Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 118: Layout of the Mechanicus (1/2)


Kneeling in front of Chen Guo, Jackson prostrated himself, and even the steel tentacles on his body stopped swaying in the wind.


Standing on Chen Guo's shoulder, Vulture looked at Jackson prostrating himself in front of him, and his blue electronic eyes kept flashing, as if he was recalling something, or as if he was thinking.

"I am not your Lord!"

Chen Guo's face was expressionless. To be able to sit in the position of a forging general in a forging world, he was definitely not an ordinary person.

The position of a forging general is not easy to sit, although in a sense, the political level of a forging general is similar to that of the governors of the star regions who split the earth and became kings and managed the planets.

However, as long as the IQ is higher than 80, you will know that the power of a forging general who rules a forging world is much higher than that of a governor.

Therefore, Chen Guo did not believe that just showing the power of the fire source would make Jackson surrender.

Even if Jackson really wanted to surrender, if he just knelt down without any token of surrender, Chen Guo would not dare to believe him!

"Master!" Jackson slowly raised his head, "Your most loyal servant will always be loyal to you, whether you are willing to accept it or not, I will..."

"Um!" Chen Guo waved his hand to interrupt Jackson's nonsense, and then released a black light beam as thick as a thumb towards his body.


The intense pain began to spread all over Jackson's body. He could clearly feel that his steel internal organs were quickly out of the control of the mechanical neuron system.

He never thought that there would be a day when he could feel the pain from his body that had been completely mechanically transformed.


The first thing to fall from Jackson's body was his kidney, or it should be called the waste nutrient solution and waste gas treatment center.

The second thing to fall from Jackson's body was his lung... However, at this moment, it should be called a nutrient solution storage device and an oxygen extraction device.

The organs on the bodies of most mechanical monks are different from those of ordinary humans.

Because they don't need so many organs at all, they just need to ensure that the most important brain in the body has sufficient nutrients and can function normally.

The last thing that fell from Jackson's body was his heart, an energy center that was still beating like a heart but flashing blue light!

It was with this energy center that Jackson was able to support his heavy mechanical body and use these weapons to kill and crush most of the enemies.


Kneeling heavily on the ground, feeling his brain begin to lose consciousness bit by bit, Jackson watched as the metal organs that came back to life became more and more blurred in his vision.


Without the energy center of his heart, Jackson could no longer support himself and fell to the ground.

He was about to take his last breath.

But at this moment, the three activated organs in front of him, which had become robot models, deformed again and quickly drilled into his body again.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

The intense pain came again, but this time, along with the pain, Jackson came back to life from the dying state.

Energy, oxygen, and nutrients were re-integrated into Jackson's body without stopping, and in comparison, he could clearly feel that these organs that had undergone "activation" were working harder!

Looking at Jackson who was twitching on the ground, Chen Guo pointed at the vulture on his shoulder, "Loyalty is not something that can be said with words. From today on, the vulture will cooperate with you. If there is any task, he will tell you what to do!"

"Yes... Master!" Jackson was silent for a moment, then nodded silently, "Now, what do you need me to do!"

"The vulture will tell you, you can go!"

Looking at the vulture and Jackson who were leaving, Chen Guo showed a trace of impatience on his face.

Under the guidance of the Berserker Armor, this feeling of playing conspiracy made him feel very disgusted.

However, some things cannot be done without disgust in the heart.

"Darling, the news has been released, and Guilliman should be able to know what happened here soon!" Linda hugged Chen Guo from behind.

"Well, is it too risky to do this? After all, if Jackson..." Chen Guo's words have not been fully spoken, but his meaning is already very clear.

"No, no mechanical monk can refuse to be loyal to you. Besides, his gene father is the chief doctrine master, who is a madman who pursues power to the point of madness.

I believe that such genetic defects will definitely spread to his genetic offspring with his genes... However, there are some things I can't make a definite guarantee. I can only hope that he can bring us some surprise rewards in the end!"

Chen Guo hugged Lin with his backhand, and held her in his arms and lifted her into the air, "I helped you with this favor. Now, isn't it your turn to help me, my great mechanical sage."

"Stop it!" Linda rolled her eyes in annoyance, "What do you mean by helping me? You are helping yourself, okay! Also, Sanguinius came to you just now, but I blocked him! I saw that he seemed to have something urgent to ask you."

"Sanguinius... I know!"


"Sir, please allow the Forge World of Cato to join your team!" Jackson sincerely asked Guilliman to join.

Guilliman looked at the mechanical forging commander in front of him, and then looked at the intelligence he had just received not long ago. After thinking for a while, he agreed to his joining.

"It is our honor to have you join us. Since your fleet has been completely destroyed, I will transfer four more cruisers for you to use!

However, we have a short time to stop for supplies, so please speed up!"

"Yes, sir!" After leaving Guilliman's office, Jackson immediately returned to the Forge World of Cato with a large number of transport ships.

The Skitarii, which had already assembled, quickly entered the transport ship and boarded the cruiser that Guilliman had dispatched.

Because of the unique physical condition of the Vanguard, the cruisers that Guilliman had dispatched were almost all empty. Fortunately, the Mechanicus had mechanical servants that could be used to replace the mechanical monks to control the spacecraft.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the Vanguard to flexibly control the ships to fly with their bloated bodies under the interference of radiation!

