Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 66 Why is it a steak-scented perfume?

"Master Chen, it's time to go to work!"



Frowning, Chen Guo subconsciously responded, then stretched and stood up from the wall. She really couldn't sleep at noon. Taking a short nap not only had no effect on relieving fatigue, but also made her even more tired. Tired, as if a thousand pounds of weight had been placed on my body.


Chen Guo couldn't help but let out a breath of cold air as she held her belly. She was stunned for a while before she remembered that she accidentally stepped on the air while climbing the hanging tower a few days ago.

Although there were no fractures, the impact was severe and the whole body was bruised and bruised. Fortunately, the safety lock was attached, otherwise even if there were baffles on the tower, it would probably have been broken.

"Master Chen, what's wrong with you?"

A clear and sweet voice came from the side, and Chen Guo recognized it. It was Xiao Xia, an intern engineer, who had just arrived at the construction site for internship not long ago.

But it is said to be an internship, but in fact every day I just put on a hat, take a notebook, walk around in high heels and then go back to the office to blow on the air conditioner.

Can't be exposed to the sun or blowing, very comfortable!

We are both civil servants, but why are there so many differences between us?

Chen Guo sighed deeply in her heart, forced a smile on her face and said, "It's nothing, I accidentally hit it just now!"

"Oh, then you have to be careful and pay attention to safety!"


Watching Xiao Xia's figure gradually retreating, Chen Guo shook her head slightly and said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, not as big as Solan... who is Solan?"

Some people muttered something inexplicable, then turned and walked towards the hanging tower in the distance.

Because it is next to the building, he can take the elevator to the top floor and then enter the hanging tower, which saves him a lot of energy.

Of course, he wouldn't have come down if it wasn't for lunch.

"Master Chen, please hurry up!"

The workers who were about to go up looked impatiently at Chen Guo, who was slowly walking over, and started urging him angrily.

"Oh, here we come!" Holding back the pain in her body, Chen Guo quickly ran forward a few steps, "I'm sorry!"

"it's okay no problem!"

After riding the sweat-smelling engineering elevator to the fifteenth floor, Chen Guo was the first to step out of the elevator.

Because this community is almost completed, three-quarters of the workers have left, leaving less than a quarter of the workers left to finish the work.

In the past, the construction site was in full swing. Today, there are only scattered knocking sounds, which sound inexplicably filled with a sense of desolation.

"It's a joke to redo it here. With this kind of quality, we have safely handed the house into the hands of the owner! I'll give you a week to peel off this entire layer and redo it."

"Yes, Director Xu!"

The noise in the distance stopped Chen Guo, who was about to climb up the hanging tower. He was a little curious and turned around to look in the direction of the sound.

Not only did he stop, but many workers also stopped. They stood together in groups, looking at the crowd in suits, leather shoes, high heels and stockings in the distance.

Oh, it turned out to be the home inspection team.

Alas, wait a minute, the leader seems to be Xu Xue, the president of the group!

I heard that she is the mistress of a certain leader.

Is it true? Doesn’t she claim to be worth a billion?

Haha, just pure white gloves. You wouldn’t think that she earned such a huge net worth by herself, would you?

Yes, I heard that ten years ago she was a poor college student who had just graduated!

Listening to all kinds of gossip in her ears, Chen Guo looked at the mature woman in black stockings who was leading the team and tilted her head.

It's quite beautiful, but it's a pity that there is no...

Who looks good?

Chen Guo turned around and left the Bagua team alone, and continued to climb towards her workplace.

Enduring the pain in her body and climbing to the top of the tower, Chen Guo looked at the endless tall buildings in the distance, took a breath of air, and entered her own little world.

After casually checking the status of the tower crane and confirming that there were no problems, Chen Guo picked up the radio and reported that she had arrived at work, and then began to wait for the call from the ground to hoist the goods!

While waiting for a while, Chen Guo couldn't help but think of the dream she had just had. For some reason, this dream did not disappear as quickly as the previous dreams, but lingered in her mind for a long time. It cannot be dissipated.

This inexplicably gave him the feeling that he had experienced this dream himself.

"It's really strange. How could you have such a dream out of nowhere?"

"If I were really reborn in the world of Warhammer, I would still be struggling!

Hurry up and eat and drink enough, then find an opportunity to finish yourself off, and reincarnate again... No, because Warhammer exists in subspace, there is no reincarnation! "

After muttering a few words silently, a voice finally came out from the radio. Chen Guo pressed the radio's communication button. It was the voice of his immediate boss, Lao Zhou, saying: "Old Chen, have you gone up yet?"

"Yes, I'm up here and can start working anytime!"

"Tsk, tsk, you are really diligent. I was just about to ask you for help and you went up first...forget it, don't come down. I have an intern here who is also learning to operate a tower crane. I asked her to go up by herself. , you take some time to teach her and guide her!”

"Mr. Zhou, my skills are not the best. I see that Brother Li seems to be working today. Why don't you let Brother Li take care of it!"

"Don't think about being lazy. Old Li also took care of one. They are all interns. In fact, they all know how to drive. You are responsible for guiding her and pointing out her small mistakes.

Okay, I'll let her go up!"

"Hey!" Seeing that the other party stopped replying, Chen Guo shook his head speechlessly. It seems that there will be a lot of noise when working today.

