Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 73: A gift from the Great Demon of Khorne - refers to being ripped open. (1/2)

"Well, I hope your head can be a decent souvenir."

Chen Guo didn't speak. On his demonized and terrifying face, a serious, serious and dignified expression merged into one?

Skarbrand is the most powerful enemy Chen Guo has encountered recently, and there is no one.

At the same time, he was also the enemy with the strongest sense of oppression. From his body, Chen Guo felt only endless killing intent and cruelty... Of course, in addition to these, there was also the despairing anger and endless pain... And Between this endless anger and pain, Chen Guo could feel a trace of inexplicable loneliness.

Skarbrand is like a lone wild wolf, trying to find his own wolf pack, but he is disgusted by Khorne, although he cannot escape Khorne's camp after all, but he can only do this forever. A group of lone wolves.

A fierce lone wolf!

"Go to hell!"

Waving the double axes in his hands, Skarbrand quickly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Chen Guo. He was like a bull elephant in heat, using all his strength to rush towards the enemy on the opposite side until he defeated the enemy on the opposite side. Crush it into minced meat.


Seeing him rushing towards her, Chen Guo suddenly raised his hand, a large amount of electric light quickly burst out between his palms, and at the same time, a visible air wave appeared on his palm! One after another, the specially made alloy balls quickly hit Skarbrand's body like a discharged cannonball.

The ear-piercing screams filled the air, and the metal ball wrapped in silver-red electric light quickly rubbed against the air, emitting the stench of a burnt lake.


Seeing these metal balls wrapped in silver-red light slamming towards him quickly, Skarbrand didn't even try to dodge, and just used his hard body to catch them all.

After the metal ball made of a special alloy came into contact with Skarbrand's chest, it immediately turned into countless steel fragments and sputtered around like an egg hitting a stone.

Looking at the horrifying scene in front of him, Chen Guo's eyelids jumped. He had not used this trump card for a long time.

After his private experiments, this metal ball could easily penetrate the armor on the body of the Astartes warriors and even the Primarch Angron.

But when facing the Khornate Moskar Brand, who didn't seem to be wearing any armor, Chen Guo's trump card had no effect at all, and turned into metal flying all over the sky. fragments.

Skarbrand seemed to know that his body was hard enough, so he didn't even hide, and allowed the metal balls wrapped with silver-gray electric light to hit his body without slowing down at all. , still rushing towards Chen Guo at lightning speed.

Of course, his body was not without any damage. Chen Guo could clearly see that the places on his chest that had been hit by the metal balls had become scorched black.

Although these charred marks are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, it is still enough to prove that Chen Guo's trump card has caused some damage to Skarbrand.

At the same time, this also shows that Skarbrand is not invincible.

He can get hurt, he can die too!

"Go to hell, bug!"

In the blink of an eye, Skarbrand had rushed in front of him. He bent his wrist forcefully, then rounded the ax in his hand and slashed at Chen Guo.

Judging from his extremely ferocious look, he was definitely planning to treat Chen Guo like firewood and crack him in half from the middle.

Looking at his ferocious eyes, Chen Guo had an inexplicable feeling that the person rushing towards him was not some Khorne demon with the title of Wrath Reaper - Skarbrand. Rather, it is a completely constructed and fully equipped Khorne army.

If others had faced such an imposing enemy, they would have been so scared that their legs would be weak and they would be at a loss. But Chen Guo's heart suddenly ignited a desire to fight for some reason, and he waved his hands. The Forbidden Army sword in the middle also let out its own roar.

"Go to hell!


The deafening roar brought Chen Guo's momentum to a higher peak.

Although compared with Skarbrand, his momentum is still slightly weaker, but it is already comparable, and the gap has become very small.



The earth is broken and the mountains are shaking!

Chen Guo slammed his foot down, and the huge force centered on him caused the entire ground to sink a few minutes. Countless cracks spread from the ground under his feet, and violent vibrations caused the rocks above his head to keep falling downwards. At the same time, a strong wind blew out of the air towards the surroundings. The scene was like a powerful missile exploding. A large amount of soil and stones in a radius of more than ten meters were carried by the shock wave and shot away in all directions. .

Motivating the powerful force that was everywhere in her body driven by the forbidden technique, Chen Guo swung a sword with all her strength.

