Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 65: Sneak Attack from Slaanesh! (1/2)

"Des, you can leave now, but be sure to remember that you are not allowed to come back until I send you a signal!"

"I understand, my lord!"

Des nodded solemnly, quickly climbed into the landing module, and flew towards the battleship in the sky.

Soon, the battleship suspended above the planet turned into specks of starlight and disappeared into the depths of the distant universe.

"Lord, have we gambled a little too much this time?" Lu Duo Yin'er wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This damn place is really too hot. The surface temperature is at least over seventy-five degrees, but that's not the point, because seventy-five degrees is actually not very hot for the Astartes.

But the point is that it's very humid here, and even he, as an Astartes, can't bear it.

There was no sweat on Chen Guo's body. As a man who could exercise under the bombardment of electromagnetic cannons, this little bit of temperature and humidity was nothing.

"Stop complaining. Have you found all the people I asked you to find?"

"I found them. They are all the best and leaders among the major punishment legions. They are also the commanders of the major punishment legions!"

"Bring it here and let me see you!"

"Understood, Lord!" Lu Duoyin'er quickly ran into the cave nearby, and soon hundreds of tall, short, fat and thin figures appeared in front of Chen Guo.

Chen Guo looked at the commanders of these punishment legions.

Among them are the Lester Rat Man, the Oaklin Ape Man, and even a very strange-looking subrace. This subrace has a very pointed head and is covered with emerald blue scales. It looks like someone A common species of reptilian creature evolved.

It wasn't until after the introduction that Chen Guo finally found out his identity - a half-lizard, a subrace born from the cross between humans and humanoids, and a natural master of hunting.

It can directly see the scent trails left behind by its prey.

Of course, the number of sub-race people is only a small number after all, and the more commanders of the Punishment Corps are all humans, but whether they are sub-race people or humans, they all have bomb collars around their necks.

This kind of bomb collar is called a bomb collar, but in fact it is more like a thin film that sticks to the skin, but it has a row of black crystal elements on it.

Once the command to bomb is received, the black crystal element will release an electric current, thereby detonating the ugly-looking film and blowing the victim's head directly away.

But the power is only limited to this.

Looking at the commanders standing in front of her, Chen Guo patted herself and put on the marshal uniform, saying, "Everyone, I am the marshal of the Punishment Corps - Jack Smoak.

I know that you gave up the honor you once had because of a moment of confusion.

But it doesn't matter, now there is a chance for you to regain your former honor. In one or two Terra days, this place will become a deadly battlefield. I need you to turn this planet into a meat grinder. All invading enemies will be wiped out on this planet! "

The punishment commanders looked at the man in front of them silently. Although they did not agree to Chen Guo, their responses were not important because the bomb collars around their necks gave them no chance to choose!

Chen Guo looked at their expressions and suddenly grinned. He took the box that controlled the bomb collars from Lu Doyin'er, opened it with the bracelet on his arm, and quickly pressed the button on it. got up.

Soon, as the sound of kakaka rang out, the bomb collars around the necks of all the commanders of the Punishment Corps began to buzz.

Chen Guo's move made them all stunned, especially the two Ogryn ape commanders. They touched their necks with their specially modified mechanical palms, with disbelief written on their faces. despair and anger.

This is the sound a bomb makes when it explodes.

Chen Guo pressed the button again and directly canceled the detonation command.

"You don't have any choice. If I want to kill you, I can do it at any time, but I also give you one hope, that is, if you can survive successfully, I can guarantee to convince Guilliman to kill you." The collar can be taken off your neck!"

Chen Guo closed the box in her hand and threw it to Lu Duoyin'er, then turned and walked to the underground cave aside, "Lu Duoyin'er will give you specific orders, I wish you good luck!"


After about three or four Terras, Lu Doyin'er found Chen Guo who was deep in the cave with his eyes closed and meditating.

Logically speaking, this place is deep in the cave, and the place below a few hundred meters should be cooler at least. But unfortunately, this planet is not only affected by one sun, but four entire suns.

Under the turns of "taking care" of these four big guys.

This nameless planet without any name has long been roasted from the inside out.

Therefore, even if you are hundreds of meters underground, the surrounding temperature remains high.

It is expected to be at least 40 to 50 degrees Celsius, and because it is far away from the surface, it is very dry here, and the hot air greedily sucks all the moisture around it.

"Master...I'm here!" Lou Doin'er drank the sweet water in his hand and wiped the steam from his forehead again.

"Have you found the good ones among them?"

"Yes, there are quite a few good ones among them. I have sent people to their side to protect them closely.

However, this battle is obviously not a battle that ordinary people can participate in. I am afraid that even under their close protection, the good ones still cannot survive..."

"Oh, no matter how good the talent is, it is useless if you cannot survive. Luck is sometimes an increase in strength... Here it comes!"

Shirley's figure appeared in the hot cave.

But her face was gloomy, and it seemed that she did not bring any good news.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Guo's heart tightened, and he had a faint ominous premonition in his heart.


Shirley did not speak, but slowly untied her clothes.

On the flawless white body, a huge wound flashing with white light appeared in Chen Guo's eyes.

Chen Guo's eyes condensed, and the dazzling white light quickly disappeared from his eyes.

He clearly saw that at the place of that horrible wound, a faint red light was constantly wriggling, and the foul smell of chaos began to rush into Chen Guo's nose.

"This is..."

"Khorne! Sorry, I can't help you anymore, and... I may have attracted some incredible things for you... Sorry!"

After Shirley finished speaking, she turned into a light spot and quickly sank into Chen Guo's body.

