Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 121: First encounter with Rabbit Ear Kane! (1/2)

"I'll hold him back, and everything else should proceed according to the original plan." Chen Guo pointed to the fleet projected by the Death Guard on the projection sand table behind him, which was getting closer and closer, and his face was full of seriousness: "That's obviously a trick.

Otherwise, why did the Death Guard appear as soon as we were about to win?"

"I don't think there's any need to discuss it anymore!" Leon interrupted Chen Guo's words for the first time. He was fighting on the front line and punched a Chaos Demon's head away. Then he wielded the King's Great Sword with a flashing blue light and slaughtered all the Chaos Demons that surged up. "There's not only Mortarion here, I can feel that Lorgar and Perturabo are also here. Instead of wasting time here and being completely dragged here, it's better to take a gamble.

If you're afraid, then I'll go first!"

"I agree!" Guilliman agreed to Leon's proposal without even turning his head. All his attention was now focused on the sand table projection not far away, but the ability of multi-threaded processing still allowed him to make judgments that he thought were correct.

"I... I think I should think about it again..."

"Enough, Sanguinius, stop hesitating, I'm tired of your indecision, stay if you want, I'm leaving first!"

Seeing that the opportunity was fleeting, Leon left the communication channel directly, led the Dark Angels fleet, and rushed to the Death Guard.

The Death Guard had just escaped from the unknown interstellar channel, and before they had time to form a battle formation, they were immediately dispersed by the sudden arrival of Leon and the Dark Angels fleet.

"Take care of yourself!" Seeing that the Dark Angels fleet successfully dispersed the enemy, Guilliman no longer hesitated and prepared to leave here!

"Chen Guo?" Sanguinius' tone was already filled with pleading.

"Don't worry, I'm always here!" Chen Guo's words were like a shot of adrenaline, successfully calming down Sanguinius who was in hesitation.

After hanging up the communication signal, Des immediately took a step forward, "My Lord, once Guilliman leaves, our fleet will not be able to hold out for too long!" This time he was not exaggerating. Without Guilliman, their fleet would immediately fall into a disadvantage in the face of a flood of enemies.

"Old De, we have been friends for several years!"

"I understand, my Lord." Des is not a fool. As soon as Chen Guo said this, he knew that Chen Guo was going to fight with her family.

In this case, there is no need to say anything more!

"Lu Doyle, you come with me, Des, you stay in the mechanical ark, Linda..." After looking at Linda in the distance, Chen Guo didn't say anything more.

There is no need to say too much between couples who understand each other!

"Go! I can't let my friends wait too long!"


"Ready, fire, free fire!"

As if it were a cold machine, the Iron Warrior Astartes ruthlessly manipulated the defense turrets, accurately sniping the landing pods that fell from the sky.

Ever since the planetary defense network suspended above the atmosphere was torn into pieces by dense macro cannons, the Iron Warriors could only fire manually.

"Here we go!" Kane, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes. He slowly picked up the battle axe made according to the model of Angron's blood axe, "Today, revenge!"

"Hold him?" Perturabo's unchanging iron face made Lorgar next to him want to hit him: "No one can break through my iron fortress in front of me, not even my father!"

"I hope so, my brother."

"Lorgar, the first batch of landing pods have landed, and the World Eaters led by Kane have rushed up. Should we follow?" Kor Phaeron smiled and walked to Lorgar's side, without any sense of superiority or inferiority.

Perturabo glanced at Kor Phaeron, who was wearing a sinister smile, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

A waste who couldn't even survive the genetic modification surgery was not worthy of his attention.

If Kor Phaeron was his adoptive father, he would definitely send him to death with tolerance, so that at least he could leave him a little dignity.

"Goodbye!" After a cold greeting, Perturabo turned and left.

Although as a social phobia, he would not stand with his descendants, but as a qualified commander, he would always stay in his combat command room.

"This idiot!" Kor Phaeron's curse sounded before Perturabo had time to walk out of the room.

However, because he didn't mention his name, Perturabo didn't bother to pay attention to him. He held up the steel furnace cane left by Malus and quickly disappeared at the end of the trench.

"Prepare to retreat!" Lorgar shook his head, "Let them handle the things here, it's time for us to leave!"

"I know, Lorgar!"


"Boom boom boom~"

Unfortunately, the landing capsule that Chen Guo promised was taken care of by the Iron Warrior Astartes, and half of the landing capsule was directly smashed into pieces in the air, and several demon-faced mages and biochemical warriors who followed him down were also smashed into pieces along with that half of the landing capsule.

The hatch in front of them flew away with a flick of the finger. Chen Guo and Lu Duoyiner looked at each other and jumped down one after another without any hesitation.

