Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 111: The Cardinal is a female snake. (8,000 chapters, please reward, please collect, please

"Countless years ago, the Lord woke up from the darkness"

"Faced with all the chaos, darkness and disorder, the Lord felt that he had to do something, and he decided to create a world.

The Lord created the prototype of the universe, which is the land under your feet and the pure white universe outside.

In this pure white universe, there are heaven, earth and water, but everything is in chaos and darkness.

"On the first day: the Lord said, let there be light, and there was light. So the day and night were distinguished, and at the same time the head of the statue stood above the continent. He represented light and hope and would protect this continent forever."

"On the second day: the Lord separated the waters and used the sky to support the waters above. The cracks in the sky would rain, which is the water you drink on weekdays. ”

“On the third day: The Lord made the water below converge into one place to form the ocean, and the dry land appeared, and began to grow food and fruits, which are the food you eat every day...”

“Boom boom boom...”

The huge roar interrupted the priest in the red robe teaching the children in front of him, and also interrupted the believers sitting around praying for the statue.

Under the diligent prayer, the half-broken body of the statue was slowly growing at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Of course, its growth rate was so slow that It was impossible to see clearly, and if it continued to grow at this speed, it would take at least hundreds of years to reassemble the statue.

But unfortunately, they did not have time to pray.

The Shining Star battle barge slowly stopped above the city below.

Looking at the fleet that had been following in the distance but did not dare to attack again, Chen Guo looked at the man in red who was kneeling beside him.

"You mean, as long as forty faith cities are cleared, the statue will collapse, and then the world will collapse, right?"

"Yes... sir, but in fact, it is not necessary to completely destroy all the cities, only three cities of light and seven holy cities need to be destroyed, then the important key connection points of the statue will collapse!"

"Then where are the ten cities!"

The man in red stretched out his finger tremblingly and pointed to the statue standing tall in the distance: "At the foot of the statue, directly below the statue..."

"Oh... thank you! "

Pouting, the biochemical soldiers behind him immediately moved forward quickly, tied a large number of steel suits to the red-clothed man in front of him, and twisted his body continuously until he was tied into a steel ball, and then electrified the steel ball, and then carried him away.

"Guo, what should we do now? Do we need to destroy this city again?" Cassel walked to Chen Guo with a cup of black tea.

Looking at the bird people flying up from below, trying to attack the ships, but being swept into pieces by dense artillery fire in the blink of an eye.

Chen Guo pouted, reached out to take the black tea, and said in an extremely cold voice, "Slaughter! "

After receiving the order, a jet-black bomb was thrown from the ship.

Its body looked like a diamond-shaped cylinder from a distance, and there was no equipment on it to accelerate its fall... But the strange thing was that the moment it fell from the spaceship, it began to accelerate continuously.

In just a blink of an eye, it left a dazzling white air wave in the air, and with a deafening roar, it heavily slammed into the city full of statues and crosses below.

Along the route of the bomb, no matter what blocked him were bows and spears, or birdmen waving their wings, they were all easily smashed into pieces the moment they touched the bomb.

"Puff! "

There was no devastating explosion as imagined, not even a large shock wave, only the dull sound of the bomb hitting the ground.

Is it a dud?

Obviously, it's not!

This is Linda's latest research on the nanomechanical insect bomb... Of course, because it requires a huge amount of computing power, such a bomb can only be used in a small range.

Just when those people who were looking at each other around the bomb were stunned, the bomb suddenly turned into a ball of black mist and disappeared from the spot, leaving only a deep pit quietly on the ground.

If the deep pit was not still lying on the ground, I'm afraid everyone around would think that everything they just saw was just an illusion.

But the next second, several birdmen who had just flown near the bomb Suddenly, their bodies twitched, and then a fierce light began to appear in their eyes, and they quickly pounced on the people around them who had not grown wings.

Without any defense, the spears in the hands of these suddenly rebellious birdmen quickly pierced the bodies of the people around them.

Although the birdmen's spears could not have any effect on the power armor outside the Astartes.

