Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 114 Loyal Plasma Cannon! (1/2)

Samothrace is Guilliman's latest flagship.

Of course, this is just a temporary replacement.

Although, it is a super-large heavy battleship no less than the Queen of Glory.

But in Robert Guilliman's heart, Macragge's Glory will always be number one.

Unfortunately, because of a certain nagging bald old man, Macragge's Glory temporarily left the battlefield and was forced to be transported in fragments to Guilliman's large hidden shipyard.

Samothrace, also known as the Eros, was Guilliman's vehicle before she appeared in Macragge's Sun.

At the same time, she was also a gift from the Mechanicum to the Primarch who had not yet become the King of Macragge's Five Hundred Worlds.

In that time when Guilliman had just left the planet, the Samothrace was an extremely precious gift!

Guilliman liked the gift so much that he named it after a famous war goddess in Macragge's history.

And the Valkyrie is also in charge of the goddess of love above Macragge, which is why she is called the God of Love.

"Sir, we have been cheated!"

Guilliman did not speak, but silently took out the power dagger from his waist and walked out of the cabin with the heroes standing behind him.

The moment the vanguard fleet in front came into contact with the rebel fleet, he already knew that the large number of rebel fleets encountered by the vanguard fleet were just attacking.

The real target has always been him - Robert Guilliman.

Guilliman, this is not about having a high opinion of yourself.

The experience he accumulated through tens of thousands of battles gave him the intuitive ability to see through the enemy's decisions in an instant.

However, he obviously still underestimated the determination of this group of enemies... Through the sensors distributed in various parts of the ship, he could easily know that the group of sneak attackers had teleported onto the ship.

Moreover, except for a small number of Word Bearers Legions who rebelled against the Astartes, all others were Chaos Demons from the subspace.

These powerful subspace chaos demons not only jumped to every corner of the ship, but also began to slaughter the Ultramarines Astartes under his command as soon as they landed.

If Samothrace hadn't been his mothership, equipped with a powerful invincible iron guard and a powerful Macragge auxiliary army, I am afraid that the flagship of the King of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar would have been destroyed. It will be completely destroyed within a few dozen minutes.

"My lord, Tothus is already on the way to support, and it won't be long before we can board the ship!" Once again ignoring the nonsense coming from the mouths of the heroes behind him, Guilliman walked towards the fallen ship without saying a word. The front line.

Samothrace, as a very large battleship, is not as exaggeratedly huge as the Queen of Glory battleship, but it is still much larger than an ordinary battleship.

Its length is more than eighteen kilometers, and it is not only loaded with various advanced artillery, but also has tens of thousands of mortal auxiliary troops of the Ultramarines.

Mortal Auxiliary of the Ultramarines.

Or should it be called the Ultramar Auxiliary Army.

The Auxiliary Army of Ultramar is the collective name for the mortal armies on the territory of the Ultramarines, the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar.

Although, in the world of Warhammer, most planets are protected by ultramarines.

But in fact, the mortal auxiliary army is the first line of defense against invasion. This is the case even in the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, which has the largest number of Astartes.

However, it is different from the ordinary mortal auxiliary army.

The Ultramar Auxiliaries undergo training with strict discipline and dedication that rivals that of the Space Marines.

As such, Ultramar Auxiliaries are considered to be more capable than regular Auxiliaries.

And because Ultramar is exempt from the imperial law's manpower tithe, the equipment equipped by the Ultramar auxiliary army is also higher than that of ordinary mortal auxiliary armies.

In fact, some of the elite Ultramar auxiliary forces are richer than some of the poor Astartes Legions.

If the equipment they carry is taken out, the poor Legiones Astartes will be hungry to death!

For example, a group of mortal troops wearing silver-gray armor were walking towards Guilliman and the others.

These guys wear silver-gray steel armor, equipped with plasma guns and gorgeous power swords, and their whole bodies reveal one word - expensive.

They are called Justice Guards, a unique combat force among the five hundred worlds of Ultramar. During the Great Crusade, the Justice Guards had already appeared. They are the law enforcement agencies of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar.

However, the reason they appear here at this moment is not to enforce the laws of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, but to do another thing - to execute deserters!

Looking at the many slumped-looking officers of the Ultramar Auxiliary Army under their escort, Guilliman reached out to stop them and spoke his first words of the day: "Give them back their weapons, as long as you can." If you die on the battlefield, everything that happened today will cease to exist!"