However, Casbrand's speed was much faster than him. When Chen Guo made noise and movement to build momentum, he had already crossed a distance of more than thirty meters and rushed in front of Chen Guo. , a straight ax without any bells and whistles went straight into the bone-crusted head.

However, she didn't know if it was because she was extremely nervous, but Chen Guo felt that time seemed to slow down. She could clearly see Skarbrand's ax blade coming toward her bit by bit, and at the same time, a series of naked eye movements appeared. Visible space ripples spread rapidly from the top of the ax blade to both sides like waves! Wherever the ax passed, the sharp and harsh roar in the air and the dizzy soul scream from the ax continued to reverberate and vibrate.


Huge power was applied to Chen Guo's arms, and then his body rose into the air under the coercion of the huge force, flying heavily towards the distance.

After knocking or knocking many people away like scarecrows, Chen Guo really enjoyed the feeling of being knocked away by others like scarecrows.

However, who is Chen Guo?

He was not one of those mediocre opponents, so as soon as he flew into the air, he began to struggle and fell to the ground.

But just as he landed, Skarbrand rushed in front of him again, and at the same time the ax in his hand came again. The forced Chen Guo had not even had time to stand firm on the ground under his feet, so he could only hastily raise the spirit in his hand. The golden sword slashed hard.


The next moment, a bell-like sound sounded, like a thunder in the clear sky, and the ground Chen Guo stepped on once again shattered and sank.

Countless pieces of rubble and smoke rose into the sky, and under the influence of the shock wave, ripples in space visible to the naked eye rushed in all directions.

In the violently shaking cave, there were continuous dull vibrations that shook people's hearts. The real space waves kept rushing towards the surroundings. The air containing violent murderous intent kept spreading the sound that made people lose their minds. tyrannical.

Chen Guo and Skarbrand fought together, and the constant collision of swords and axes played a rhythmless but moving symphony.

But soon the sound of the symphony disappeared, because the fight between them had chopped up everything around them, including the air, so that the sound could no longer spread from their bodies.

You hit me with a sword and I hit you with an axe. In this situation, there is no skill at all. What is competing is pure strength and speed.

If your strength is small, then you can only keep retreating, and if your speed slows down, then you will have a lot of wounds on your body...

It is a pity that Chen Guo is not only not as strong as Skarbrand, but also not as fast as him.

Therefore, at this moment, Chen Guo became that sandbag, and became the sandbag that Skarbrand kept kneading.

However, Chen Guo did not gain nothing at all.

Although the skills were of no use at this time, Chen Guo still relied on her ultimate skills to continuously leave small scars on Skarbrand's body.

But these scars are just a drop in the bucket, and they want to rely on these scars to kill Skarbrand.

That is nothing more than a daydream!

However, it is unrealistic for Skarbrand to rely on his current level to quickly kill Chen Guo. This battle between the two sides is expected to last for a long, long time!

But suddenly, a blue light suddenly rushed into Skarbrand's body.

The next second, Skarbrand seemed to have been given a shot of blood, and the strength in his hand suddenly increased several times. With the blessing of such power, Skarbrand's advantage further expanded, especially He seized an opportunity and struck Chen Guo directly on the shoulder with an axe.


With a sweet feeling in Chen Guo's throat, all the bones in Chen Guo's body were shaking continuously. The axe, named cruel, quickly cut through his scales, tore his muscles, and chopped off his bones. The huge The vibrations were still destroying his internal organs, and huge power continued to surge through Chen Guo's body.

Seeing that the ax blade was stuck by Chen Guo's bones, Skarbrand kicked Chen Guo on the chest and kicked him away.

Chen Guo scored twice and turned into a scarecrow again and flew out heavily.

Skarbrand wanted to continue chasing, but he suddenly stopped because he found that on his lower abdomen, there was an extra short stick flashing with silver-red electric flowers. sword.

It turned out that when Chen Guo was hit by an ax just now, she was still thinking of using a dagger to sneak attack Skarbrand. However, the original target of the dagger was Skarbrand's chest. However, due to the strength and angle issues, , in the end it just penetrated into his lower abdomen!

The dagger continued to emit strong electric currents, which kept stimulating the body, forcing Skarbrand to stop his pursuit until he pulled out the dagger inserted in his lower abdomen and threw it aside.

