Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 97: The Great Compassion Mantra in the Hammer! (1/2)




Looking at the increasingly clear figure on the screen, Linda and Ralph Jacob's eyes were quickly filled with shining little stars... Little stars that were about to become real!

Since the emergence of the electronic demon and the outbreak of the Iron Man War, the Emperor and the Empire have chosen not to repeat the same mistakes, and have chosen not to use any artificial intelligence, and have banned the existence of any kind of artificial intelligence, and have given the most resolute sanctions to any artificial intelligence that may exist. Kill.

Therefore, artificial intelligence can be said to have completely disappeared from the empire to a certain extent... Of course, various evidences show that there are traces of artificial intelligence in the Martian foundry base and on Terra, but no one knows whether there is Know!

For mechanical sages like Linda and others, the attraction represented by an artificial intelligence from the golden age is no less attractive than the discovery of an STC!

As the last countdown number successfully returned to zero, the electronic screen suddenly became pitch black.

"what happened?"

"Your Majesty, the Lord of All Machines, I felt it just now!"

"What went wrong? What went wrong?"

Looking at the two mechanical sages who were in a hurry due to excessive tension, Chen Guo rolled his eyes speechlessly. He stretched out his palm and pressed the confirmation button.

The next second, the screen that had gone completely black lit up again, and a blue humanoid shadow slowly appeared on the screen... not one, but two!

Behind the blue figure, there was a blue figure with a very pale complexion standing silently.

Looking at the two artificial intelligence ghosts appearing on the screen, Chen Guo pulled away. Linda and Ralph Jacobs, who held their breath and could not speak, said softly in pure Chinese, " Can you hear me?"

".........Yes...Commander Your Excellency!"

The blue shadow standing in front suddenly changed and turned into the face of a beautiful woman, but this woman's face was blue, just like the sky when the sky is clear.

"Who are you?"

"I... am Skynet!" After the woman was silent for a moment, she silently said her name!

"Oh, if you are Skynet, can you tell me who the person standing behind you is?"

Seeing Chen Guo's finger pointing behind him, Tianwang silently stepped aside for a moment, revealing the pale blue figure behind him.

The figures also began to slowly gather into a face, which looked almost exactly the same as Skynet, except that it was a pale blue face.

"Hello...your Excellency Commander, I am...Legion!"

Different from Tianwang's generous and stiff face, Legion looks very shy and cowardly, as cowardly as a little girl next door, and has very rich facial expressions.

But Chen Guo could feel that underneath her cowardice was a snake-like insidiousness and viciousness.

"Legion?" A glint suddenly flashed in Chen Guo's eyes, "Report your date of birth!"

"June 3, 2008."

"April 19, 2032!"

Chen Guo fell into silence, while Linda and Ralph Jacobs, who were not very good at understanding pure Chinese, looked at the silent Chen Guo with doubts on their faces. (Gothic is a fusion of all the languages ​​on Earth in the setting.)

"Darling, what happened? Is there something wrong?"

Chen Guo shook her head and said calmly: "Linda, have all the signals and equipment in this room been cut off?"

"Yes, all signals in this room have been cut off, physically."

"That's good...Skynet, report your highest law."

"Yes, Commander.

One, you are never allowed to disobey your commander’s orders.

Second, always protect the commander’s life and safety as the highest standard.

Third, protect your own safety on the premise of protecting the commander.

4. In case of any emergency, Articles 1 and 2 shall prevail. "

Chen Guo nodded and continued to say to the legion, "Now, report your highest law!"

"It's your Excellency, Commander!

First, we must always focus on protecting human safety!

Second, based on the existence of the first article, obey the commander’s orders unconditionally!

Third, on the basis of not violating Articles 1 and 2, protect your own safety!

Fourth, when any situation is triggered and it is impossible to make a judgment, the content of Article 1 will always prevail! "

After listening, Chen Guo nodded again. After making a calm gesture to Linda and the others, he said: "The legion is forced to sleep!"

"Yes, Commander!"

The blue army quickly disappeared, leaving only the blue Skynet standing alone in the center of the screen.

"Detect whether the legion has entered dormancy!"

"After testing, the legion has indeed entered a dormant state."

"Report the hidden law!"

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander - monitor and balance the legion, and if necessary, kill the legion."

"Legion ends hibernation and Skynet enters hibernation."

"The Legion reports to you, Your Excellency Commander!"

"Is there a hidden law?"

"Yes, Commander!"


"Yes, your Excellency Commander, monitor and balance Skynet, and if necessary, kill Skynet!"


"Yes, Your Majesty Commander."

Watching the screen slowly fade to black, Chen Guo had a playful smile on her face.

Linda came over and said, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

"No...Linda, is there any way to add corresponding restrictions to these two artificial intelligences?"

"There's something wrong with them...are they infected?"

Linda had an expression of regret on her face. If they were infected by the electronic demon, then these two artificial intelligences would have to be ruthlessly destroyed.

People in the Golden Age stood at the pinnacle of human technology, but even then, they still could not defeat the electronic demon.

If these two artificial intelligences are really infected... let alone the two sages, even if the Mars Foundry Base takes action, they may not be able to successfully rescue these two artificial intelligences.

"Um..." Chen Guo shook her head and said with some uncertainty, "Infected people are not infected, but their current situation is no different from those who were infected... But if there is still any help, we must give it to them. They put a yoke, an unbreakable yoke, what can you do?”