Recently, there are always interns from technical schools. The boy a few days ago was clumsy and almost got into trouble. He also had body odor. Can you believe it?

"I have no objection to taking care of children, but maybe I can't have a woman. Don't let me see those guys who smell all over. Although, I don't smell very good myself."

Chen Guo casually hoisted a group of dozens of bags of cement and some steel upstairs. He felt the vibration from the tower crane under his feet, but he had work in his hands, so he couldn't open the door to greet them.

But soon, there was a light knocking sound behind him.

"The door is not locked, please come in!"


Hearing the woman's voice, Chen Guo was obviously a little dazed. He turned his head and saw a cute girl walking in from outside.

"Hello, Master, my name is Chen Jiayi, an intern from XX Technical School!"

"Hello, sorry, I'm operating, can you wait for a moment?"

"You are busy, I'll just watch from the side"

A faint fruity scent rushed into Chen Guo's nose. The brand of this perfume smelled quite elegant.

"Yes, apple... or pear..."

Chen Guo was suddenly stunned, because he suddenly found that the faint smell of perfume would change with his thoughts.

"Your perfume smells quite strange!"

"Oh, it's a mixed perfume, and the smell contains more than a dozen kinds of fruits!"

"Oh, so... How did you think of learning to learn tower crane?"

"I have been interested in this kind of large machinery since I was a child. When I was a child, I especially liked to accompany my father to watch the excavator work on the roadside. In addition, my academic performance has always been not very good, so later I simply chose such a subject.

In fact, the subject I chose at the beginning was excavator... Master, what's wrong with you?"

The girl looked at Chen Guo who stood up in front of her with some confusion.

"Tsk tsk tsk, if the fruity smell can be explained by mixed fruity smell, then please tell me, where does this faint steak smell come from!"

"What steak? Are you sick!"

Chen Guo sneered and grabbed the girl in front of him and threw her hard towards the glass window in front of him.


Accompanied by the scream of the girl falling and the sound of the window glass shattering, Chen Guo observed the glowing colorful meteor in his mind with a smile on his face.

This is the treasure that he came to this world to settle down and live, and it is also the best reference for Chen Guo to identify whether he is in a fantasy.

In fact, this dream constructed by the demon of Slaanesh looks really seamless, perfectly restoring the construction site in his memory... But unfortunately, everything is done too deliberately.

He is just a stinky loser who drives a tower crane. He is not handsome and has no money. He smells of sweat all over his body. Why is he so popular with women today?

Is this a little too coincidental?

In addition, the perfume that turned into steak flavor as his thoughts changed... If Chen Guo can't find it again, then just stay in this dream!

"Lao Chen, what happened?" Lao Zhou's voice came from the radio.

"Lao Zhou, what a pity!" Chen Guo couldn't help but think of what Karsus said. Karsus said that because of the different speed of time, thousands of years have passed on the earth where he came from.

In other words, Chen Guo will never have the opportunity to return to another home planet that belongs to him.

Stepping on the broken glass on the ground, Chen Guo also jumped down from the tower crane. Looking at the horizon with tall buildings and blue sky and white clouds in the distance, Chen Guo showed a faint smile on his face, "Goodbye, Earth!"


Quickly breaking free from Lu Duoyin'er's support, Chen Guo shook his head and jumped up from the ground.


"Tsk tsk, where am I now?"

"What's the situation!"

"Thirteen legions have completely lost contact, and all ground positions have lost contact. Most of the legions that can still be contacted have already fought positional battles with the enemies who landed from space in the tunnel piles dug temporarily...Master, what's wrong with you!" Lu Duoyin'er once again supported Chen Guo, whose body began to shake again.

Chen Guo glanced at the wound on his body. A pale pink light continued to spread over the wound. At the same time, the confusing voice that had disappeared once again floated in his ears, as if to pull him into the dream that made him unable to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Guo stretched out his palm and grabbed deep into the wound. Then he pulled hard, and a large piece of flesh and blood was pulled out by him. He also pulled out some pieces of internal organs, which looked very disgusting!

Throwing the piece of meat in his hand aside, Chen Guo continued to clean up the contaminated flesh and blood very angrily.

Soon, as his palm continued to exert force, half of his abdominal cavity had been hollowed out, and the entire abdominal cavity looked very empty and terrifying.

Feeling that the sound in his ear finally disappeared, Chen Guo opened his mouth and spit out an electric current, which scorched the flesh and blood on the ground and burned it. Then he took off the ring on his finger that could be transformed from the fungal armor and threw it into the fire.

He didn't know what kind of benefit his father had gained from Slaanesh. The only thing he could see clearly was that these damn Chaos Evil Gods were actually wearing the same pants.

"Lu Doyne, be careful, I won't be able to save you next time!"

"Yes, Master!"

While talking, there was a dull sound of footsteps at the end of the tunnel in the distance, and then a Khorne demon with red wings slowly appeared at the end of the tunnel.

He gnawed the head of a Ratman in his hand like a duck head, and his scarlet eyes were full of tyrannical cruelty.

His huge body blocked the narrow cave tunnel tightly, and the disgusting chaotic stench was everywhere in the tunnel.

"Lu Duoyiner, go and command the battle, leave this to me!"

"Yes, Master!"

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