Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 117: What is the difference between the mechanical vanguard and the dirty bomb? (1/2)

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The dull and dense footsteps spread on the smooth steel mirror.

The only ones who can make this iconic sound of metal and iron are the mechanical monks of the Mechanicus who have transformed their bodies into steel creations, except for the Astartes who wear steel power armor all year round.

Jackson, the casting commander of the Changtuo Casting World, the Great Sage of Supervision, the Sage of Wisdom Control, the Lord of the Hundred Machine Commander, and the Eternal Pioneer Priest.

Changtuo Casting World is a very ordinary casting world.

Of course, this only means that it is very mediocre in terms of science and technology and the casting of some special equipment.

However, there has been a saying in the empire that every casting world has its meaning of existence.

Changtuo Casting World is no exception.

Although it does not have those fancy black technology technologies, nor does it have a steady Titan Legion, and it can't even find a decent knight family, it has an extremely powerful army to protect the religion!

This is a place dedicated to producing the Mechanicus Skitarii. The biological cloning technology here is extremely advanced, and it also has a special means of transformation - the long-term death vanguard.

Vanguards are the main infantry units of the Mechanicus Skitarii. Their biggest goal is to resist the enemy's continuous advancement and push back with their huge numbers and powerful weapons like a hammer.

Of course, their other name is obviously louder: the Radiation Force.

This nickname also comes from the terrible energy that gives them terrible combat power, and even the terrible energy that can kill them under heavy protection - radiation.

In the vast human empire, there are not a few weapons that can use radiation directly in war, but the only ones who can load radiation directly into the infantry phalanx are probably the Mechanicus who do not take human life seriously and have a large amount of cloning technology, which can carry out mass troops anytime and anywhere.

Not all forge worlds will produce vanguards, because the environment for forging vanguards is too harsh.

To use an exaggerated metaphor - even the most tenacious cockroaches, once they get close to the Vanguard, will be immediately burned into a pool of pus by the powerful radiation.

Think about it, even cockroaches are like this, let alone ordinary humans.

However, it is precisely because of this that those enemies who try to get close to them will quickly lose their combat effectiveness due to acute radiation sickness without proper protection, and even some guys with fragile physiques will immediately enter a state of near death due to radiation.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Vanguard itself is a weapon. As long as they are close enough to the enemy, they can easily and effectively kill the enemy even without shooting.

And the Changtuo Vanguard, as a special type of soldier in the Changtuo Forge World, in addition to having everything that most Vanguards have, they also have a powerful weapon - the Changtuo Laser Cannon.

This is an extremely terrifying weapon. They can fire small howitzers containing a large number of high-concentration radiation balls. This kind of howitzer has a long firing distance, but the detonation distance can be detonated at any time through the signal source built into the howitzer, and because of the small amount of charge, it will not cause accidental injuries after the explosion... Of course, this is because of the heavy radiation-proof armor on the vanguard soldiers.

But the enemy is different. Even if the howitzer cannot substantially kill the enemy, as long as the high-concentration radiation ball touches or flies past the enemy, even if it is just bounced off the enemy's power armor, it will immediately leave a track full of high-concentration radiation, thereby seriously killing the enemy.

Don't underestimate the lethality of high-concentration laser radiation bombs. If you don't wear any defensive equipment, you will be evaporated by this terrifying radiation bomb in an instant!

Even if you wear equipment that can simply defend against radiation, under high doses of free radiation, acute radiation poisoning will make people die like boiled shrimps... Even if the radiation source is large enough, it can easily carbonize the enemy's body hidden under the protective device.

With such a special weapon and a large number of vanguards, the Changtuo Forge World successfully survived the years-long siege of the rebel army.

The price paid was that all the buildings on the surface were burned down by the planetary bombing...

Of course, in the process of joint defense, many mechanical monks were too close to the vanguard, resulting in damage to their bodies caused by radiation, which can probably be counted as the price paid by the Changtuo Forge World to resist the rebel army!

Although Jackson's face was very calm, he was really uneasy in his heart, and he was very worried about whether he could live safely and walk out of this hall.

Logically speaking, as a prominent forging commander, he didn't need to worry so much, and he didn't rebel, and miraculously held on for so long.

So no matter what, even if he didn't deserve the honor, he shouldn't worry so much about his safety.

But... according to the information he got from some colleagues in the huge fleet, something he did before the rebellion might very likely cause him to not be able to walk out of here alive today.

To be fair, he did not think that what he did was wrong. As a mechanical sage of the Cult of Mechanicus and the founding commander of an entire casting planet, it is a normal thing to arrest a traitor and rebel in the church. .

Moreover, in order to prevent himself from getting involved in the grievances and grievances within the Mechanicus that are constantly being resolved and confused.

