Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 130: Horus's Lure of the Tiger Away from the Mountain. (1/2)

"Lu Duo Yin'er, you continue to attack, and I will leave those three big guys!"

"Yes, my lord."

Lu Duo Yin'er excitedly took over the command.

So far, he has never commanded such a large Titan army in combat!

Chen Guo took out her weapon again and quickly left the command center on the ground.

But he did not blindly walk between those steel giants, but put a yellow talisman on his body.

This is the item he exchanged before starting this war. It is an item from another energy dimension - the Earth Talisman.

Earthy yellow light kept rippling on his body, and Chen Guo's body quickly blended into the ground, quietly and swiftly sneaking towards the largest Emperor Titan.

Each huge Emperor-class Titan has its own name, and also has its own divine machine soul.

Unfortunately, Chen Guo didn't know much about emperor-level titans.

Although Chen Guo had read relevant information before the war, she still couldn't accurately name them.

However, Chen Guo doesn't want to understand them right now, but wants to destroy them directly, because only by destroying them will the victory of this battle be tilted towards his camp.

Quickly walking through the underground, Chen Guo dodged one piece and another piece of steel and metal buried underground with an expressionless face, exuding strong and harmful radiation.

These hunks of steel and metal look like fragments from some heavy vehicle.

However, in the powerful nuclear explosion, the edges of these fragments had melted beyond recognition.

Therefore, it is impossible to observe their specific models from these fragments.


Chen Guo suddenly stopped her rapid shuttle.

Because, in front of him, a huge light pillar penetrated the thick soil, and the dazzling purple light exuded strong pressure.

Chen Guo recognized that this huge purple beam of light came from the emperor-level titan he had chosen as his target!

"Why, can you see me?" A look of interest flashed in Chen Guo's eyes, and the next second, he quickly hid to the side again. Almost at the same time, a purple beam of light quickly penetrated what he had just seen. standing position.

"Interesting!" Chen Guo grinned, silver-red lightning flying all over his body, and he took out another talisman and put it on his chest.

Then, wrapped in the earthy yellow light, it quickly turned into a silver-red electric light, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the soil at a transcendent speed!

"Boom boom boom!"

The Emperor-class Titan, known as the Requiem Requiem, kept emitting purple beams of light, easily leaving large holes one after another on the ground that were invisible to the ground.

However, even though the huge macro cannon on his shoulder began to emit blazing light and kept emitting white gas, Chen Guo, who was hidden under the ground and shuttled quickly, was still safe and sound.

Finally, after walking under the soil for a few minutes, Chen Guo successfully arrived directly under the Emperor Titan.

Feeling the constant vibrations from above, Chen Guo knew that this big guy wanted to run away, but he did not give this big guy any chance to escape.

Orange-red thunder and lightning flashed rapidly all over his body, and he successfully broke through the shackles of the earth before the talisman expired and returned to the ground.

And the moment they returned to the ground, dozens of EMP interference grenades with flashing blue light slammed into the radiation shield in the rear of the Emperor Titan's body.

Several War Dog Titans guarding the Imperial Titan saw Chen Guo suddenly appearing above the ground. They immediately adjusted their muzzles and muzzles, turned their light bodies, and fired at Chen Guo. The most violent attack.

"Puff puff!"

A dull sound was accompanied by a dazzling white light. The indestructible radiation shield outside the Emperor Titan's body began to ripple violently in the white light, and then quickly shattered, revealing a hole the size of a person.

Although this hole only existed for less than a second and then healed quickly, Chen Guo took advantage of this second to step into the inside of the Emperor Titan's shield and stood in front of him. Below the steel body made of fine gold.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

There was a violent explosion on the radiation shield behind him, but Chen Guo ignored it at all... It didn't take much to figure out that the explosion behind him came from the war dog titans guarding the emperor-class titans.

But if the War Dog Titan's attack could break through the shield outside the Emperor Titan, then there would be no need for him to make the trip.

The number of Titans he commanded was no less than the number of Titans in the Rebel Legion. It was because of these damn Emperor Titans that he lost more than twice as many Titans as the enemy in just a few hours. .

In the waving hand, Chen Guo quickly left traces and dents one after another on the shell of the Emperor-class Titan. .

"Boom boom~"

The deafening sound of gold and iron echoed continuously inside the shield. It didn't take long for Chen Guo to easily open a hole directly, an entrance and exit that could enter the body of the huge war machine in front of him.

Just as he was about to step in, a team of Dark Mechanicus Crusaders wrapped in black armor appeared in front of Chen Guo.

Looking at the almost iconic radioactive source cans on their bodies, Chen Guo immediately knew that they were the vanguard of the Crusaders.

Unexpectedly, these Dark Mechanicus rebels were quite crazy. They dared to deploy such a terrifying army with a lot of radiation all over their bodies inside the Titan!

Aren’t they afraid that they would not die on the battlefield, but die from the terrible diseases brought by the radiation source?

Blood and qi rolled all over their bodies. Before these guys were about to open fire, they used the blood mist that kept rolling in the air to quickly wrap them up, and then threw them into the sky with force, and then the whole person quickly entered the body of the Titan.

Although Chen Guo was not worried about the possible changes that radiation might bring to his body, it was better to avoid this kind of thing that would make children deformed.

Quickly entering the interior of the Titan, looking at the narrow passage around, Chen Guo sneered, and the EMP electronic pulse interference grenade in his hand, which cost 500 fantasy materialization points, was constantly embedded into the wall beside him.

