Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 126 Who doesn’t want a few more cotton-padded jackets? (1/2)

"The Seal Holder, or...should I call you Bram Al Kadur?" Sitting firmly at the end of the long table, Chen Guo casually called out something that made Sanguinius raise his eyebrows. name.

"Sorry, I don't know you, Your Excellency!" Malcador was stunned for a moment and said with a very firm tone.

Chen Guo narrowed her eyes. There was something in Macado's words!

The first one expressed that he was not very familiar with Chen Guo. Of course, this sentence was only meant for Sanguinius nearby. The second sentence was meant for Chen Guo, expressing that he, as a person from the golden age, People who have come back in time have never met Chen Guo, so Chen Guo should not be so anxious to build relationships.

Of course, Chen Guo also heard the meaning of his words, and also knew the purpose of Macado's search for her... It was not that he was looking for her, but the one sitting on the golden toilet was using Macado's Just talk to yourself with your mouth.

"Sanguinius, can you please go out for a moment? There are some things that I want to talk to Mr. Chen Guo alone!"

"Of course!" Sanguinius nodded and quickly left the room, but when he walked out, he nodded slightly to Chen Guo.

Obviously, from the prophecy, he saw that the outcome of this meeting was a good one.

Sitting in front of the third most powerful psyker in the empire, Chen Guo would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous.

After all, the old guy hiding under the hood of his robe once single-handedly threw the entire Titan into subspace!

Chen Guo has always had a headache when it comes to psychic energy. This kind of terrifying energy that is unique to the Warhammer world can actually be controlled by a mortal with a weak body... This is simply an unimaginable thing!

However, being in the same room with Malcador at such a close distance, and even sitting on the same long table, Chen Guo could clearly feel the indescribable aura of death from Malcador's body... This is aging The breath of death.

Logically speaking, this will never happen, because Malcador is an immortal like the Emperor. How could an immortal only live for more than 6,000 years before dying?

Unless, he is not an immortal.

In other words, he is pretending to be old.

"Hello, Chen Guo!"

Like the man next door, Malcador slowly took off the hood he had been wearing on his head, revealing his scalp that was as dry as tree bark underneath and the tubes that had been wrapped around his skin.

Chen Guo could clearly see that a transparent liquid was constantly flowing through these tubes - a liquid containing rich life force. It felt very similar to the genetic life-extending potion that Chen Guo had used not long ago. similar.

"Oh...it seems we just said hello!"

With a smile on Chen Guo's face, she reached out and took out a cigar and threw it towards Macado, without thinking about his aging physique or whether he could smoke such a cigar that was adulterated with too much medicine!

Skillfully flicking away the cigar butt with his spiritual energy, Malcador was very skilled at puffing out smoke. However, he was very well-educated, dozens of times better than a guy named Leon. The smoke he breathed out, As soon as it came out of his mouth, it was wrapped in powerful spiritual energy and thrown into the subspace!


After smoking a cigar for a while, Malcador spoke again: "Well, how does it feel in Terra?"

"Fortunately, it's just that the ant-cow ate a little too much and felt a little greasy, but the other things were awfully unpalatable!"

"Hahaha, it is indeed like this, because it is during the war, many interstellar waterways have been cut off, and many agricultural and animal husbandry planets cannot transport food materials. Only ant cows can still be farmed normally.

However, by the time the war is over, everything should return to normal. "

"Haha, I can't say for sure... Your Majesty, Prime Minister, you asked me to come here today, I'm afraid it's not just to have a family time with me here!"

"Yes, I just want to chat with you, nothing else...Is your daughter okay?"

"Okay, very good!" Chen Guo nodded, "She looks nothing like me, but she looks a lot like her mother."

"Oh, that's great, why don't you use your own last name?"

"I don't want to use it. I want her to live quietly... Do you have children?" Chen Guo slowly leaned on the hard back of the chair.

"Yes, there have been many, but they have been dead for many years. I buried them in the graves with my own hands, at the end of the Golden Age!" Malcador's tone was very calm, as if those who had been buried by his own hands were The children are just strangers.

"That's really lucky. I was able to die in that era. At least I no longer have to experience the pain afterwards!"

"No, they didn't want to die. I killed them with my own hands!" Macado's eyes finally revealed a different look, "I didn't mean to kill them, mainly at that time. I was relatively young and didn’t think about the consequences so much, which is why I ended up with such an irreversible ending... It’s actually not bad to live a peaceful life, but the days to come may be more difficult than now.”

"Really? Do you have any good recommendations?"

“What do you think of Terra?

How about letting her live in Terra, which will be the safest place in the galaxy no matter what, and I will find the best teacher to teach her and let her become a high lord in the future?

Oh...or, let..."

"No need!" Chen Guo rejected Macado's proposal decisively and rudely, crushing the hot cigar alive with her fingers, "There are some things we can talk about, and I can also make concessions to you.

But there are some things that absolutely cannot be discussed, and there is no room for concessions, so please don’t talk too much! "

"Don't get excited, this is just a proposal, just an ordinary proposal!" Makado remained calm.

It's as if he didn't say those words just now!

"It's okay. I'll take care of my child myself! Don't bother others!" Chen Guo also gradually calmed down, "Are the housing prices in Terra high?"

Malcador smiled and nodded, "High, very high. The closer to the palace, the higher the housing prices. The most expensive place seems to cost 100,000 dense metal ores per square meter!"

What, do you want to get a house here?

Do you need my help?

I have a palace in every nest city. You can go and see it, and I can sell it to you at a low price! "

"Okay, but I'm afraid we have to wait until everything is over.

