Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 112: Brother Jia Qian——Karsas. (1/2)

The snake is seven inches long, under the head and above the belly. You can look at it clearly, hit it hard, and control its vital parts, and you can get it.

Anyone who catches snakes all year round knows that a snake can only catch three inches. If you want to hit it, you must hit it at seven inches, because hitting three inches will make the snake faint, and the seven-inch position is usually where the snake's heart is. Only a snake can be caught. Only when the snake's heart is blown out can it be killed with one blow.


The sharp sword, wrapped in silver-red electric flowers, quickly cut through the air, emitting a sharp and harsh sound of air waves.

And almost at the same time as the violent screams sounded, Ainsley began to let out miserable and vicious roars due to the pain coming from his body.

And almost at the same time, the white light beam shooting down from the statue began to become more dazzling.

Boom boom boom!

A sword passed through the body, and the giant mountain-like snake was struck by lightning. The white holy snake head kept shaking back and forth, and the heavy snake tail hit the ground back and forth, making the heavy earth begin to tremble violently again. .

"not here?"

Looking at the hole opened by her giant sword, Chen Guo shook her head with some disappointment... Her heart was actually not here.

However, although Chen Guo failed to find the heart immediately and killed him with one blow, Chen Guo successfully seized the opportunity and scored a blow, successfully seriously injuring the huge Ainsley again.

It's a pity... Because of the presence of Holy Light, such injuries cannot threaten her life at all!

And it is precisely because of the existence of the holy light statue in the distance that the huge snake in front of us, which is actually very fragile, can survive many serious injuries and attacks that affect life, so that the centipede insect can die without becoming stiff...

Boom, boom!

The earth was shaking continuously. Mud, dust, stone bricks, and everything on the surrounding ground were quickly thrown into the sky under the rolling motion of the huge snake.

In Ainsley's four snow-white compound eyes, a blood-red color different from white finally appeared. In the process of venting her rage and pain, the huge snake head and the hole above it kept turning, and they were locked in an instant. Standing vertically on top of her body, Chen Guo immediately recognized this little bug as the source of her immense pain!


While roaring hoarsely, ripples visible to the naked eye suddenly began to appear around Ainsley's body, and with the blessing of the holy light, these ripples quickly swept towards Chen Guo as if they had been guided.

Regarding this terrifying attack method, Chen Guo, who had seen it before, knew how powerful it was... Those space ripples that didn't look amazing were actually space cracks one after another.

These space cracks have no volume on the physical level, but they are actually as sharp as blades... or even sharper than blades, and can cut through everything with ease.

Ainsley had relied on this move to easily kill the hundreds of winged birdmen that were constantly spinning around his body.

"Haha, is this the only method you can use?"

A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Chen Guo sneered disdainfully. Silver-red lightning flashed continuously on his body, and his whole body turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the giant snake's body.

He could clearly feel that Ainsley's use of this move was very costly, so he did not believe that Ainsley could continue to use this move.

And as long as she waits for her stamina to run out, that's when Chen Guo will swing the sword again to strike.


Ainsley, who was extremely furious, saw Chen Guo trying to escape, and immediately danced her huge body and chased after him. At the same time, angry roars kept spraying out from her mouth, controlling those space ripples. He slashed at Chen Guo who was escaping.

Without turning her head, Chen Guo could clearly feel the ripples in space flying towards him at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

"You think you can catch up with me?"


Chen Guo sneered again, and her figure completely disappeared from the ground, leaving only a silver-red light spot that kept beating and flickering on the ground.

Ainsley silently stopped her huge body and looked at the silver-red light spot getting farther and farther away. She knew that no matter how angry she was, she would never be able to catch up with that guy, so she twisted her body. Start digging holes in the ground to get back underground and hide.

But at this moment, the fierce sound of breaking wind came, and Chen Guo, who was supposed to disappear at the end of the horizon, suddenly appeared behind Ainsley's body.

Then, the sword flashing with silver-red electric flowers slashed hard on its waist.

Under the coercion of the huge force, the hard white scales on Ainsley's body broke apart without even holding on for a second.

And like a chain reaction, the skin and flesh were torn open, until there was a huge wound dozens of meters long, with bones visible deep.


Ainsley was in excruciating pain, and her whole body twitched violently. Her huge body kept twisting, and the rolling soil piled up into a hill in minutes, and the dust in the sky re-wrapped her body again. Get up

But as her body continued to twist, holy white light began to spray out from the scales on her skin, and the statue in the distance also began to increase its power, releasing more dazzling white holy light towards Ansley's huge body, and soon covered her with a layer of hazy white shield.