All this happened in only a few seconds, but in these few seconds, Chen Guo had already climbed up from the ground and quickly injected a large amount of medicine into his body.

Logically speaking, Chen Guo's best choice now is to put on the fungus armor, and then rely on the all-in-one bacteria on the fungus armor to repair her broken body.

But now, Chen Guo would never dare to use it again.

It is not difficult to see from the performance of the Great Unclean One that he would rather lose the so-called bet than let himself die at the hands of Skarbrand - does Nurgle's loving father want to get his soul so much? ?

As a large amount of medicine was injected into the body, Chen Guo's injuries were effectively relieved, but at the same time another problem also appeared in front of him. Skarbrand was about to come up again. This seemed inevitable. Should we continue fighting a losing battle?

"Of course! It's not easy coming here. Even if you die, you have to fight here!" After Chen Guo made a vow to herself that she would succeed or die, she continued to pick up the sword of the Forbidden Army despite the pain in her body.

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the heavy footsteps, Skarbrand, a bloodthirsty lone wolf, rushed forward again.


Seeing that the situation was extremely critical, Chen Guo's eyes flashed with light, and he once again threw dozens of metallic electric balls that shone with silver-red light while waving his palms.

Whoosh whoosh~

The overwhelming sound of fierce screams came, and Skarbrand still did not make any evasive movements this time, allowing the metal balls flashing with silver-red electric sparks to hit his body.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Each metal ball completed its own mission - after impacting on Skarbrand's body, it quickly turned into fragments.

Especially the last dozen metal balls, they all hit Skarbrand's head without exception.

Although they did not succeed in making Skarbrand stop his progress, they succeeded in making the already extremely angry Skarbrand even more angry.

Like a lion being teased by a monkey, he rushed towards Chen Guo even more desperately.

But at this moment, Chen Guo laughed even more happily, and the metal ball elf in his hand kept hitting Skarbrand's head, hitting his broken bones when he was thrown out of his domain by Khorne. on top of the broken corner.

"Ants, go to hell"!

But just when Skarbrand was completely carried away and rushed towards him, Chen Guo, who was covered in blood and badly injured, stepped hard on her, and her whole body turned into a silver-red lightning and ran towards the cave entrance on the left.

At the same time, while running, Chen Guo kept making sharp sneers: "You idiot with no brains, come and kill me if you have the ability!"

Although an ax was struck on his body, causing the skin and flesh to break, bones to shatter, internal organs to be damaged, and his whole body to be seriously injured, Chen Guo's ability to move was not greatly affected. In the blink of an eye, he was He disappeared into the huge cave with loud laughter.

Behind Chen Guo, the ground kept moaning tragically.

Thirty or forty meters away, Skarbrand was like a hound that had been robbed of its food. While waving the two axes in his hands, he bit Chen Guo tightly, letting Chen Guo ramble on and on. They passed through various narrow tunnels, but Skarbrand was still able to keep an eye on them.

Who would have thought that in this twisting and winding cave excavated by the Punishment Legion, Chen Guo's speed gradually exceeded eighty kilometers per hour. The substantial wind was accompanied by dust blowing towards his face. Rand got closer and closer to him, threw a small missile without looking back, and then quickly pressed the button on the remote control.


A thunderous explosion was accompanied by a dazzling pillar of fire that appeared out of thin air. The small volcanic lava bomb originally used to load the gunboat burned its last light.

Although Chen Guo knew that such an explosion was not enough to cause any substantial damage to Skarbrand, it succeeded in making it take him several seconds to get rid of the explosion and chase Chen Guo, which also caused Chen Guo to The result further widened the distance between them.

Skarbrand was extremely angry now, but in his anger, he inexplicably began to have a certain interest in the little prey in front of him... It was not that he had not been defeated, but he had never been like this. Been teased!

It is true that people are always curious and interested in things they have not experienced. Although Skarbrand is the stupidest representative of Khorne, he also has his own ideas.

And his idea was to quickly catch up with Chen Guo and cut off his head as his best trophy!

Because the tunnel is too narrow, Skarbrand's huge body looks very bulky here, so his actual speed is only slightly faster than Chen Guo.

Therefore, every time he was about to catch up with Chen Guo, Chen Guo would throw out a missile or a bundle of cluster bombs, forcing Skarbrand to spend a few seconds. Shuttle, so as to widen the gap between them again.

