Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 136: One is scrapped, but there are still three!

"Want to capture me alive?"

A cold smile flashed through Chen Guo's mind, and the gun barrel above his head once again emitted a silver light, and began to actively accumulate energy.

But this time, the enemies around him did not give him a chance to accumulate energy. The dense missiles and artillery quickly bombarded the void shield outside his body, which was constantly flashing ripples, making the originally strong void escape begin to become vulnerable.

The originally strong void shield, under such a fierce bombardment, finally began to become vulnerable.

However, taking advantage of this period of time, the large macro cannon above his head finally completed its charge once, and immediately spewed out a dazzling silver beam of light.


The surrounding dark Mechanicus Titans immediately hid to the other side by their own means.

Although Chen Guo adjusted the angle in time and wanted to keep up with their fleeing figures, he still wasted this macro cannon in vain, leaving only a bottomless pit on the ground, and took away several War Dog Titans and a large number of Mechanicus Skitarii.


After being hit hard by a missile from behind again, Chen Guo was about to turn around when the Titan in front fired another dense missile... These damn Dark Mechanicus Titans actually wanted to trap Chen Guo alive here by attacking from the front and back!

"No!" With a ruthless heart, Chen Guo dodged and fired missiles while recharging the macro cannon above his head.

Soon, the macro cannon was fully charged again, and Chen Guo was ready to attack at close range this time.

Chen Guo selected a target, and the jet under his feet was immediately pushed to the extreme, rushing towards the target.

But what Chen Guo didn't expect was that the four guys turned around and left after seeing that the macro cannon was fully charged, and a large number of low-level Titans rushed up desperately, intending to use their bodies to block the fatal blow for the four big guys.


We can't waste time like this anymore!

The feeling of weakness emanating from inside and outside was getting stronger and stronger. It was estimated that it would not take long for Chen Guo to no longer be able to control the body of this Emperor-class Titan.

If these four big guys were not dealt with during this period of time.

Then everything would be like in the chronicles. He could only lead the huge fleet with Sanguinius and Chagatai Khan to withdraw from this galaxy in a panic.

Although, Chen Guo knew that they would have to withdraw from this galaxy sooner or later.

Because at this moment, the troops they had could not be compared with Horus's troops.

However, walking leisurely and being chased away like a dog are two completely different concepts.

But, how can we kill all these four slippery and loach-like Emperor-class Titans of the Dark Mechanicus?

"Boom boom boom~"

While thinking, dense explosions suddenly sounded behind the Dark Mechanicus's Skitarians in the distance, followed by a commotion. A large number of biochemical warriors wearing black armor quickly approached this side. They were like sharp arrows, quickly cutting through the ranks of the Dark Mechanicus's Skitarians and opening up a wide road.

Seeing their arrival, Chen Guo immediately understood that this was the reinforcements sent by Louis Meg.

He finally didn't have to fight alone anymore.

Turning the cannon in his hand, Chen Guo guided the reinforcements and helped them clear the enemies on the road ahead.

Soon they arrived in front of Chen Guo, and as they approached, Louis Meg's voice was once again transmitted to Chen Guo's ears from the small communication radars carried by these biochemical soldiers.


"It's me. How's the battle line going now?"

"It's completely stabilized, my marshal?"

"Okay, is there any news from Sanguinius?"

"The battle on Betagalmon is over, and the Horus Rebellion has completely withdrawn from Betagalmon II.

However, Sanguinius's legion and fleet suffered heavy casualties, and Lu Doyle was also injured, but not seriously, but he can't fight for the time being."

"Oh?" Chen Guo shouted in surprise, and the macro cannon above his head fired quickly.

But unfortunately, this time, no Emperor-class Titan was hit.

"Damn, it's quite fast!" Chen Guo muttered to himself.

At the same time, he felt that his control over this Emperor-class Titan had weakened again.

Well, I have to hurry up and make more time!

"Sir, are you talking to me?"


"I'm here, sir!"

"Prepare to retreat! Retreat immediately after my order!"

"I understand, sir!"

After resolving his worries, Chen Guo immediately made a decision. He didn't want to flee like a stray dog, so he could only continue to communicate with the Fire Source.

"Hades, I know you can hear me, help me again!"

"Dong Dong Dong~"

As if in response to Chen Guo, the dull heartbeat sound appeared in Chen Guo's ears again.

"The macro cannon's firing speed is too slow, and other artillery fire can't break the void shield outside their bodies. I want to engage in close combat and smash them alive!"

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Hades began to beat rapidly, and not long after, a dim black light burst out from Chen Guo's body.

Under the wrapping of this black light, the huge body lost all color, and only the figure of the lake could be seen deforming rapidly under the wrapping of the black light.

