Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 137: The Appearance of Horus! (1/2)

"What should we do? It's too flexible!"

"Use that!"

"Too risky. The gravity field is hard to control.

Besides, without Dick, there are only three support points left. What if it can't hold on and causes a devastating gravity collapse? What if it gets hurt by accident?"

"Let me be the support point!

Its speed is too fast. If we don't catch it quickly, we will be defeated one by one. That will be really troublesome."

"Okay, it's decided!"

The three Emperor Titans of the Dark Mechanicus who were fleeing in a panic suddenly stopped and pointed their front at Chen Guo.

The next second, the steel armor on their chests cracked, revealing a device similar to a ring magnet underneath!

"Don't even think about it!"

Although Chen Guo didn't know what they were doing, when he saw the three big guys suddenly made a consistent move, he immediately understood that they were not here for good. He accelerated his movements quickly and jumped high from the ground, ready to tear the nearest Emperor Titan to pieces!

But he didn't expect that he would fall to the ground just after he jumped up. Then, even more powerful force began to slowly spread over his body, pressing him down to the ground bit by bit.

The hard ground began to slowly sink downwards, and the mountain-like body really turned into a mountain at this moment, sinking into the depths of the ground bit by bit.

"What kind of power is this?"

Psychic power?

Subspace power?

Chen Guo's brain flashed through many terms, but in the end, he still set his sights on the "magnets" on the chests of the three big guys!

Magnetic force?

Or... gravity!

"Ka Ka Ka Ka~"

As if to reflect the answer Chen Guo had thought of, a huge sound of metal clashing began to spread over Chen Guo's body. Under the invisible pressure of gravity, the flowing steel body continued to solidify and continued to sink into the depths of the ground.

The biochemical army that came to support from the surroundings resisted the attack from other Titans from the Mechanicus, and saw Chen Guo trapped, and immediately separated a small force to attack the three huge Emperor-class Titans to rescue Chen Guo.

However, the Emperor-class Titans from the Dark Mechanicus did not even look at them. Even as soon as they walked to the side of those Emperor-class Titans, they were directly crushed into a pool of meat paste by the huge gravity!

In order to completely subdue Chen Guo, as Chen Guo descended deeper and deeper, the Emperor-class Titans that formed an equiangular triangle took their steps and compressed towards Chen Guo little by little.

But no matter how they moved, they always maintained the distance of the equiangular triangle, as if there was an invisible iron basket that firmly fixed them.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka ~"

Chen Guo's sinking speed into the ground began to become faster and faster, and a large amount of yellow soil splashed out from the edge of Chen Guo and the soil like a fountain, and then continued to be pressed to the ground and compacted by the strong gravity.

Soon, solid mounds appeared next to Chen Guo.

Although he didn't feel any pain because of his mechanical body, Chen Guo still felt a little aggrieved.

After all, not long ago, he was chasing the three emperor-level Titans of the Dark God Cult everywhere, but he didn't expect that after just a short time, he was pinned to the ground and couldn't move.

"Master, can you hear me?"

A strange electronic voice came into Chen Guo's ears. Although it was a little inexplicable, Chen Guo still asked, "Who is calling me?"

"Master, I am Magnetron. I am now inside your body! Your size is too large, so the power of this gravity weapon is also particularly large.

But, I don't know if you have noticed the ground on the side. Although the ground is larger in size, its load-bearing capacity is also stronger. You can completely use the power of the ground instead of using your body to bear it!"

"Magnetic Storm... I understand!" Chen Guo continued to communicate with the Fire Source in his mind.

In a few seconds, the black light once again enveloped his body, causing his body to dissolve as quickly as water and sink completely into the depths of the ground.


The Titans, who had lost their bearing points, were immediately attacked by the extremely unstable gravity weapons on their bodies. They stumbled and fell to the ground, rolling up hurricanes and dust, blocking everyone's sight.

At this moment, a black light as thick as a thumb suddenly burst out from deep underground and shot at the small Titans and heavy vehicles that were accidentally injured and killed in the previous battle.

After these black lights quickly sank into the wreckage, these war wreckages that had completely lost their ability to move came back to life one after another, and quickly dug up the soil around them in the constant changes and dived into the ground.

After diving into the ground, these broken war wreckages quickly merged and continued to gather the black light in their bodies.

When the black light and debris gathered to a certain extent, they began to deform wildly like plasticine, until they turned into a streamlined, curved and twisted burrowing beast, and began to wander more smoothly deep underground.

As the black light continued to penetrate, more and more burrowing beasts began to gather deep in the soil, and as some huge burrowing beasts gathered, the originally hard and thick soil began to gradually become soft.

On the ground, three emperor-class Titans from the Dark God Cult finally turned off their gravity weapons and climbed up from the ground after a long time.

