Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 64 The enemy is here! (1/2)

"My Lord, all the fleets are ready to go, and everything has been handled..."

"Let's go!"

Without any hesitation, Chen Guo directly issued the order to go.

"Let's go!"

After receiving Chen Guo's order, Des began to act quickly, and orders were issued quickly. The huge fleet slowly left the port and disappeared into the depths of the starry sky under everyone's gaze.

"Lord, shall we start?" Lu Doyle came up with a grin, and he had picked up Koz's Widowmaker in his hand without knowing when.

Chen Guo did not answer him immediately, but slowly looked at Shirley beside him, until the latter nodded confidently, then said: "Well! Be neat and tidy!"

"Don't worry, Lord!"

Lu Duoyiner quickly retreated, but when he was about to go out, he stopped and said to Des, "Do you want to go together?"

Des was a little tempted, but still shook his head and said firmly: "No, you go!"

"Old De will go with you, I'm watching here, there won't be any problems!"

"Understood, my Lord!" Des turned around and left quickly with Lu Duoyiner.

Guilliman is indeed a veteran in playing politics. Although he gave Chen Guo a large fleet and military force, he also inserted tens of thousands of spies in, all of which were spread all over every corner of the fleet, even the kitchen and the cleaners who cleaned the deck were not spared.

In addition, they used deception to coerce and lure the demons into submission, pretending not to see what these spies did.

Under the arrangement of Des and Lu Doyne, some demons pretended to surrender while taking benefits, and gradually mixed with these spies.

After getting familiar with them, the demons also began to slowly instill various intelligence into these spies, some true and some false.

And it was with the help of this intelligence that Guilliman, who had extremely powerful political ability, chose to take a gamble and let Chen Guo leave Macragge and leave his control to test Chen Guo.

"Don't worry, the signal has been blocked, hiccup!" Shirley touched her slightly bulging belly and was confident.

"What did you eat again?"

"Nothing, I don't know, I just ate some small things on the road..."

"Come on, did you do those cargo ships that were paralyzed on the road just now?"

"Hehehe, I couldn't help it!"

Chen Guo rolled his eyes. This guy just disappeared for half a day, who knows where he went to eat again!

"That's just dessert. When can I have a big meal?" Shirley's eyes sparkled again.

Because she had an agreement with someone sitting on the golden toilet, Shirley couldn't just find a colonized planet to eat.

In fact, according to reason, no matter who you trade with, you shouldn't trade with a star god. After all, star gods don't have any concept of contracts.

However, there is a prerequisite for not abiding by the contract, that is, having enough strength, and Shirley doesn't have the ability to fight with the other three star god fragments, so she has to abide by it.

Of course, I don't know if the person sitting on the toilet really didn't expect it, or deliberately missed it. He just didn't allow Shirley to kill any gene original body, and at the same time, he didn't allow Shirley to eat on those human planets, but he didn't say that Shirley couldn't raid those spaceships shuttling between stars.

"Have you found the battlefield planet I asked you to find?"

"I have found it. I have found it. The star system where the planet I found is located has four stars. Although the temperature is a little high, it is still within the tolerable range. More importantly, the signal there is disturbed by the storms emitted by the four stars, so I don't need to block it at all!"

"That's good!"

Chen Guo stopped talking.

According to Des's real statistics, Chen Guo knew that the total number of his punishment legions actually exceeded 80 legions, with a total number of more than 4 million people.

Although this number seems a bit scary, it is too little for the deformed world of Warhammer.

If Angron is still alive, and his soul is offered to the Great Demon of Khorne by Lorgar according to the trajectory of history and promoted to the Prince of Khorne, Angron, who returned again, before returning to Terra, he held a double axe and slaughtered countless billions, tens of billions, or even tens of billions of super-large planets and star systems along the way.

So, four million people... are nothing!

Chen Guo has made a perfect plan for these four million people. He plans to let these punishment legions that he got for no reason fight.

He will select enough excellent human soldiers from these fifty legions to form new legions to expand his thin battle sequence.

However, this is not about selecting talents and army commanders. Chen Guo has no mood and time to select slowly. The legions are used for fighting. Therefore, the best way to select the army is war.

After a war.

Who is the hero and who is the bear will be clear at a glance.




Lu Duoyiner slowly thrust the dagger in his hand into the back of the spy in front of him, then reached out and grabbed his throat, and began to cut the blood vessels around his heart bit by bit.


Because his mouth was not covered, his screams spread very far, and almost the entire corridor could hear his screams.

"Don't move!"

Lu Duoyiner carefully twisted the Widowmaker in his hand, like an engraver, gently cutting the blood vessels around the heart by feeling.

He wanted to get a perfect heart as a sacrifice to this weapon from his gene father.


Lu Duoyiner's technique was very clever, but it was a pity that because the spy in his hand was too tactless, Lu Duoyiner was unable to successfully get a perfect heart after constant struggle.

"…Has the assimilation been completed?"

"Yes, sir!" The demon face on the side quickly turned into the spy in Lou Doyle's hand, who was already in a state of dying struggle.

"Let's go, next one!"

He crushed the incomplete heart and pulled out the dagger that was inserted into the spy's back. Lou Doyle threw away the corpse that was no longer struggling in his hand and turned to the next target.

Compared with Lou Doyle, Des's methods were much gentler.

Of course, the so-called gentleness only made them die more painfully in a sense.

After all, Des was not as perverted as Lou Doyle. After confirming that the demon faces had quickly completed the assimilation, he immediately killed these spies with a knife.

