Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 100 Your turtle shell is not very hard!

Some people may ask what the difference is between Chaos Demons and Chaos Great Demons... Let's put it this way, if Chaos Demons are compared to ordinary people, then Chaos Great Demons are nobles, and they are nobles above millions of people.

When ordinary Chaos Demons face Chaos Great Demons, if they cannot withstand the pressure from the aura of the upper nobles, they often cannot even resist and can only let those upper nobles slaughter them at will.

Of course, there is never a lack of mentally determined existence among Chaos Demons.

After all, except for a very small number of Chaos Great Demons who are not worthy of their positions, most Chaos Great Demons are promoted from Chaos Demons little by little, stepping on the corpses of countless enemies!

Zuo Yin

No, it should be Victoria Servis.

She is a Slaanesh Great Demon. Before she was transformed, she was a top spy among the Eldar and the head of the largest spy organization among the Eldar. She is proficient in various ways of disguise, infiltration and stealing intelligence, and has founded countless Eldar spy organizations.

But unfortunately, she did not withstand the hedonistic policy that prevailed in the Eldar on the eve of their demise. She went from being a top Eldar spy chief with a strong character to the first Eldar to embrace Slaanesh.

Because she had rich experience in infiltration and she was the first to surrender with loyalty, Slaanesh immediately returned the favor after enjoying her carefully prepared body.

Not only did he leave her a seat in his palace, he also personally upgraded her to become an informer, and gave her the title of a happy listener and a crown of pleasure that allowed her to stay in the real world for a long time and hide her own breath.

However, Victoria Servis did not indulge in the endless flesh forest in the Slaanesh Palace, but quickly devoted herself to helping Slaanesh infiltrate various real-world forces.

Victoria Servis especially enjoyed the pleasure of successfully disintegrating the enemy from the inside.

That kind of pleasure made her feel more like heaven than the pleasure from the flesh.

But unfortunately, she did not have the opportunity to enjoy such pleasure this time.

Because of the two lowly Chaos Demons in front of her, her infiltration plan completely failed... However, what she didn't expect was that.

These two lowly guys could still attack her continuously under the pressure of her superior!

You must know that she is not an ordinary Chaos Demon. When wearing the crown, the pressure on her body is enough to make Chaos Demons of the same level have the urge to surrender.

However, how could she not be shocked and surprised that these two ordinary Chaos Demons in front of her, who have no characteristics, can directly ignore her?

However, in the shock and surprise, the gully between the two sides, which is enough to separate the rivers, is an important key point that cannot be ignored.

Facing the bullets of the grenade gun and various attacks, Victoria Servis just shook her head lightly and released an indestructible semicircular barrier to protect herself firmly here.

The chaos magic from the crown on her head was blessed by Slaanesh himself. The protective barrier it released was indestructible. Not to mention these technological weapons, even if top chaos demons like Father Rain and Carlos came, it would be impossible to hurt her in a short time.

"Go to hell!" Waving her crab claws, Victoria Servis released two pink and purple spell beams. The flying speed of these beams was so fast that they rushed to Alice and Leopold in the blink of an eye.

Although they dodged at the first time and replaced them with larger caliber bullets, Leopold even took out a large-caliber plasma gun and released a power shield condensed by his own chaos energy!

But they still underestimated the power of these two beams of light. They were about to dodge, but they didn't expect that the two beams of light suddenly twisted in the air and quickly hit the bodies of the two.

The two rays of light were like two sharp swords, easily penetrating the barriers and armor outside Alice and Leopold, and also took them flying directly, until they hit the wall of the steel cabin on one side!

Alice's injury was relatively light, only her lower abdomen was penetrated, so she was still able to raise the grenade launcher in her hand to shoot for a while.

But Leopold was not so lucky. The light directly penetrated her chest, not only opening her chest cavity, but more importantly, after penetrating his body, the light began to ignite pink rockets, slowly burning her body, causing her to howl miserably!

However, Leopold was worthy of being the Pirate Queen. Even though she was in such a painful flame, she still held the muzzle of the gun tightly and pulled the trigger, firing the fully charged plasma cannon in her hand!


The violent vibration began to spread throughout the hull and triggered the alarm system on the ship. A large number of emergency response teams quickly rushed towards the direction of the explosion according to the instructions.

Not only in the cabin, but also several small frigates nearby slowly approached the Shining Star battle barge according to the emergency plan.

