Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 99: Nails from the Lord of Pleasure.

"Let's go together!"

Holding Alice in her arms, Chen Guo leaned against the hard wall.

There are only less than forty-eight Terra hours left before the expedition. All fleets have been prepared. Except for a few frigates and a small number of ground troops left to protect the safety of Lyquemons, other fleet personnel and facilities All were moved onto the spaceship and fleet, preparing to participate in this King Qin rescue event initiated by Guilliman.

Logically speaking, Chen Guo shouldn't evacuate her base camp, but this time it's not known how long it will take for her to come back, and she also has to go to a distant solar system.

He also has many enemies. If his house was stolen while he was away, he would be in big trouble!

However, what surprised Chen Guo was that Alice and Leopold said goodbye to him.

And the reasons they gave are also very legitimate - no matter what, they are all members of the Chaos Demons, and they are natural opposites, and there is no room for relaxation.

Chen Guo and the others didn't care, but that didn't mean that others didn't care either.

However, Chen Guo is not a person who cares about other people's opinions, so he still wants to stay.

After all, Alice and Leopold are the mothers of Soni and Solan, plus... Chen Guo is indeed greedy for Alice. After all, who doesn't lust after the Great Demon of Slaanesh?

"Leave, this is the best choice!" Alice's eyes were full of reluctance at first, but soon a hint of determination flashed through her eyes, "I'm sorry, but don't worry, Leopold and I will be fine. take care.

Don’t forget, we are pirate queens!

However, we will go outside the territory and find a quiet planet to live on until you come back. We will come back again! "

"Well... then I'll give you an address. You go and live on that planet. There are my friends on it. Just tell them that you are my relative!" Chen Guo thought of the planet full of time chaos. A flowing planet, and the artificial intelligence on it that truly comes from the golden age... If Alice and Leopold go there, I believe he should be able to protect their safety!

"Okay!" Alice nodded, and then a bad smile suddenly appeared on her face. She slowly stretched out her hand, swung the pink crab claws behind her back, and slowly pinched Chen Guo's body...

Chen Guo, who was looking up at the ceiling, suddenly felt a familiar scene. He looked down and immediately saw Alice looking at him blankly with a smirk on her face. She couldn't help but think of the scene with them a long time ago. The day of the first meeting.

And that day, Alice used the same method to easily subdue Chen Guo.

But that was before.

Today, Chen Guo wants to get back all the face she lost before!


"Are you ready?"


Alice walked out of the room with trembling legs. She looked at Chen Guo who had fallen into a deep sleep on the bed. She took out a letter with a look of reluctance and put it on the counter beside her. Then she closed the door. Tip-toeing, he pulled Leopold, who had been waiting outside the door, and quickly walked towards the corner of the cabin in the distance.

"Hey, hey, sister, if you can't bear it, you can ask your sister to take over!" Leopold pretended to be relaxed and joked, but anyone could see the seriousness hidden in her eyes. .

"Haha, I just asked you to go in with me, and you didn't go in. What are you saying about regrets now?" Alice said seriously, taking out the personal armor and weapons from the magic bag given by Chen Guo, : "Okay, no more joking, this time I will pull out this nail no matter what!"

"Yes, I have recorded the specific list in the eucalyptus. Let's split up and pull out the small nails first, and then pull out the last big nail!" Leopold also put on the armor and picked up the As the weapons and armor on their faces slowly closed, their beautiful faces disappeared into the air.

"Set off!"

"be safe!"

Leaving quickly, Alice and Leopold walked towards the upper and lower plywood of the cabin respectively.

After these days of investigation, they finally determined that their previous feelings were not wrong.

There is indeed a deeply hidden Slaanesh demon beside Kassel, Guilliman's adopted daughter.

After careful investigation and evidence collection, they identified the target - Kassel's personal maid Zuo Yin.

At the same time, through secret observation, they discovered that Zuo Yin and Kassel still maintained a secret relationship.

However, Zuo Yin did not corrupt Kassel...but this may not be because of their relationship, but because Kassel wanted to better hide himself.

After all, with Cassel's protection, she could continue to hide perfectly.

And it was precisely because of Cassel's identity that Alice and Leopold became helpless.

After careful consideration, in order not to make things difficult for Chen Guo, and in order not to interrupt the marriage between Chen Guo and Guilliman, Leopold and Alice decided to take action on their own so as not to expose the true face of the Israeli demon. Under the circumstances of the purpose, quietly get rid of the Slaanesh demon that has lurked in, and then lead a small force to sneak attack on the fleet, pretending that the conspiracy has been exposed, and leave.