"Where is it?"

"I don't know, I can't scan its existence!"

"There is a vibration!"

Everyone shut their mouths, because no matter how slow the reaction was, they could feel the dense vibration coming from under them.

"Puff!" A Titan suddenly opened fire and fired two shots deep underground. A burrowing beast was blown away directly because it failed to dodge in time. Half of its body was blown away, and it kept twisting in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

However, its vitality is as tenacious as that of the earthworm. Even though half of its body is gone and blue electric sparks are still flashing at the broken end, it still plunges into the deep soil and disappears again?

"What is that?"

"Bang, bang, bang~"

Continuously firing into the deep ground, more and more burrowing beasts appear on the surface.

However, even though many burrowing beasts were blown out, there were not many who really died. Only a few particularly unlucky guys lost their power because they were directly blown to the control center, and fell to the ground and died completely.

He was commanding the Crusaders below and quickly went forward to check the situation.

Suddenly, a flat piece of land in the distance suddenly broke apart, and a silver-gray steel giant python suddenly rose from the extremely soft soil, and the moment it appeared in the air, it swung its huge body thousands of meters long and rolled up the gathered Emperor-class Titans with force.

Fortunately, the three guys just came together to exert a stronger gravity on Chen Guo's body.

Otherwise, Chen Guo, who turned into a giant steel snake, might not be able to be caught by them.

Shaking his body a little clumsily, Chen Guo quickly circled and climbed upwards, and on his body, countless burrowing beasts were constantly climbing up, and from time to time, many burrowing beasts jumped onto the void shields outside the three emperor-level Titans.

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But the void shield is not something they can easily drill through, but they tirelessly climb on the void shield, trying to find an entrance to the Titan's body.

Chen Guo kept recalling the giant python's movements in his mind and imitating them, while the inside of his body began to burn with extreme heat.

Under the burning of these high temperatures, the void shield shattered in the blink of an eye, and the body emitting high temperatures directly touched the three emperor titans, and it shrank tighter and tighter.

And dozens of burrowing beasts also climbed onto the body of the titan, constantly rubbing dazzling sparks on the body of the titan, and continued to look for a way to enter the inside of the titan.

Of course, the three titans could not just sit there and wait for death. They kept waving their arms to launch missiles and various macro cannons to attack Chen Guo's body and try to escape. But because their movements were too large, the soil loosened by the burrowing beasts below could no longer support their huge bodies, and began to slowly sink their huge bodies deep into the ground.

The atmosphere of despair began to spread in the heart of the mechanical sage who controlled the three emperor-level titans!

"No, I'll just have to pray for the best!"

"Use all your strength, or you'll be trapped here!"

"No, those damn steel earthworms are constantly repairing its body!"

"It can't sink any further, it has to control the sinking trend."

As the body rolled and shrank little by little, the space left for the three emperor-class Titans became smaller and smaller, and the three emperor-class Titans no longer concealed their strength, and began to continuously launch various powerful missiles and lasers, and even one guy actually directly fired that gravity weapon and began to violently tear Chen Guo's body.

But their actions were all in vain, because at this moment, Chen Guo's python body was made up of countless earth-drilling beasts.

Although, at this moment, there was no void shield on his body, but whenever there was damage, the earth-drilling beasts that kept climbing all over his body would quickly fill in, using their own bodies to fill those wounds, and continue to ensure the integrity of the huge python body!

The space became smaller and smaller, until there was no room for any movement at all, and the three Titans could only huddle together humbly.

But even though there was no space, Chen Guo continued to twist her body, trying to crush them directly and twist them into a dough.

But the bodies of the Emperor-class Titans were made of hard gold after all, and they were still struggling, so it was unrealistic to twist them into a dough.

Of course, if they had given up resistance and stopped struggling, then there might still be hope of twisting them into a dough.

Since the twisting plan failed, Chen Guo simply held back her strength, controlled her huge body that had turned into a giant python, strangled them tightly, and then opened her huge snake head.


With the sound of metal buckling, the huge silver barrel slowly protruded from the depths of the python's throat... At this moment, this macro cannon was also made of countless small earth-burrowing beasts.

The silver light slowly gathered at the muzzle, and the terrifying pressure appeared out of thin air. The mechanical sage who was also driving three Emperor-class Titans completely sank to the bottom of his heart.

Chen Guo was not going to waste any more time. He planned to use the macro cannon to kill all three Emperor Titans from the Dark Cult, thereby ending this long-lasting battle and farce.

The burrowing beasts also quickly left the bodies of the Titans and returned to Chen Guo's body!


Chen Guo suddenly felt something fiercely cutting into her body.

However, he didn't care about it, firstly because he had those earth-burrowing beasts on his body that could constantly replenish the damage to his body.