In addition, Sanguinius gave me the Blood Angels, and their station in Terra seems to be a big palace! "

"Yes, but it is the property of the empire. You can live in it but you can't own it!" Macado shook his head, "It's better to buy one from my manor!

It's very cheap. One meter of copper mine will give you one square meter. A manor only costs more than 800,000 meters of copper mine! "

"I can't afford it, I'm very poor!" Chen Guo quickly waved her hand, "I'd better go and take a look myself!"

"Okay then... the title of Marshal should be good!"

"Not bad, very good!"

"Well, it's still a little small! With your strength and strength, let alone a marshal title, you should even be able to break the earth and become a king!"

"Oh, really?" Chen Guo narrowed his eyes. He finally waited for this critical moment and said, "King? I really haven't thought about this.

However, I also have my own territory, but my territory is now outside the borders of the empire... However, if possible, I would also like to get an area within the empire. "

"How about the Obscure Star Territory? There are so many colonial planets there."

"No, there are too many pirates over there, and they are very close to the Eye of Chaos."

"So, how about the Taiping Star Territory? There is no Eye of Chaos there. It is very peaceful and peaceful. There are just a few colonial planets, but more agricultural planets!" Malcador directly transformed into a real estate manager and began to help Chen Guo enthusiastically. Pick his position after becoming king.

"No, it's too peaceful, I'll get moldy over there!"


"Ultimate Star Territory. If possible, give me the area near the whirlpool. I think there will be no problem!"

"That place is not very peaceful! Compared to the Eye of Chaos, the chaos of the Maelstrom is not inferior at all!"

"It doesn't matter, I just like that place!"

"Okay, how big a territory do you want?"

"As big as you want, even if you give me the entire Extreme Star Territory, I won't be too big!" Chen Guo grinned, showing a greedy look.

"I see...it was nice talking to you!"

After a few pleasantries, Chen Guo said goodbye and left. However, Malcador did not leave just like that. Instead, he opened the secret door of the room and entered the emperor's inner palace.

The gorgeous palace shone under the soft light, and from time to time, imperial guards wearing golden armor passed in front of Malcador along the way.

But they all seemed to have not seen Malcador. They continued to walk in the palace, loyal to their duties, and did not dare to slack off at all!

Malcador did not greet them, but silently held up the scepter in his hand and walked into the extremely gorgeous palace.

As soon as he entered, all the previous calmness disappeared. Noisy sounds began to echo in the palace, and a strong stench continued to break into Malcador's nasal cavity... This is a process from subspace, like those chaos demons The stench.

Slowly waving his palms, the gentle breeze began to ripple in the air, the stench was blown away, and the noisy sounds were quickly isolated under the huge psychic pressure.

Slowly walking under the huge golden throne, looking at the man who was resting on the throne with his eyes closed, Malcador shook his head and let out a long sigh.

"I saw it!" The emperor opened his eyes, reached out and picked up the wine glass beside him, raised his head and drank it all.

Although he could no longer leave the Golden Throne at this moment, he was not injured, so he could move around as he pleased, except that his buttocks could not leave the seat.

"Well, difficult! Very difficult, but... he is a pure human being!"

"I know all this.

Oh, my prime minister.

I want to hear your opinions, not your sterile mandarin. You know I hate this kind of mandarin the most, just like I hate those children who haven't grown up! "

"Haha, boys are like this. Boys will be aggressive when they stay together, so I have been advising you to raise more daughters.

In this way, maybe today's situation will not be so serious! "

A sarcastic smile appeared on Malcador's face. In the entire empire, he was probably the only one who could speak like this to the being sitting on the golden throne.

"Hahaha, I've thought about this too! But you should know that I've tried hard, but to no avail!

For this reason, I was very tired at the time!

If conditions don’t allow it, who wouldn’t want to wear a few warm cotton-padded jackets? "

Macado rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, then you have to envy him. He has a daughter, and he will have many more daughters in the future! And I believe that he is a more responsible father than you!"

"Tsk, tsk, it's not so scary!" The emperor waved his hand, and another bottle of wine flew into his hand from the high platform in the distance, "Well, is Sanguinius back too?"

"Yes, he kept clamoring to see you, but I stopped him!"

"Let him come to see me, I have to give him a backup plan!"

"Okay... Do you want to meet them all together? Leman Russ is also a good boy, but he is a little reckless in doing things!" A hint of protection flashed in Macado's eyes... As the prime minister of the empire, he and The distance and identities between the Primarchs are actually very far apart, and of course this does not include Leman Russ, the Primarch of the Space Wolves.

Who in the entire empire didn't know that the relationship between Leman Russ and Malcador was not that of father and son, but more than that of father and son.

"Forget it, he's gone. I'm afraid I can't help but jump down and beat him up!" The emperor curled his lips, drank the wine in his hand, and threw the bottle aside, " Hehehe, how long do you think the empire can last!"

"I don't know." Malcador shook his head, "A long time ago, you asked me how long the Golden Age would last. I said it would last for a long time, but the facts proved that I was wrong.

The old guys who were much more powerful than us just stayed in the subspace storm for a little longer, and then they turned into nothingness.

You asked me again how long the Dark Age will last!

I say it took a long time, but the Warp Storm was over in the blink of an eye, taking the Dark Ages with it.

In the barbaric era, you asked me how long it would take to build an empire. I said a long time, but before I knew it, the Great Crusade was over!

Now how long can the empire last if you have me... To this I can only say, I don’t know how long the empire can last, but I only know that mankind will last forever!

That's enough, isn't it?

My emperor! "

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