Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 116 A long-lost mechanical kitten is about to return. (1/2)


Looking at Robert Guilliman surrounded by the Invincible Guards, Chen Guo frowned.

Unexpectedly, he hurried and hurried, but in the end he was still a step behind... However, at the moment, he did not go up to save Guilliman immediately, but put all his attention on the body of the Khorne Demon not far away.

Feeling the breath coming from the other party, Chen Guo no longer paid attention to him and walked towards Guilliman... This level of weak chicken really made him lose interest.

In the current situation, it is more important to confirm whether Guilliman is dead or alive.

After all, if Guilliman is dead, then Chen Guo will have to think carefully about what method to take over such a huge fleet.


But what Chen Guo did not expect was that the head of the Khorne Demon opposite seemed to be solid.

After seeing his arrival, he not only did not turn around and run away, but rushed up again with an abnormal mind!

Turning around suddenly, Chen Guo reached out and grasped the fist that was much bigger than an adult's head. Without saying too much nonsense, he grabbed his arm and slammed him down heavily to the hard cabin floor.

The people around were stunned, and even the Chaos Demons stopped their actions.

Because they saw that the Chaos Demon who had almost unilaterally crushed Guilliman just now was grabbed by Chen Guo, who had just arrived at the scene, like a hammer, and began to leave clear facial marks on the walls and floor of the cabin one after another.

If this cabin is not completely scrapped by the end of the war, then these replaced stamped steel plates may be able to bring some income to the Ultramarines.

Chaos Demon Limited Edition Periphery... This is much more precious than some dolls and figures!

After hitting it more than ten times in a row, Chen Guo threw the dazed Chaos Demon to the ground like throwing away garbage, then stepped on his back, quickly poured all his strength into his feet, and began to step down hard.

"Ka Ka Ka ~"

The crisp explosion sound began to echo in the cabin, and the back of the Khorne Demon under Chen Guo's feet began to sink rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the crisp sound of bone cracking began to echo in the cabin.

Although the Khorne Demon under Chen Guo's feet did not embarrass Khorne, he did not give up struggling, and did not make any creepy wails. He kept twisting his arms to try to move Chen Guo's feet away from his back... But his appearance made him look like a short-backed loser, who only knew how to bark helplessly at his enemies, looking extremely incompetent and stupid!

However, this was not something that was unacceptable to the Khorne demons, after all, most of the Khorne demons died like this.



With the final dull sound, the spine of the Khorne Demon was completely broken, and he finally screamed for the first time... Oh, it turned out that he was not incapable of screaming, but the sound he screamed was no different from roaring.

This means that he had actually been screaming in pain just now!

Unfortunately, even if he screamed, he still could not change his fate of being killed.

From the terrifying and huge force generated by Chen Guo's feet, Chen Guo's feet, which were harder than steel, were deeply embedded in his body, and slowly stepped through his body directly, until he stepped heavily on the ship's plank, almost breaking the hard steel ship's plank, and then pulled back the force like a hydraulic press.

As the embodiment of battle, the vitality of the Khorne Demon is naturally stronger than other Chaos Demons... Of course, the Nurgle Demon is not among them.

Therefore, even though Chen Guo stepped on the Khorne Demon under his feet, he still did not die and was still alive and well. It was just that he could not move temporarily because of the fracture of the spine, so he could only lie there and tremble constantly.

Chen Guo curled his lips, raised his hand to grab the long horn on the head of the Khorne Demon, turned around and grabbed his legs with his other arm.

Then, Chen Guo suddenly straightened his waist, and began to tear it desperately with his hands and feet.



Suddenly, accompanied by a creepy sound, the Khorne Demon, who was lying on the ground and could not move temporarily, was immediately torn into two pieces!

And this was not enough to relieve his anger. Chen Guo took the body that had been torn into two halves and squeezed them together vigorously until he was kneaded into a big meat ball, and then threw it on the ground.

Even the Khorne Demon composed of pure subspace energy could not survive such violent means.

Therefore, the moment the body of this Khorne Demon was completely pulled apart, he died in the real universe.