The second reason is that the energy gathering of the macro cannon has been completed. If they try to break free at this time, it is already too late and it is impossible for them to succeed.


The silver light once again took away the color between heaven and earth.

However, at the moment when the silver light burst out, one side of Chen Guo's body suddenly shattered. An Emperor-level Titan of the Dark Mechanic God used an unknown secret weapon at this critical moment. In an instant, Chen Guo successfully broke half of Chen Guo's body, and managed to escape from the attack range of the macro cannon against countless small burrowing beasts.

But he was the only one who managed to escape. His two companions, under the attack of the silver macro cannon, quickly disappeared and vaporized until the silver beam of light completely submerged into the ground... But, at this moment, something more... Violent explosions violently erupted from the two emperor-level titan bodies that had been completely enveloped by silver light beams. The huge power and the irresistible shock wave directly blinded Chen Guo, and he completely lost the power of the mechanical python. perspective.

However, the perspective soon recovered, and he returned to his body. Only then did he realize that his body was tightly held in the middle by two intelligent control robots, firmly protecting the flying body. Into the sky!

And among the flames soaring into the sky in the distance, a large hole with dark red light was frantically absorbing everything around it... This was a gravitational black hole that collapsed due to the explosion caused by the destruction of the gravity weapon.

Although it is called a gravitational black hole, it has almost nothing to do with black holes. It only existed for a short time and then slowly dissipated, leaving behind a pile of irregular objects twisted by soil and steel.

Although the only Emperor-class Titan to escape was not killed by the terrifying macro-cannon attack, it was still affected after all. The right side of the body completely melted, revealing the twisted structure and functions inside the Titan. To provide a passage for the mechanical monks to pass through.

Although he was not completely destroyed, he temporarily lost his ability to fight, and it is estimated that it will take a long time to recover before he can regain his ability to fight!

One was injured and three died. At the cost of one Emperor-class Titan, he killed three Emperor-class Titans of the same level and seriously injured one... This kind of record is probably the best in the entire empire. !


It hit the ground hard, and the two quality control robots that tightly protected Chen Guo in the middle quickly let go of Chen Guo and stood aside.

After moving his body a little stiffly, Chen Guo also stood up from the ground. He looked at the two intelligently controlled robots in front of him with the style of the Mechanicum, and asked, "Who is the magnetic storm?"

"I am, Master!" The intelligent robot on the left quickly took a step forward, revealing the mark on its shoulder.

"Master, I am Black Centipede!" The robot on the right was not far behind, and quickly revealed the mark on its shoulder and said its name.

"You saved me, right?"

"Master, this is what we should do!"

"Okay, I've written it down. However, this is not the time to reward based on merit. There are still some things that have not been completed!"

The sound of a fierce heartbeat came, and special signal fluctuations that could not be recognized by the naked eye quickly spread in all directions with Chen Guo's body as the center.

As this special signal fluctuation continued to spread, the burrowing beasts that survived and escaped underground quickly returned to the surface from the depths of the ground.

Under Chen Guo's command and control, they rolled their bodies continuously to attack the seriously injured Titan in the distance, and began to devour the wreckage on the ground.

Especially the remains of those silver-gray mechanical pythons... These all contain technology from Transformers, which must not fall into the hands of the Mechanicus.

In the distance, the seriously injured Emperor Titan reacted quickly and immediately began to defend and counterattack, but the void shield outside his body could no longer be opened normally due to the destruction of his body.

At the same time, because part of his body was damaged, his movements also became sluggish, and he no longer had the flexibility he had before. The accuracy of his shooting was greatly reduced, and there was even a phenomenon of jamming due to insufficient ammunition supply every few shots.

Therefore, when facing an astonishing number of burrowing beasts, he could only watch as the burrowing beasts climbed onto his body and watched him being slowly devoured... until the mechanical sage who controlled the Titan, After being eaten, the Titan completely lost its power and turned into an artistic statue standing in place.

After seeing that Titan had lost its power, Chen Guo stopped caring about it and focused on the huge snake head in the distance.

He immediately commanded the burrowing beasts around him to swim over quickly and began to devour the largest and most complete snake head.

He looked around and saw that the python had turned into pieces. It was too broken and it was impossible to swallow it all. In this case, the most important parts had to be eaten, and the other leftovers would be left to the Mechanicus!


Suddenly, intensive artillery bombardment appeared around the snake head, blasting away all the burrowing beasts that tried to get close.

And on the distant horizon, the tactical platform that had escaped not long ago appeared again in Chen Guo's sight.

Chen Guo, who had excellent eyesight, immediately spotted the little giant standing at the front of the tactical platform - the instigator of this rebellion, Horus!

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