Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 98: Spiritual Virtual World = The Matrix?

"Amitabha, sorry, this is a temporary construction, so it looks a little rough!" Walking on the bright street, Chen Guo looked at the city with people coming and going, and couldn't help but smile, "It's already very good. In just a few hours, you have created such a huge spiritual virtual world. This is already a great thing!"

"Amitabha, thank you for your compliment."

The voice that spoke had a huge body. Looking closely, it turned out to be a tall, solemn, and extremely holy Buddha. A kind face with a peaceful smile, people couldn't help but feel close.

And if you look more carefully, there is a slight resemblance between the faces and Chen Guo.

This may be because he applied Chen Guo's personality and part of his memory.

He is the electronic demon-pleasure hatred.

However, at this moment, he is no longer the original him. His spirit and soul have been assimilated into Chen Guo's personality. At this moment, he is, in a sense, an incarnation of Chen Guo.

But perhaps because the existence that created him was too powerful, he still retained his wisdom and his own independent personality, and Chen Guo could not share his thoughts with him... The relationship between them was very similar to the relationship between Chen Guo and the Star God Shirley.

Although, to some extent, they could not be considered a whole, they were more united than a whole - because, like the Star God, the electronic demons did not have human values, and at this moment, the values ​​and part of the memory that this pleasure abomination applied came from Chen Guo.

"How long do you think it will take to create this spiritual world?"

"Amitabha, three hours! But I suggest that you make an extra layer of insurance, just in case I can't hold on, there is a way to contain it." The face of the pleasure abomination still had a peaceful smile.

Speaking of which, you may not believe it.

After this electronic demon possessed Chen Guo's personality and memory, he immediately decided to convert to Buddhism... The idea was so strange that Chen Guo tried to change for a long time, but he couldn't keep up with his ideas.

However, this was just right.

Let him stay quietly in this spiritual virtual world, guarding this spiritual virtual world while slowly practicing and worshiping Buddha!

"I have no other means. Linda uses her mechanical body as the mother body, the biological brain as the virtual matrix, and you are here to maintain the order of the spiritual world... I really can't think of any other means as insurance!"

As the originator of this idea, Linda volunteered to contribute her original mechanical body and became the external output source of this entire system.

In other words, Linda's mechanical body will become the only external outlet to control this spiritual virtual world. Her mechanical body will have all the technology and computing power of Skynet and the Legion, and she will directly become the "spokesperson" of Skynet and the Legion.

At the same time, Linda's mechanical body will also become the outermost firewall to resist all external invasion signals.

Whether the artificial intelligence inside wants to come out or the invasion signal outside wants to come in, it must pass through Linda's mechanical body.

Once the mechanical body cannot defend, it will directly start the self-destruction program in the physical sense.

At that time, not only will a large amount of strong acid liquid be poured into the brain control terminal, but the antimatter explosives tied to the bottom of the brain control terminal will also explode immediately, burning all the brains in it together with Linda's mechanical body.

No matter how powerful artificial intelligence is, how high the computing power is, as long as there is no carrier, then everything is empty talk.

Of course, this is just a last resort. Linda and Chen Guo have already imagined a perfect defense method. Even if it really comes to a dangerous moment, in addition to self-destruction, there is also physical reinstallation... It's like reinstalling a computer system, reloading a new system, and restarting everything.

But, if even physical reinstallation cannot proceed, then physical self-destruction becomes the only option!

"Amitabha" called out a Buddhist name, and Enjoyable Hatred said very calmly, "Have you forgotten Shirley?"

"Shirley?" Chen Guo subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his chest, but remembered that this was just a virtual body, and Shirley was still in the body outside at this moment!

"Amitabha, yes... How long are you going to hide?" Enjoyable Abomination suddenly turned around and looked at the crowded street with a calm face.

"Crunch... Boring!" The crowd slowly dispersed, revealing Shirley who was chewing the food in her hand... This guy had already woken up and entered the virtual spiritual world without anyone noticing!

"How did you get in?"

"This place is leaking like a sieve now. I think it's not easy to get in?" Shirley's face was full of disdain, but she immediately continued, "But I can feel that the world here is becoming more and more complete. It probably won't take long before I can sneak in here. You did a good job!"

"Amitabha, thank you for the compliment... In that case, I wonder what you think!"

"What are you considering? What did you do without telling me?" Chen Guo was confused.

However, he could feel that these two guys must be hiding something from him, and it was probably something big.

"The environment here is quite good. It's not impossible for me to stay, but he has to agree to one request of mine!" Shirley slowly looked around, continued to chew the food in her hands very calmly, and finally turned her eyes Placed it on Chen Guo's body.