Moreover, Chen Guo threw it all the way, and killed all the guards who dared to block his way. Only after he reached the control cabin in the center of the Emperor Titan did Chen Guo stop and punched the thick iron door of the control cabin. Then he embedded the electronic pulse grenade in his hand with force into the fist mark, and then quickly pulled out the pin.

"Here it comes!"

The Titan captain, whose whole body was embedded in the Titan, let out the last scream, and then he was in the dazzling blue electric sparks, wrapped in a huge electric current, and he couldn't even scream and turned into a ball of charcoal!

Not only the captain's room, but also the huge Emperor-class Titan began to tremble violently in the flashes of blue electric sparks.

The Emperor-class Titan has several engines and a complete set of emergency plans. Even if all the engines are destroyed, the Dark Mechanic Monk can quickly replace the spare parts according to the emergency plan, so that it can completely restore power in a very short time.

And because its size is so huge, even if a certain part or even a vital core explodes, it will not cause any chain explosions.

Therefore, it is impossible to completely destroy an Emperor-class Titan in a short time, but as long as the Titan captain and crew can be successfully killed, this behemoth can be easily put to bed!

But, this is almost impossible.

Let’s not talk about how to break through the thick radiation shield outside the Emperor-class Titan. Even if you can really break through the rune shield and break the hard shell, the Skitarii inside the Emperor Titan, as well as various hard stall valves...

Even if someone can really break through these obstacles and come to the control center, most of the war outside has ended.

At this time, even if all the Titan pilots were killed, it would basically be useless. At most, it would just vent the anger in the heart.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing that has almost become an iron rule has been broken again.

The Requiem, which stands tall and upright like a mountain, slowly lost all its power after a violent tremor, and stood stupidly in the same place, temporarily losing the ability to fight.

He tore open the heavy hatch of the command room with force, walked into the command room, and looked at the coke embedded on the various control consoles around him. Chen Guo threw down a few barrels of high-concentration explosives and turned away, returning to the original route and quickly leaving the interior of the Titan.

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge explosion was accompanied by a fierce gale. Chen Guo knew that even if this Emperor-class Titan could be repaired, it would take at least some time to operate normally... Although it might only take one or two hours for it to be repaired by the Mechanical Sage, but in the current war, one or two hours of gaps were enough to determine the final victory of this war.

After losing a divine machine, the originally precarious battle line stabilized again.

And when Chen Guo walked out of the second Titan without stopping, the situation on the battlefield had improved significantly.

Lu Duoyiner was very competitive. In an absolutely weak situation, he led the legion and the Titans to fight back again, and completely occupied the Requiem Emperor Titan not long ago.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Guo rushed to the third Titan, but at this moment he suddenly received a communication request from Sanguinius.

"What's wrong?"

"Chen Guo, you've been fooled. Betagalmon II is a bait. Horus' real goal is to completely destroy the equipment on Betagalmon III that maintains the entire Betagalmon inter-galactic communication!

If the communication equipment is destroyed or occupied, we will temporarily lose contact with Terra, and Horus can use our name to send false information to Terra..."

While listening to Sanguinius' report, Chen Guo did not stop his actions. He solved the last Emperor-class Titan in the same way, and then quickly left the battlefield to give the rest of the stage to Lu Doyle.

"What should we do now? Where is Chagatai Khan?"

"Khan is temporarily trapped by the fleet led by Mortarion. The two sides are fighting, and Khan cannot escape for the time being... Horus has personally stepped forward, Beta Garmon III, I am ready to go!"

"Let me go. Perturabo must be on this planet. You get rid of him. I'll go and have a face-to-face confrontation with Horus."

"Okay!" At this moment, the most indecisive Sanguinius became no longer indecisive and said: "Be careful, if it doesn't work, retreat!"

"Do not worry!"

After hanging up the communication, Chen Guo said hello to Lu Duoyin'er, and quickly left the Betagarmon II planet in a small frigate.

The Death Ray was already waiting for Chen Guo. Chen Guo had just boarded the Death Ray, and the fleet immediately flew towards the Beta Garmon III, which was close to Chi Chi.

Although Planet Betagarmon No. 3 is not the capital of the sector, it is still a relatively important planet. Before Chen Guo and the others arrived, loyalists and rebel groups had fought many battles here.

The level of tragedy was much worse than that on Beta Garmon II. In the previous battle, not only countless spaceships were reduced to ashes, but they also crashed on the planet and killed millions of imperial troops.

Even the star port was directly shattered, and countless fragments turned into meteors, leaving bottomless pits one after another on the surface of the planet.

In the previous battle, both sides suffered heavy losses!

However, although the loyalists did not evacuate Betagarmon III in the end, the Iron Warriors still made an emergency landing under artillery fire and pressure and deployed a large number of steel fortresses on the planet.

Relying on these steel fortresses, the Loyalists, who had lost millions of troops and suffered greatly in strength, were being compressed step by step. At this moment, they were completely compressed near the most important star communication center on the planet, protecting the safety of the star communication center. .

Horus was worthy of being nominated as Warmaster. He was actually willing to use the huge Iron Titan army as bait to lure Chen Guo and the others away, and then attack Beta Garmon III with all his strength. The purpose was to completely destroy the astrological communication center. This anomaly Important strategic points.

Sitting in the captain's cabin of the Death Ray, looking at the planet that had been set on fire, Chen Guo kept praying that the war above must not end so soon.

Once the astrological communication center is destroyed, they will lose contact with Terra and also lose the beacon guiding the direction. Reinforcements on Terra will not be able to arrive in time, so they will be forced to retreat. Got it!

After all, Horus, who is supported by Chaos, is supported by an endless fleet!

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