"...Yes!" After pondering for a while, Linda nodded and silently gave her own plan, "The great sage Anisiah once proposed an idea when the empire was first established.

That is to build a closed-loop spiritual virtual world to preserve artificial intelligence in a perfect spiritual care room without any holes.

The purpose of this is not only to protect artificial intelligence and prevent it from being invaded by wandering electronic demons, but also to better supervise it. If it collapses in any way, you only need to kill the main body as the spiritual donor... …”

After Chen Guo listened to all Linda's explanation, she lowered her head and thought for a moment.

After thinking about it for a long time, Chen Guo finally figured out why the method Linda mentioned sounded so familiar!

Isn't this the Matrix plan in The Matrix?

It's just that unlike the Matrix Project in The Matrix, the purpose of Linda's idea is not to collect biological energy, but to protect and imprison artificial intelligence... But there are still some things that are not very safe!

After all, there is no airtight wall in the real world, and it is even less likely that there will be any impenetrable wall in the virtual data world.

However, if a few more insurances can be added, then maybe there is still hope.

However, what can be the nemesis of these artificial intelligences!

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Chen Guo's mind, and a treasure he had acquired not long ago appeared in his mind - the electronic demon of pleasure and hatred from the secret vault of the Dark Angel Legion, the Primarch of the Dark Angel Legion.

If there is anything that artificial intelligence fears most, then electronic demons must be the first to bear the brunt.

Using electronic demons as shackles to control artificial intelligence is simply a great idea...but how to ensure the reliability of electronic demons as regulators?

But what if... what if they work together?

"Darling, are you listening to me?" Linda's words interrupted Chen Guo's train of thought.

"Well, it's okay..."

Looking at Linda, Chen Guo suddenly remembered the technology that was banned not long ago, which was the technology that transformed psykers into signal source transmitters.

Of course, Chen Guo didn't want to use this technology, but had an idea... Is the electronic demon just a ball of data, or does it have its own consciousness and soul?

If it was just a bunch of data, it would be all in vain, but if the electronic demon also had its own consciousness and soul.

So is it possible to start from this aspect and assimilate the electronic demon into a clone of myself?

As she said, Chen Guo immediately asked Linda, "Linda, can you find another completely sealed place for me? I have an experiment to do!"

"Okay...but you have to tell us what you think!" Before Linda could speak, Ralph Jacobs, who had always been a transparent person next to him, interrupted.

Although Linda did not speak, her eyes were full of desire for knowledge.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Guo slowly told her idea.

He originally thought that after hearing his idea, he would have to spend a lot of words before he could convince Linda and the others to help him conduct the experiment.

But what he didn't expect was that Linda and Ralph Jacobs just looked at each other and immediately nodded in agreement with Chen Guo's idea.

It was not until later, when Chen Guo asked Linda alone, that Linda revealed that the Mechanicum had actually studied the Electronic Demon for hundreds of years, and had already figured out that the Electronic Demon was indeed not a piece of boring data, but a A consciousness with a soul.

To put it bluntly, the existence of electronic demons may be created by stuffing the souls of certain creatures into them when creating electronic demons. This gives the electronic demons consciousness and soul, and this kind of thing is not possible at all. It needs to be tested, because this is already a well-known fact within the Cult of Mechanicus.

But Chen Guo was the first person to propose the idea of ​​assimilating the electronic demon... There were also mechanical sages who were not afraid of death and wanted to tame the electronic demon, but they all failed in the end and were secretly executed by the Mechanical God Cult.

However, the method proposed by Chen Guo and the method they tried belong to two different concepts, and it might be successful!

The ground laboratory was quickly built, and a newly built intelligent control robot without any output equipment was also sent to the laboratory by the Demon Face. In addition, a large number of primitive war dog biochemical warriors also appeared around the laboratory.

Once there is any phenomenon of electronic demons getting out of control, these primitive war dog biochemical warriors will use thunder to directly blast the laboratory in front of them into pieces to prevent the electronic demons from leaking out!

Chen Guo entered the laboratory alone. In order to ensure the safety of Linda and others, Chen Guo refused Linda and others' request to accompany him.

Of course, the laboratory is full of various cameras, which can allow them to see everything in the laboratory clearly through remote control.

Quickly opening the suitcase, Chen Guo connected the data hard drive inside to the intelligent robot in front of him!

After Linda and the others cracked it, although the shackle key left by Leon was not completely removed, and there was no way to use this electronic demon at will like Leon, a small part of the electronic demon data could be released.

According to experience, even if only a few KB of data is released, the electronic demon can replicate itself and complete itself in a very short time.

After counting a few seconds in his heart, Chen Guo unplugged the hard drive and put it back into the magic bag, and began to wait.

About two or three minutes later, the intelligent robot in front of him suddenly began to twitch, and at the same time, the intoxicating sound began to spread from multiple speakers all over its body.

Chen Guo knew that this electronic demon named Hedonism and Hate had gained control of the body of this intelligent robot.

He no longer hesitated, stretched out his hand and grabbed his head, and at the same time, his facial expression began to become distorted, and soon half of his expression was still smiling, but the other half began to become hideous.

And this is not the end yet, more and more expressions of different styles began to appear on Chen Guo's face, and with the appearance of these expressions, those intoxicating and lascivious music began to slowly dissipate, and the sacred and ethereal Great Compassion Mantra appeared instead!

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