Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 72 Chen Guo's soul is the ultimate goal. (1/2)

"It's over!"

The Great Unclean One spat out this word coldly, and his face became very ugly. In fact, if allowed, he would rather face any other Khorne demon than face such a madman in front of him.

Carlos's face also changed, and his two bird heads were full of solemnity. It was obvious that he didn't really hope to face such a madman.

Not to mention the pure love twins of Slaanesh. His elder brother Gavin held his younger brother Perkin's body that had not fully recovered, and said directly to Chen Guo, "You are destined to lose," and then returned to the subspace with his soul. In Sora's arms, two corpses fell to the ground, and as time passed, they quickly turned into pure energy and disappeared.

The words of Slaanesh were like waking up a dreamer, and Carlos also woke up. Only then did he remember that he didn't need to fight such a madman at all. He was immediately full of smiles: "I wish you good luck, my friends!" After saying that, he also turned into a blue shadow and disappeared from the same place.

Father Yu didn't speak. He just silently pulled out a twisted rotten branch from the big mouth on his belly. At the same time, the originally camouflaged body further expanded until it turned into a seven or eight meter tall statue. After reaching the giant, he stopped the physical changes and prepared for the upcoming battle.

Chen Guo looked at the great demon of Khorne who was slowly breaking free from the narrow demon door. She raised her head and asked the Great Unclean One next to her: "Is it Angoras, Kabanha or Ska?" Brand?"

"Yes, Skarbrand!" The Great Unclean One said very calmly: "During the battle for a while, you look for opportunities to destroy his heart!"

Chen Guo couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning.

Skarbrand, also known as the Blood Drinker, the Reaper of Wrath. Skarbrand is a bloodthirsty demon who serves the blood god Khorne. He is the embodiment of anger, a cruel and violent creature released from the Brass Realm, harvesting skulls and skulls in violent storms. soul.

He is the greatest general under Khorne and the most powerful among the bloodthirsty demons. He has carried out countless wars and killings in the name of Khorne. At the same time, he has always been the well-deserved leader of the Khorne Beheading Club. , it is no exaggeration to say that he has been chopping and chopping from the moment he was born.

In the eternal existence of the great Blood God, no demon of Khorne, ever or since, has ever been able to build such a tall skull in front of Khorne's throne.

And if you are not very familiar with Warhammer and have never heard of this name, then I will tell you with the most realistic record how powerful he is - he once led eight legions of Khorne to defeat the traitor A coalition led by the three gods Qi, Slaanesh and Nurgle.

And in a duel within Khorne, he easily tore the bodies of two other Khorne demons into pieces, embedded their souls in his two-handed axe, and then swung the ax towards his father. , the great Blood God, Khorne himself, sitting on the brass throne, struck an axe, until an extremely fine crack was left on Khorne's yellow armor, which was as huge as a mountain.

In return, the great Blood God destroyed his mind and sanity, but retained his soul and body, and personally threw him like a baseball and let him fall in free fall for a week. !

When he landed, he lost his wings forever, the proud long horns on his head were also broken in half, and only anger and killing were left in his mind.

Kill in the name of Khorne.

Because he had been in an extremely angry and bloodthirsty state, he couldn't help but inexplicably produce something called a killing aura on his body.

As soon as he appears on the battlefield, the people around him will become bloodthirsty and crazy because of his presence. Even the Daemons of Khorne at the same level as him will be directly affected by him.

Even under his influence, the great demons of Khorne will directly ignore the orders from Khorne!

For a moment, Chen Guo felt extremely dizzy. He hated fighting with such a madman who had no reason to explain, let alone such a powerful and unkillable madman.

"Remember, his weak point is his heart!"

The Great Unclean One said the last words and stopped talking. Although he had not fought any battle with this Khorne madman, many of his brothers fell under the madman's double axe.

"I know!" Chen Guo nodded silently. A large number of pills and medicines were swallowed into his stomach as if they were free of charge. The physical consumption was also recovering quickly, until silently Adjust yourself to the best condition.

Because his strength was too strong, he was severely squeezed out of the real space. Skarbrand could only move himself out of the Devil's Gate bit by bit.

It took him nearly ten minutes to completely crawl out of the Devil's Gate and stand on the tall altar. Watching the Devil's Gate behind him that had tortured him for a long time slowly heal, Skarblan De was silent for a while and said slowly: "Fortunately, you don't have a head!"

