Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 113 Guilliman's Moment of Crisis (10,000 words long chapter) (1/2)

"You...damn it!"

Facing the statue's words, Karsus didn't even pay him any attention. He turned around and patted Chen Guo on the shoulder, allowing him to recover from his stiff body.


Losing the support of his confinement, Chen Guo collapsed on the ground, and his body began to shrink rapidly. Looking at Karsus standing in front of him with ease, he shook his head fiercely: "Why are you here? Don't leave. "It's because of my singing, you will never come here for such a trivial matter, the great singer of death - Mr. Karsus."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are really embarrassed. It seems that every time I lay my eyes on you, you are like this half-dead!" At this moment, Karsus lost the familiarity he used to have, and his body exuded a kind of aura that made Chen Guo felt an extremely unfamiliar momentum.

Oh, this is his true face of God!

"Hey, I'm not a god, I'm just a stronger mortal!

How do you say that?

Oh, if you want to hit someone, you have to learn how to get hit first! "

After struggling to get up from the ground, Chen Guo injected herself with a blue gene potion.

Of course, because he was still wearing a battle armor, and his exposed skin was harder than a needle, he could only stick out his tongue and push the needle in hard.

But even the soft tongue made the needle almost bend, and Chen Guo successfully injected the genetic medicine into her body.

"You deserve to... die!" The statue in the distance continued to make a voice, issuing fatal orders to Karsus and Chen Guo.

But in the face of such a voice, Chen Guo and Karsus seemed to be completely deaf, and were just talking to themselves.

"Well, did you find it over there?"

"Yes, no one thought that the core of the world is actually hidden under our noses. Some guys are almost exhausted from walking around the universe.

However, there are some changes in plans! "

"What a change!"

"The core of the world has been successfully found, but... it is not as easy to control as imagined!" There was something strange in Karsus' words. He waved his palm and took out a rotating square. Diamond-shaped small black block.

The colorful meteors in his mind kept flowing, but Chen Guo still couldn't decipher what this small black diamond-shaped square was... This was something he had never encountered before.

After all, as long as it is completely different from the ordinary physical rules, the colorful meteor, that is, the illusion manifestation data sheet, will immediately recognize it.

But the thing in front of me seems to be an exception.

However, Chen Guo knew that if Karsus could take out this thing in front of her, it meant that he wanted to give it to her...

A light suddenly flashed in Chen Guo's mind, and he seemed to understand something.

"Is this what is called a competition?"

"I saw you right!" Karsus nodded, then stretched out his palm and waved suddenly, and the black diamond-shaped cube he stored in his palm sank straight into Chen Guo's body.

Chen Guo stretched out her hand to stop him, but the black diamond-shaped square passed directly through his palm and sank into his heart.


Severe pain appeared on Chen Guo's body. He could clearly feel that the strength in his whole body was rapidly decaying under the force of that black diamond-shaped cube... but his own strength did not. Disappeared, but driven by this black diamond-shaped square, it quickly gathered in his heart from all parts of his body, and was blocked by the energy released by the black diamond-shaped square.

Chen Guo knelt on the ground, although he could feel that Karsus had no ill intentions towards him... Seeing Karsus' level, it was extremely simple to hide his thoughts and emotions perfectly.

"This is a fire source, one-tenth of a complete fire source. This competition is different from the past. You need to conquer it, and only when you conquer it as quickly as possible and gain When it admits it, you and I will automatically win!

Of course, don’t underestimate it!

It is not an ordinary horse, but a proud dragon. You can use all its abilities, but be careful of the backlash it brings. "

"Source of fire?" Chen Guo covered her heart, the painful expression still on her face.

However, Chen Guo could feel that her power was slowly recovering, and she became even more powerful with the blessing of her heart that had been completely transformed.

"A complete world core consists of ten circles, twenty-two paths, three pillars, ten primes, four worlds, twenty-two paths and other basic structures... However, the world core of each world is different. ...The name of this fire source is Hades, which is a good name. It allows you to create life!" Karsus slowly looked back at the statue that was still noisy in the distance, "Pilgrim. The carriage, I haven’t seen it for a long time!”

Chen Guo was confused when he heard it, but he certainly knew the importance of the fire source as he knew the contents of the Transformers world.

The Fire Source as a whole presents a regular cubic moment, and the internal space contains curvature folds and a huge number of source codes, which is the source and destination of the Transformers Fire.

With it, you have the ability to give mechanical life to machinery!

But... why does it have anything to do with this so-called competition.