All the mechanical sages stopped their actions and stared at Chen Guo, whose whole body was covered with black light. Countless video equipment kept filming, shooting 360 degrees without dead angles, trying to record everything happening at this moment.

The bloated figure of the Emperor-class Titan began to become thinner. The joint heavy armor designed specifically for strengthening defense disappeared, and the various large-caliber artillery hidden inside the armor also disappeared. Finally, the backpack-like device used to load the void shield launcher also disappeared, and the body began to hunch down.

Until the end, a beast figure that was equally tall but on all fours appeared at the position where the Emperor-class Titan had just stood.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The rapid heartbeat slowly faded, and the black light disappeared with it, revealing the Emperor-class Titan below that had completely changed its appearance.

At this moment, the Emperor-class Titan controlled by Chen Guo no longer had anything to do with the Emperor-class Titan.

The hunched body of the Emperor-class Titan completely shrank, and the bloated body became a streamlined shape full of muscles, which looked full of pleasing violent aesthetics from a distance...

If anyone has seen the Transformers movie, they will find that at this moment, the Emperor-class Titan with a changed face looks almost exactly the same as the mechanical leopard in the movie.

The only difference from the mechanical leopard is that this is a mechanical leopard several hundred meters high, and it also has an extremely huge mouth full of sharp teeth composed of various alloy gear drills, and a tail composed of steel chains, which keeps whipping the air back and forth, and continuously emits a deafening buzzing sound.

Chen Guo tried to move his body. Although he was no longer in human form, but on all fours, he was very flexible and did not feel uncomfortable at all.

Compared with the previous stiff and slow movement, like a seriously ill and dying old man. At this moment, Chen Guo's body has turned into a cheetah running freely on the prairie.

Not only is he extremely agile and flexible, but he has also been transformed by the fire source and has several powerful weapons.

Looking at his streamlined steel claws, Chen Guo's thoughts surged, and his two front claws began to deform rapidly, becoming sharper and more slender.

During the entire transformation process, the powerful macro cannon did not disappear, but was moved to his back, and various weapons did not disappear, but were moved to more suitable positions.

Therefore, at this moment, Chen Guo not only became flexible, but his strength was multiplied by many times compared to just now.

He quickly shook his tail behind him a few times, and it seemed as if thunder exploded in the air, and the red high-temperature light began to spread on the steel claws.

After waving it casually twice, the short predator Gitaitan beside him did not even have time to react, and even the void shield was cut into dozens of pieces.

All the mechanical monks who witnessed the whole process entered a state of extreme excitement.

Although they still didn't know what happened, they all subconsciously believed that what was happening in front of them at this moment was definitely something that could shock the entire universe.

At the same time, they all unanimously determined that only their master, the great Lord of All Machines - Omnissiah, could do this.

"Go, catch it!"

At the moment when Chen Guo's hands were itching and he casually cut open a Predator-class Titan, the four Emperor-class Titans couldn't wait to pounce on him.

If they wanted to know whether this matter had anything to do with their master, then catching Chen Guo, who had changed greatly at this moment, became the most important thing.

"I haven't come to find you yet, but you came up to die by yourself!" Chen Guo's arrogant voice spread from his big mouth full of steel drills.

In the experiment just now, Chen Guo unexpectedly discovered that his claws, while emitting extremely high temperatures, actually had the ability to ignore the void shield and could directly penetrate the void shield, causing a devastating blow to the Titan hiding in the void shield!

The Emperor Titan on the far left was the closest, so it arrived at Chen Guo's side first. The mechanical monk who controlled this Titan fired a large number of shells without any hesitation.

When these shells were flying in the air, the surface suddenly began to glow blue, and then the warheads began to slowly crack, revealing the strange white mesh material inside.

"Bang bang bang~"

These shells suddenly exploded in the air, and the mesh material inside quickly glued together, forming an overwhelming white net, which went straight to Chen Guo who had turned into a mechanical leopard.


Amid the harsh sound of air vibration, Chen Guo quickly dodged the area covered by the white net and nimbly approached the Emperor Titan of the Dark Mechanicus.

The next second, he took off at an incredible angle, leaped high from the ground, and jumped directly behind the Titan. Then he waved his left claw, which was emitting a fiery red light, smoothly and smoothly, and easily stabbed it into the back of the Emperor Titan.

"That's it!"

The hard and thick void shield, in front of the extremely hot claws, was like a hot knife touching butter, and it was pierced directly without even a chance to struggle.

The hard steel shell painted black was also pierced.

Along with the sound of metal clashing and the continuous explosions, the Emperor-class Titan, which was just showing off its might, immediately stood there in a daze as if it had frozen. It was not until Chen Guo pulled out his steel claws that the Emperor-class Titan finally fell on its back due to the unstable center of gravity.

"One is solved, and there are still three!"

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