"Request?" Chen Guo probably understood what the guy who hated pleasure just said, and also understood what he wanted to do.

It turns out that Hedonism wants Shirley to stay in this spiritual virtual world as the last insurance for this spiritual virtual world.

"I was injured too badly. Khorne's attack has damaged my essence, so I have to sleep for decades before I can fully recover... I can't take advantage of this time to help you look after your home." What's the problem, but you have to help me find my pieces!" Shirley's eyes were suddenly filled with seriousness and seriousness, "I wanted to find it myself before, but now I think I'd better leave this matter to you! Better, just take it as a reward for helping you look after your house!”

Chen Guo suddenly seemed to understand that Shirley must have fully understood the power of the Fantasy Apostle because Karsus slapped her easily and fainted not long ago...

"But, I don't know where your body fragments are!" Chen Guo spread her hands, looking completely clueless.

"I don't know either. I was attacked by a sneak attack at that time and escaped from one end of the galaxy to the other. I passed through countless planets along the way, so I can't tell where exactly the pieces of my body fell... All I can do now is I can vaguely feel the general direction of the four fragments. Two are in the extreme star field, one is in the sun star field, and the other is in the hazy star field..." Shirley smiled awkwardly: “I tried to search for it, but after struggling for a long time, I still found nothing.

So, I leave this matter to you! "

Rolling her eyes, Chen Guo knew that she couldn't refuse even if she wanted to.

Artificial intelligence is extremely important to Chen Guo at this moment, because compared to the rigid machine soul, artificial intelligence is more shrewd, can operate in multiple threads, and has unimaginable computing power.

Whether it is manufacturing, research and development, or combat assistance, the huge computing power will be the best helper.

And with artificial intelligence as a helper, the development speed of Chen Guo's army will increase more than ten times.

However, in order to ensure that he would not repeat the same mistakes and walk the same old path of mankind in the golden age, Chen Guo must be fully prepared!

Therefore, no matter how difficult it was to fulfill Shirley's request, he had to agree to it.

"Okay, I'm going to rest. If there's any problem, I'll take action!"

Shirley slowly returned to the crowd and disappeared among the crowd... With that powerful mental power, Shirley was no different in such a spiritual virtual world than she was at home!

"Oh, by the way, remember to feed me regularly, otherwise there's no guarantee what will happen to me once I'm so hungry that I lose my mind!" Shirley's naughty voice reached Chen Guo's ears, leaving Chen Guo helpless once again. rolled his eyes.

"Okay, since there's nothing else, I'll go out first. Once the construction is complete, let me know and I'll activate the artificial intelligence!"

"Amitabha, wait a moment!" Hedonism and Enjoyment shouted to stop Chen Guo.

"Is there anything else?"

"Amitabha, don't leave in a hurry, I have another good thing for you to take a look at!"

Hedonism and Hedonism slowly turned around and waved their palms towards the street nearby. Suddenly, the crowd of people walking there suddenly changed.

Those colorfully dressed people suddenly looked like plasticine, their bodies began to change, and finally turned into a group of people wearing black suits...Chen Guo!

Chen Guo immediately felt a little bit dumbfounded. Isn't this a classic scene from The Matrix? How could it be copied here? If this was known, wouldn't they sue themselves for infringement?

"Amitabha, this is the anti-virus software and firewall I designed.

Because this spiritual virtual world is formed by the convergence of countless brain consciousnesses.

Therefore, it is inevitable that sometimes a certain brain still carries its own consciousness or suddenly awakens its own consciousness.

And I can't watch it all the time, so I designed this anti-virus software firewall!

Like the anti-virus software in the movie, they can be reborn without limit, copy and assimilate other spiritual units, continuously search for uncontrollable units for targeted elimination, and find and repair loopholes in this virtual spiritual world. Maintain the security of this spiritual virtual world.

At the same time, they will become the best helpers in monitoring those two artificial intelligences!

In addition, they will continue to assimilate the enemies they encounter and carry out specialized evolutions, and I will often give them some assistance to help them evolve and grow better... And I need you to do me a favor now, That is to teach them some physical skills.

This won't waste much of your time, just copy your battle memories to them.

At most, it can be completed in tens of seconds, but you need to empty your mind and cooperate with all your strength! "Enjoyment and Hate still had a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of seriousness.

Chen Guo immediately understood that this was Enjoyment and Hate testing himself, testing whether he was worthy of working for him.

After all, they were not a whole. Although his personality evolved from Chen Guo, since they were not a whole, it was normal to be suspicious of each other.

And this time the test was trust!

Without much hesitation... no, it should be said that there was no hesitation at all. Chen Guo nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, it's a piece of cake!"

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