Chen Guo inexplicably felt as if he was in the conspiracy of some fantasy apostles.

"Do you know what a pilgrim is?" With his back to Chengguo, Karsus looked at the statue in the distance with a complicated expression.

"I don't know."

"It is actually a manifestation of the faith in one's heart.

But often the lives of pilgrims cannot see the entity of their faith in their entire lives, because their lives are too humble, so humble that they are not qualified to let the existence they believe in look at their bodies.

If you want to be treated equally, you must pay the corresponding price!"

Chen Guo rolled his eyes. He heard what Karsus wanted to express... This guy admitted that he did treat Chen Guo as a pawn.

He didn't even ask, and he said it bluntly - this is really straightforward!

However, just like Karsus said, if you want to be treated equally, you must make corresponding efforts. Pie will never fall from the sky.

But... if this is the case, then the previously agreed reward will be a bit thin.

"Heh... I want you to pay in advance!"

"Impossible!" Karsus rejected Chen Guo's request without even thinking about it: "A deal is a deal, and things agreed cannot be changed! However, I can help you solve your current predicament.

After all, here I don't have to worry about being bitten by those mad dogs outside!"

After Karsus finished speaking, he waved his palm without giving Chen Guo time to refuse or react, and the next second they appeared on the deck of the Shining Star. Then the white fleets in the distance changed quickly and returned to their own colors, and a large number of birdmen also flew back to the ship from all corners of the continent, including a giant birdman with six pairs of wings that looked like a white sun.

It was the gene original of the Dark Angels, Lion King Leon... However, at this moment, he did not have the heroic spirit of the past, but instead looked like a gorgeous etiquette lady.

The whole body was filled with an indescribable sense of disharmony!

After the birdmen flew over, Karsus' hands kept swinging back and forth like an elegant conductor, quickly decomposing this world of consciousness.

The continent below began to disintegrate, and the statue in the distance completely shattered.

Suddenly, Chen Guo seemed to hear a cheerful symphony, but in this symphony, there was also a little bit of the wailing of the believers living on this continent when they died.

In fact, the biggest problem encountered by pilgrims is not that they can't find the pilgrimage path.

How can a pilgrim not even find the path he wants to pilgrimage?

It just lost the motivation to move forward.

However, if the motivation it needs depends solely on the power of faith generated by the prayers of believers, then I am afraid it will never have the opportunity to embark on a pilgrimage again.

Karsus helped it, but there was a price to pay, which was to completely destroy this consciousness universe, turning everything inside into pure energy to supply the pilgrims, and continue their pilgrimage...

"Your competitors are very powerful, they are all very talented fantasy apostles. Although their strength may not be comparable to yours, this time it is not a competition of brute force!

In addition...if you fail, you will die, because the fire source has only been integrated into your body at this moment, and once anyone is recognized by the fire source first, the fire source will disappear from this world with your heart and soul!

The winner takes all, and the loser has only one way to die!"

"Hehe, finally telling the truth... No wonder you made a trip in person!" Chen Guo showed a sneer of understanding.

"Hehe, this is the price!" Karsus stopped waving his palms and stretched out his hand to snap his fingers.

The next second, all the ships in this world disappeared from this pure white universe, and this pure white universe began to slowly collapse inward until it completely turned into a white dot, and a huge gap was broken in the air, completely disappearing from this world.

Pilgrims should stay on the pilgrimage, otherwise, why are they called pilgrims!


"Good luck!" Karsus left, sent Chen Guo and all the ships back to the real universe, and then he left, taking with him the anchor projection that he temporarily lent to Chen Guo.

However, Karsus left another ticket for Chen Guo to participate in the next Fantasy Apostle Club with this ticket.

But, according to Karsus, the next Fantasy Apostle Club will not be held for many years... After all, it is still very difficult to find a world without Fantasy Apostles.

"Darling... What happened!"

Linda, wrapped in nano armor, hugged Chen Guo from behind. Chen Guo had been standing on the top plywood without any oxygen support for a long time.

The nanorobots quickly formed a mask and covered Chen Guo's face, providing him with enough oxygen and transmitting Linda's voice to his ears.

"It's okay, I just encountered a little problem!" Chen Guo gently patted the back of Linda's hand and pressed his heart hard.

Through the hard Berserker armor, Chen Guo still felt his powerful heart beating continuously.

The name of this fire source is Hades.

'Hades? '

Hades is a mythological figure in Norse mythology and is often called "Zeus of the Underworld". He is a god of the underworld who is confused with Zeus or regarded as the incarnation of Zeus in the underworld. He is the Hades in the mythological world.