Slowly turning his body, he looked at the tall Great Unclean One and the short Chen Guo, and remembered the light of excitement in his eyes.

However, he did not come up and chop people without thinking as the legend said, but slowly drew out his double axes and said seriously, "Although my fighting desire tells me that you are my enemy, I still want to confirm whether you are really my enemy?

Sorry, please don't joke with me, okay?

Because I hate jokes!"

Chen Guo and the tall Great Unclean One beside him looked at each other, and saw a trace of confusion in each other's eyes.

How come this famous angry harvester doesn't look very smart?

Chen Guo, somehow remembered several things in the chronicle.

The first thing was that in a stormy meeting in the future, Skarbrand only had a few words with the masked dancer of Slaanesh, and was fooled to attack the exile world controlled by the Eldar.

It was not until he was reminded by others that he woke up completely, and finally realized that he was used as a gun.

The second thing was that during the time when Guilliman returned to the Empire, Carlos carefully set up a trap to trap Guilliman and his expeditionary army in the Blackstone Fortress.

According to Carlos's arrangement, he could make good use of this Primarch to see if he could "add bricks and tiles" to the already shaky human empire.

But at this moment, the smart Skarbrand appeared out of nowhere. He kicked the fate weaver Carlos away, and then boldly declared that he would offer Guilliman's head to the great blood god... and then his chest was easily pierced like a sandbag.

From these two things, combined with Skarbrand's performance at this moment... It is not difficult to see that, perhaps because of being exiled, Skarbrand can still think simply, but that's all. His IQ is pitifully low at this moment.

With his eyes rolling, Chen Guo immediately shook his head and said, "We are not your enemies. Your enemies are Carlos, the Weaver of Fate, and the Pure Love Twins under Slaanesh. We performed a sacrifice to summon you!"

"Really...?" Skarbrand scratched his head with sharp fingers.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe it, you can ask the Great Unclean One!" Chen Guo shifted Skarbrand's gaze to the Great Unclean One beside him.

The Great Unclean One shook his big head heavily without any hesitation, "Yes, your enemy this time is Carlos. He is now on this planet. You should be able to feel his location!"

"Okay, thank you!" Skarbrand said thank you very politely, then rammed into the wall beside him, directly knocking through the thick soil, and then disappeared from Chen Guo's sight.

Seeing him leave, the Great Unclean One immediately waved the branch in his hand, and a large amount of green pus began to splash everywhere. At the same time, green dark clouds began to slowly gather above the huge cave.

Soon, a stench filled with the smell of decay appeared in Chen Guo's sense of smell.

"Don't worry, you are immune to these "polluted flowers"!"

"Sir, are you setting up the battlefield?"

"Yes, Carlos will throw him back soon. Get ready for the battle. Your cleverness can deceive Skarbrand, but not Carlos."

The words of the Great Unclean One were like a prophecy. Before his voice had time to land, a portal suddenly appeared in the sky.

Then, amid Carlos' screams and curses, Skarbrand's huge body was thrown back into the cave again.


Skarbrand, who had landed on his head, stood up quickly from the ground. He rubbed his head, and then his eyes showed materialized anger and murderous intent, "I hate it most when someone deceives me!"

The Great Unclean One did not say too much nonsense and took the lead in waving the twisted branch in his hand.

Suddenly, the dark clouds gathered above the cave immediately began to spray dark green water arrows downwards, and at the same time, the green mucus that had been splashed on the ground in advance also began to gather and merge quickly, turning into strong vines, and quickly entangled Skarbrand's body.

In the blink of an eye, Skarbrand, who was still blood red just now, immediately turned green, and like a zongzi, was firmly wrapped on the ground and could not move.

"Go, I can only help you here!"

The Great Unclean One's face was full of difficulties, and at the same time, the twisted branch in his hand began to bloom with dazzling green light.

Obviously, Skarbrand, who was wrapped like a dumpling, was not as calm as he appeared to be at the moment. It was just that the Great Unclean One took the initiative to attack, catching Skarbrand off guard, so for a moment it looked like he was really imprisoned.

Chen Guo made a prompt decision and immediately swung the Imperial Guards sword in his hand, turning into a silver-red lightning.

From a distance, Chen Guo's state at this moment was like an arrow, a sharp and accurate arrow that went straight to Skarbrand's heart.