But when facing the people around them who were not wearing any protective equipment, the spears in their hands were invincible artifacts.

In their hands, the sharp spears were like iron skewers for kebabs, easily stringing up all the believers around them.

Those birdmen who did not rebel, watching their former companions slaughter the unarmed believers, were all stunned.

But, they all reacted quickly, swinging their spears in their hands, trying to save the unarmed civilians around them!

But they stopped halfway through their flight, and soon they seemed to be infected, turning into violent thugs, and began to slaughter all the unarmed civilians around them!

This is the power of the nanoworm bomb! The extremely tiny cysts can enter the enemy's body through the gaps between the skin, control the enemy's thoughts, and turn them into obedient puppets.

Turning his eyes away from the screen in front of him, Chen Guo continued to look up at the statue in the distance.

Through the traitor in red just now, Chen Guo has roughly figured out what happened.

It turns out that the real name of this pure white universe is the Pilgrim, a giant mixed consciousness world.

The core of the world is the statue. As long as the statue does not fall, this consciousness world will continue to exist.

Just like its name, this giant consciousness system was originally on the pilgrimage road outside the World Barrier, but due to some accidents, they were bumped into the World Barrier and accidentally entered the Warhammer world.

In order to continue the unfinished pilgrimage road, the pilgrims were forced to enter the subspace, trying to find a way to enter the outside of the World Barrier, climb up to the World Barrier again, and continue the pilgrimage road... But unfortunately, because of a certain guy's obstruction, they never found a way to leave this world.

And as time passed, the strength of the statue became weaker and weaker.

Seeing that this mixed consciousness system world was about to be destroyed.

The church responsible for commanding this world also fell into panic.

In desperation, they left the subspace and returned to the real universe of the Warhammer world, and began to capture and absorb those populated planets, converting the people on them into believers of the church, using their faith and prayers to supply the statue with divine power to maintain the stability of this consciousness world.

However, the power of the statue is extremely holy, while the faith and prayers provided by the believers are filthy.

In order to prevent these filthy beliefs from polluting the statue, the church that controls this world of consciousness system has divided the statue into forty parts.

Managed by thirty-seven cardinals and three popes.

Each person will be bound to the part they are responsible for, and they will absorb and filter the faith of their believers and transform them to ensure that the faith provided to the statue is the purest without a trace of impurities.

In this way, although the faith provided to the statue is pure, the statue can generate new power without a trace of dirt.

But the long-term binding also makes the statue, the pope and the cardinals completely bound together, which is why when each cardinal dies, the statue will collapse partly.

As long as all the cardinals and popes are killed or those who are responsible for the key parts of the statue are killed, the huge statue in front of them will collapse immediately, and the consciousness world maintained by the statue will also be destroyed and collapsed... At that time, Chen Guo and the fleet will be free!

And through the surrendered cardinal, Chen Guo also learned another thing - that this time, it was not the consciousness world that took the initiative to provoke the fleet.

They were also bought, and the four gods of chaos made a deal with them.

They need to successfully stop Guilliman's huge fleet here.

Please see clearly, it is not to destroy, but to stop and delay Guilliman's fleet, which means that they only need to delay Guilliman's fleet here for a while to give Horus enough time to break through Terra.

The pilgrims did not intend to participate in this muddy water, but the price given by the four gods of chaos was what the pilgrims dreamed of and could not refuse - a passage to leave the Warhammer world and enter the world barrier.

As long as Guilliman and his huge fleet can be stopped within the specified time, the pilgrims can continue their long-awaited pilgrimage.

It's a pity... these blind guys, why not capture any other ships, but dare to capture the Shining Star battle barge where Chen Guo is!

They deserve it!

Under Linda's command, the nanoworm bombs quickly killed most of the population in this city.

However, these pervasive nanoworms did not look for the cardinal in this city, as if he was not in this city.

If it weren't for the traitor's revelation that the cardinal could not leave the city where he was stationed for a long time, Chen Guo might have really called off the battle and continued to command the spacecraft to fly to the next pilgrimage city.

