Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 79: Marrying Guilliman's sister. (1/2)

"Well, what does she want to do?"

"Win over!"


Looking at the two people singing and singing next to them, Chen Guo, who was lying on the genetic table and receiving the injection of genetic medicine, immediately nodded.

He also thought that the palace lord must have come with the purpose of winning over him.

Otherwise, what came to greet him at this moment should not be a gorgeous honor guard fleet, but a well-armed battle fleet!

It seems that... the hidden stakes I arranged have finally had some effect.

I just don’t know…how many of them are left that haven’t been found yet!

"Well, are you healed already?"

"Yes, Master, it's ready!"

"Then go out first. The injection station will be picked up later!"

"Understood, Master!"

With Des's help, Chen Guo put on a special enlarged version of the marshal uniform and asked, "Have you contacted Linda and the others?"

"Yes, Master, madam, they are all fine. Mrs. Solan has given birth. Mother and daughter are safe."

"That's good...is there anything else?"

"Mrs. Linda asked us if we need support. She has prepared all resources and armaments and can support us at any time."

"No, tell them I will go back after a while!"


Sitting behind the table, Chen Guo motioned for the two of them to sit down, "Tell me, how will she win over me?

Just as the three of them were discussing the upcoming Hongmen Banquet, among the gorgeously decorated honor guard fleet, Yudun looked at the fiercely arguing brain trust in front of him, and a look of impatience flashed in his eyes.


"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Everyone go down separately and get ready. Mira and Zuo Ya will be left alone!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Youdun looked at the two cronies in front of her silently. They were both old people beside her. If there were some things that she couldn't say, she would only discuss them with them.

"Mira, what do you think of Mr. Jack Smoak?"

"Sir, he is an unstable bomb. The best way is to get rid of him directly. However, when there is no certainty to get rid of him directly at the moment, the best choice is to win over him and slowly erode his power. , divide him and build his fleet, buy his power, completely isolate him, then find partners among his subordinates, and finally eliminate him completely! "

"Boil a frog in warm water?"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Zuo Ya, what do you think?" Yudun neither nodded nor shook his head, but slowly turned his head to another confidant.

"Your Highness, I don't agree with Mira's view. In my opinion, he should belong to a wavering faction, but this does not mean that he is a wallflower. This means that he has his own ideas and is also very important. Have strength.

And once we can completely tie him to our chariot, and then use various means to contain him, he will not be able to escape even if he wants to! "

"Well, do you have any good ideas?"

Youdun nodded. Compared to Mira's method of boiling frogs in warm water, Youdun still preferred Zuo Ya's method!

Although boiling a frog in warm water is a relatively simple method to clear away Chen Guo's time bomb, it depends on who you are facing.

Facing a powerful enemy like Chen Guo, boiling a frog in warm water is not the best way. Even if it is accidentally used, it will cause many serious consequences.

"Your Highness..."

"If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"...Your Highness, isn't Miss Casal of the right age for marriage?"

"You want to get married?"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Jotun's brows furrowed high. Cassar was her daughter, a test-tube baby created using the genes of Guilliman's adoptive father and her genes.

Although she didn't give birth to her herself, she was still her biological daughter.

As the product of a political marriage, although Jotun was very much in love with Guilliman's adoptive father, she didn't like political marriage from the bottom of her heart, so she was ready to let Cassar find his own love.

But what she didn't expect was that before she could let the newly grown eagle fly, the political hunters around her had already set their sights on her.

However, I have to say that this is indeed a good method...


Chen Guo raised his eyebrows. He thought of so many conditions that the other party might put forward, but he didn't think of this one condition!

"Yes, my lord, this is the safest and most harmless method that the other party can choose! According to the current situation, marriage adds a yoke to each of us that can make the other feel at ease. "

"Shackles, lock me up?" Chen Guo glanced at the old faces in the mirror. He shook his head, "I can't accept this. There are already four...three in the family. No matter how many there are, I won't tolerate it." Sorry!"

"Master, marriage is just a way for two forces to exchange interests. The result is not important, the process is the most important... Master, what we need now is time, what we need is time for stable development!"

"I still can't accept it...Okay, stop talking!" Chen Guo directly interrupted Des who wanted to continue speaking: "I haven't gone yet, she may not be willing to marry his daughter to him. I, maybe she will make other requests... Go and get busy!"

Just as Des was about to say something, Lu Doyle grabbed him and dragged him out.

"What are you doing?" Des shook his hand away in a bad mood and said to Lu Doyle in a questioning tone.

"Haha, I advise you to be polite to me, otherwise once I tell Madam Linda about this, what do you think she will do to you?" Lu Doyle rolled his eyes in a rather sinister way, "I saved you out of kindness, but you still blame me. I've never seen a person like you who can't tell right from wrong!"

After Lu Doyle finished speaking, he left to the other end of the corridor without looking back, leaving Des standing there with a strange look on his face.

He suddenly felt a little scared. If the three ladies knew about this, he might have his head moved to his butt by Linda during the next surgery!


"Congratulations, Marshal Chen Guo, congratulations on winning the first badge of honor of the Second Empire."

"Thank you, ma'am"

"You're so polite, this is the honor you deserve!"

After the grand welcome ceremony, Chen Guo, the Imperial Marshal with two more golden medals on his chest, slowly walked into the reception room of the ship under the leadership of Euton, the current Minister of the Interior of the Second Empire.

