Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 78: The Other Side of Guilliman (1/2)

"Who are you?"

"I'm Chen Guo!"

"Chen Guo? Not Jack Smoak!"

"Who is that?"

"That's you!"

"No, that's not me...that's!"

Chen Guo sat up from the bed with a jerk. He took a deep breath and finally drove away the words in his mind.

Looking at the Berserker Armor hanging on the shelf, Chen Guo's eyes flashed with a trace of solemnity. The side effects of this guy are really too big. Its side effects are even greater than the forbidden method of directly extracting life in the Blood River Sutra.

After all, in this world, life can be supplemented, and once there is any mental problem, the consequences will be much greater than the loss of life.

Take Skarbrand for example!

As one of the most powerful bloodthirsty demons under Khorne, his record and his glory made him the second favorite child of Khorne.

But it is precisely because of this that he was targeted by Tzeentch, the Lord of Change.

Tzeentch slowly made Skarbrand arrogant through subtle mental harassment, and activated his mental defects at a critical moment, causing Skarbrand to raise his axe in his demigod body towards Khorne sitting on the throne... In this way, Tzeentch easily used Khorne's own hands to get rid of a powerful and difficult Khorne demon.

"No! I have to find an opportunity to solve this mental flaw." Chen Guo made a decision silently, and closed his eyes and began to meditate slowly.

But soon, he opened his eyes, because his body became extremely old, and the efficiency of meditation became very low.

"Is this life after aging?"

Fortunately, because of the injection of genetic drugs that can repair the degree of cell aging these days, Chen Guo's lost life has been recovered a lot, and the efficiency of meditation will be much faster than a few days ago.

According to the drugs prescribed by the wandering Astartes pharmacist, it only takes three to six months of genetic drugs to successfully repair Chen Guo back to his peak state.

But, they also said... the number of times a person's cells can be repaired is limited and not uniform, so Chen Guo can only treat this time as the last time.

However, according to them, Chen Guo does not need to worry too much, because brain cells can reproduce indefinitely. Even if this body cannot be genetically repaired, the brain can be transplanted into a new body through brain transplant surgery.

Although this operation is full of difficulties for pharmacists like them, it is a piece of cake for biological sages like Linda... She even transplanted her brain into a new body without help.

But Chen Guo will never choose this method unless it is absolutely necessary.

Because once he chooses to transplant his brain into a new body, it means that he will directly discard all the abilities in his body... He may even lose the seven-colored meteor, the golden finger that changed his fate.

Of course, he guessed that this possibility was very small, but he had no way to guarantee that this situation would not happen... It seems that in the future, unless it is absolutely necessary, he must never use this Taotie multiplication technique again!

"Dong Dong Dong~"

"Come in!"

The heavy hatch was slowly opened, and Des walked in with the pharmacist.

It was time to inject the gene repair potion again.

Slowly lying on the portable repair bed, the pharmacists used the fine gold drill to drill Chen Guo's skin, and then quickly injected one after another of the pale blue liquid into Chen Guo's body.

Although Chen Guo was trying hard to suppress the healing of the wound, the gene potion injection process, which should have been completed in half an hour, still took nearly three hours, and also made the tall and strong Astartes pharmacists sweat profusely and feel tired from the inside out.

But this is not a kind of physical fatigue, but a kind of mental fatigue.

After all, they have to inject carefully and ensure that the gene potion can smoothly reach every key part of the body. The most important thing is that their injection time is very short.

If they don't seize the opportunity of those few seconds, they will have to take the fine gold drill and drill for half a day.

"My Lord, all the injections have been completed!"

"Oh, thank you!"

"This is what we should do!"

The pharmacists said goodbye and left, leaving only Des in the room.

The reason he did not leave with them was that he needed to report the situation of the fleet.

"My Lord, we expect to arrive in Macragge in a month. According to the information sent back by the spies we monitor, Guilliman now knows about the war between us and the Chaos Demons.

But, because there is no reply, we cannot know Guilliman's opinion on this matter. I am worried..."

"What are you worried about? Are you afraid that he will beat the dog when it is down? Take the opportunity to send a fleet to encircle and annihilate us?" Chen Guo smiled. Des is still the same Des, not changed at all, still likes to worry about nothing.

"Yes! My Lord, after all, our fleet is now severely damaged. Only one in ten troops can directly participate in the battle, and the weapons and equipment are also seriously damaged, especially the main guns on the Shining Star and the Death Ray are still under repair.

Once they are surrounded, they will be living targets, so... I suggest that we should not go to Macragge, but go back to Licmons first, return to our own territory, and go to Macragge after a period of repair!"

"No!" Chen Guo shook his head, "Your guess is correct, but it is not just Guilliman who is in charge now. Although Sanguinius is just a puppet to some extent, Puppet, but he is the regent of the Second Empire after all!

With him around, I have the confidence to ensure that Guilliman will not attack us. In addition... if he really wants to attack, it will be useless for us to hide back home. His fleet can easily destroy the entire Lecmons.

So, in order to prevent this from happening, I would rather put the battlefield on Macragge and face Guilliman's massive army than lead the war to my own territory!

The most important thing is... I have someone around Macragge! Someone who will play a key role! "Chen Guo's face slowly turned into two parts, one part was particularly calm, and the other part showed a sly smile.

Des nodded thoughtfully... He probably guessed who the traitor Chen Guo arranged was.

But at the same time, he also took a breath of cold air silently in his heart.

If even that person could become Chen Guo's traitor, then what else could his master not do?

Unconsciously, Des suddenly felt that his master had become extremely strange... But his inner loyalty did not change at all.