In just one or two blinks, this hazy white shield began to gather and take shape, and the white holy light condensed into strange patterns on her body, and finally condensed into something like armor, completely protecting her huge body like a mountain

Clang clang clang!

During Ansley's transformation, Chen Guo immediately realized that she was cheating, and immediately took action without any hesitation, and the big sword in his hand, which was wrapped in silver-red electric light, kept slashing.

But this time, his blow that was powerful enough to shatter a small hill could not even touch Ansley's body, and could only collide with her armor made of white holy light, causing sparks to fly... This feeling was very strange, because Chen Guo watched himself, clearly slashing at the light that had no substance.

But the touch told him that this set of light armor in front of him was real and extremely hard.

As he continued to slash at the same point, the white light armor began to slowly break, but after just a few blinks, the light on the crack of the broken light armor surged, and the crack was restored again, as if it had never been damaged.

"Cheating, right!"

"We agreed to a one-on-one fight, but now you're playing dirty, right?"

"You think you have a ready-made backer here, so I can't do anything to you, right?"

"Don't think I can't kill you just because you're wearing a turtle shell!"

Chen Guo's eyes flashed with a hint of impatience, and the Berserker Armor on his body began to add fuel to the fire. Under the Berserker Armor's exaggeration.

Rage filled Chen Guo's mind!

Each of Chen Guo's attacks could cause considerable damage to Ansley, but after the appearance of this layer of strange light armor, the damage he caused was undoubtedly greatly reduced, and the desire to kill Ansley began to become a little illusory.

This is not to say that Chen Guo will definitely lose, after all, Chen Guo still has his own trump card, but he doesn't have time to waste with this cheating snake here, especially this guy has the statue in the distance as support.

The only advantage is that Ansley seems to have no experience in fighting against tiny humans, no actual combat experience at all, and can only rely on her huge body and brute force to crush Chen Guo to death, or bite Chen Guo to death... Other than that, she has no ability at all.

"However, this bastard really doesn't need any other moves. Just relying on her huge size, she is enough to use brute force to conquer the world."

Quickly leaving the battle, Chen Guo gestured to the warship in the sky, and suddenly, the artillery fire that had stopped not long ago once again fired at the same time. The intensive bombardment quickly submerged Ansley, and also gave Chen Guo time to think about how to deal with this scoundrel.

Obviously, although Ansley doesn't seem to have much experience in fighting, she is not only thick-skinned and strong, but also has the continuous repair of the Holy Light Statue. It is almost unrealistic to want to kill her in a short time.

Chen Guo felt a headache for a while, especially under the constant catalysis of the Berserker Armor... The anger in his heart was almost materialized, and it was about to ignite his body.

But Chen Guo was forcing himself to keep his sanity, because if he wanted to get rid of this turtle shell, anger and satisfaction were not enough!


Standing in the ruins, facing the bombardment of artillery fire above his head, Ansley ignored the powerful artillery fire, but twisted his body to raise his huge body, the snake head proudly, casting a large oppressive shadow, and the four terrifying compound eyes stared at Chen Guo in front of him, with a ferocious look in his eyes.

It was just absurd that Chen Guo could always see kindness and holiness in her eyes... It seemed that behind the ferocious eyes, there was a pure and kind personality like a blank sheet of paper.

Chen Guo's mind flashed, as if something passed through his mind, but this thing was too slippery, Chen Guo didn't catch it at once, and could only watch it go away.

He wanted to continue to reach out to grab it, but Ansley in front of him didn't give him too much time.

With the protection of the Holy Light Armor, Ansley ignored the artillery fire above his head. "Hiss!" Amidst the deafening roar, Ainsley's flesh-like body wrapped in the Holy Light Armor suddenly ejected, and his hundreds of feet of body heavily crushed the air. Like a locomotive, his tail slammed down Chen Guo in front of him with an unmatched momentum.

"Looking for death!"

Seeing that Ainsley shamelessly took the lead in attacking, Chen Guo couldn't restrain the anger in his mind, and let the Berserker Armor take the initiative.

A large amount of blood mist sprayed out of his body. He actually used the forbidden method of Taotie Multiplication Technique in the Blood River Sutra at the first time. His body, which had already become exceptionally tall in the demon state, began to expand more rapidly.

A momentum that had nothing to do with humans began to spread from Chen Guo's body... While burning his lifespan, his strength quickly broke through the so-called demigod level, reaching a state that even top demons had to avoid.

"Linda, call me in three minutes!"