However, Chen Guo was not prepared at all. He directly hugged his head with his hands and fell heavily to the ground, while Lu Duoyiner activated the gliding device on the armor.

Regardless of the order, they all hit the ground heavily.

In order to facilitate defense, all the buildings on the entire planet that could be used to hide people and cover, even trees and weeds, were cleared away, leaving only the stinking green disease clay, lying quietly on the surface of the planet.

In order to facilitate defense, the Chaos Demons from the Nurgle camp used all their tricks and transformed the entire planet with countless corpses.


Amidst the earth-shaking roar, Chen Guo jumped out of the deep pit filled with green mucus. Bright silver-red electric sparks flashed quickly, and the mucus on his body was wrapped and burned by the electric sparks. Finally, he fell to the ground and turned into a bunch of charred objects.

Glancing with disgust, Chen Guo increased his horsepower, and more electric current sprayed out, forming a huge semicircle visible to the naked eye outside his body.

"Integrate the troops, follow me!"

With a loud roar, regardless of whether Lu Duoyiner, who fell not far away, heard it, Chen Guo had already rushed towards the swarming Chaos Demons.

I don't know if it was because of his reputation, but Chen Guo didn't see even a Chaos Demon wherever he looked, all of them were low-level Chaos Demons.

However, he saw many figures of World Eaters Astartes.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

The harsh sound of electric burning began to echo in the air. The slide that Zuixian and Lei Dian touched each other was bounced away without even a chance to scream, and it was still burning in the air.

Chen Guo turned into an unstoppable bulldozer, quickly opening up a smooth road in the sea of ​​Chaos Demons.

Not only Chaos Demons, but also the pits filled with green slime scattered on the ground were ignited under the burning of the hot lightning, and the air immediately exuded an unbearable stench of burnt lakes.

Chen Guo did this deliberately, because the green slime was highly corrosive and contained germs that could kill Astartes in a short time.

In order to prevent the landing troops behind him from suffering too much loss, Chen Guo had to open up a path for them.

Otherwise, most of the troops who landed on the planet with him might be lost before they even saw the trenches and fortresses.


A huge explosion suddenly sounded in front of Chen Guo, and the huge shock wave formed a green tornado visible to the naked eye, sweeping towards Chen Guo with an unstoppable momentum.

When the green tornado passed by a fire, it quickly absorbed the flames on the ground and turned into a fire tornado that reached the sky.

Because it rushed too hard, Chen Guo did not dodge in time and rushed directly into the sky-high pillar of fire. In an instant, he was completely wrapped in the flames and immediately disappeared.

"My Lord!" Lu Duoyiner, who followed closely, immediately led the wandering Astartes to rush up to save people, but before he took a few steps, Chen Guo's roar had already burst out from the fire tornado.

"Get out of the way!"

The dazzling golden light column rushed straight into the sky and the ground began to shake involuntarily, as if there was a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Where the golden light swept, the sky wrapped in green miasma also revealed its original clearness again!

However, this bit of clear sky did not last long, and was quickly eroded by the dark clouds!


A huge storm that had never appeared since the colonization of the planet Daven began to gather in the clouds.


The devastating thunder sounded again, and the blazing fire tornado disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Chen Guo, who was wrapped in silver-red lightning, appeared in front of everyone again.

He was like a god of thunder. Wherever his fingers pointed, lightning as thick as his arm immediately struck some empty spaces that seemed to be empty.

"Pah pah pah~"

Those places hit by lightning immediately screamed fiercely, and the hidden Word Bearers psychics were burned into charcoal by the high-voltage current amid the fierce screams.

"Hua la la~"

The heavy rain poured down, and the power of the current became even greater under the blessing of the rain, and the radiation range became particularly large.

The electric snakes that kept flashing and changing swam back and forth in the water flow on the ground like fish in water. The Chaos Demons and the Astartes of the Rebellion Legion were turned into charcoal without even having time to react.

"Don't be afraid, they won't electrocute you!" Looking back at his own people who were shrinking back, Chen Guo immediately said, and turned into a silver-red lightning and rushed forward.

Lu Duoyiner hesitated for a moment, but still reached out and touched an electric snake that passed by him in the rainstorm.


Although there was also a sound of electric current, he was not immediately electrocuted into charcoal like those Astartes of the Rebellion Legion.

These surging electric snakes seemed to have consciousness. After climbing onto Lu Duoyin'er's body, they jumped off his fingers, swimming non-stop and making a hissing sound.

It sounded like they were cursing Lu Duoyin'er in a low voice.

Lu Duoyin'er was speechless, but he quickly reacted and led the people behind him to chase in the direction where Chen Guo was running.