In this way, the two sides ran in the claustrophobic and narrow tunnel, chasing for about half a Terra. During this period, Chen Guo encountered many legions fighting fiercely along the way.

Often when encountering these legions, Chen Guo would easily kill the Chaos Demon leaders who commanded the various Chaos Demon legions. At the same time, he would also use Skarbrand's character of disowning all his relatives behind him to lead him directly to the dense army. The Chaos Demons dispersed to provide some convenience to their subordinates and relieve some of their pressure.

These Chaos Demons who commanded various Chaos Demon Legions were no match for Chen Guo.

Therefore, they could not do anything to stop them. They could only watch Chen Guo cut them in half, or else they would be crushed directly by Skarbrand, who did not recognize his relatives behind him, when he did not dodge in time. .

But what Chen Guo didn't expect was... he actually capsized in the gutter!

The one who capsized him was a Chaos Mage holding a staff. As soon as this guy saw Chen Guo approaching, he immediately used the Tzeentch spell to flash to the side, but at the same time he was very nosy and began to release various deceleration spells, which slowed Chen Guo's speed several times slower.

In the blink of an eye, he was caught up by Skarbrand behind him!

Although Chen Guo cut him into pieces before being caught up, it was impossible to tell which piece was the head and which was the tail.

But it was an indisputable fact that he was caught up by Skarbrand again... It seems that he can't escape without a fierce battle today!

Skarbrand was like a bulldozer. He quickly crushed all the Chaos Demons in front of him, and continued to attack Chen Guo with the double axes in his hands.

At this moment, the blue light that had appeared once before appeared again. It quickly sank into Skarbrand's body and strengthened his strength again.

If Chen Guo only saw the blue light before vaguely, then at this moment he saw it very clearly... He knew without even thinking that this kind of amplification spell must have been released by that hateful two-headed bird Carlos!

"Damn it, sooner or later I will twist off both of your heads and stuff them all into your ** (two words)!"

Facts have proved that complaining is useless, Skarbrand's axe is already in front of him.

I don't know if it's because of too much anger, Skarbrand swung this axe with extra force, and the noisy tunnel once again rang with a deafening air explosion.

At the same time, not only Chen Guo, but even those Chaos and Punishment Legions that were originally fighting stopped and looked in the direction of the sound.

They soon saw a thick white gas mark formed quickly under the swing of the axe, and quickly chopped towards Chen Guo's body.

"Fuck, it's over!"

Seeing the blue light appear, Chen Guo already knew the seriousness of the situation, but at this moment, Scarfland's speed was obviously faster than he could dodge, so even if he wanted to dodge, there was no place to hide, so he could only raise the big sword in his hand and block it heavily.



But Chen Guo still underestimated Scarfland's power after being blessed by Carlos twice.

Amid the roaring gas explosion and continuous bone cracking, the Imperial Army sword in Chen Guo's hand was chopped down severely, and then he didn't hold it firmly, and the huge big sword rubbed Chen Guo's body and was bounced out, and then accompanied by the blood mist from the fierce attack, a terrifying gap was cut again on the half of Chen Guo's body that was not chopped.

This time, the axe cut deeper, directly cutting off most of the bones and muscles on the axe's path, leaving only a small amount of muscle fibers and human skin still struggling to fix this half of the body!


The intense pain rushed straight into his mind, and Chen Guo couldn't help but screamed.

But at the same time, his hands did not stop at all. A red light flashed in his hand, and the flying Imperial Guards sword returned to his hand at a high speed. Under the wrapping of silver-red electric light, it bounced out of Chen Guo's hand as fast as those metal balls, and shot into Skarbrand's chest with force!


The sharp fine gold sword easily sank into Skarbrand's chest, but Chen Guo was not happy at all, but extremely desperate.

Logically speaking, the position of Skarbrand was where his heart was. After being pierced, he should have lost his combat effectiveness immediately.

But the fact is that Skarbrand continued to swing his two axes at Chen Guo as if nothing had happened, and Chen Guo could only drag his broken body and dodge in all directions, so that he would not be chopped into pieces immediately.

Despair enveloped Chen Guo's heart, and he even thought about whether he should cut his own throat first to save himself from the pain.

But at this moment, there is always a way out, and a familiar picture appeared in his mind - the fantasy materialization data table was refreshed again!

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