Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 125 Terra, here I come! (1/2)



Falling heavily on the ground, Chen Guo raised her head groggily.

"Hua La La~"

Compared to Chen Guo falling to the ground in a mess, Sanguinius seemed much calmer. He flapped his white wings behind him and flew down from the sky gracefully.

"How is it? You are not injured!"

"No... No, does the portal have to be opened so high?" Chen Guo dusted off the dust on her body and straightened her embarrassed appearance.

"The situation on the ground is too complicated. Sanguinius has already experienced it!"

Speaking of Sanguinius, Chen Guo immediately thought of his relatives and his fleet!

"How long will it take them to arrive?"

"That interstellar route is a chaotic route, but with Sanguinius leading the way, they should reach Terra in a month at most!"

"One month?"

Chen Guo couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Why didn't you say it earlier? If you had said it would only take a month, wouldn't we just follow the fleet!"

"No, Horus is coming soon. He has already reached the outside of the solar system. We don't have much time left... Here we go!"

While he was talking, hundreds of gunboats suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance.

Then, rolling dust began to rise on the ground, and hundreds of white hovercrafts quickly rushed towards this side.

"My brother, what will happen in a while may make you angry, but please don't care too much!" As he walked forward in accordance with the pace of fate, Sanguinius's predictive ability became stronger and stronger.

"Okay, your Excellency, take over as the commander of the Blood Angels!"

He made a joke to ease the slightly awkward atmosphere. In the distance, a motorcycle brigade that was comparable to the non-mainstream had arrived in front of him.

This was a spear-type void motorcycle. In the entire empire, there was almost no other Primarch who liked to drive this kind of void motorcycle, except for Chagatai Khan of the Fifth Legion.


The void motorcycle made a huge noise... This was a very abnormal thing. The only explanation was that the rider driving the void motorcycle did it on purpose!

And the purpose of his doing so was probably to show off his power.

"Ka Da!"

Pushing open the windshield of the void motorcycle, he was wearing a golden and white battle armor, a blood-red scarf on his chest, and blood-red gloves on his hands. He had a power sword over two meters long on his waist. Although his face was expressionless, it was full of murderous aura without anger. His long black hair was braided into a braid, which kept floating in the wind.

At the first sight of him, Chen Guo seemed to see countless Mongolian strong men riding horses, singing and galloping on the grassland, heroic and unrestrained.

"Chagatai Khan, my brother!"

Sanguinius hugged Khan tightly. The armor on both of them was golden yellow, but they were different in style, but each had its own advantages, and they were all extremely strong, all made of a large amount of refined gold!

As they hugged each other, the gunboats and warships in the sky disappeared quickly, and the vague hostility disappeared with them.

"Sanguinius, I'm curious, how did you appear here!"

Chagatai Khan still did not relax his vigilance. After the hug, his palm couldn't help but touch the big knife on his waist.

At this time, Sanguinius suddenly appeared on Terra again. If Chagatai Khan didn't suspect anything, it would be a ghost!

"My brother..." Sanguinius explained the process of how he came here slowly, and then took Chagatai Khan's hand and walked to Chen Guo.

"Khan, this is my brother in life and death..."

Chagatai Khan's eyes condensed, and a fierce, brutal and terrifying aura emanated from his body. The air seemed to be roaring. He seemed to be crossing an eagle soaring in the sky at this moment, with a cold and ruthless look, staring at his prey!

Facing the almost materialized hostility, Chen Guo was not afraid at all. Although he had a smile on his face, a silver-red electric spark suddenly flashed in the depths of his eyes.

If Chagatai Khan was a soaring eagle, then Chen Guo, whose aura was fully bursting out, became a terrible monster, a glutton that swallowed the sky and the earth.


Invisible strong winds formed around, and the invisible battle had begun. The soaring eagle and the sky-swallowing glutton fiercely bit each other.

At the beginning, the two sides fought back and forth, and were evenly matched.

However, as the battle progressed, Chagatai Khan began to gradually fall into a disadvantage, and the originally colliding strong winds began to blow towards Chagatai Khan.

"Enough!" The white wings quickly stood up between Chen Guo and Chagatai Khan, "Khan, can we go now?"


Without speaking, Chagatai Khan reached out and touched the cold sweat on his head, turned around and got on the void motorcycle again, and disappeared in front of them with the white scar behind him.

"...He is like this, don't worry about it!"

Sanguinius led Chen Guo and took the army's ride, and quickly rushed to the mountain range on Terra, which was once named the Himalayas but is now under the Emperor's palace.

Tara is where the richest and poorest people in the galaxy live together. Under the impact of countless centuries of war, ecological degradation, and rapid urbanization, the ocean has been boiling for a long time.

As the origin of mankind, there are countless nest cities here, and there is also a palace that is larger than the continent.

All the government departments of the empire are here, and the High Collar Society is also here. This is the center of the galaxy and the safest place in the galaxy... However, with Horus approaching, this title of the safest place in the galaxy is about to be broken for the first time.

"Why don't you let me in?" Sanguinius looked at the guards in front of him, and his handsome face was rarely covered with anger. He was eager to see his father, the only master of this great empire.

"Sorry, great Sanguinius, in accordance with the Emperor's order, except for the Imperial Chancellor Malcador, no one, including you, is allowed to enter the inner palace of the palace at will!

Sorry, Sanguinius, this is the Emperor's order!" The commander of the Imperial Guards who blocked the way faced Sanguinius's anger without servility, and strictly implemented the order from the Emperor.