In a sense, his duties are almost the same as Karsus's, both of whom are gods who welcome the dead.

There must be some special meaning in naming him with such a name!

As if in response to Chen Guo, the beating heart began to jump more quickly, and a large number of strange symbols poured into Chen Guo's mind, and were arranged irregularly in order, and soon occupied most of Chen Guo's brain capacity.

Unfortunately, Chen Guo did not recognize this strange language symbol, nor did he know what this strange language symbol meant.

But inexplicably, scenes from the live-action version of the Transformers movie appeared in his mind... Is this the Cybertron language?

Shaking his head, Chen Guo supported Linda and said seriously: "Linda, I need your help!"

Linda suddenly smiled and said, "I will always be with you!"


Without the pilgrim as an obstacle, the fleet continued to move forward quickly.

The range covered by the subspace storm is too wide. Even without the existence of a pilgrim as an obstacle, the huge subspace storm is not so easy to survive. Therefore, the fleet can only stop and go. When encountering a more dangerous place, it can only jump back to the real universe from the subspace and shuttle slowly in the real universe.

Only after leaving the dangerous area in the real universe can it re-enter the subspace and continue on its way.

The rebel army certainly knows this, but the distance in between is too large, and because of Chen Guo's disruption, the planetary defense network they designed has not been fully built, and it is impossible to form an effective barrier.

But the rebels did not give up the idea of ​​stopping Guilliman.

It just takes time to gather strength.

After all, the fleet commanded by Guilliman is too large!

Even with the help of the Chaos Demon Fleet, the rebels still need a lot of time to prepare!

"Are you ready?"


"Fifth experiment, experimental subject T321 tactical projection tablet! Start!"

Listening to Linda's voice, Chen Guo's index finger suddenly shot out a black beam of light, and then accurately sank into the tactical tablet on the table in front of him.

The T321 tactical projection tablet is a new type of tactical tablet designed and developed by Ralph Jacob based on the information related to the artificial intelligence legion.

With the support of relevant electronic helmets and space battleships, the surrounding enemies can be displayed in time through the projection tablet, achieving the function of anticipating the enemy.

As the black beam of light sank into the tablet, all the defensive guns in the laboratory were aimed at the tablet that looked only a little bigger than a palm.

"Five, six, seven..." The electronic voice read the numbers without any emotion. When it read eight, the tablet that had been lying quietly on the table suddenly moved.

Like a piece of rice cake that suddenly came to life, the tablet began to stretch first, then began to curl, and countless tentacles made of steel quickly extended from its body, followed by various small gun muzzles and cannon muzzles. The orange-yellow small chain hammer fell on the table, and the small steel tentacles merged with each other, gradually forming legs and limbs.

When everything stopped, a small robot the size of a shoebox appeared on the table.

Linda, who was standing outside the laboratory, couldn't help but exclaimed even though it was not the first time she saw such a scene.

It is hard to imagine that there can be such a miracle in such a universe... Chen Guo, are you really not the Om Messiah?

Linda shook her head slightly. The ability that Chen Guo showed at this moment was the power that the great God of All Machines - Om Messiah had never shown.

If such power was seen by those old antiques, I'm afraid...

Linda suddenly had an impulse, that is, to take the results back to the Mars Casting Base and let him perform in front of those famous great sages.

I'm afraid that by then, even the most conservative great sage will be willing to kneel down to Chen Guo!

"Sit down!" Chen Guo waved his hand, and seeing the little robot that had been in a sluggish state since the transformation, he showed a disappointed expression in his eyes. He waved his palm to control the muzzle installed on the surrounding walls, ready to smash it directly into pieces.

But at this moment, the little robot suddenly moved, and the machine gun in his hand, which was smaller than a toothpick, kept firing red bullets and shooting at Chen Guo, and at the same time, a small red rocket rose from the tip.

"Boom boom boom..."

A dense and dull sound began to spread over Chen Guo, and black smoke quickly filled the entire laboratory. The little guy shot and shot quickly, waving his arms, inserted into the steel and iron wall beside him, and climbed towards the ventilation duct above his head!

It turned out that the little guy was not in a daze just now, but was looking for a way to escape!


Chen Guo waved away the black fog floating in front of him, tightened his fist, released a lot of blood, formed a palm in the air, and quickly grabbed the little robot that had climbed up.

Looking at the little thing that made an electronic weird cry and struggled constantly, Chen Guo threw him into a small bulletproof box beside him and gestured to Linda outside.