Because of her serious injuries, she actually fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Guo's heart immediately sank to the bottom of the valley.

At the same time, he felt like he was shooting himself in the foot.

Originally, according to his plan, Shirley should control the fleet commander sent by Guilliman to follow him, and let him attack him after arriving on this planet, followed by a melee, so as to lure the Slaanesh fleet following behind into the battle.

In this way, Chen Guo not only met his own training needs, but also could legitimately kill these two fleets.

As for the explanation to Guilliman, Chen Guo had already thought of it - the fleet commander who was bewitched by the Great Daemon of Slaanesh rashly launched an attack on the Imperial Marshal. After the Imperial Marshal fought back, he finally defeated the rebel army and the Chaos Demon Army...

At that time, Chen Guo was injured a little more, and after letting the surviving spies see the battlefield and Chen Guo's injuries, Chen Guo believed that even Guilliman would definitely not be aware of the truth of the matter for a while.

After all, he really fought a battle with the Chaos Demon, which is an absolutely undeniable fact!

But now, the current situation seems to be out of control.

Listening to Shirley's tone, it seems that in addition to the two fleets she must attract, she also attracted something incredible!


Chen Guo shook his head. It was not that he looked down on Shirley, but if it was really Khorne who took action.

Then Shirley, who was just a fragment of the Star God at this moment, would definitely not be able to come back alive.

Of course, if Shirley can successfully recover all her bodies and become the complete Star God again, then Khorne, as a Warp God, may not necessarily be able to beat Shirley in the real world.

Since it was not Khorne himself who took action, it must be the Khorne Daemons around him, but who on earth has the strength to hurt the Star God fragment?




The names of three Khorne Daemons flashed through Chen Guo's mind.

Although these three Khorne Daemons are only Khorne's confidants, as the most powerful apostles of Khorne, combined with the artifacts given to them by fear, it is still very likely to hurt Shirley, a Star God fragment.

But the only thing that puzzled Chen Guo was that there seemed to be no grudge between him and this fat otaku who sat on the throne motionless all year round!

Chen Guo thought for a long time and couldn't figure out why he had provoked Khorne!

It would be normal if Slaanesh came to trouble him.

After all, many people in this universe already know that he is determined to kill Slaanesh.


Touching the armor ring given by his father on his finger, Chen Guo felt a little relieved. Even if his father could not save him, he still had the powerful Karsus and Blood River Elder as his backing.

If the fat man who sat on the throne and did not move for many years really attacked him personally, then he would rather write an IOU and ask Karsus or Blood River Elder to take action to let this fat man know that sitting still for a long time is harmful to health.

"Woo woo woo woo!"

The ground suddenly began to shake violently, followed by a deafening sound that spread downward through the soil, and Chen Guo narrowed his eyes.

The battle began!

After moving his stiff neck, Chen Guo had two battle axes in his hands.

"Let's go, Lu Doyle, the guests are here, as the host, we have to take good care of them!"

"Yes, Master!"

Lu Doyle slowly took out his power sword and Widowmaker, but after thinking for a while, he put the two things back and took out two bolters from his waist.

"Hehehe, Lu Doyle, the great Lord Blood Count, don't die!"

"Lightning Tyrant, Primarch Killer, Marshal of the Second Empire Penal Legion... My Master, obey!"


The sky is roaring, the wind is howling.

At this moment, although the planet is in a brief darkness, the flames from the sky still ignite the dark sky.

Rushing to the ground from the tunnel, as far as the eye can see, endless shells of various colors are constantly being vented into the sky on the endless artillery positions.

The red shells are energy shells, which are specially used to destroy the bombing beams attacking from the ships. The green shells are defensive shells, which will explode when encountering those material shells, and detonate those shells with great destructive power in advance.

And those purple and least conspicuous beams are offensive shells. Their speed is much faster than the other two shells. In the blink of an eye, they rushed out of the sky and hit those huge warships.

It can be seen that these punishment legions are still quite capable. Various air defense positions are arranged in a scattered and dense manner, and at the same time, the various air defense positions do not interfere with each other... Such cooperation can obviously be cultivated after hundreds of battles.

"Who arranged this anti-aircraft position?"

"It was Zaharu and Luhaza... the twin brothers of the Ogryn ape!"


Chen Guo was a little surprised. He never thought that the guys who could arrange such an anti-aircraft position would be the two stupid twin brothers of the Ogryn ape.

"Zahharu is a genius gunner. He just observed the position on the map and easily hit the target 15 kilometers away with the most primitive grenade launcher.

Luhaza is a spectator, but he is not only sharp-eyed, but also has a natural ability. This dynamic vision can construct the real situation of the battlefield in the brain through the map..."

Before Lu Duoyiner finished speaking, Chen Guo picked him up and threw him behind him, and then swung the axe in his left hand suddenly, slashing fiercely on the purple illusory figure that suddenly appeared.

"Puff!" The foul-smelling purple blood sprayed all over him fiercely, but in this stinking blood, a long sword flashing with purple light also pierced into Chen Guo's body fiercely.

This sword was covered with gems, and it was under the effect of these gems flashing with purple light.

The fungal armor covering Chen Guo's body was dispelled without any defensive effect, and the blade that didn't look very sharp was also wrapped in purple light and easily sank into the strong body that Chen Guo had worked so hard to build.


"It's done, it's done!"

The head of the Slaanesh demon flew into the air, still not losing consciousness and constantly yelling, but Chen Guo couldn't hear anything, because the endless bewitching sound had rushed into his mind.


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