After a short supply, the fleet continued to fly forward.

There was still a short distance to escape from the Ruinstorm.

However, according to the intelligence from the front, just outside the Ruinstorm, a large defense chain composed of hundreds of worlds guarded by the Iron Warriors had been completely formed.

This means that after leaving the Ruinstorm, they must break through the planetary defense chain forged by the Iron Warriors before they can continue to move towards Terra.

Some people may not know much about the Iron Warriors, the Astartes Legion.

Indeed, the Iron Warriors Astartes Legion is indeed a little transparent, but it is undeniable that the Iron Warriors are the most awe-inspiring siege force under the Emperor.

During the Great Crusade, they fought side by side with the Imperial Fists on hundreds of worlds, destroyed countless alien fortresses and halls of those who defied the Emperor's will, and helped the Empire conquer countless territories.

The Primarch of the Iron Warriors, Perturabo, was extremely good at planning and implementing assaults and trench warfare. He was a well-known trench warfare master in the Empire, and he was also a fortress master.

The Iron Warriors under his command competed to be like steel, and could forge a huge and solid steel castle on a barren desert in a very short time, which could easily block the tide-like attacks of millions of aliens.

In addition to being trench masters and fortress masters, they were also well-known offensive masters. No matter how hard the fortresses and trenches were, they were like sand piles in front of them and fell down with a push.

And it is precisely for this reason that the Iron Warriors are the most heavily armed among the rebel legions.

As siege experts, the Iron Warriors rarely use close combat, but rely more on fierce long-range volley firepower, which vividly reflects the saying that the truth comes out under the gunfire.

When fighting outside the fortress, their tactics will not change much, and they still attach great importance to accurate firepower planning... However, the probability of this happening is actually very small.

Because no matter where the Iron Warriors fight, there will be batches of trenches, or a solid fortress will be erected on the ground.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to let the Iron Warriors leave the trenches and fortresses to fight.

Years of practice and fighting, plus various oral knowledge, have enabled the Iron Warriors to master the ability to skillfully build solid fortifications and set up strongholds to contain the enemy.

At the same time, it is precisely relying on this ability that makes them invincible in almost every positional battle.

I don't know if it comes from the inheritance of the Primarch, but all the Iron Warriors Astartes are very calm, meticulous, and cautious. They are particularly good at holding on and attrition warfare. They can use strong or weak forces to wear down the enemy, and will never step out of the trenches and fortresses before they are worn out.

Before the Iron Warriors betrayed the Emperor and still pledged allegiance to the Empire, the Iron Warriors were known for their ruthless efficiency and construction skills.

They despised the exaggerated heroism of their brother legions and never sought the honor of being recorded in history.

Instead, the Iron Warriors were pragmatic and ruthless when performing their missions, and regarded the improvement of war attainments as the real reward.

Perturabo, the Primarch of the Iron Warriors, was a philosopher full of ruthlessness.

And this ruthless philosophy was also passed on to his genetic descendants through his genes, successfully turning his descendants into extremely ruthless butchers.

As an outstanding craftsman, Perturabo has his own ideas about his war. He always carves out his own war process as if he were carving a perfect work of art.

Perturabo is a dictator who is not a dictator. In addition, he may also be a person with severe social fear. The best manifestation of social fear is that no matter where he goes, even if he goes to the front line of the battle, follow him. Those around him were not his descendants but those tall steel warriors...

It seemed that only when he was surrounded by those tall steel warriors could he feel the inner stability and peace.

Logically speaking, a steel-cold craftsman like Perturabo would never have any interaction with Horus.

But it is a pity that because the Emperor regarded Perturabo as a commander who could bear all the hard work and honorless tasks without regrets, Perturabo was forced to give up on himself on many occasions. That almost obsessive pursuit of perfection in war.

In addition, although he and his legion do not care about honor, honor is the imprint deep in the genes and soul of every Astartes.

Iron Warriors is no exception!

What a pity the Emperor did not realize this!

"Perturabo, how much do you know about him?" Sitting behind the long brown-red table, Guilliman's face was very calm.

"I don't know much about him. I don't have any interactions with him. I hate what he does, so I rejected the urge to fight with him many times." Sanguinius did not hide his feelings for Petula at all. Beau's ultimate disgust.

"What about you? Leon?" Guilliman nodded and continued to turn his head towards Leon, saying, "I remember that there seems to have been an intersection between you and him!"

"No, there is no intersection... Once we almost had an intersection, but then Lemanus snatched it away!" Although Leon didn't have much prejudice against Perturabo, There was no connection between him and Perturabo.

"Hmm... However, I remember that Malus and Perturabo had a good relationship!" Sanguinius recalled, "I remember that Malus and he fought side by side many times..."

Sanguinius was suddenly speechless, for it was only then that he remembered that Malus was dead.

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became a little awkward, and no one was talking.

Malus, the Primarch of the Iron Hands, had a good relationship with many of his Primarch brothers, so when it came to his death, the Primarchs in the room would feel more or less regretful.


A dull knock on the door broke the sad atmosphere in the air. Sonina, a slender imperial internal affairs officer, walked in from the door and said, "Sir, the Marshal is here!"

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