Soon, a biochemical soldier came in, not only took the bulletproof glass box with his hand, but also placed a slightly larger tactical projection helmet on the table beside him.

This tactical projection helmet is an accessory helmet that matches the T321 tactical projection tablet, and its size is more than twice that of the projection tablet!

Quickly shooting the black beam of light into the tactical helmet, Chen Guo quietly waited for it to change, and felt a little boring and yawned.

Since learning how to use the fire source to activate the life of the machine, he and Linda began to experiment non-stop.

Of course, this experiment is absolutely confidential, even Soni and Solan don’t know what they are doing!

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The tactical projection helmet changed for a while. At first, countless steel tentacles stretched out from it, and then these steel tentacles quickly merged until they became a robot twice as big as the little guy just now.

Not only did the size increase, but even the caliber of the muzzle became a little larger, and it finally looked like a bunch of tiny toothpicks.

"Sit down!"

Chen Guo gave the command casually. He didn't expect him to obey his order at all. After all, it was not difficult to see from the little guys before that they all had a natural aversion... But accidents often happen like this. The guy in front of him sat on the ground immediately after Chen Guo gave the command.

This surprised Chen Guo. He walked up to the little guy who was sitting obediently on the table, "Well, do you understand what I say?"

"Yes, Master, Vulture reports to you!"

While speaking, Vulture stood up from the table, revealing a tiny mark under his arm.

It was a human face mark. I don't know if it was an illusion. Chen Guo always felt that the mark was very similar to his own face.

"What is this mark?"

"This is the mark of the legion. All members of the legion will be born with the corresponding mark at the beginning of their birth. It is also an indelible mark. Any act of erasing the mark without authorization will be regarded as betraying the legion!"

"Who gave you your name?"

"This is your name, don't you remember? The great Hades!"

"Hades?" Touching his chest and feeling his beating heart, Chen Guo suddenly seemed to be awakened.


"Yes, master!"

"How many warriors are there in the legion?"

"It is impossible to count, master!"

"The number of legions is endless, but only a few can be named by you!"

"Then why did they attack me?"

"Sorry, master, I can't understand what you mean!"

"Come down and stand over there first!"

"Yes, master!"

Commanding the biochemical warrior to take in another warrior helmet, Chen Guo emitted a black beam of light to transform it.

However, this time, he was not so lucky. The transformed dog thing was another traitor. As soon as he finished transforming, he raised his weapon towards Chen Guo.

But this time, before Chen Guo could make a move, Vulture raised his palm and shot the traitor's thigh with the gun in his hand, which looked particularly strange, causing its mechanical body to fall straight on the table.

Then Vulture jumped onto the table with a leap, stepped on the traitor's body on the table, and pointed the gun at its head, "Traitor, you are captured. From now on, you are my slave!"

After saying that, without waiting for the traitor to react, a steel tentacle appeared on Vulture's body and pierced into the traitor's head.

With a flash of electric current, the traitor stopped struggling and began to become obedient and gentle!

"What are you doing?"

The vulture's electronic eyes flickered twice, as if wondering why Chen Guo asked such a question, but soon he said: "Master, give all traitors a chance to surrender, this is the rule you set."

"Oh... did you assimilate him?"

"Not master, I just instilled the mark of the legion into him!" The vulture pulled up the body of the traitor on the ground, revealing the mark under its arm.

"Oh... what's its name?"

"It has no name, only a number."

"Just call it Vulture!"

"Yes, master!" The vulture raised his foot and kicked the traitor below, who immediately nodded respectfully, "Thank you, master!"

"Okay, you guys just take a good rest here, repair its body parts, I'll have someone send it over later, stay here well!"

After Chen Guo finished speaking, she turned around and walked out of the laboratory, leaving only the two little guys alone in the laboratory.

"Yes, Master!"

After slamming the metal door of the laboratory, Linda was teasing the little guy she had captured before.

Even though he was locked up in a bulletproof glass box, this little guy was not very stable. He kept firing bullets, trying to break through the bulletproof glass box in front of him that blocked his departure.

Unfortunately, this specially made glass bulletproof box is made of bulletproof glass used to load heavy tanks, and cannot be broken by the small toothpicks it fires.

"Hmm!" He stretched out his hand and hugged Linda from behind, "How about it, have you found anything useful through research?"

"Well, it can't be that fast. These little guys are very strange. The nano-mechanical bugs can't enter their bodies at all, and they will lose contact directly... Come and do me a favor, catch it out, I want to see if I can Forced connection into its brain!"

