them did not speak, but waited for a while to make sure if any other enemies came with them.

Wendell Adelaide, who had suffered the greatest loss, was the first to knock on the door. Then in Guilliman's calm tone, the three of them filed in and walked into the room that was still filled with various files and documents. Room.

"Sir, why should we give you aliens..." Wendell Adelaide's words that were about to come out were stuck again.

Finally, five seconds after walking in, the three of them finally fixed their eyes on Des, who was sitting aside drinking tea.

Des looked at their still angry expressions and echoed the half-said words, and immediately understood what happened.

However, this was exactly the result he wanted, so he didn't say anything, and silently raised the tea cup in his hand and toasted to the three of them.

Guilliman slowly walked out of the mountain of books and said to Des with a smile on his face: "General, please go back first. What Marshal Chen Guo wants will be ready the day after tomorrow at the latest.

By then, Marshal Chen Guo can set off! "

"Thank you, Prime Minister Guilliman, for your support. I will take my leave now and won't disturb your chat!"

Des smiled and bumped through the middle of the three, and the huge force directly knocked Wendell Adelaide, who was standing at the front, staggering.

Looking at Des's leaving back, Wendell Adelaide held back the anger in his heart and did not pull out the stun gun on his waist and shoot Des severely.

"Sit!" Guilliman still had a gentle smile on his face.

As an extremely good politician, he already knew what these three subordinates were going to say before they arrived.

As an excellent politician, Guilliman deeply understands what it means to strike preemptively.

After the three of them sat down one by one, he said without waiting for the three of them to take the lead: "The name of Shining Star will be transplanted to another new battle barge...

In the galaxy northeast of the Extreme Star Field, the fleet of the Second Empire found a primitive tribe with hundreds of inspired people. Now they have captured them all. After spiritual identification, I can let the star Yuting was the first to choose...

The world of Chamram in the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar is rich in all kinds of precious metal resources, and I can give you fifty years of mining rights as payment..."

Listening to Guilliman's unhurried and well-prepared words, the three of them fell into silence... The rewards Guilliman now gave clearly exceeded the price they paid.

For a moment, the three of them didn't know what to say.

Finally, Jerry Blomfield, who had the most fiery personality, stood up and took the lead in asking Guilliman: "Father... Prime Minister, why do you give so much honor to this alien?

He's just a dirty alien!

Although he is now officially blamed on the Second Empire, no one knows what he is thinking in his heart. He handed over so many equipment personnel to him, just in case he wants to betray the Second Empire and become the leader of the Second Empire or even mankind. Enemy, you are not..."

"Are you working for a tiger?" Guilliman slowly put away the smile on his face, but soon it bloomed again. He said to Ms. Feili of the Star Yuting Court: "Your Excellency, Grand Master, if there is nothing else, If so, you can leave. I will notify you when the black ship transporting the psykers arrives!"

"Yes, Lord Guilliman!" Grand Master Fili quickly left the room. When he completely disappeared from Guilliman's feeling, Guilliman then put away the smile on his face again, "You... …roll!"

Jerry Blomfield and Wendell Adelaide looked at each other, immediately stood up and quickly left Guilliman's office.

It's not like they haven't seen Guilliman's angry behavior before. On Calth a few years ago, Guilliman didn't bring his own helmet. He just put on such a stinky face and tore it off alive in a vacuum environment. He defeated dozens of Word Bearers Astartes and successfully swam back to his broken flagship from the universe.

Seeing his two heirs disappearing from his consciousness, Guilliman said to the air aside, "They are already here, so why stay invisible all the time!"

"Hmph!" Leon, the Primarch of the Dark Angels and Lord Protector of the Second Empire, slowly appeared in the room, "I don't understand why you and Saint Gillis take care of him like this?

Just like your gene offspring said, he is just an alien. You gave him the position of marshal, gave him the power to command the Penal Corps, and gave him the official name of the Second Empire. These are enough. Why do you have to compromise with him again? What is the purpose of giving him so many things? What is the meaning? "

Guilliman looked at the gene brother in front of him with strange eyes. In his impression, Leon has always been a serious person. Even if he has questions, he will keep them all in his heart. Why did he ask so many questions in one breath today like a chatterbox?

However, despite his curiosity, Guilliman still answered Leon's question: "Intuition, and the prophecy of Saint Gilles!

If he is really right, Chen Guo will become our enemy one day in the future.

But before that, he will also be our best helper.

In a sense, it does not mean that humans must be humanoid.

According to historical records, humans in the Golden Age were keen on genetic modification, so when the Golden Age came to an end, there were not many humans who still maintained their human bodies, but do you dare to say that they were not human?

No, they are not only human, but also our ancestors. If it were not for their existence, I am afraid that all humans would have perished long ago. "

"Then why did you let him go? Wouldn't it be better to keep him by your side?"

"No, he is too powerful, and he is not a stubborn man, this is just a cover for his appearance.

You will never know that in a very short time, he has easily won over a large number of imperial dignitaries by various methods!

Among them, there are some captains of the three legions.

Therefore, I changed the name, I called him "an extremely unstable chess piece".

So, after discussing with Saint Gilles, I decided to let him go and let him help us deal with the rebels who are still wandering in the Extreme Star Region.

In this way, the internal security and political order of the Second Empire can be guaranteed, and the pirates that affect the safety of the waterway can be eliminated... Just let them roam freely!"

"Are you afraid of playing with fire and getting burned?"

Leon's tone became a little playful.

"Of course, I'm afraid!"

"But you have to take a gamble, right?"

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