The ceremonial fleet is a special thirteen, and it is also a fleet unique to the Thirteenth Legion at present... This sentence is not rigorous.

Because there is also a ceremonial fleet on Terra.

Its scale is much larger than Guilliman's!

However, at this moment, that ceremonial fleet should have been destroyed!

But unlike the ceremonial fleet in front of him, that ceremonial fleet is completely for the glory of the Emperor and the strength of the Empire.

That ceremonial fleet not only looks gorgeous, but is also equipped with a variety of powerful ship-borne guns and shields. It is no exaggeration to say that in peacetime, that fleet can be used to show off, but in wartime, it can be used as a powerful fleet to easily crush the invading enemy!

Guilliman's ceremonial fleet is completely used for diplomacy... You must know that Guilliman is a well-known diplomat and politician.

Among the 500 worlds of Ultramar under his command, there are actually some planets and galaxies whose technological power is not weaker than that of the Empire, but whose size cannot be compared with that of the Empire.

When facing these planets, Guilliman often chooses to use his extraordinary social talents and diplomatic abilities to persuade them to take the initiative to join the camp of the 500 worlds of Ultramar.

Once it comes to diplomacy, a magnificent and gorgeous ceremonial fleet is very necessary.

However, the biggest difference from the ceremonial ship on Terra is that Guilliman's ceremonial fleet is not equipped with very powerful weapons.

This is not because Guilliman is so confident in his eloquence, but because in the process of diplomacy, once you park a ship full of various cannons at someone's door, no one will believe what you say even if you say it in a fancy way!

Following Yutun into the reception room, Chen Guo silently curled his lips at the magnificent and majestic room in front of him, which was full of ancient Roman art.

As someone who has lived on Macragge for a long time, Chen Guo is almost sick of this style, so he doesn't feel any freshness at all, but feels a little bored.

Waving his hand, signaling Lu Doyne behind him not to follow in, Chen Guo walked into the huge reception room alone and sat opposite Yutun.

"Please sit down, can you have tea?"


Sitting down face to face, Chen Guo and Yutun chatted for a while, and then Yutun directly brought the topic to the topic.

To Chen Guo's surprise, Yutun didn't ask or answer any of the questions he had expected. Instead, she started talking about all sorts of things, including family matters and non-nutritious things!

However, as Yutun gradually led the topic to her children, Chen Guo immediately knew that she was showing her true colors!

"Sir, are you married yet?"

"Yes, I am!" Chen Guo decisively interrupted her words, but he didn't expect that the woman in front of him had no sense at all and continued to lead the topic towards marriage.

"It doesn't matter if you're married. We in Macragge don't have a monogamous system. My daughter, Kasar, has reached the age of marriage, and she admires you very much.

I wonder if you, Marshal, have time to meet my daughter!"

"Sorry, I really don't have that much time!"

"It doesn't matter. It won't take up too much of your time!"

Yuton had a strong feeling. Without waiting for Chen Guo to raise an objection again, she clapped her hands. Suddenly, a hidden door at the end of the room opened, and a slender and heroic girl walked out from behind the door.

She looked like Yuton, but she was a younger version of Yuton, and she also had an indescribable heroic spirit, like a general who took off his armor.

"Hello, Marshal, I am Robtka Cassel, you can just call me Cassel!"

Facing Chen Guo, who was several heads taller than her, the girl was not shy or timid at all. Instead, she stretched out her hand very generously, and after Chen Guo performed the hand greeting between nobles, she sat directly on the sofa next to him.

"Okay, Cassel, I still have some things to deal with. The Marshal will be entertained by you. Remember not to be impolite!"

"Yes, mother!"

Chen Guo, looking at the girl in front of him who was full of youthful breath, inexplicably thought of Solan and Soni.

The only difference between Solan and Soni, who were born as interstellar pirates, is that Miss Cassel is full of a kind of momentum that only nobles can have, but she does not have the arrogance of nobles, but is full of affinity... It feels like facing a female version of Guilliman.

Chen Guo didn't have any prejudice against Guilliman... Well, he did have a little prejudice against Guilliman, and because of this, he hated Guilliman and immediately lost a lot of favor for the female version of Guilliman in front of him.

"Sir Chen Guo, I am very curious about your deeds. I wonder if you can tell me your story?"

Looking at the girl's piercing and curious eyes, Chen Guo hesitated for a moment, and still told his story out of politeness. Of course, it was a brief and compressed version, but even so, it still made the girl's eyes sparkle with stars, and an undisguised admiration was expressed in words.

About an hour after telling the story, Chen Guo politely said goodbye to the girl and prepared to leave, but he didn't expect that Cassel would pester him and said that he would take him to the large banquet that was being held on the ship.

Although he didn't want to go, but because the girl was too enthusiastic, Chen Guo had to agree to go with her, and gave Lu Duoyiner, who had been guarding the door, a look, and the latter immediately understood and followed them.

Since there were no ship-borne weapons of various base station sizes, the passages on the ceremonial ship were significantly wider. What Chen Guo had not expected was that in the center of this ceremonial ship, there was actually an extremely large banquet hall, which looked to be thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters wide, as if the entire ship was hollowed out in half.

Surrounded by soft music, a large number of young officers in the uniforms of the Second Empire Army danced and talked and laughed with the company of noble girls in various styles of clothing.

For a moment, Chen Guo inexplicably had a feeling of traveling through time again!

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