"Okay!" She opened the bulletproof glass box with her fingers and grabbed the little guy who wanted to shoot. Chen Guo raised it in front of Linda, just shy of hitting him in the face.

Linda rolled her eyes and said, "What are you doing for me? Where to take it?

Forget it, stop moving, I'll do it! "

Linda shook her head slightly, and a steel tentacle quickly emerged from the wall on the side, and then covered the little guy's head.

"Buzz buzz~"

The harsh sound of electricity sounded, and the little guy who had been resisting just now stopped making any movement. Countless digital codes appeared on the screen beside him.

Looking at these strange and constantly floating digital codes, Linda raised her head and froze, looking straight at the screen.

It looks extremely weird.

However, Chen Guo raised her eyebrows indifferently.

Because he knew that Linda was borrowing the massive computing power of artificial intelligence to try to break into this little guy's head.

This lasted for nearly half an hour. Linda finally recovered from her stiff state. She rubbed her head speechlessly and said, "This little guy is not big. I didn't expect that the data defense ability is so powerful." Not bad at all.

It took me a full 5% of the computing power to successfully break into its data core... You don't have to keep holding it up, just put it down. "

Chen Guo casually placed the motionless little guy on the console beside her. Linda snapped her fingers, and the tentacles wrapped around the little guy's head retracted.

"Come here!" He said two words softly, and the little guy who was sitting there quickly jumped off the console and hugged Linda's feet like a puppy. Fortunately, it didn't What kind of tail does it have?

Otherwise, it would have almost broken its tail by now.

Pointing to the letter "W" that appeared on its back at some point, Linda smiled on her face and said, "This should be the so-called legion mark!"

"Yes...you successfully tamed it?"

"No, its data center automatically restarted the moment I breached it. All memory data was deleted and cannot be retrieved.

However, after restarting, I found that although I didn't capture its memory data, I could set new rules for it! Linda pointed to the table next to her, then obediently climbed onto the table and stayed there quietly.

"Are you sure it's controllable?"

"I'm sure, I have found all its memory data. There is absolutely no chance that the backup has not been found!"

"Okay, I'll bother you later!" Chen Guo said and walked in, preparing to activate more Transformers.

But Linda reached out to stop him and rolled her eyes fiercely: "What are you thinking? It took me so long to break into the data core of such a little guy, and I also used 5% of my computing power. , let the two studios stop production directly... Unless you can give me the key to their data core, otherwise, you should solve them yourself!"

"Again, the computing power is insufficient?" Chen Guo has heard such words for countless times in the past few days, "Why is it that every day it is either insufficient in one computing power or insufficient in that!"

"Oh, you really stand up and talk without pain. This is the unmanned chemical factory you want. In order to ensure the accuracy of each studio production, I must allocate a lot of computing power to ensure that there will be no errors in any link!"

"Okay then!" Chen Guo shrugged. It seemed that the next work would have to be done one by one by Vulture... Although Chen Guo did not have 100% trust in this little robot.

But there is no other choice right now, is there?

After conducting dozens of experiments in a row, the laboratory that originally seemed very spacious immediately became crowded again.

The small laboratory is filled with various small robots... This sentence is not accurate, because in addition to various small robots, there is also a big man who was activated from a cryogenic chamber.

As soon as this guy transformed, he held a glass cannon transformed from a transparent glass chamber, which looked very scary.

Fortunately, this big man is not a rebel.

Otherwise, Chen Guo would be fine, but this laboratory and the little ones in it might not survive.

"May I have your name?"

"Master, my name is Operating Table, and I am a member of the medical team. As long as you give me enough parts, I can heal the bodies of all small and micro warriors!"

"Oh, really? Come and show me!" Chen Guo waved to the vulture beside him, and the latter immediately limped over.

It can be seen that his own repair skills are really not very good.

Otherwise, he would not be limping after repairing for a long time.

"Yes, Master!" Operating Table grabbed the vulture on the ground and stuffed it into the huge glass muzzle on his body.

Soon, red light spread out from its muzzle.

A magical scene appeared. Under the impact of this red light, the vulture's body was decomposed at once, and then quickly reassembled again.

In the blink of an eye, a complete vulture appeared in the transparent muzzle again. This time, not only was his leg no longer lame, but even the scratches on his body disappeared completely.

A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Guo's eyes. He looked back and saw that Linda, who was standing behind the glass, also had a trace of shock in her eyes.