"Darling, the whole city has been searched, but it's still not found." In order to find the trace of the cardinal, Linda threw two more nano bombs from behind.

Under the incalculable nanometers sweeping from the ocean, the entire city was turned upside down, but even so, there was still no way to find the cardinal.

"Did I... was I deceived again?" Chen Guo waved his hand and ordered his subordinates to bring back the traitor who had just been sent away not long ago.

After untying the iron block on his head, Chen Guo pointed to the city of pilgrimage below and asked him indifferently, "What does the cardinal here look like?"

"Ainsley is a female Archbishop. She is proficient in the advanced Holy Light Illusion. Within the scope of the idol, as long as she doesn't want you to find her, even if you burn the city to the ground, you will not be able to succeed. Find her here... However, she is a fanatical believer and cannot accept someone insulting the great Lord, so she only needs to insult the great Lord to attract her out. "

"Do not lie to me!"

"I'm already like this, do I need to lie to you?"

"hope so!"

With a cold snort, Chen Guo and Linda looked at each other, and the latter nodded.

The next second, all the birdmen controlled by the nanobugs suddenly began to curse the statues. All kinds of unpleasant and obscene words resounded in the sky, even though the screen had been adjusted to The sound was muted, but Chen Guo could still hear the curses coming from below.

Not long after the curses started to sound, the ground below began to shake.

Boom boom boom!

A white ray of light extended from the statue and quickly illuminated the pilgrimage city that was almost in ruins.

As far as everyone could see, an unclearly long and narrow figure slowly appeared under the illumination of the holy light. Its huge body kept swimming, sweeping away the cities that had not yet been reduced to the ground. ruins.

In the process, Chen Guo finally saw the huge body clearly through the screen.

It was a ferocious white python that was at least over three hundred meters long and several times thicker than a train.

Its whole body is covered in snow-white, and each scale on its body, which is much larger than that of an adult, reflects a metallic luster without exception. Its small head is as big as a three-story building and has two pairs of silver heads. The white eyes were calm and holy, but full of ferocity and ferocity, with endless murderous intent staring at the ship parked above the city.

And in the process of its meandering swimming, the body like a mountain of meat carried an unknown amount of huge impact. Every time he moved, the entire ground began to tremble violently.

If it weren't for the holiness in its eyes, I'm afraid whoever sees him would be unable to help but shudder a few times!

Of course, this does not include Chen Guo!

What's the big deal about being big? You have to die!

"What is this?"

"Ainsley...she is Ainsley, this is her true identity, she is a descendant of the Holy Snake, the descendant of the great Holy Snake Antalyas..."


Amid the rumbling roar, the shrieking sound that sent chills all over the body drowned out the constant curses of the bird people. In the blink of an eye, Ainsley was already swimming directly under the ship.

At the same time, she ignored the birdmen who began to attack her huge body with spears.

But it didn't take long for her to become annoyed by the little actions of the bird people.


Ainsley suddenly opened her mouth wide and roared loudly, and then ripples visible to the naked eye began to spread past her.

And as those ripples visible to the naked eye spread and entangled around her, the birds controlled by the nanobugs were broken into two pieces in the middle, and their heads and feet fell off on both sides... It looked like... It looked like it was cut in the middle by an invisible sharp knife.

It was at this time that Linda directly gave the fleet an order to attack.



The next second.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The next second, it was like destroying the world. Hundreds of cannon muzzles of different calibers and types, tearing up the air and space, were sprayed straight towards the huge white snake directly below. .

In an instant, the ground shook!

The bombardment of hundreds of ship cannons on several ships aimed at the same target area was extremely powerful. The colorful lights merged together to form a dazzling aurora, which directly took away other colors of light between heaven and earth.

The violent air flow driven by the artillery fire swept across, and the entire land shook unbearably.


Under such ferocious artillery fire, amidst the thick smoke, fire and dust rising into the sky, Ainsley's painful and furious screams were directly conveyed at a strange frequency.

