Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 131: Luo Jia's plan!

"He's here... I'll leave him to you!"

"I understand. I'm fully prepared!" Lorgar looked at the giant standing in front of him, his eyes filled with fear, but when he saw the deep wound behind the giant, the fear in his eyes eased a little.

The giant standing in front of him was none other than Horus, the former and current warmaster of the Empire, who was blessed by the power of Chaos Demons.

He was injured

The wound behind him was left by Leman Russ, the Primarch of the Space Wolves.

Not long ago, Leman Russ, who acted alone, seized an opportunity and successfully came near Horus, and stabbed him hard... Although that knife did not succeed in killing Horus, it still seriously injured him.

And Leman Russ also successfully escaped after leaving behind a large number of corpses of his offspring.

To be honest, if it weren't for Leman Russ, this farce in Betagarmon might have ended long ago!

"I'll go there in person!"

"Got it, Horus!"


Feeling the violent vibrations coming from the landing pod, Chen Guo breathed a sigh of relief.

In the end, he caught the tail of the fighter plane!

Fortunately, Horus's legion had already reached the vicinity of the communication center, and was only a little bit away from breaking through the communication center.

Among them, the Death Skull Titan Legion and the Sons of Horus had even attacked the periphery of the communication center.

The Imperial Hunter Titan Legion and hundreds of thousands of Imperial auxiliary troops were completely exhausted, and they were just struggling to hold on with their strong will!

If they didn't get support, they would be destroyed in a day.

Fortunately, the support had arrived!

The landing pod hit the ground heavily, and hundreds of thousands of biochemical soldiers quickly walked out of the landing pod.

At the same time, dozens of Punishment Legions also landed on the ground.

Quickly seizing the command of the commander of the Empire Hunter Titan Corps, Chen Guo dispersed all the troops and recruited the commander of the Purple Cabbage Corps, Louis Meg.

Louis Meg is the commander of the Purple Cabbage Corps and a former prisoner of the Empire. (Chapter 81)

However, at this moment, he has regained his honor and entered the staff of the Punishment Corps as a noble, becoming a powerful general with great power. His subordinates not only control the Purple Cabbage Corps, but also recruited a lot of subspecies corps, and obtained Chen Guo's special permission to command part of the biochemical warrior corps.

Now he is the leader of the strongest noble army faction in the Punishment Corps.

"Louis Meg!"

"Yes, Your Excellency!" As a descendant of the nobility, Louis Meg certainly knows what it means to observe words and expressions.

Chen Guo smiled, "Louis Meg, haven't you been applying for a suitable opportunity?

Now, this opportunity has appeared!

The command here is simply a mess, and I can't command it myself, so I now need a commander who can take on the task and hold on to this last place!"

Louis Meg's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he was extremely excited.

Finally, is it time to go one step further?

Without any hesitation, Louis Meg immediately knelt on the ground, stroking his shoulders with his palms, and said loudly: "This is my honor, Your Excellency!"

"This is an opportunity and a fatal test. If you succeed, you will get supreme honor, and if you fail, there is only one way to die!"

"Your Excellency, today will only succeed, not fail!"

"Okay, this is the biological pheromone control agent for all biochemical legions. After you inject it yourself, start to arrange it!"

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

As soon as Louis Meg left , the demon-faced attendant that Chen Guo had been carrying with him immediately ran over, "Master, the Emperor-class Titan of the Death Skull Titan Corps has appeared, just northeast of the communication center!"

"I know, you cooperate with Louis Meg to stay behind!"

"Understood, Master!"

The loyalist imperial hunters actually also have Emperor-class Titans, but they have been surrounded and killed by the Titans of the rebel team in the previous battle. Therefore, at this moment, it is probably Chen Guo's turn to take action against this Emperor-class Titan of the Death Skull Corps.

After a little preparation, Chen Guo immediately set out and went to the Emperor-class Titan alone.

He must completely destroy the Emperor-class Titan before he arrives.

Otherwise, once he arrives near the communication center, the consequences will be disastrous.

Still using the old method of walking through the soil, Chen Guo arrived around the Emperor-class Titan with almost no effort.

However, looking around this Emperor-class Titan, in addition to this huge Emperor-class Titan that was like a mountain, there were actually eight smaller Warlord-class Titans that were covered with the stench from the Warp.

Ignoring those Warlord-class Titans that were covered with Warp magic, Chen Guo prepared to deal with the big guy in front of him first.

The electromagnetic pulse grenade still opened the way. Chen Guo easily wielded the adamantium sword and opened a path on the outer shell of the Emperor Titan. Then he quickly killed the Dark Mechanicus Crusaders who quickly emerged from the path he opened...

That is, for some reason, Chen Guo always felt that it was a little too easy.

You know, the Death Skull Corps has hundreds of Titans of all sizes. Except for the eight warlord-level Titans not far away, Chen Guo did not see any other Titans.

You know, even on Beta Galmon, there are no less than ten Warhound-class Titans around those Emperor Titans... But why is this Death Skull Titan Corps, which belongs to Horus' most elite, really not prepared at all!

"No, I've been tricked!" Almost the moment he reacted, Chen Guo turned around and prepared to leave here, and while running, he kept throwing emp electromagnetic grenades, and his body burst into silver-red lightning. In the blink of an eye, he was about to successfully run away.

But at this moment, a black light suddenly burst out from the ceiling in front of him.

This light flew at an incredibly fast speed, faster than Chen Guo's movement speed under the blessing of lightning.

Although Chen Guo reacted quickly and wanted to dodge, he did not expect that the black light was like a consciousness, turning in the air and quickly penetrated into Chen Guo's body.


The huge buzzing sound made Chen Guo hit the wall heavily, his whole body stiffened, and he immediately lost the right to control his body, but at the same time, he also heard the old acquaintance Luo Jia talking with a dull voice, "He... I'll leave him to you!"

"10100101001... You can leave my body!"

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