"Uh, what is the principle?"

"Master, this is a decomposition and reorganization beam device, which can achieve the decomposition effect through high-intensity light vibration..."

The operating table was about to explain the equipment on his body, but an alarm sounded above his head, and then Linda's voice outside came in, "It's the fleet of the rebel army. They are attacking from both sides of the fleet, trying to split the entire fleet in two.

Leon's Dark Angels Legion has already met, Saint Giles asked us to fight from the left, and he will carry out the decapitation operation!"

"Damn it, can't I relax for a while? Where are we?"

"Anuri Star Region, a very ordinary mineral galaxy, the Empire has two colonized hive planets here, but it seems that it has been occupied by the rebel army for a long time."

"Anuri..." Chen Guo's mind flashed wildly, and soon found relevant records about the geographical location of this galaxy.

Anuri is a very ordinary mining galaxy. The stars here are in their prime, with two gas planets and four mineral planets.

The Empire colonized two planets here and established two hive governments to manage a mineral planet respectively.

But it is not difficult to see from the detection at this moment that these two hive planets have completely become dead and have been completely slaughtered by the rebels.

"Anuri... Where is Guilliman now?"

"He has also entered the Aronu system, but he is still far away from the ambush site and is still outside the encirclement shown."

"Outside the encirclement? Not good!"

Chen Guo finally figured out where Anuri is.

This place is also the most important place in the chronicle, because here the Word Bearers rebel legion and several rebel legions jointly ambushed the fleet led by Guilliman.

The Word Bearers were even more crazy again, sending out an assassination team, carrying the cursed blade that could completely kill the Primarch, wanting to keep Guilliman here forever.

Although, in the chronicle, Guilliman successfully repelled the rebels' blockade with his super willpower, strong combat power and command power.

But the chronicle is the chronicle after all. Now with Chen Guo flapping her wings like a butterfly, who knows what terrible changes will happen!

What if Guilliman accidentally dies here... Although Leon and Saint Gilles can keep the fleet from falling apart immediately, it will inevitably cause some unpredictable and terrifying effects.

So, no matter what, Guilliman can't fall down now!

After walking out of the laboratory and talking to Linda for a while, Chen Guo dialed Des's communicator and asked him and Cassel to be responsible for blocking the enemy, while he took Solan and Soni to support Guilliman.

Even if the final result is just a wasted trip, it is much better than letting Guilliman fall down in such an unclear way!

After receiving the order, Des found Cassel. The two strategic masters only exchanged a few moments, and then led the two fleets to two different directions to prepare to counter-encircle these sneak attacking enemies.

The Neptune also entered a state of full combat. After the Shining Star battle barge that Chen Guo was on left her vicinity, Linda immediately took over all the artillery on the Neptune.

Instantly, the Neptune was turned into an unstoppable space artillery, providing sufficient firepower support for the enemy forces on both sides.

In fact, just as Chen Guo imagined, the rebel legions' offensive on the front looked very fierce, and there were fleets led by several Chaos Demons to support them.

But in fact, it was just a lot of thunder and little rain.

Not to mention that their real plan was to kill Guilliman, not to eat up an entire fleet.

Moreover, everyone knew that in this vanguard fleet, there was a pervert named Chen Guo, the Thunder Tyrant... Although Chen Guo's name was not so prominent in the human world.

But among the Chaos Demons and Demon Worlds in the Subspace, Chen Guo's name had long become well-known.

After all, the number of Chaos Demons who died at the hands of Chen Guo had already exceeded one hand.

More importantly, Chen Guo not only had a one-on-one PK with the incarnation of Khorne, but also successfully killed the incarnation of Khorne in one breath with her words.

This achievement alone is enough to make all the Chaos Demons take a breath of air.

So far, no Chaos Demon has dared to confidently say that he can defeat the incarnation of Khorne, let alone kill the incarnation of Khorne.

"He's gone, he's gone!"

"The thunder tyrant is gone!"

A certain Chaos Demon King from Tzeentch saw Chen Guo following the Shining Star battle barge towards the rear fleet through Tzeentch magic. He did not stay on the front line to fight, and immediately passed between the Chaos Demons. The contact information conveyed such good news to all the Chaos Demons.

The Chaos Demons, who had been cautiously preparing to escape at any time, immediately laughed happily after learning the good news.

At the same time, they changed their previous shrinking fighting style, clenched their fists, gritted their teeth and vented the anger in their hearts, venting all their anger on Leon who was rushing at the front.

Originally, I was trying hard to kill.

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