Soon, after the two of them worked together to clean up, only the last two spies on the Shining Star were left.

The two met at the last hatch, but they did not rush in but rushed into the opposite hatch instead.

They cooperated with the demon mask that had been prepared long ago, and carried out a brutal and cruel interrogation. For a while, all kinds of screams and curses were heard. Finally, the prepared corpse was thrown out of the demon bag and left the deck from different directions.

After about half an hour, the hatch on the opposite side slowly opened, and a square-faced, golden-haired strong man with a very honest look slowly walked out.

He had sleepy eyes, as if he had just woken up, but when he saw what was happening in front of him, he showed an extremely shocked expression, especially when he saw the incomplete corpse being dragged away, he was so scared that his legs weakened and sat on the ground.

"What happened?"

"Keith, don't just stand there, come and help, these guys are interstellar pirates, sneaking in to seize the spacecraft and being discovered, come and help clean up!"

"Yes, sir!"

After pretending to help clean up the cabin opposite, Keith returned to his own cabin with a pale face and trembling body, showing the image of a newcomer who has just stepped into interstellar navigation.

But as soon as he returned to the cabin and closed the heavy hatch, his face immediately became gloomy, as if water could drip out.

His real name is Keith.

However, he is not a newcomer who has just stepped into the interstellar, but a professional spy from the spy world of Kecha in Ultramar 500.

Kecha is a very unknown world.

Of course, the reason for its unknownness is entirely because Guilliman deliberately concealed and blocked the relevant information of this world.

In fact, Guilliman and all the galaxies controlled by the Ultramarines in the entire Ultramar 500 world are very dependent on the professional spies produced by Kecha, the spy world.

Keith is a professional spy from Kecha, and he is different from other spies because of his excellent record and no one has ever seen his true face, so this time he was personally selected by Guilliman to lurk here as an independent individual.

At the beginning, he was reluctant to do this job without any backup and helpers, but now it seems that it was this solitary lurking mission that allowed him to survive this purge.

Otherwise, he might have died like his colleagues outside.

After a moment of hesitation, Keith did not dare to use the communicator he carried with him to report what was happening at the moment, but quietly lay back on the bed and continued his life as a lurking crew member.

"It's really interesting!"

Chen Guo nodded with interest as he looked at Keith lying back to sleep on the screen.

No wonder he was sent undercover by Guilliman as an independent individual, with such vigilance, psychological quality, and superb performance.

If not, all the crew members who joined later would have their memories copied by the demon face as soon as they entered the ship, and he might not be able to tell whether Keith was a spy or not?

"My Lord, the cleaning work on each ship has been almost done. According to your instructions, we have left one or two survivors!" Des returned to the captain's room covered in blood.

"Well, where is Lu Duoyiner?"

"He said he was going to sacrifice to the dagger!"

Chen Guo rolled his eyes unhappily when he heard this.

Although Lu Duoyiner kept saying that Koz was not his father,

but at this moment, after obtaining Koz's weapon, he began to be superstitious.

Not only did he use all kinds of cruel punishments to torture the enemy, he also carried out large-scale sacrificial activities, and he was just short of bringing the group of Astartes transformed from the Night Lords to create some inexplicable cult.

"Don't care about him, go all out to this place!"

"Haha, found it..."

Before Chen Guo finished speaking, Shirley interrupted him directly.

"What did you find?"

"Guilliman, as expected, sent a fleet to follow you!" Shirley smiled.

"I guessed it!"

Chen Guo's eyes flashed a trace of cruelty, but he quickly hid this emotion.

He has been in Macragge for a long time. During this period, he would go to Guilliman almost every few days to ask him for the mechanical ark in the contract at that time.

But Guilliman was stubborn. He didn't say he wouldn't give it, but he just kept dragging it.

Now, not only did he plant spies in his fleet, but he also sent a fleet to follow him.

If we can't get rid of this fleet, the next plan will not be able to proceed.

"Wait a minute!" Shirley suddenly closed her eyes again, and then quickly opened them again, looking at Chen Guo with a strange look: "You have a lot of enemies! Another fleet jumped out of the subspace, it should be the fleet of Chaos Demons, and their target is you!"

"Hehe, when you walk in the rivers and lakes, there will always be times when you don't get stabbed. Whose fleet is it?"



Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in Chen Guo's eyes, and a sinister plan appeared in his mind.

He looked at Shirley, "You just said that the signal of the place you are looking for is not very good!"

"Four stars appear in the same galaxy. The electromagnetic induction emitted by the powerful stellar storm is enough to interfere with the propagation of any signal. This is basic physical common sense. In physics class, can you only stare at the bald physics teacher sleeping... What do you want to do?"

"Look for yourself!" Chen Guo pointed to his head.

Shirley glanced at Chen Guo, and her powerful mental power quickly swept through Chen Guo's mind, and she immediately knew what he was thinking.

"I understand, but..."

"I understand, all the corpses are for you!"

"Tsk, I want the human corpses, and I'll give you those stinking demons!"

Shirley disappeared from the spot, and Chen Guo immediately said to Des: "Order all fleets to enter the high-speed sailing mode, and must reach the designated target location in the shortest time!"

"Yes, my lord... my lord, what happened?" Although Des knew that he shouldn't ask questions, he still couldn't help but asked the questions in his heart directly.

"Hehe, I changed the previous plan and set a trap at the same time. Get ready for battle, old De!"

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