But his soul was still alive. As long as his soul could escape back to the subspace, he could turn around again, but unfortunately, the person who caused his death in the real universe was Chen Guo.

Chen Guo grabbed every red soul that was about to be thrown into the subspace with his palm, and then squeezed it hard, clearing a Chaos Demon whose hands might be stained with human lives for the Human Empire, and completely collected his soul into the Fantasy Curve Data Table, becoming a commodity that can be exchanged at will!

After doing all this, Chen Guo looked at the low-level chaos demons again, and at the same time said one word: "Get out!"

If the person who came here was the demon of Khorne, then the word Chen Guo spit out might not have any effect.

But in this cabin, most of the chaos demons came from the demons Tzeentch sat on.

Therefore, without any exception, they turned around and ran away - immediately giving up their bodies in the real universe and escaping back to the subspace in their soul state, leaving only a dozen or so humanoid Word Bearers legions to rebel against As. Tate stood there alone, helpless.

Totally, don't know what to do next.

Although they have lost their human form under the corrosion of Chaos.

But they have not become a part of Chaos after all.

Or should I say, they haven't upgraded yet. Therefore, although they have been branded as Khorne, they still cannot enjoy the treatment of their souls being automatically recalled to the subspace.

It would be okay if they were in the subspace. After all, they have the mark of Khorne on their bodies. In most cases, they can directly turn into Chaos Demons and complete their upgrade.

But this is the real universe. Once they die, there is a high probability that their souls will not be reincarnated as Chaos Demons, but will be sucked into the subspace storm and become the fuel for the expansion of the subspace storm... Fact On the world, every subspace storm is born from the intertwining of countless souls.

Seeing the Ultramarines Astartes surrounding them, the Word Bearers looked at each other, and immediately their equipment was destroyed, and they would rather be shattered than destroyed.

It's not like they don't have explosives with large-scale destructive effects on them. They want to see if they can take away more of these genetic brothers who are even remotely related to each other by blood.

But at this moment, Chen Guo's words suddenly came over.

"Stay where you are, don't move, and don't think about suicide. Even if you die, you can't escape from my grasp!

They are my trophies. If you don't want to die, don't get involved! "

Chen Guo's words were like an order, causing the Word Bearers Legion's rebel Astartes to stop the movement of their hands.

At the same time, it also stopped the Ultramarines Astartes who were gearing up to surround them.

Chen Guo's strength was so strong that no one dared to ignore his words.

After forcefully pushing away the invincible iron guards who gathered around Guilliman, Chen Guo glanced at the anxious heroes.

Then he took another look at Guilliman, whose expression was dull, his eyes were white, and he still had a cursed dagger stuck in his body.

Suddenly, some of them rolled their eyes speechlessly!

"Don't all gather here. The Chaos Demons here have retreated, but there are still a lot of Chaos Demons on the ship. Go and clean them up quickly. I will be responsible for Guilliman!"

Although the Ultramarines Astartes did not dare not listen to Chen Guo's words.

But at this moment, they did not immediately listen to Chen Guo's words like they did just now. Instead, they stood there with firm faces, completely ignoring Chen Guo's words.

However, this is a normal reaction. After all, the injured person is their genetic father. If they are not nervous, then there is something wrong!

Seeing that none of them wanted to leave.

Chen Guo did not rush them anymore, but directly reached out and touched the end of the dagger inserted into Guilliman...

These Ultramarines Astartes didn't know what they were thinking, just letting their genetic father have such a dagger stuck in his body.

It’s still a dagger filled with the power of chaos!

If Guilliman cannot be saved, the person who gave him the dagger will bear 60% of the responsibility, and the rest of the responsibility will be entirely attributed to these stupid Ultramarines Astartes.


The Ultramar hero standing on the far left, the current supreme commander of the Invincible Iron Guard - Fann immediately stopped him and waved his palms, subconsciously trying to push Chen Guo away!

As a hero, his rich combat experience allowed him to know that the dagger was filled with the power of chaos.

