Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 135: The Excited Mechanicus! (1/2)

"what's going on?"

Thomas Arnold looked at the enemy flying towards him in the distance, his mechanical eyes flickering back and forth, and an expression of disbelief began to spread on the mechanical face.

"Guy, did you see that?"

"Yes, I saw it."

"what is that?"

"...I don't know..." Although the machine soul's voice is still composed of electronic noise and does not sound like it carries any emotions, Thomas Arnold, as its partner and companion, still does not carry any emotions. Different emotions can be heard in the electronic noise.

Thomas Arnold, the Holy Mechanical Sage, is one of the highest-ranking Mechanical Sages under the Great Sage in the Mechanicus system.

After all, it is a mechanical monk who can control the Emperor Titan. If his own strength is not enough, it is impossible to get the recognition from the machine soul of the Emperor Titan God.

"Guy, do you really not know what that is?" Thomas Arnold asked his companion without giving up.

"I don't know, don't be stunned, fight back quickly!"

Thomas Arnold looked at Chen Guo who had arrived in front of him. All the muzzles of the cannon were rotating rapidly. Millions of times of practice, coupled with the assistance of the machine spirit, it only took him less than a second. , he adjusted all the muzzles on his body, and successfully obtained the movement trajectory of Chen Guo's lower body within a few seconds.

But when he fired, Thomas Arnold hesitated. Not only did he hesitate, but Guy, who was a machine spirit, also hesitated.

But soon they made a decision together, and the gun barrels all over their bodies immediately bloomed with colorful light again, and dense explosions and thick smoke quickly emerged from the void shield outside of them.

The unparalleled counterattack force reappeared on Chen Guo's body. Under the sluggishness of this counterattack force, the flying speed gradually slowed down.

Chen Guo, while constantly firing cannons to counterattack, also kept spraying plasma energy into the propeller under his feet, so that he could provide more powerful power.

Soon, with the support of more powerful power, Chen Guo faced the barrage flying in the sky and rushed in front of Thomas Arnold with all her strength.

Like a madman, he quickly raised the macro cannon in his hand, which was larger than the propeller of a battleship, and pressed it tightly against the void shield outside the Titan driven by Thomas Arnold.

This tactic often happens to low-level Titans, but it does not happen often and rarely to behemoths as huge as mountains like Emperor-class Titans.

After all, every Emperor Titan can be called a cannon that can be moved at any time. Its role was not for close combat when it was designed, but to take advantage of the range to attack all enemies. Thousands of miles away, everything was torn into pieces.

However, in the history of imperial warfare, there have been cases where Emperor Titans fired artillery fire face to face, but the closest distance was only a few hundred meters away. Like this, the muzzles were almost facing each other and fired against the void shield. Yes, this is really the first time!


The purple light beam was like a sharp spear, causing violent ripples on the pale green void shield.

But that's all.

Seeing that his offensive had no effect, Chen Guo did not hesitate and immediately moved the armor on his abdomen, releasing a dense missile launch bay.

"Tu tu tu tu tu~"

Because it was close enough, the explosion started to sound almost as soon as the missile flew out, but the Emperor Titan driven by Thomas Arnold also had its own defensive equipment.

The moment these missiles broke through the void shield, sound waves visible to the naked eye were ejected from several radar-like devices on his body.

The sound emitted by these sound waves is actually not loud, but when the missiles that penetrated the void shield came into contact with those substantial sound waves, they started to twist and turn inside the void shield as if they were drunk. It flew around randomly until it hit the inside of the void shield, but not a single shot hit the designated target.

"Sure enough, I still saved a trick!" Chen Guo was not surprised at all. This missile was designed by the Mechanicus. It is normal for the Mechanicus to know the weaknesses of this missile.

In addition, Chen Guo didn't expect that she could completely destroy the Emperor Titan in front of her just by relying on these missiles.

It's a pity that he can't control his own body at the same time.

Otherwise, just throwing a few 1MP grenades can easily create a big hole in the indestructible void shield that he can directly insert the muzzle of the gun in his hand!

Since single missiles and macro cannons were of no use, Chen Guo simply used full firepower and started shooting regardless of the cost.

The dense barrage instantly overwhelmed the opponent, forcing the Emperor-class Titan driven by Thomas Arnold to retreat step by step, making it difficult to parry!

The two Emperor-class Titans fired artillery fire face to face. Although the shock waves they erupted canceled some of each other, more of them merged together and spread in all directions.

The soil on the ground was rolled up along with the sand and gravel, and violent vibrations spread around the two centers. The deafening sound made everyone who came close feel dizzy!

This kind of battle between behemoths has long been beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Louis Meg naturally paid attention to the movement here, and he immediately understood that the controller of the Emperor-class Titan of the Dead Titan Legion that fell not long ago should be Chen Guo, the prince of the empire.

Seeing that the two sides were in a stalemate, Louis Meg, who had not used the reserve army, immediately commanded the reserve army to rush to the direction of the Titan confrontation without any hesitation.

Louis Meg had to do this whether for public or private.

As the ammunition continued to pour out and the fierce battle continued, Chen Guo gradually felt a sense of weakness.

At the same time, Chen Guo's control over his body became worse and worse.

Chen Guo had a hunch that the time left to control this Emperor-class Titan might not be too long, so he had to fight quickly!

But... the tortoise shell on the guy in front of him is as hard as the tortoise shell on his body. Without equipment like EMP grenades that can directly break through the void shield defense, how can he break through this stubborn void shield and kill the Emperor-class Titan inside.


He suddenly stepped on an irregular object under his feet. Although that object was crushed by the huge weight of the Emperor-class Titan in an instant, it still tripped Chen Guo hard.