After catching the rebel, Jackson not only did not abuse her, nor did he try to get some so-called secrets from her mouth, but after getting her consent, he locked it up in a training facility and secretly dispatched it The fleet escorted her back to the Mars foundry base.

Except for reporting it to his genetic father, Arlin Agnes, the current head of the Mechanicum's teachings, Jackson did not tell anyone else, including the current chief hermit of the Mechanicum.


The sound coming from the high platform interrupted Jackson's contemplation. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound... A slender woman in a red robe slowly emerged from the darkness on the high platform. Walked out.

"0010...Your Excellency...who is it!" After adjusting his voice, Jackson's eyes were like laser scanners, quickly scanning the face hidden under the red robe.

However, no matter how he scanned, the picture shown in his eyes was dark... as if there was some black film blocking the face hidden under the red robe.

"Oh, we have met before, both on Mars and Terra!" Linda slowly took off the hood covering her head, revealing her beautiful face that had been carefully dressed up.

Jackson quickly scanned the memory in the depths of his mind, and immediately found a person whose face matched this one - Lord of Blood and Tears, the genetic daughter of the great current chief hermit of the Mechanicus, and the chief traitor of the Mechanicus. …

Although he had already guessed that it would be her, every time Jackson saw the long list of wanted notices issued by the Martian Forge World, he still couldn't help but feel greedy.

It's a pity that the chief traitor in front of him is no longer the guy who can be killed at will like a street rat.

Now the entire galaxy is in chaos, the building is about to collapse, and the empire may not be able to hold on, let alone the Mars Foundry Base... (First of all, there is no intention to look down on the Mars Foundry Base here, and secondly, although I am not a loyal person My engine oil is old, but I still have great respect for the Mechanicus).

The chief traitor in front of him has become a high-ranking member of this extremely large fleet, and owns a mechanical ark that all mechanical sages dream of owning.

Although, according to the criticism, this chief traitor relied on her husband to own such a mechanical ark.

But strong strength represents everything. In the face of strong strength, any rumors are just the noise of jealous people.

"Your Excellency!" After a moment of hesitation, Jackson silently performed the most complicated etiquette to Linda.

This kind of etiquette is often required when meeting the Great Sage, and represents the highest respect for the Great Mechanical Sage.

Seeing Jackson's courtesy towards her, the aggressive atmosphere in Linda's tone immediately lost a lot, "You don't have to be so polite. Your Excellency can successfully hold on when surrounded by hundreds of ships of the rebel army." Up to now, it is enough to prove your loyalty to the empire..."

After a few pleasantries, Linda suddenly changed the topic: "Mintis, was it your Excellency who captured and sent him back to the Mars foundry base?"

Jackson's heart sank suddenly, knowing that the theme that called him here today finally appeared.

His mechanical tentacles hidden under the red robe twitched, and he was silent for a long time, and then he said affirmative words: "Yes, I did not hand her over to the chief minister as required by the reward, but He was given to my genetic father, the great Lord of the Doctrine Arlin Agnes.”

"Well..." This time it was Linda's turn to fall into silence.

Linda was extremely familiar with Arlin Agnes, the great Master of the Doctrine. This person was one of the few decent people in the Mechanicus... Hey, but that was just a way for him to deceive others. It's just a performance, he is actually a monster with a human face and an animal heart.

It is no exaggeration to say that on the Mars foundry base, except for the current data predator who is a female great sage and has not participated in the great sages’ perverted game of dehumanizing, all other The great sages were all more or less involved.

Linda looked at Jackson and your eyes were once again filled with coldness.

The good impression of Jackson that had gradually improved in her heart had once again sunk to the bottom.

However, she also knew that it would be meaningless to pursue Jackson's responsibility at this time. Instead of being incompetent and furious, it would be better to do everything possible to rush to the Mars foundry base as soon as possible, so that she might be able to save her few remaining genetic sisters. .

But before that, she had to do one more thing!

As if he felt that the atmosphere had dropped to freezing point again, Jackson lowered his head silently... Although he had left a backup of his body and consciousness, he did not want to give up this body of his if there was no need. body.

In addition, with Linda's power at this moment, even if he prepared more data backups, it would be easy for Linda to kill him.

"... Jackson... Ralph Jacob, come on, I want to be quiet!"

Linda sighed, put on her hood again, and slowly walked into the darkness of a plate of shadows and disappeared.

Ralph Jacob slowly walked out of the dark shadows.

As the first mechanical sage to join Chen Guo's camp in name, his status has long entered the core circle of Chen Guo's power.

Now he is not only the main person in charge of several Titan workshops, but also has a huge space on the mechanical ark as his own laboratory.