"Yes, sir!"

The Justice Guards returned their weapons to the officers who fled the battle without any hesitation.

To be honest, the Ultramar mortal officers should not be blamed for deserting the battleship...

Although the Ultramar mortal auxiliary army is a noble army, the promotion conditions are actually very harsh. Without military merit, it is absolutely impossible to be promoted.

The lowest rank of these officers is major, which means that they have at least nearly ten years of service experience and have participated in at least thousands of battles.

But even so, when facing the fierce Chaos Demons at close range, especially when they saw these Chaos Demons easily kill through the troops under their command and stuff their soldiers into their mouths like lamb chops for chewing, their psychological defenses finally collapsed.

However, the last thing they should do is to abandon their surviving subordinates when their soldiers are not completely dead, and want to escape to a safe place alone... Instead, they should wait for all their subordinates to die before retreating.

Because that would not violate military orders, and they would not be executed...

Perhaps it was the retribution for not obeying military orders. They had just fled for a short time when they ran into the Astartes Legion that came to support them.

The Astartes of the Ultramarines Legion did not give them any chance to explain, and directly knocked them down and quickly handed them over to the Legal Guards who were patrolling and supporting the ships. The Legal Guards were responsible for executing these deserters, while they themselves went to the most difficult front to support them.

In fact, if it were not for the fact that the auxiliary officers had more or less military merits.

The Astartes would have killed them on the spot, and would not have allowed them to be quickly executed in a safe place.

But at this moment, with Guilliman's order, these officers once again lost the opportunity and treatment of a peaceful and quick death, and had to die on the battlefield where they confronted the enemy head-on...From two perspectives, this is both forgiveness and not forgiveness!

Because the Ultramar mortal auxiliary army is basically the children of noble families.

Once they died in battle, their families would no longer be accused of desertion.

However, dying at the hands of those Chaos Demons meant that they would suffer pain and torture that could not be described in words.

Even being eaten alive!

Facing Guilliman's forgiveness, the officers were silent for a while, then they took up their weapons again and turned to run to the end of the corridor.

In order not to bring shame to their families, even if they were lucky enough not to die at the hands of Chaos Demons, they would find an opportunity to use the guns in their hands to open their skulls!

Guilliman followed.

His ears kept moving, orderly receiving the gunshots and explosions coming from the surroundings... This was one of his innate abilities.

Through the chaotic sounds around him, his multi-threaded brain could analyze from the gunshots and explosions where the battle was the most dangerous and where the front line was on the verge of collapse.

Only by knowing this can he better disperse the forces around him to various fronts and ensure that some key parts of the ship fall completely.

The two great demons under Tzeentch and Khorne, Firi and Gunther, were responsible for the sneak attack on Guilliman this time.

Their strength is above average among all the Chaos Great Demons, and each of them has a proud record.

But compared with those top Chaos Great Demons, their strength and record are still a certain gap!

However, it is precisely because of this that they were assigned such a good job, instead of having to fight the Chaos Demon Killer, Thunder Tyrant, Chen Guo, at the forefront!

However, although this is a good job, it is only a good job in comparison... Before the raid began, they thought it would take at most a few dozen minutes to see Guilliman.

But when they really fought with the Ultramarines Astartes and the Invincible Iron Guards wearing heavy iron cavalry armor.

They were surprised to find that these seemingly fragile little bugs actually burst out with powerful fighting power and tenacious will, and used their flesh and blood and steel armor to block them around the landing point, and they could not get any closer to Guilliman.

Fei Rui was not very anxious after his attack was blocked, because the Chaos Demons behind him were endless, while the number of these humble mortal ants in front of him was limited.

He could kill them all by exhausting them!

But when he subconsciously discovered through the Tzeentch spell that the Tyrant had actually left the front battlefield and drove the spaceship to support this side at a rapid speed, Fei Rui was immediately scared.

If he hadn't seen that Chen Guo was still a distance away from here, he would have been ready to turn around and run.

After calculating the time and estimating that it should be enough, Fei Rui took another look at the Astartes who blocked the Chaos Demon army like a copper wall.

As a last resort, he could only contact Gunther at the other end of the ship through Tzeentch magic, trying to persuade this brainless guy to come to support him... But Gunther was a mature Khorne demon, and he had already lost his mind in the fight. No matter how Feri shouted, he did not respond at all. He only knew to fight back and forth in the encirclement of several Invincible Iron Guards, chopping them into piles of rotten meat with force, and crushing piles of Ogramar auxiliary troops.