Under the blessing of heavy rain and thunder and lightning, Chen Guo's strength was almost the same as that of the demonization period without turning on the demonization.

Even better!

"Boom boom boom ~"

In order to stop Chen Guo's steps, several fire tornadoes quickly spread and rose above the earth, but as soon as these fire tornadoes appeared, the rain curtain and thunder and lightning in the sky rushed up.

Not only did they quickly extinguish the flames, but they also easily dispersed the strong wind that could tear heavy tanks into pieces.


Kane inserted the red dagger into his body with force. His body began to expand rapidly like a sponge that absorbed water. In the blink of an eye, he became a giant four or five meters tall.

His muscles contracted for a while, and the red dagger was slowly sucked into his body, and finally merged with Kane's body.

Because he had not undergone the final upgrade, Kane was not transformed into a Chaos Demon. Therefore, in order to obtain more powerful power, he could only obtain power through the cursed dagger given by Khorne.

Of course, when he completely absorbed the cursed dagger into his body, he had no way back, especially as the power of fear from the cursed dagger continued to invade his body, he would eventually replace his genetic father and become a demon prince.

At the same time, he would also become a dog under the brass throne!

Feeling the explosive power coming from his body, Kane tore off the long horns growing on his head, put on the rabbit ear helmet again, and picked up a replica of the power axe used by his father.

But at this moment, the cursed dagger that had stopped supplying power once again exerted force, infusing even greater power into his body.

Compared with the previous insufficient power supply, this force was extremely brutal and violent, and it tore Kane's body madly, causing his already huge figure to expand even faster.

At the same time, the huge subspace force tore open the real barrier and poured into Kane's body, which had been stretched to the point of being in danger. It quickly repaired the power armor that had been stretched to pieces, and enlarged the "small axe", turning the one-handed axe into a giant two-handed axe that was enough to fit Kevin's current body condition.

After this brutal expansion ended, Kane completely turned into a giant of nearly ten meters, even larger than Chen Guo in the multiplied state.

"Well... Thank you, my master!" Although his body became extremely huge, Kane's brain was extremely clear.

He immediately thanked Khorne for giving him power.

After thanking him, he looked like his palm was about to reach the size of his original body. He grinned, stretched out his hand to grab the power axe beside him, and shouted loudly to the gene brothers around him!


His voice was like a thunderclap in the air, and with the appearance of this thunderclap, red light quickly shot out from the battle axe in his hand and shot into the body of his gene brother... Khorne not only transformed his battle axe, but also gave him the right to release the "Fury" spell with the battle axe.

In the blink of an eye, the World Eaters who were just shocked by the changes in Kane's body also entered a frenzy state.

Not only did their bodies expand, but the grenade guns or power axes in their hands also began to emit red light...

"Dong Dong Dong ~"

Chen Guo stopped moving forward. He saw the red mountain rushing from a distance, and at the same time he felt the gaze from the brass throne.

He immediately started to complain crazily in his heart... Needless to say, the otaku sitting on the brass throne had played the wrong rules again.

Last time he came here using an avatar, and this time he turned into such a monster again... What does he want to do?

However, Chen Guo was not afraid at all. After all, he had even beaten the real avatar of Khorne, which was just a ten-meter-high sandbag!

There is nothing to be afraid of!

The Berserker armor squirmed for a while, and Chen Guo activated the demonization, and at the same time activated the multiplication technique!

However, after starting the multiplication technique, Chen Guo was still much shorter than Kane at the moment.

However, his momentum was comparable to Kane's, especially under the blessing of the heavy rain and lightning above his head, Chen Guo, who was a little shorter, actually stood on the absolute advantage of momentum.

"Cheer, cheer~"


Ignoring the electric force field that kept burning their armor, Chen Guo and Kane collided with each other. When the great sword and the great axe emitting hot electric current collided with each other, a huge shock wave erupted with the two of them as the center.

It was as if a nuclear bomb had been ignited. The soft land was compacted in an instant, and then dense cracks appeared and extended in all directions. The violent gusts of wind were like sharp swords, easily shredding the bodies of the surrounding Chaos Astartes and Chaos Demons.

At the same time, the indestructible power weapons were also shattered.

Because of the intentional control of distance, although Lu Duoyiner and the troops behind him were also blown to the ground by this wave of shock waves, at least they did not suffer any substantial damage, but just looked embarrassed!

Secretly smacking his lips, Lu Duoyiner did not hesitate at all, and immediately led the team behind him to attack the Chaos Demons who were not far away and continued to push forward.

However, he planned to bypass them from a distance and no longer approach the two perverted war centers.

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