After slightly shifting his attention, Chen Guo looked at the ground.

Lying under his feet was the wreckage of an unknown warship... It should have crashed on the planet in the previous war.

Just as he was about to look up and shift his attention away, Chen Guo suddenly locked his eyes on the wreckage again. Because he unexpectedly discovered that there was a larger caliber macro cannon wreckage on the wreckage of the ship.

It is not difficult to see from the macro cannon wreckage that the wreckage of this ship should be the wreckage of a cruiser, and it may also be a heavy cruiser.

‘If I could install this macro cannon on my body, I would be able to attack as many as I want! ’

The thruster once again ejected blue flames, and Chen Guo hit the enemy in front of him heavily, temporarily separating the two giants that were originally entangled.

Then, Chen Guo clamped the battleship macro cannon on the ground with force and pulled it out of the ground, while constantly saying in his heart: "Hades, please help me!"

Calling the name of the fire source, Chen Guo quickly pulled the battleship macro cannon out from the deep soil.

At first glance, the integrity of the macro cannon was quite good, but after a careful look, it was immediately discovered that there were many holes on the barrel.

Chen Guo immediately backed out in his heart, wondering if this thing was still useful in such a serious damage.

The fire source Hades did not disappoint Chen Guo, and the violent heartbeat sounded in his ears again, and the familiar black light appeared together.

These black lights quickly covered the entire battleship macro cannon.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka~"

The sound of steel bending began to spread in the air. The battleship cannon wrapped in black light quickly became smaller and thinner, and then completely turned into nothingness and disappeared into the air.

Almost at the same time it disappeared, Chen Guo only felt a change above his head. The top monastery that almost every emperor-class Titan had suddenly exploded, and the broken debris flew in all directions. Then Chen Guo felt his head sink, and a huge steel muzzle suddenly appeared above his head.

It was like it was suddenly refreshed, without any scientific reason or physical rules.

However, this steel muzzle did not seem to be very complete when it first appeared, but its shell was alive. Under the black light, the shell began to wriggle continuously until it finally became very complete.

After the black light completely dissipated, a huge cannon with rippling silver light appeared in everyone's sight.

Thomas Arnold watched the whole process calmly. His body curled up in the cockpit could not help but tremble. His pair of mechanical eyes also turned green, which meant that he was extremely excited!

"Praise Omnissiah, is this a miracle?"

"Praise the Lord of All Machines!"

Thomas Arnold kept muttering to himself, and the machine soul fighting side by side with him was also very excited but still rational.

It recorded everything just now through the camera system outside the Titan and sent it to all the companions around.

Almost instantly, the communication between the machine souls was over.

From this moment on, who Horus was on this planet had nothing to do with them. They now only had one goal left, which was to catch the emperor-level Titan in front of them, and they must capture it alive... Although this was unscientific, all the machine souls agreed that this might be the closest time they were to their gods!

Humans can have their own gods of faith, so why can't machines have them!

Praise the Lord of All Machines, Omnissiah!

Soon, the mechanical monks and mechanical sages driving the Titans also received this message. They stood on the same position as the machine spirits without any hesitation.

The Titans of the Death Skull Titan Legion were still attacking, while the Titans from the Mechanicus abandoned their comrades in unison and ran towards Chen Guo at the fastest speed they could.

Countless Skitarii also turned around with them. Louis Meg just thought that the front line might not be able to hold on.

But he didn't expect that with the departure of these Mechanicus troops, the front line was completely stable.

"What happened!" Horus, who had just arrived at the tactical platform, asked the Dark Mechanicus Sage beside him with confusion.

"Sorry, sir, we have our own things to do now. If there is nothing else, I will also say goodbye and leave!"

After that, the Mechanical Sage left the tactical platform with a fanatical expression, hurried steps, dragged his heavy body, and was surrounded and protected by dozens of Skitarii.

The Mechanicus will never be loyal to anyone, they are only loyal to their masters.

"Thank you, Hades!"

Her heartbeat skipped twice, and Chen Guo understood that Hades was saying you're welcome.

Without any hesitation, Chen Guo shook his head and aimed the muzzle at Thomas Arnold in the distance. Silver light began to gather in the muzzle, and the aura of destruction began to brew.

Chen Guo, I want to see how hard the tortoise shell of the Emperor Titan can be.

After feeling the crisis of death, Thomas Arnold recovered from the extremely shocked emotion. Without any hesitation, he took a step and rushed towards Chen Guo.

However, even though he reacted in time, he was still a step late!


The silver beam of light tore through the air, and all the colors between heaven and earth were taken away by this silver light!

The macro cannons on the heavy cruisers were originally powerful strategic weapons. At this moment, after the fire source transformation, the power has been increased by many times, and it is almost catching up with the main battle macro cannons on the Queen of Glory-class battleships.

Thomas Arnold and the Emperor-class Titan he was driving did not even have time to react, and were directly wrapped by the silver light column.

There was no explosion, no struggle, and even no extra movements. After the silver light column flew over, Thomas Arnold and his Emperor-class Titan had completely changed into another appearance.

The upper half of the body completely disappeared and vaporized, while the lower half of the legs were still standing steadily on the ground.

"Well, so strong!"


A huge explosion came from behind, and Chen Guo staggered and almost fell to the ground. He looked back and saw that four Emperor-class Titans were slowly surrounding him from all sides.

And beside them, there were countless small Titans and endless Mechanicus Guardian Troops!


Chen Guo was shocked and immediately realized that what he had done seemed to have completely aroused the interest of the Mechanicus!

However, this was not bad, at least this way Louis Meg would have less pressure.

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