It seems that Ainsley suffered a lot from this extremely intensive round of ship fire.

However, standing on the ship, Linda's eyes were stern, but she shook her head violently, and said to Chen Guo on the side: "The holy light is too powerful to assist it, and the wound on its body only lasts for a second. It will take a few minutes to fully recover.”

"Keep banging!"

"Boom boom boom!"

When there is no call to stop, the roar of various types of artillery has no intention of stopping, because most of the artillery are energy artillery, so there is no need to refill, the shooter only needs to keep pulling the trigger. It's enough to launch into the billowing smoke.

Of course, there are also many artillery pieces that need to be reloaded, and many of them include various powerful space torpedoes. It is these powerful space torpedoes that have caused the raging fire and thick smoke to cover the direction of Ainsley, and Completely smooth the surrounding ground and the buildings that have not collapsed.

However, although the view was obscured by the thick smoke, it was clear from the screams that Ansley, who was under the bombardment, was not in such a good state at the moment.

"Sure enough, magic is still the only thing you need to rely on to defeat magic!"

Seeing this scene through the telescope, Chen Guo suddenly had a lot of random thoughts in his mind:

"However, when technological weapons are used against creatures that have finally surpassed the ordinary physical rules, they are not completely useless. After all, it is still due to insufficient firepower. If all the fleets were here, then let alone killing this cardinal, it would be a very simple and easy thing to directly blow this continent into pieces..."

The random thoughts in his mind only lasted for a short time, and Chen Guo woke up automatically. At this moment, the sound of the roar of artillery fire was still on the scene, but Ansley's figure could no longer be seen, and even her heart-wrenching screams seemed to have stopped.

It seemed that she had been completely annihilated and crushed in this dense artillery fire.



The bombardment lasted for nearly ten minutes, but there was no trace of Ansley in the smoke-filled bombing area.

But Chen Guo suddenly felt something was wrong!

He rushed out of the captain's room like lightning and came to the upper deck, and began to scan the ground below with his eyes.

Suddenly, he saw that he was outside the bombardment range, and on the ground that was hit by the aftermath of the explosion and fragments, a huge shadow was constantly wandering and rolling.


However, at this moment, Linda finally realized something. She quickly stopped the bombardment on all ships through the control center of the captain's room.

At this moment, she also found the huge figure that had been free from the coverage of the bombardment through cameras at different angles.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually escaped from the coverage of the bombardment without anyone noticing... But where did this guy escape from!

Linda and Chen Guo's eyes focused at the same time. As the artillery fire stopped, the dust and smoke on the ground began to dissipate, and then a huge hole appeared in everyone's sight.

It turned out that this guy actually escaped by drilling into the ground.

Chen Guo immediately became interested.

He had wiped out many pilgrimage cities along the way, but he had never met a decent cardinal. Some of them were not even able to hit him with a punch, and were directly smashed into meat paste.

And this first non-human cardinal actually gave him such a surprise, which made him feel itchy.

But at this moment, Ansley suddenly appeared and jumped up from the ground, opened his mouth wide, and spewed out a white beam of light from his mouth, biting fiercely at a cruiser docked on the left.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

She was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, she bit the cruiser with one mouthful. The white light in her mouth was very strange. She easily tore a hole in the void shield wrapped around the cruiser and bit the hull below the cruiser.

"Ka Ka Ka~"

Amid the deafening sound of metal clashing, a large hole was bitten in the hull below the cruiser. Many crew members who had no time to dodge and the supplies stored near that part fell into her mouth and on the ground.

And Ainsley also accepted all of them and swallowed all the steel hull, crew members and supplies in his mouth.

Fortunately, the engine of the cruiser was not damaged, so it did not fall down.

Under Linda's command, it quickly climbed up and flew to a position where it was impossible to be bitten before stopping and starting to urgently repair the damaged hull.

Ainsley swallowed the food in her mouth in big mouthfuls, and in the blink of an eye, she swallowed it all up. Then she set her sights on the Shining Star battle barge, which was also hovering at a relatively low position.