If everything goes according to plan, they will kill two birds with one stone. Not only will they successfully remove a big nail, but they will also slightly remove some of the unclear relationship between Chen Guo and Chaos.

As the mothers of Soni and Solan, and Chen Guo did not hide it from them, they naturally knew some of Chen Guo's plans and intentions... Although, they did not deliberately inquire, so what they knew was not very comprehensive.

However, as two pirate queens, they have been able to roughly plan Chen Guo's entire plan!

This is based on Chen Guo's plan, and then this plan was formulated.

They didn't want to leave, but for Chen Guo and their two daughters, they had to do this.

This is the choice every mother would make.

But what they didn't know was that a certain guy didn't fall asleep so easily!

Quickly standing where Alice and Leopold had just stood, Chen Guo called Linda's mechanical body to call up the surveillance screen just now, watching the conversation between the two fully armed women and them.

Looking down at the letter in his hand that explained the whole thing, Chen Guo shook his head helplessly, put the letter in his hand back close to his body, and followed Alice.

Linda and he had long noticed what Alice and the others had discovered, but they had been holding it in, preparing to use this bait to catch a big fish, but they didn't expect Alice and the others to know it... It seems that this big fish can't be caught, so they can only catch two shrimps to taste the freshness!

So far, only four people know that the fleet has artificial intelligence.

In addition to Chen Guo, Linda and the master of macro casting Ralph Jacob, only Des knows about this, and Sony and Sonnen have temporarily kept it secret at Linda's suggestion.

This is not to hide it from them intentionally, but the less you know about this kind of thing, the better.

After all, if it is accidentally leaked, it will definitely cause countless troubles!

Facts have proved that this temporary concealment is correct, otherwise, how could Alice and Leopold be conspiring loudly in public?


The demons are genetic creations created by the ancient saints. In theory, they have the characteristic of not betraying. After all, the ancient saints took everything into consideration when designing them... But in fact, the ancient saints are not omnipotent, otherwise they would not have perished.

Therefore, the characteristic of the demons not betraying is not eternal. At the beginning of the birth of Slaanesh, many demons who once attached themselves to the Eldar threw themselves into the arms of Slaanesh.

Therefore, under the corruption of Zuo Yin, the hidden Slaanesh demon, many demons under Chen Guo were successfully corrupted and completely threw themselves into the arms of Slaanesh, and at the same time began to secretly develop other subordinates.

However, Chen Guo had already seen all of this. These corrupted demons did not have the ability to hide themselves like the Slaanesh Demon. As someone who had fought against the Chaos Demon Forces many times, Chen Guo could smell the unconcealable stench on these corrupted demons even when he walked past them with his eyes closed!

Quickly passing through the long and narrow corridor, Alice and Leopold quickly dealt with the corrupted demons and human crew members who appeared in their perception.

Of course, when they took action, there were also many crew members who were not corrupted and wanted to fight back and subdue them, but they were all subdued and knocked unconscious by Alice and Leopold who were fully prepared.

Soon, there were corpses everywhere they walked.

After quickly clearing the nails on the ship, they found Zuo Yin and the accompanying officers from Macragge in the upper deck.

Kassel was not here. At Alice's suggestion, Chen Guo asked Soni and Solan to invite Kassel to visit, so as to transfer Kassel away in advance to prevent her from being hurt by mistake.

Looking at the crowd in front of them and Zuo Yin who looked calm, the two of them pulled the triggers in their hands quickly without any hesitation. The special bombs kept firing, and the accompanying officers who were not prepared at all turned into a pile of rotten meat in the blink of an eye!

Although most of them were not corrupted by Zuo Yin, they had to do things thoroughly, otherwise there would be loopholes in the plan!

Looking at the fallen bodies around, Zuo Yin still stood there. She was like a sea-stabilizing needle, letting the bombs around her explode constantly beside her without changing her face.

And the confidence that made her so calm came from the pink barrier in front of her.

"You... deserve to die!" Zuo Yin said coldly, and her body twisted and expanded. Two extremely large purple crab claws directly broke through her skin and began to sway in the air. A terrifying aura of a superior began to spread in the room.

And since who knows when, a crown made of purple gold also appeared on her head!

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