"Damn Khorne idiot!" Feri cursed fiercely, and immediately stopped hiding his clumsiness. He slapped the staff in his hand heavily, and all kinds of large-scale buffing spells or highly lethal Tzeentch spells were fired like a string of cannons.

The staff in his hand, which was originally flashing like a small star, also became completely bright and turned into a colorful sun, and the gem inlaid on the top of the staff began to dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As these gems filled with warp energy began to slowly dry up, the battle line formed by the Ultramarines Legion Astartes immediately became extremely vulnerable.

Don't underestimate these colorful gems. Although each of these colorful gems embedded on the top of the staff is only the size of a thumb, each gem is an extremely precious warp gem that can carry a large amount of warp energy.

As long as the energy in these gems is always sufficient, Fei Rui can stay in the real universe.

At the same time, he can also use the warp energy stored in these gems to release those Chaos Demon Warp Tzeentch spells that consume a lot of energy in the real universe.


Seizing a one-thousandth chance, Fei Rui skillfully released the Tzeentch spell of Fel Storm, and quickly heated the two Ultramarines Astartes who were not able to dodge in time, and burned them into two lifelike black statues!

And with the death of these two Ultramarines Astartes, the originally unbreakable defense line immediately had a clear gap.

Several blue horrors and Tzeentch Chaos Spawns immediately rushed over desperately, using their own lost lives to continuously expand the gap, gradually revealing the cabin hole blocked by the Ultramarines Astartes behind them.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A violent hurricane of fire sprayed out from his staff. Firi kept fighting against the Ultramarines Astartes who were still alive, burning them into ashes and steel lava, while consuming the energy in the gemstone on his staff at any cost.

He had to successfully complete his mission before Chen Guo arrived - killing Robert Guilliman.

Only in this way could they complete the next mission given to them by Lord Carlos, the Weaver of Destiny, and make the entire fleet fall apart.

Of course, he also hoped that his stupid Khorne teammates could wake up in time, and never indulge in the endless and meaningless killing, but come to help him quickly!

"Damn it, I should have known not to team up with the Khorne idiots!"

Under the protection of many Tzeentch demons, Firri stepped over the corpses and charcoal on the ground and walked quickly into the ship!

Among these Chaos demons guarding him, there were actually quite a few Word Bearers Rebellious Astartes.

But at this moment, these Word Bearers Rebellious Astartes were no different from Chaos demons, but there was still one difference...that is, even though they had become Chaos demons, they were still wearing the armor of the Word Bearers, and they were not holding melee weapons and staffs, but rather tattered-looking bolt guns.

However, they had power daggers hanging around their waists that flashed with various colors and were extremely sharp.

Seeing that they were about to enter the interior of the ship, the Astartes roared in grief and anger.

Before they were completely killed in battle, they absolutely could not accept that someone could break through their defenses...this was simply the greatest insult to them.

Fei Rui looked at the roaring Astartes and smiled disdainfully.

If he had not been afraid of accidentally consuming all the subspace energy in his staff, he would have burned these lowly mortals to ashes.

However, as a Chaos Demon, why should he bother with a group of lowly ants? Let the even more lowly low-level demons play with them slowly!

But the next second, Fei Rui suddenly waved the staff in his hand with a stern look, releasing a blue barrier in front of him.

And at the moment when this blue barrier appeared, the pale blue plasma began to explode in front of him, and the blue barrier shattered in the blink of an eye.

However, it has also played its role and successfully blocked the plasma that was enough to turn ordinary humans into barbecue in an instant, but the huge shock wave made Fei Rui and the guards who were guarding him fly to the back together.



After knocking over countless low-level Chaos Demons, Fei Rui stood up from the ground with his head shaking.

To be able to fire such an accurate plasma cannon in such a narrow and non-vertical passage... It's Guilliman!

Fei Rui's face showed a happy smile. He had already seen the blond man in blue armor.

Unexpectedly, before he had time to look for it, the prey came to him!

Guilliman also saw the unique Tzeentch demon. He once again raised the plasma gun in his hand and pulled the trigger directly at Feyre.

The smile that Feyre had just revealed immediately froze on his face.

Because the charging time of this plasma gun was too fast. It took less than a second for the dazzling blue light beam to rush towards him from the muzzle!

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