A gust of wind suddenly rushed out from the dusty cabin, pushing the cabin that was originally entangled with dust and smoke directly away, and at the same time revealing Victoria Servis's unharmed body.

The plasma gun that Leopold was holding... or more accurately, the plasma cannon, was a famous weapon called Mid-Sun Dusk.

The plasma gun and the plasma cannon were almost the same in principle, but the difference in damage between the two was not at all of the same order of magnitude.

Plasma cannons were mainly mounted on vehicles, but many Astartes Legions also used such terrifying weapons, and the "heavy gunners" in some hive gangs also usually used plasma cannons.

Like plasma guns, plasma cannons were weapons that could generate plasma energy balls with extremely high temperatures. When the energy balls hit the target, they would react and produce nuclear energy balls as hot as miniature stars.

This also earned it the nickname "Sun Gun"!

The Mid-Sun Dusk that Leopold was holding was not a plasma cannon on an ordinary vehicle, but a plasma cannon that had been specially modified by Linda. Its power had reached several times that of an ordinary plasma cannon, and its charging time was also shortened by one-fifth compared to an ordinary plasma cannon.

The only flaw is the recoil that can easily shock an ordinary human hand joint!

The powerful recoil means that even ordinary Astartes can't fire more than a few shots... However, ordinary plasma guns and plasma cannons can't fire more than a few shots before they are temporarily unable to work due to overheating.

But such a powerful plasma cannon that can easily kill a heavy vehicle or destroy the control room of a Warhound-level Titan can't shake the Slaanesh demon with a purple-gold crown on its head!

It can't even break through the barrier released by the purple crown.

Alice and Leopold looked at each other and immediately realized that they had hit a wall this time.

They had calculated everything, but they still couldn't calculate that they were no match for this big nail!

But without any hesitation, they still raised their guns and attacked the Slaanesh demon that was getting closer and closer in front of them.

Although if they commit suicide at this moment, their souls will be dragged back to the subspace, so that they will not have to suffer any more torture.

But suicide and surrender have always been cowardly behavior, and as a former pirate queen, she will only die in battle and will never commit suicide or surrender!

This is the fine tradition of the Misk family, and it is also the only trait that Misk, a human family that has existed since the golden age, has retained.

"Don't think about committing suicide, I will capture your souls, make you into dolls, and then throw you to the Chaos Eggs at the bottom, so that you will be... "Victoria Servis suddenly stopped the taunting in her mouth and turned to look at the man outside the cabin.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, why don't you continue?" Chen Guo walked in from the short cabin door with a slight bend. Looking at the two people lying on the ground, he sighed deeply and shook his head: "You... forget it, no more talk, don't think about leaving, just stay quietly!" While shaking his head, Chen Guo injected each of them with a bottle of purple-red medicine, and commanded the emergency response team that arrived at the scene to carry them all away.

When only Chen Guo and Victoria Servis were left in the cabin, Chen Guo suddenly raised a grim smile. He looked at Victoria Servis, whose face was full of pride, and the corners of his mouth curved more and more: "Sorry, I just wanted to kill you, but now, I'm afraid you have to pay a painful price!"

"Hehe, Thunder Tyrant, the strongest human under the demigod, the follower of the Bronze Throne... your title is really long!" The smile on Victoria Servis's face slowly disappeared, and she gradually put on a formation as if facing a great enemy.

She could clearly feel that the aura of the man in front of her was rising rapidly at a visible trend, and soon reached a place that made her feel frightened!

"Tsk tsk, really good, but unfortunately... I don't like to talk nonsense with bitches!" Chen Guo suddenly appeared in his hand with a big sword flashing with silver-red electric light. Then, in the next breath, he appeared behind Victoria Servis and used all his strength to slap the big sword in his hand on Victoria Servis's indestructible outer barrier!

The sharp big sword, wrapped in silver-red electric sparks, quickly drew a white air wave visible to the naked eye in the air. The sharp and piercing sound of air vibration made everything around resonate and vibrate together, and a gust of wind blew out of thin air in the narrow cabin again.


A dull crash sounded. Although Victoria Servis was still standing there unharmed, the barrier outside her body was rippling like a stormy sea. At the same time, a glittering gem on the crown on her head also shattered and fell in the blink of an eye, and disappeared into the air during the fall!

"Oh! It turns out that your turtle shell is not very strong!"

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