Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 120 Attack, attack, attack! (1/2)

"Playing tricks?" Chen Guo looked at Koz with a cold look in her eyes.

But Koz had obviously made up his mind and refused to say a word, and silently closed his eyes, out of sight, out of mind!

Chen Guo's eyes were like torches, and the Berserker Armor began to play tricks again. Sanguinius quickly reached out to stop him.

"Forget it!" Sanguinius smiled bitterly and comforted Chen Guo, "I have said everything I should say, let's go!"

Seeing that Sanguinius said so, Chen Guo didn't say anything else. He turned back and took a last look at Koz, twitched his mouth meaningfully, and turned away.

But, just a few steps away, Koz, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

"You are not mistaken, there is indeed a surprise above Daven.

But... hahahaha, I wish you good luck first... hahahaha!"

Koz's sharp laughter began to echo in the small cell.

"Let's go!" After saying hello to Leon, Chen Guo and Sanguinius turned and left.

"Hey, this favor is considered to be repaid!" Leon leaned against the door of the secret vault and called Chen Guo directly.

Oh, it turns out that this time, Leon was so straightforward to repay a favor!

"Of course!"

Parting ways with Sanguinius, Chen Guo took the transport ship that came to find him and returned to the Neptune Mechanical Ark.

First, he went to see his daughter.

After sailing for less than a year, the daughter born by Solan to Chen Guo has begun to toddle.

After careful consideration, Chen Guo decided to abolish the name she gave herself and follow Solan's request to name her daughter with the surname of the Misk family - An Misk.

But using the word An and not using his surname Chen represents Chen Guo's only wish, which is to hope that she can grow up safely and healthily.

But...it is obvious that in this chaotic universe, such a wish is almost impossible to achieve.

Looking at his daughter and Solan in the giant incubator, Chen Guo showed a gentle and happy smile.

In this chaotic universe, the mortality rate of newborns is too high.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety and healthy development of her daughter, Chen Guo not only built a normal gravity incubator for her, but also prepared an electronic sun for her, trying to simulate the most normal growth environment for her so that she could thrive.

Solan saw Chen Guo, who was smiling foolishly outside the incubator, and immediately ran out, reaching out to pull him in.

However, Chen Guo just hugged her in his arms with a force, and reached out to close the hatch of the incubator next to him.

"Guo, go in and see your daughter!"

"No, the evil spirit on this set of armor is too heavy, I'm afraid it will affect her.

Besides, she is still relatively young now, and with my big physique, it would be troublesome if I accidentally hurt her.

I feel relieved to have you take care of her. When she is a little older, I will personally guide her... Come to my room at night, okay?" Chen Guo suddenly changed the subject and made her own suggestion to Solan in his arms with a smirk on his face.

"Okay!" Solan nodded shyly, "Do you want me to call Soni?"

"Hehehe, no, just you!"

After a while of tenderness, seeing that his daughter was about to start crying again, Solan rushed back and began to coax his daughter with the help of a large number of demon-faced maids.

Shaking his head, Chen Guo turned and left. It was okay to coax a woman, but not a child. He felt a headache when he heard the child crying.

So, let's go find Soni now!


After a short supply, the fleet changed direction and headed towards Davin.

I don't know which evil god was behind it, or if all four of them took action.

Originally, the Destruction Storm, which had been stagnant in the subspace, suddenly left the central anchor point where it had been staying for some reason and slowly moved towards Terra.

Although, for the huge Destruction Storm spanning several star fields, the distance it moved every day was almost negligible.

But for the tiny fleet, getting rid of the shackles of the Destruction Storm seemed to be a distant thing.

Because Sanguinius gave the correct prophecy direction in advance, many battles in the chronicles were not fought at all.

However, they encountered many small-scale rebel legion teams along the way.

However, these rebel legion fleets were easily destroyed by the Dark Angels led by Leon before Chen Guo could take action.

Fortunately, Chen Guo was accompanied by many women, and Linda would always prepare various experiments for him to help complete from time to time.