After saying this with the last bit of his sanity, the Berserker Armor quickly wrapped around his head, and put on a strange helmet with only a mouth left on Chen Guo.

With a rumble, the mountain-like snake tail fell, and the overwhelming force immediately hit the ground, immediately bursting a huge ditch.

And Chen Guo, who was standing in the same place, had already disappeared in the same place. His huge body seemed to have never appeared in this world, and even the afterimage and light spots were no longer left.

But the next second, he had appeared above Ansley's head.


A huge silver-red electric light flashed quickly, and the holy light armor on Ansley's body was easily torn apart like a piece of white paper, followed by Ansley's scales. Black and red blood spurted out from her wounds as if it was free.

The strange-colored blood and the pure white scales formed a sharp contrast, and then in the sea of ​​​​cannons that continued to pour down from the sky, they quickly covered their eyes in the dust.

Forgetting forever is a beautiful painting full of poetic feeling.


In front of Chen Guo, whose strength has been raised to the peak, before Ansley could scream in pain and react, Chen Guo's figure flashed again, carrying a hurricane-like gas explosion, and the harsh sound destroyed the world, as if it was the end of the world.

Chen Guo had never intended to leave anyone alive from the beginning to the end, not to mention that at this moment, he was still in an absolutely crazy state, let alone any idea of ​​leaving Ansley alive.

Pah! Puff!

The burst of light flashed quickly, and a more terrifying gap appeared on Ansley's huge body. This sword directly broke through the extremely tough flesh and snake meridians, and cut on Ansley's hard snake bone spine, almost cutting the spine in half.



Chen Guo's thunder attack made all the internal organs of Ansley's body appear in front of him. He finally saw the purple heart that was beating continuously and was several times larger than his head through the gap between the internal organs.

And the injuries on Ansley's body also made her scream miserably like never before!

"Die, die, die!"

Seeing that Ansley had suffered such a heavy blow, Chen Guo, who had already fallen into complete frenzy, had no joy or happiness, and could only keep waving the big sword in his hand!

Flesh, split!

Cervical vertebrae, split!

Unknown internal organs, split!

Until the beating purple heart was shattered and turned into a pool of stinking rotten meat, Ansley's struggling body fell down like a mountain, as if it had been electrocuted.

But she was not dead yet, because the holy light from the statue was still rescuing her!

Unfortunately... Just like the previous situation, although the holy light can save lives, it cannot create a heart that is the most important to maintain the body.

Ansley died completely soon, leaving only her still steaming body lying on the ground, still twitching from the bombardment of smaller and smaller artillery fire.

"Darling, I love you!" Linda's voice began to appear in Chen Guo's ears through the ship's loudspeaker. After hearing Linda's voice, Chen Guo, who was in a frenzy, began to slowly stop the action in his hands and stopped torturing the dead snake in front of him.

He raised his head in confusion, looking at the warships in the sky, and his angry mind slowly became clear... Although the Berserker Armor will continue endlessly once it enters the frenzy.

But after careful research, Chen Guo found that the Berserker Armor, which absorbs anger, hates some emotions.

And when these emotions appear, the Berserker Armor will stop to absorb the emotions and hide far away... It's like seeing some kind of natural enemy!

Among these emotions, love and family affection are the most hated emotions by the Berserker Armor.

After discovering this, Chen Guo researched the words and vocabulary that can make the Berserker Armor get rid of the frenzy... But through actual combat, the two emotions of love and family affection cannot make the Berserker Armor stop immediately when it enters a deep frenzy, but it needs a period of buffering.

But at this moment, the statue in the distance, which had never moved, and even when its feet landed on the ground, suddenly moved. His huge body directly caused a strong wind to blow across the entire continent, and an indescribable sadness began to spread in the air.

The statue was sad... It was sad for the dead Ansley!

And gradually, anger began to appear in his eyes made of white stone, and an angry expression appeared on his unchanging face.

However, he did not make any other movements, but kept opening and closing his mouth, allowing a large amount of white stone debris to fall from his cheeks, and letting the dense cracks begin to spread on his face until he completely said what he wanted to say.

"I said... you... deserve... to die!"


Chen Guo's body froze in place, but this also aroused his anger even more, and the Berserker Armor seemed to have sensed his impending death, and a large amount of power rushed into Chen Guo's body.

But even so, Chen Guo's life was still like a candle, slowly extinguished.

Chen Guo woke up, although his body was still in endless anger, but his brain woke up, he looked at the statue looking at him in the distance.

His mouth began to chant slowly,: "Death is coming, the joy of life..."

"Don't sing, it's so ugly, I'm coming, alas... I have to pay more this time!"

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