It is not a secret that Skarbrand's weakness is his heart, but not many people can kill him with this weakness, because he is too powerful. He is so powerful that he was able to beat two Khorne demons of the same level to death.

However, at this moment, Chen Guo is not fighting a Khorne demon head-on, but hitting a sandbag that will not fight back, so the probability of killing Skarbrand with a sword is - 100%.

Seeing that Chen Guo is about to succeed, Yu Fu's eyes suddenly showed a strange look, and he shook the branch in his hand quickly!

The next second, something unexpected happened to Chen Guo.

The axe flashing with red light suddenly broke through the shackles of the green vines and collided heavily with the Imperial Guards' sword.

Then, the green dumplings that had been standing still suddenly exploded, and Skarbrand's huge body full of visual oppression appeared in front of Chen Guo.

Chen Guo's height had completely surpassed that of the Ogryn Ape Man after he transformed into a demon, but compared with Skarbrand in front of him, he was still a dwarf, a dwarf who only reached Skarbrand's chest!

Looking at the deceiver in front of him who wanted to pierce his heart, Skarbrand suddenly roared, then waved the double axes in his hands and chopped at Chen Guo.

This is a pair of double axes that are more famous than Blood Father and Blood Son - Slaughter and Killing, which imprisoned the souls of all Skarbrand's opponents.

After being killed by Skarbrand, these souls had been living with him for thousands of years, and had long forgotten everything they had, and turned into crazy people who only knew how to kill.

In the sound of the strong wind that cut through the air, the souls in the double axes began to roar noisily!

"Ants, go to hell!"

"Die, die, die!"


Chen Guo subconsciously wanted to block out these polluting noises.

But unfortunately, he failed!

Because the roars from these crazy souls went straight to the soul and could not be blocked at all!

However, the only thing to be thankful for was that Chen Guo had no time to pay attention to the roars at this moment, because Skarbrand's attack was like a storm, and there was no time to stop.

The huge force kept hitting the fine gold sword in Chen Guo's hand, making his knuckles numb and painful. Fortunately, he was not an ordinary person, otherwise the sword in his hand would be smashed out.

And fortunately, what he held in his hand was not an ordinary weapon, but a centurion sword of the Imperial Guards made of fine gold. Otherwise, under such a fierce attack, it would have been smashed by this pair of double axes.


A warm current appeared out of thin air on Chen Guo's body, which relieved his numb and painful knuckles to a certain extent, and at the same time gave him a certain amount of strength, making his arm wielding the Imperial Guards' greatsword more powerful, gradually turning around the absolute disadvantage a little.

Chen Guo knew that this was support from the Great Unclean One!

But if there was only such support, it would be just a drop in the bucket.

After all, the gap in strength between the two sides was too big.

However... Chen Guo was not ready to sit back and wait for death!

Not to mention the Skarbrand in front of him, one day in the future, if there was a chance, even if the person standing in front of him was Khorne himself, he would never sit back and wait for death!

When he thought of this, Chen Guo began to emit a thick blood-colored mist all over his body, and his body, which had expanded to the limit, began to expand again.

In these short tens of seconds, while he was beaten, he grew from Skarbrand's chest to almost the same height as him.

Until he finally looked straight.

In addition to his height, the pair of horns on his head also changed the most, from round to absolutely sharp, looking like two finely polished spears.

Blood River Forbidden Method - Blood and Flesh Multiplication Method!

This is the final forbidden method of the Blood River Sutra, which consumes not blood and flesh but lifespan every minute and every second. Under the blessing of such a forbidden method, his strength will be multiplied several times.

However, this is time-limited. When the time is up, if he has not finished the battle, then he will die of old age directly, or even turn into a pile of ashes.

After using the forbidden method, Chen Guo's strength immediately gained an exaggerated enhancement, and the auxiliary blessing from the Great Unclean One made him more convinced...

Wait a minute!

The warm current disappeared!

Chen Guo glanced behind him with the corner of his eyes, and the huge body of Yufu suddenly disappeared, as if he had never appeared.

In an instant, Chen Guo understood.

He also knew why Skarbrand was able to break free from the restraints just now under such circumstances.

Yes, what is more valuable than your soul?

Then... why did he pretend to help me before?

Tricking me?

Or did he get instructions from a higher level?

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