Otherwise, Chen Guo really didn't know what method to use to pass the time every day in the boring space voyage for more than a year.

Finally, after a year and a half of space voyage, they finally arrived near the Daven Star Region.

However, the Daven Star Region at this moment was completely different from when Chen Guo left.

According to the information sent back by the reconnaissance ship, the Iron Warriors Legion has built the Daven Star Region into a solid space fortress.

I don’t know where they pulled several super-large starports from, and used the starports and a large number of cargo ships, as well as space junk, to form a space array and defense network.

In addition, the Iron Warriors transformed all of Daven’s planets into war fortresses.

Hundreds of huge steel fortresses and trenches directly armed these planets to the teeth.

Especially Daven!

In order to protect the space route that goes directly to Terra, not only the main force of the Iron Warriors came here, but also the Word Bearers Legion and the last remnants of the Devourer Legion came here.

Because Guilliman’s fleet is so huge, so huge that even Horus, who now has the upper hand, must pay a heavy price to completely destroy all of Guilliman’s fleets.

Therefore, Horus can only cut off one arm and send the Iron Warriors to defend.

Otherwise, once the Daven sector is lost, the huge fleet will pass through that safe route and successfully reach Terra in a few hours or at most within a day!

By that time, Horus, who had the upper hand, would lose everything and could only flee in a panic.

After a brief deployment, Guilliman's fleet and Leon's fleet were responsible for a naval battle in the Daven sector, while Chen Guo and Sanguinius' fleets would directly attack the planet Daven and find out all the secrets on it.

At the same time, they also had to find the "channel" that could lead directly to Terra.

As for the steel fortresses deployed by the Iron Warriors on various planets, they were directly ignored by Guilliman.

According to Guilliman, this attack was a one-shot deal from any angle.

As for the fortresses and trenches deployed by the Iron Warriors, it would be better to wait until after the victory... and then slowly send people to clean them up!

In order to prevent changes from happening later, the longer the night, the more dreams there are.

As soon as the strategic meeting was over, the attack started directly.

The combined fleet of the Dark Angels and Ultramar's 500 Worlds rushed into the Daven Star Region and launched a surprise attack on the rebel Legion Astartes and a large number of Chaos Demon Fleets.

Chen Guo's fleet and Sanguinius' Blood Angels Legion stopped outside the Daven New District.

While preparing, they waited for the Legion Fleet inside to open up the situation, and then they rushed in all at once to hit the dragon directly.

After discussing with Des, Chen Guo gathered all his close friends on the Neptune Mechanical Ark, and transferred all the battleships and heavy cruisers to wrap around the Neptune Mechanical Ark, preparing to use the Neptune Mechanical Ark as the core to turn the entire fleet into an indestructible steel arrow.

However, before the attack, the Silent Sisters Squad, which had never had a sense of existence, suddenly found Chen Guo and asked to join the ground battle on the planet Daven!

Looking at these silent sisters who were half a body shorter than him, Chen Guo felt a little overwhelmed for a moment.

Since these silent sisters were sent to guard the Death Ray battleship by him, they have never stopped to cause trouble.

It's either this or that. In order to show their reverence for the Emperor, they even built a statue of the Emperor on the Death Ray and prayed every day...

Looking at their firm expressions, Chen Guo refused and said, "No, your mission is to guard the Death Ray battleship, not to bargain with me here.

Now please return to the Death Ray immediately and prepare to welcome the arrival of the enemy.

This is an order, not a negotiation with you."

Looking at Chen Guo stubbornly, the silent sisters refused to compromise without hesitation and still asked to participate in Davin's ground war.

Chen Guo was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and turned around and left.

Unexpectedly, these followers actually stuck to Chen Guo tightly. Wherever Chen Guo went, they followed, as if they would not stop until they achieved their goal.

There was no way. They could not be beaten, and they could not be driven away by scolding.

Chen Guo clenched and unclenched her fists many times, and finally could only silently agree to let them participate in the ground combat against the planet Daven!

