Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 129: The Enraged Sanguinius

"Who can tell me why it is such a mess?" Sanguinius looked at the commanders in front of him furiously.

He just looked at the casualty ratio data. In this short period of one month, the words "heavy casualties" are no longer enough!

However, this was not enough to make him so angry that he lost his mind, because war is a process of death, and the undead have become ghosts.

But when Sanguinius took another look at every order recorded in the combat office, he couldn't help but get angry.

Because he discovered it before he arrived.


This place, which represents the command center of this sniper war, will issue three orders every time, three completely opposite and contradictory orders!

There is no problem if you take any of these three commands and view them individually, but when these three commands are issued together, things become completely different.

The commanders and legions at the front, faced with three completely different orders, were able to survive for a month under the unified and fierce offensive of the rebel legions. This is already a very lucky thing, and at the same time It is enough to show the extraordinary talents of the frontline commanders.

Changing orders from morning to night is a taboo for military strategists, let alone three orders that undermine each other.

"Who did this!" Sanguinius dropped the information-recording tablet in his hand and looked at him with a cold face, the commander-in-chief of the auxiliary army and a member of the High Lords - bollivar!

"Lord Sanguinius, you have just arrived here not long ago. Before I came, the command here was commanded by Yale, Charles, and Constant. They are all Imperial Marshals. In terms of rank, it's the same……"

"Arrest...execute!" Sanguinius interrupted the high lord harshly and said through gritted teeth:

"I don't care what military exploits these three idiots have made before. Now we will dispose of them all. No one is allowed to stay.

And the execution was to take place in front of everyone.

I want everyone to know that this is the result of being smart! "

For the first time, Sanguinius showed such a ruthless look in front of Chen Guo. His eyes almost spurted out substantial flames, as if he was going to skin those three idiots alive.

However, if Chen Guo had handled this matter by herself, she might have done a better job than him.

Just one month later, three of the highest-ranking imperial commanders suddenly appeared in the Betagarmon system.

Although the military ranks of these three idiots are high enough, when they say that they are the commander-in-chief, they are obviously putting money on their faces.

But this is not the most important thing. What is important is that these three idiots actually undermined each other and kept issuing various orders that violated tactics and strategies, causing the command of the entire war to appear like a ball of loose sand. In vain, Horus, who had not yet arrived at the scene, easily captured half of the position.

"I will be responsible for maneuvering between galaxies, and I will leave the ground attack to you!"

Chagatai Khan closed the communication channel without saying a word, and quickly rushed towards the edge of the galaxy with his huge fleet.

Ignoring the three idiots who were dragged out for execution amidst their constant begging for mercy, Sanguinius pointed to the holographic map on the side and said to Chen Guo, "Beta Garmon II is the administrative capital of this galaxy. , and is also the most critical planet in this galaxy.

Once you successfully capture Beta Garmon II, you can use it as a springboard to attack any other planet in the galaxy! "

"Then, attack it!"

"Guarding there are the Iron Warriors. These trench masters built a huge underground fortress group on Beta Garmon II in a very short period of time. These fortress groups are extremely strong and can withstand intensive orbital bombardment. .

So if we want to attack, we can only avoid the city where the fortress group is located, make an emergency landing in the wilderness, and then advance from the front! "Sanguinius quickly moved his finger on the holographic map in front of him.

In an instant, what was originally just a projection of a small planet was immediately enlarged to infinite size, and then a dilapidated city and a vast wasteland beyond the city appeared in Chen Guo's eyes.

"You want to make an emergency landing on this wasteland and then attack from here?"

Shaking her fingers, Chen Guo looked at the endless wasteland without any cover.

This is the real wilderness. Except for the vast expanse of grassland, there are no mountains, no trees, not even a hill.

Chen Guo scratched her head with some confusion - if she had to make a forced landing in a place like this, wouldn't she be used as a target by the enemy?

"Yes!" Sanguinius nodded with certainty, "This city is called Nyr. The wilderness in front of it doesn't seem to be any different, but in fact it is a super powerful star. The place where the nuclear bomb exploded!

Therefore, it is full of radiation, and ordinary people cannot survive in that area.

The chaotic radiation will also interfere with radar signals.

Therefore, even though there is no cover there, in fact there is the best cover there - radiation.