"We must not let him take a bite on the Shining Star!"

Ainsley's ability exceeded Chen Guo's expectations. You know, most of the hulls of cruisers are also mixed with extremely hard alloys.

But this guy chewed it up as easily as chewing a tortilla. Chen Guo's breath suddenly became extremely violent:

"Lift the ship up for me, she will be handed over to me. You just need to block her position with artillery fire, and keep an eye on the surrender faction!"


The next moment, without waiting for everyone's response, Chen Guo's body began to flash with silver-red electric sparks, and the Berserker Armor appeared outside his body in an instant. He turned into a silver-red meteor, dragging a long tail flame and a violent whistle, and jumped directly from the ship, rushing straight towards the snow-white snake with a grim look.

"Hope, don't let me down!"

In the emptiness that fell from the sky, Chen Guo took out the Imperial Army Sword from the magic bag, and the silver-red electric current quickly climbed up the fine gold sword. A momentum that made a child cry began to spread rapidly from Chen Guo's body.

The Berserker Armor provided Chen Guo with endless anger at the right time. To be honest, Chen Guo's rest time during this period was really a bit too long.

Since the last battle with the Slaanesh demon, he had not even transformed completely once during this period of time. His bones had been itching for a long time. Now he finally met an opponent that made him ready for battle. He was so happy!

Of course, although everything went smoothly before, Chen Guo never dared to relax his vigilance against the enemy.

After all, there were many battles before that were won by chance because the enemy underestimated him.

Therefore, after a little hesitation, he still quickly transformed in the air, and at the same time, a more terrifying momentum also pressed hard towards Ansley on the ground.

Seeing Chen Guo flying towards her, Ansley's four pairs of eyes showed seriousness, but she still opened her mouth and bit Chen Guo fiercely.

It seems that she is going to let Chen Guo enjoy the treatment of Sun Wukong and let him experience what a real intestinal one-day tour is.

Unfortunately, Chen Guo has no interest in such a self-guided tour.

"Shut your ditch door for me!"


The next moment, in the fierce wind, the thrilling sound of clanging and miserable howling broke out from the same place.

Standing on the high ship, Linda clearly saw that Chen Guo was like a silver-red sword, piercing through Ainsley's sharp teeth that were enough to bite a building from top to bottom, and opened a two-meter-wide hole on the top of her upper jaw.

And all this is not over yet.


The next moment, like thunder cracking the earth, the silver-red light that Chen Guo turned into quickly turned around in the air, waving the sword in his hand vigorously, leaving one hideous and hateful huge wound after another on Ainsley's snow-white body.


Ainsley let out a miserable howl again, and the next second began to roll violently, looking like he wanted to use his huge body to crush Chen Guo directly to the ground.

"It turns out that he is just a big fool who relies on brute force!"

The thought only lasted a moment, and Chen Guo's eyes showed disdain.

He thought this guy was so powerful, but he didn't expect him to be another brainless brute!

However, Chen Guo soon discovered that although his attack was very sharp, Ansley had the assistance of holy light. The wounds cut by Chen Guo would be completely healed in the blink of an eye. Only the wound on her upper jaw was too serious, so it has not been repaired yet.

But under the repair of holy light, it gradually began to heal and shrink.

It is estimated that it will be completely repaired in a short time!

"Damn it!"

"It's too big, tickling it won't work on it!"

"We have to find her fatal weakness. Only by piercing her weakness, just like piercing the heart before, can we really kill her."

"According to previous battles and research, the holy light can only repair the body at most, and cannot create those key internal organs out of thin air."

The brain was working quickly, and Chen Guo's momentum rushed up again. The surging shock wave in the silver-red electric sparks pushed his figure high up, carrying the gorgeous and violent sword light to cut through the sky, and once again fiercely slashed towards the back of Ansley's neck.

There is a saying that cuts the snake at the seven inches.

Today he wants to see if this old proverb is useful!

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