From the moment Chen Guo asked him to chop off Angus's head with his own hands, Des was already dead. Now there was only one slave alive, a slave Des who was willing to obey and would never betray.


Just as Chen Guo imagined, in the magnificent conference room, the third was the three giants of the empire sitting on the three sides of the round table and arguing fiercely.

And the theme of the argument was whether to beat the dog when it was down and directly kill Chen Guo, the threat, in space.

"I don't agree to do this! A person who defeated three Chaos Demon Legions from the front, although he may not be loyal to the empire, he will definitely not join the rebellion!" As the regent of the empire, Saint Gilles, who has a noble character, could not accept the plan proposed by his brother.

To be honest, he felt very good about Chen Guo. He didn't know what was good about her, but he felt that Chen Guo was a friend worth making close friends with. Especially after knowing that Chen Guo led the Punishment Legion and his own legion to defeat the army led by the Chaos Demons, and that he himself was seriously injured, Sanguinius could not agree to the eradication plan proposed by his gene brother!

Taking advantage of others' misfortune was not something he could do.

Lion King Leon sat quietly on the far right of the round table, his fingers constantly groping for the greatsword of the dead in his hand, his face calm, but different expressions flashed across his eyes quickly.

Guilliman, who should have been the calmest, rudely interrupted Sanguinius' words. At this moment, he no longer looked like an excellent diplomat and politician, but roared at Sanguinius like an angry lion, "He is an uncontrollable demon! I have a hunch that one day in the future he will become the greatest enemy of the Empire! Put away your ridiculous womanly kindness, my dear brother!"

"Heh! Your Excellency, the great Prime Minister of the Empire, I really don't know when you also awakened the ability of prophecy. At present, my father's life and death is unknown, and the Second Empire is also surging. Various chaotic forces are constantly in the Second Empire. Shuttled back and forth in the territory, creating one unspeakable blood debt after another. The morale of the entire empire has fallen to the bottom, and the people can't see any hope.

And you, at this moment, are actually going to kill the Second Empire's Marshal, the human who defeated the Chaos Demon Legion... I simply can't find any words to evaluate you, my gene brother, Lord Robert Guilliman, the king of Ultramar 500 Worlds!"

"Sanguinius, I don't want to talk to you about this nonsense anymore, I... Leon, tell me your choice!" Guilliman no longer paid attention to Sanguinius, but set his eyes on Leon, who had been silent all the time.

Sanguinius also set his eyes on Leon, and his heart was uneasy. If Leon chose to vote for Guilliman, then Sanguinius would have to agree to Guilliman's plan even if he opposed it... But in this way, his heart would be unbearable.

Leon did not speak, but silently swept his eyes over the two people, then continued to lower his head and began to stroke the sharp blade of the Dead Sword with his fingertips.

After a long time, he said: "I want to think about it for a while, and I will give you an answer at the latest this time tomorrow!"

After saying that, he left the magnificent conference room without looking back.

After silently looking at each other, Guilliman and Sanguinius also left the conference room one after another.

Sanguinius returned to his palace, and Guilliman returned to his office as the Prime Minister of the Empire.

Back in the office, Guilliman looked at the pile of files, and a nameless fire emerged out of nowhere. He quickly took out the power sword at his waist and began to chop the files frantically.

The paper scraps flew all over the sky, and the sound of the power sword cutting through the files attracted the attention of the internal affairs staff in the next room, but they just came in and took a look and then retreated, and soon invited the Minister of Internal Affairs, Ms. Yutun, who was also the Lord of the Palace of Macragge!

Slowly walked into the room, looking at the flying paper scraps, she snorted coldly, "Great Prime Minister of the Empire, I suggest you put down the power sword in your hand and stop destroying these innocent and important files. In order to organize them and enable you to make better annotations, I spent a long time. Please don't waste my work results!"

"...Mother!" Guilliman stopped chopping, threw away the power sword in his hand, and slowly walked in front of the short Yutun.

Like a child, he slowly knelt down on one knee, just to let Euden touch his head.

Euden shook his head, reached out to help him remove the scraps of paper stuck on his golden hair, and said in a very gentle tone: "My dear child, tell me who made you so out of control? Tell me what happened?"

Guilliman was silent for a while, but still told everything that had just happened.

Now it was Euden's turn to be silent. She looked at the tall adopted son in front of her, and complex emotions flashed in her eyes. After a long time, she said indifferently: "I have a deep understanding of this Lord Chen Guo through the intelligence I have already discovered. I found that he is not a so-called violent butcher. He is a very insightful person, but his mouth is also full of lies. But the important thing is... I can confirm that he is a human, do you understand?"

"Mother?" Guilliman raised his head in disbelief. He had heard what his mother wanted to express.

"Child, are you sure you can kill him? Or how sure are you that you can kill him?"

"... 90%! His fleet was seriously damaged, and I also have control terminals for the surviving punishment legions under his command, which can directly kill them all, and his own legions have also been completely destroyed.

So as long as he steps into the pocket I set up, I can kill him in the universe!"

"What's the problem with the remaining 10%?"

"... I'm not sure!" Guilliman no longer hesitated, "He has too many secrets, I'm not sure I can kill him completely, not at all!"

"Then don't do it, a friend who says one thing and means another is indeed more difficult to guard against than an open enemy, but at this moment, even the worst friend is better than one more enemy!"

Guilliman was silent again, and after a long time he said: "I understand, mother!"

Udon suddenly sighed, she knew that her persuasion did not achieve the desired effect, "Alas, my child... let's do this, I want to talk to him!"

"With whom?"

"What do you think, my child!"

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