"...Where is Malcador?" Sanguinius gradually extinguished his inner anger, and his tone became stable: "I want to see him."

"I'm here, Sanguinius, welcome to your presence, Thunder Tyrant!"

As soon as Sanguinius's voice fell, dense footsteps came from behind them.

Looking back, an old man hidden under a hood led all the Primarchs stationed on Terra at this time and slowly walked to the towering palace gate.

The old man who led the group was none other than the Emperor's best friend, the founder of the Assassin's Court and the High Lords, and the Imperial Chancellor Malcador, who possessed the enormous psychic power to easily destroy a planet.

Of course, the many Primarchs behind him were also powerful.


Sanguinius was called away by Malcador for a meeting, while Chen Guo was pulled by Leman Russ to the Space Wolves' base.

Drinking the sweet mead in his hand, Chen Guo saw Leman Russ, the Primarch of the Space Wolves Legion, in front of him.

This Lord Wolf was the first person besides Sanguinius who took the initiative to find him and express his goodwill since he came to Terra.

He was also the first Primarch to express goodwill.

However, although he actively shared his precious mead, Chen Guo still sensed a sense of challenge in his eyes.

"Hmm, is there something on my face?" He drank the last drop of wine in the glass in his hand.

"No, come, I'll fill it up for you again!"

Leman Russ, who didn't realize that this was just a joke from Chen Guo, answered Chen Guo's question seriously and stood up to pour another full glass for Chen Guo.

Although this sweet honey wine tasted very good, Chen Guo could still feel that it contained unimaginable toxins, which were enough to easily poison any ordinary human being.

However, this level of toxins was better than nothing in the eyes of Chen Guo and Leman Russ, and it couldn't stop them from drinking the wine in their hands one glass after another.

I don't know how many glasses they drank. The wine jars filled with this honey wine beside them have already piled up like a small mountain, but Chen Guo and Leman Russ did not show any drunkenness, as if they were not drinking high-concentration honey wine, but clear water.

But, even water can't be drunk like this. Although Chen Guo has a voracious stomach and can drink unlimitedly, even the best wine feels a bit greasy after drinking so much, not to mention that it is so sweet, like syrup.

Looking at the wine jars piled high beside him, Chen Guo said, "Just drink it, don't you want something to eat?"


Soon, a large number of ant bulls, whose whole body was roasted crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, were brought in one by one by the Space Wolf Astartes. For a while, the air began to be filled with the aroma of barbecue!

Looking at the ugly crustacean in front of him, Chen Guo shook his head.

Although the ant bull is a creature that tastes really good, it looks really ugly, so ugly that it is difficult to swallow.

However, it is better to have something to eat than to drink dry wine, isn't it?

After three rounds of wine and five kinds of dishes... the two of them kept eating until Leman Russ couldn't eat any more, and finally stopped.

And beside them, in addition to the high pile of wine jars, there was also a mountain of plates.

Compared with Leman Russ, who had lost his human appearance and was a little confused, Chen Guo was still like a dead person.

Just kidding, the stomach of gluttons is not a joke. Besides, the energy consumed by the electric current in Chen Guo's body every moment is incalculable.

Therefore, Chen Guo would never feel full or stuffed.

Even if there were another thousand ant bulls, he could stuff them all into his stomach without any effort.

"Burp!" Leman Russ burped heavily, almost spitting out the food in his mouth. He covered his mouth, and then gulped down a large jar of mead, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hmm... burp... you win!" After saying this, Leman Russ was completely unconscious and was carried away by his genetic offspring.

Not long after he left, Sanguinius successfully found Chen Guo, who was still eating and drinking, with his ability of prophecy.

After drinking a few more cups with Chen Guo, Sanguinius said with a wry smile, "The real situation is worse than I predicted!

Mars has been completely occupied by the Dark Mechanicus and has completely failed.

Leman Russ has made a decision to go to Horus' flagship to fight him in a duel. I plan to persuade him later...

Dorn is very stubborn. He stubbornly designed five lines of defense, hoping to rely on these five lines of defense to successfully block the attack of Horus.

Because the time is very short, the five lines of defense he designed have not been successfully built, so we are about to take the initiative to attack and take the initiative to block outside the five lines of defense to try to help delay Dorne for a while!

But I think Dorne's defense line is simply unnecessary, because the number of our fleets is far from enough, the number of troops is not a match for Horus, and Mars has been completely lost..."

Sanguinius's face was full of pessimism.

Whether it was a prophecy or a rational analysis from reality, Sanguinius could not see any hope of winning...

"Have you contacted Guilliman?"

"Oh, that's what I was going to say - Guilliman and Leon have successfully escaped from that chaotic interstellar route and successfully entered the Solar Star Region.

However, they have now split up. Guilliman will lead a huge fleet to give the rebels a heavy blow from the rear.

And Leon will be responsible for sneak attacks on the home planets of all the rebels to try to distract them!"

Chen Guo couldn't help but smack his lips!

I don't know if those four guys are playing tricks here. This "butterfly" has flapped its wings like this, but it can still bend back. This is too strong!

"Why, I feel like you already know these things?"

"No!" Chen Guo immediately denied, "I just feel that Leon seems to be particularly suitable for doing such sneaky things!"

"Really?" Sanguinius also laughed, "That's right... Malcador, he wants to talk to you alone!"

"I guessed, when?"

"Tomorrow, I will accompany you then!"


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