The huge fleet slowly gathered and transformed according to the designated formation. The Blood Angels Legion looked at the fleet next to it in some confusion as it slowly transformed and reorganized.

However, they soon received orders from Sanguinius, and the driven ships merged with Chen Guo's fleet...

While preparing in the rear, the battle in the Daven star zone had completely turned into a mess.

As the home field of the benevolent father Nurgle, several powerful Nurgle Chaos Demon fleets were frantically counterattacking the Ultramar Five Hundred Worlds Combined Fleet from all directions and several angles.

But facing Guilliman's personal command, the huge and fearless combined fleet, and the Dark Angels, a powerful genetic warrior legion that can jump into the subspace anytime and anywhere like a mad dog.

Even the powerful Chaos Demon Alliance had some tendency to be unable to resist for a while!

However, the huge fleet did not follow the predetermined plan to quickly tear open the defense gap in the Daven Star Zone and open a route directly to the Daven planet.

There was no other way. The huge defense network of starports built by the Iron Warriors was too strong. Even the Ultramarines Astartes made several suicide charges, but they only occupied and destroyed three or four starports.

As the battle became more and more intense, a large number of rebel legions gathered directly near the remaining starports and began to build a huge defense network with the starports as the center.

They finally reacted. Facing Guilliman's on-the-spot command and the extremely large joint fleet, the confrontation of forces was definitely a dead end.

Only by defending these starport fortresses could they resist Guilliman's attack.

But what they didn't know was that Guilliman wanted them to do this.

After watching those stupid idiots step into the trap according to their own design.

Guilliman invited Chen Guo and Sanguinius to enter the field, and hung up the communication connection with Leon who had already arrived at a safe place.

The next second!

In the distance, the starports that were heavily surrounded by the Chaos Demon Squadron and the Rebel Legion Fleet exploded one after another like firecrackers on a fuse.

The starports modified by the Iron Warriors have a large number of weapons and equipment inside.

At the same time, a large amount of equipment, ammunition and fuel are stored, so only a small spark is needed to turn these ammunition and fuel into powerful gunpowder barrels!

Because the explosion was carried out from the inside out, the reinforcement equipment arranged by the Iron Warriors on the starport did not work at all and turned directly into nothingness, just like the movement when the mountains collapsed, which not only blew up the starport itself, but also affected the ships that were too close to it.

In the blink of an eye, the originally indestructible defense network was immediately destroyed, and the distant planet Davin appeared in front of Guilliman.

It turned out that just when the battle was fierce, Leon had personally led the most powerful Dreadwing Company of the Dark Angels Legion, using the lost golden age optical camouflage technology, sneaked into the depths of those star ports, and installed a large number of radiation bombs one by one.

Of course, in order to make his own plan come true, Guilliman also lost a large number of Ultramarines Astartes, and even one of his heroic subordinates and an Invincible Iron Guard equipped with the most advanced cavalry mechas were completely sacrificed for the smooth progress of his plan.

But it was all worth it.

Otherwise, even if he could break through the enemy's defense network that took nearly two years to set up from the front, Guilliman would have to pay a heavy price... and this was a price that he could not afford at the moment.

Because they still have a more powerful opponent-the rebel legion led by Horus.

Once Guilliman suffered heavy losses in the Daven star zone, even if he reached the solar system, he might not be the opponent of the Horus Legion!

After receiving the victory report from the front, Chen Guo immediately issued an order to attack.

Suddenly, the fleet that had been prepared for a long time rushed into the Daven Star Region impatiently.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened. An extremely large fleet suddenly appeared on the other side of the Daven New District.

Looking at the iconic patterns on those fleets and the huge and dense fleets, everyone on Chen Guo's side immediately sank to the bottom of the valley.

It was the 14th Legion of the Empire, the Death Guard Legion that had thrown itself into the arms of a loving father.

And their gene primarch was the famous fluttering moth-Motarion.

However, with the sudden appearance of Mortarion, Chen Guo and his team also discovered an important key point-it seemed that they had found the safe route to Terra in advance!

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