Nyr is a major transportation route, with routes extending in all directions to any area on the planet. Therefore, it is also an important material transfer station on the entire planet. Only by occupying it can we cut off the reinforcements and supplies of the Iron Warriors!" Sanguinius pointed to the small town on the holographic projection and said with certainty.

"You mean, let me attack from the front to attract the attention of the Iron Warriors, so that you can make an emergency landing from the rear?" Chen Guo's face flashed a hint of understanding.

"No!" Sanguinius changed the subject, "Horus also placed his most elite Titan Legion on Betagalmon II.

Based on my understanding of Perturabo, he will definitely not disperse this precious Titan Legion, but will gather this precious Titan Legion and use it in the place where it should be most!

Therefore, in order to prevent any accidents, I will be responsible for the frontal attack, and you will be responsible for the breakthrough attempt. Once successful, we can attack from the front and back, clear out the defensive force of the Iron Warriors in the shortest time, and eat up Horus' most proud Titan Legion! "

After a moment of contemplation, Chen Guo carefully looked at the holographic projection lens in front of him.

After a while, he nodded and agreed to Sanguinius's proposal.

Since the tactics have been agreed, they must start to implement them without stopping.

The huge joint fleet, while resisting the attacks from the starry sky, continued to carry out orbital bombardment on Betagalmon II.

Almost at the same time as the orbital bombardment, with the help of the noise and light and shadow emitted by the orbital bombardment, Chen Guo led his army and a large number of Titans from the Titan Society, and landed from the spacecraft to the radiation-filled surface without anyone noticing.

But this kind of unnoticed time did not last too long.

Because the huge Titan is really too huge, especially the warlord-level Titan known for its iron will, each one looks more conspicuous than a tall mountain.

The Iron Warriors and the rebel legions stationed on this planet, as long as their eyes are not filled with sand, can easily be within dozens of kilometers. Seeing the huge warlord-class Titan outside.

Seeing the failure of the infiltration, Chen Guo gave the order to attack without any hesitation.

Hundreds of Titans continued to land on the ground, quickly following the original planned route, running with earth-shaking movements, carrying out their own work of slaughtering and cleaning up the traitors.

But not long after, the rebel army, which finally reacted, immediately organized an army of the same size that had been on standby, and quickly came to Chen Guo.

Obviously, they were ready to take advantage of the fact that the forced landing team was not stable and directly wiped out Chen Guo and his team in one fell swoop.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, Chen Guo even saw the huge emperor-class Titan from the troops gathered by the rebel army... as if they had planned it in advance and such a thing would happen.

Of course, in addition to the emperor-class Titan, hundreds of different types of Titans in the rebel army also covered the entire radioactive wasteland in the blink of an eye!

"Attack! "

Once again, the order to attack was given, and the huge divine machines collided and fought together like two ordinary infantry regiments.

This is a magnificent picture that cannot be described in words. The battle between the steel giants is very cruel and bloody.

But what is more cruel is the loyal army that has been transformed by the Dark Mechanicus Slave Crystal.

After the implantation of the crystal, they lost their self-awareness and could only attack the towering Titan in vain at the request of the Warmaster.

They pulled the trigger in their hands, but found that the weapons in their hands could not penetrate the Titan's amazing defensive void shield.

Then, because they were too close, they were directly squeezed into meat paste by the void shield... and the Titan they attacked hardly even looked at them.

The Titan Legion led by Chen Guo is not without support, he still has his own army... With the help of the biochemical warriors, the upper Thousands of Titans fought against the Titans of the Rebel Legion like infantry, and soon gained the upper hand.

But as time went on, the Rebel Legion, which had several Emperor-class Titans, slowly regained the advantage... These hundreds of meters tall divine machines were too powerful.

Every shot and every bullet fired from them could easily injure Warhound-class or even Predator-class Titans.

More importantly, although the Titans of both sides were temporarily mixed together, those extremely large Emperor-class Titans actually had powerful shooting and aiming capabilities, and could easily shoot those small Titans in the crowd, turning them into burning scrap iron and useless slag.

Seeing the surprise attack plan retreating step by step, the casualties on his side were instantly pulled to one to two, and batches of Titans fell in front of him. Chen Guo curled his lips, and at the same time knew that he had to personally participate in this war.

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