Looking at his appearance, Jackson showed a bitter smile on his face.

He is very familiar with Ralph Jacob.

This master of macro casting who is proficient in making Titans once helped his casting world build a small Titan reconnaissance team.

The two sides communicated very harmoniously. Although they were not close friends, they were closer than ordinary friends...

However, Jackson was a general commander of a forge world at that time, and Ralph Jacob was just an ordinary mechanical sage who was good at building Titans.

The status of the two sides seemed to be not much different, but in fact, there was a world of difference... However, at this moment, the status of the two sides has been reversed by almost 180 degrees.

The mechanical sage, who was once much shorter, has now become a giant that the commander and general of the forge world must look up to...

For some reason, Jackson suddenly had an urge to join the other side.

Being able to sit in the position of a forge general stationed in a forge world is enough to prove that Jackson has his own political ambitions.

And now, he seems to have found a way to continue to climb up.

However... Although he will kowtow in front of these people who are stronger than him, it is impossible to really win him over without revealing some key things.

Looking at Jackson's calm mechanical mask, Ralph Jacob sneered in his heart, without saying any more nonsense, he clapped his hands directly, and at the same time began to complain in his heart, "Hehehe, I thought you could be so calm for a while! '

The smooth steel floor began to slowly separate to both sides, and a magnificent Nemanrus tank with all kinds of strange patterns and faces appeared in the center of the hall.

Lemanus Destroyer model tank, Leman Russ Destroyer was born for only one mission-breaking the battle line. It is equipped with a short-range but powerful Destroyer Cannon, and its lethality makes this type of tank the undisputed king of close combat.

Relying on the additional armor installed in the front, the Destroyer can bring deadly short-range firepower to the gaps in the enemy's battle line close to the Empire.

This is a tank obtained from the Ultramarines, originally belonging to the 34th Legion of the Ultramarine Mortal Auxiliary Army.

The 34th Legion of the Ultramar Mortal Auxiliary Army is an extremely powerful mortal legion with an extremely long history and glorious record. Its battle flag has always been planted on Macragge, at the forefront of Guilliman Castle!

This Lemanus tank has its own nickname - the Fury!

Every strange pattern on it represents a war it has gone through, and every face depicted on it also represents every powerful and memorable enemy he has killed!

It is not scrapped, and this is not an exhibition hall. It is parked here for its own mission.

Ralph Jacob walked slowly to its side and patted its tracks which were much taller than his body. "Jackson, there are two paths before you now.

The first path is for you to turn around and leave, forget everything that happened today, and then die in a war without anyone noticing. At the same time, your data backups and body hidden in various corners will also be destroyed.

The second choice is to stay where you are, watch all the things that will happen next, and then make your own choice.

Of course, there are only two choices you can make.

One is death, and the other is to prepare a letter of surrender..."

"Why recruit him? He is just a general! He is a general who relies on the "dirty bomb" army."

Holding Linda, standing in a dark corner, looking at Ralph Jacob who was talking in the distance, Chen Guo asked Linda with some doubts.

"No, he is not an ordinary casting general... Although there are many casting worlds, the casting generals of most casting worlds cannot actually be called casting generals. Only the casting worlds that have obtained tax-free qualifications can be truly called casting worlds.

The Changtuo Casting World relies on the continuous supply of a large number of Changtuo Vanguard Soldiers, so it has obtained the first-level tax-free qualification and only needs to pay very little tax to continue to exist.

More importantly, as long as the casting world has obtained tax-free qualifications, it has the right to vote in the Great Sage Voting Ceremony!

Don't underestimate any vote. In every great sage election ceremony, the powerful forging worlds often even start a private fight for the last vote... I need this vote, I want it. Use the procedures and rules since the founding of the Mechanicum to recast this decayed church. "

"Rules? I don't like to follow rules very much!" A disdainful smile appeared on Chen Guo's face, "Why don't we go to Terra this time and see if I can find an opportunity to blow up Mars!"

"Darling, please don't do this, okay? Although I don't want to go anywhere, it is the place where I was born after all!" Linda said to Chen Guo behind her in an almost pleading tone, without any doubt whether Chen Guo could do it. To the point of blowing up the entire Mars.

"Hey, that's okay! But I keep this idea!"

Within a few words, Jackson outside suddenly lost his legs and knelt on the ground, and began to chant the sacred and holy mechanical Bible...

The reason why he did this was because the Nemanrus tank in front of him had turned into a steel giant that was almost reaching the ceiling!

Although Ralph Jacobs did not kneel down, his face once again showed a complex expression of shock... Compared with the divine creation in front of him, the Titan he created was like garbage on the roadside!

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