But it was his rich combat experience that told him not to blindly move when being attacked by a chaotic weapon, because it would easily cause secondary damage.

More importantly, this was not the first time Guilliman had been injured by a cursed dagger.

The last time, when Guilliman relied on his strong willpower to break away from the corrosion caused by the cursed dagger, the dagger directly turned into pieces.

Therefore, the Ultramarines Astartes subconsciously believe that as long as they don't touch the dagger, it will break into pieces on its own before long!

But Chen Guo ignored him. Instead, he waved his other hand and slapped him in the face. Fan En, the invincible commander of the Iron Guard who was as tall as an iron tower, was slapped away. Got out.

Then, he continued to reach out and hold the end of the dagger, and pulled out the sharp cursed dagger with a slight pull.

As the dagger was drawn out, Guilliman's body began to tremble rapidly, like a sieve.

Originally, although his face was full of sluggishness, it was very calm.

But as the dagger was pulled out, his face was immediately covered with painful expressions. He looked like he was undergoing some kind of brutal torture. Dense cold sweat kept coming out from his forehead and then slowly dripped to the ground.

"No, put the dagger back in!"

The surrounding Astartes were about to rush up and put the dagger back in..." Chen Guo waved his hand to knock away all the Astartes who rushed over, and slowly placed his palm on Guilliman's forehead.

From the cursed blade, Chen Guo had clearly felt the three Chaos powers of Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh... I didn't expect Guilliman to be treated so well that he could get the attention of the three bosses at once.

It seems that, just as written in the chronicles, Horus was finally marked as uncontrollable by the Chaos Gods. The Chaos Gods finally set their sights on Guilliman's body, wanting to pull him into Chaos and turn him into Chaos' "new warmaster! "!

What a pity... If Chen Guo wasn't here, they might have succeeded.

What a pity, Chen Guo is here!

The blood mist on the palm slowly poured out, and a gleam of light flashed in Chen Guo's eyes. His consciousness twisted for a while, and he quickly rushed into Guilliman's body.

It is very simple to save the wounds on Guilliman's body, but what is more important is how to save him from the illusion set up for him by the three evil gods...

If Guilliman's spiritual consciousness cannot be saved, then even if Chen Guo restores his body eroded by the power of chaos, he will only get a Guilliman Ji mascot that has become a vegetable!


"Buzz! "

Slowly loosening his palm, Chen Guo looked at Guilliman, whose face gradually calmed down, but his own face began to become ugly.

Because Chen Guo found that he seemed to have been fooled...

Just now, at the moment when his consciousness and Guilliman's consciousness came into contact with each other, a particularly large blue light spot suddenly rushed into his consciousness and merged directly with Chen Guo's consciousness.

At the same time, a voice also appeared in his mind.

Although Chen Guo was extremely unfamiliar with this voice, he still recognized the owner of this voice at the first time.

And the consciousness did not mean to hide it. He burped slowly, and leisurely appeared in Chen Guo's mind. illusory figure: "Hurry, um, hello, I am Tzeentch, or, you can call me Valedaktin!"

"... Tzeentch?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I said, I like people to call me Valedaktin! "The illusory figures gathered quickly, and an old man with a kind face but unusually old appeared in Chen Guo's consciousness.

"Sir, you are not welcome here, please leave here!"

Chen Guo did not mean to be polite at all.

This is his consciousness, his territory.

Therefore, even if the person standing opposite is really Jianqi among the four gods, he will not be polite.

"Hehehe, are you still angry?" The old man standing opposite pouted, "You also know that you will be unhappy if others enter your territory! But you have so much fun in this universe, have you never thought about our feelings?"

"Sir, are you here to settle the grudge?" Chen Guo sensed a hint of unkindness in the other party's tone, and his heart began to beat drums involuntarily.

If the person opposite is really Jianqi, he really has no confidence that he can defeat Jianqi.

Even if it is in his territory, the center of his consciousness.

"Hehehe, don't worry.

In fact, I don't have much ill will towards you.

In fact, we don't have much ill will towards you.

Of course, this does not include a hermaphrodite pervert.

However, you don't have to care about him. He doesn't have time to care about you now. He is suffering from his own pain. "

The old man showed a sly smile on his face, "My purpose of coming to you today is very simple. In addition to meeting you, I just want to say hello to you...

There are some things you can change, and I am happy to see you change, because that will make me feel very happy.

But there are some things I hope you can pretend not to see... Do you understand what I mean?"

"What are they?"

"Don't be so impatient. Some things will happen when they are supposed to happen, and some things will not happen if I say them in advance... Well, I'll stop here. I wish you good luck!

Oh, by the way, that colorful big gem is good. I used to have one, but later I felt a little annoyed and threw it away!

Hahahaha! "

After saying this, Jianqi disappeared quickly.

Just like when he came, he disappeared from Chen Guo's consciousness inexplicably.

"Riddler, right!" Chen Guo withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness speechlessly. As the subject of consciousness, he could clearly feel that Jianqi had really left.

And, compared to this, Chen Guo was more concerned about Jianqi's words, which were even more riddles than the Riddler's... But the only thing he could understand was that Jianqi was warning him that no matter how he messed around in certain things, no one would jump out to take care of him.

But on certain key issues, he must not touch the red line, otherwise it will attract the hostility of the four gods... In addition, in addition to this, Tzeentch seems to have indirectly revealed the current situation of Slaanesh.

Slaanesh seems to be worried about other things at this moment, even if he is in the mood to care about the ongoing Horus Heresy!

After shaking off her random thoughts, Chen Guo looked at Guilliman who was slowly waking up in front of him, nodded slowly, reached out and threw the cursed dagger in front of him, stood up, turned around and left, "Tell him , He owes me a favor today, a big favor, let him think carefully about how he can return this favor to me!"

After saying that, without waiting for the reaction of the Ultramarines Astartes, Chen Guo jumped out of the cabin hole that he had just broken with his own hands, entered the universe, and quickly boarded the boat parked not far away. The transport ship returned to the Shining Star and joined the fierce starry sky and sea battle ahead of the fierce battlers.

However, Chen Guo did not have time to kill everyone. He had just arrived at the battlefield. The fleets of the rebel legions retreated as quickly as if they had received some order. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared without a trace just as they came!


After a brief rest, the fleet continued to move towards Terra, and Chen Guo also began to cooperate with Linda in returning to various experiments on the fire source.

Linda is a workaholic, and once she gets into work mode, she will work day and night.

At the same time, only a being like Chen Guo, who also had unlimited energy, could keep spending time with her.

Through their day and night work and experiments, the related abilities of the Fire Source have basically been figured out.

Even in an experiment, the Fire Source successfully activated a small frigate, which was parked in the center of the Mechanical Ark and was successfully transformed into a huge robot.

But...it's a pity that to activate a huge mechanical creation like a frigate, Chen Guo must be inside the frigate's body, providing a steady stream of energy to the frigate all the time.

Otherwise, even the frigate that has been transformed into a robot will turn into scrap metal in the blink of an eye, and will not even have the energy to transform back into a frigate.

After Linda's analysis, she believed that it might be because the frigate was too large and the frigate robot activated by Chen Guo was unable to generate energy independently, so it turned into a pile of scrap metal after losing energy.

Therefore, she has recently been designing an energy battery that can support the long-term deformation of the frigate robot... But unfortunately, this plan was forced to stop as soon as it was proposed and the drawings were not even drawn!

What brought this plan to a halt was the occurrence of an unexpected incident!

While passing through a sector called Kabasta, a forge world that had been staying here made contact with the fleet.

Linda and Chen Guo also learned about a person from the mouth of this forging world.

And it was because of things related to this person that Linda, a workaholic, had no intention of doing any more experiments.

Even if she forced herself to enter the experimental state, Linda would return to her sighing appearance within a short period of time.

For this reason, Linda found Chen Guo more than once to express her worries.

Regarding this, Chen Guo could only tell her firmly, "Don't worry, as long as she is still alive, I will definitely rescue her, even if I overthrow the Mechanicus!"

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