Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 138 Farewell to Mother-in-law! (1/2)

"It's time to withdraw!"

After pressing the button and looking at the collapsed landmark buildings on the planet, Chen Guo heard a burst of electromagnetic noise in her ears. It was not until a while later that the communication channel from the fleet was re-established.

The planetary communication center is the most important communication center in a galaxy. It is an important key point for the entire galaxy to communicate with external galaxies.

At the same time, due to the special location of the Betagarmon galaxy, the galaxy communication center here is also extremely large and important.

It is precisely because of this that it is nicknamed the Gate of the Sun.

Therefore, once the communication center here cannot hold on, the only option left is to blow it up to prevent it from becoming a tool used by the enemy.

With the collapse of the communication tower, not only did it completely cover up the burrowing beast lurking underground, but it also caused a serious blow to the communication system between the entire galaxy at the first opportunity.

However, because they had already made complete preparations, the fleet suspended in space quickly took over the communication system of the entire galaxy, preventing chaos from spreading everywhere.

"Let's go!" No longer hesitating, the transport ship suspended in the air quickly jumped into the sky, entered the universe, and rejoined the fleet.

On the ground, only a small part of the biochemical army was left as cannon fodder to resist the constant attacks of the rebels.

The White Scars fleet led by Jaghatai Khan has evacuated, and the Blood Angel fleet led by Sanguinius has taken off and is now at the edge of the galaxy, taking cover while waiting for Chen Guo's arrival.

Quickly converging, the two fleets mixed together again.

However, unlike Chagatai Khan, it is much more difficult for them to leave this galaxy.

Because Jaghatai Khan did not successfully eliminate Mortarion, and not only did he not successfully eliminate Mortarion, but he was also seriously injured under the siege, resulting in Khan having to lead the White Scar Evacuate early.

At this moment, Mortarion's legion was blocking the front of the mixed fleet, and the fleet behind them had also surrounded them, preparing to completely keep them in this galaxy.

"It seems that it's not that easy to leave here!" Chen Guo narrowed her eyes and prepared to jump into gangs again to deal with the moth blocking the road in front of her.

"No, he will get out of the way!" Sanguinius stopped Chen Guo, and as if to confirm his words, the fleet blocking the way in the distance suddenly dispersed, revealing a direct route to the outside of the galaxy. .

"How did you know he was going to do this?" Chen Guo was a little surprised. Although he also understood that Sanguinius knew through prophecy that Mortarion would get out of the way, but why did Mortarion do this?

Mortarion had no reason to move out of the way. He only had to hold back the mixed fleet, and when the other rebel legions and Chaos Demon teams behind him arrived, he could kill them all in one fell swoop.

"He is a guy who cares about honor very much. What he desires is to gain honor, not to add insult to injury... You may not know that he has expressed dissatisfaction with his father in front of us more than once, especially for the honor that was taken away from him by the police. dissatisfaction.

Therefore, he will not do anything that may tarnish his honor..."


"Yes, honor!"

Chen Guo nodded thoughtfully. He didn't know much about Mortarion, the Primarch of the Death Guard. He only knew that Mortarion was an extremely selfish maniac.

However, now it seems that the other party is still much nobler than Lorgar and Angron.

In addition, the most important thing is... at this moment, Mortarion has not yet become the Demon Prince, and he has not yet received the blessing from Nurgle. Therefore, he is the only clean Primarch among the rebel legions today!

The mixed fleet passed through Mortarion's Death Guard Legion fleet and completely left the place known as the Gate of the Sun.

However, although this place was temporarily occupied by the rebel army, Chen Guo and the others were not considered a failure. Because, not only did they complete their strategic goals, they also deployed five lines of defense for Rogal Dorn, leaving a lot of time.

It also effectively consumed the enemy's fresh troops.

Especially with the destruction of a large number of Emperor-class Titans, the strength of the rebel legions led by Horus was greatly reduced, which directly added a lot of weight to victory in a war that may have been destined to win.

He quickly returned to the solar system without encountering any rebel fleets on the way.

All the rebel legions seemed to have disappeared, but everyone could feel that this was just a storm, and the final battle was about to come.

Rogal Dorn cordially entertained them and personally led them to visit the battle defense line on Neptune...

After visiting the defense line here, Chen Guo and Sanguinius looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

If I had to use one word to describe the line of defense that Rog Dorn had set up personally, it would be usable—smashing.

Although, it is undeniable that the layout of this defense line is really luxurious. Various interstellar battle fortresses emerge in endlessly, and a large number of rapid response fleets can appear on any defensive front that is attacked... The Emperor The Fist of the Astartes Legion will not be a civil engineering legion comparable to the Iron Warriors Legion.

But unfortunately... such a defensive line looks so flashy.

It's like someone folded a wall out of paper, hoping to rely on this paper wall to successfully resist the enemy's artillery attack.

Sanguinius wanted to open his mouth several times to remind Rogal Dorn not to be careless, but every time he just pursed his lips and gave up... because he could clearly see that no matter how he tried to persuade him, no matter whether Rogal Dorn listened or not.

In the prophecy of the future, this line of defense will be easily destroyed.

So he simply stopped talking... After experiencing these things in the past few days, Sanguinius, an angel who had been smooth sailing, finally grew up again.

Sanguinius didn't say much, and Chen Guo would not say much either. He kept smiling and nodding, praising Rogal Dorn's strength, which made the upright Rogal Dorn involuntarily have a certain liking for Chen Guo.

After visiting this defensive line, Chen Guo and Sanguinius refused Rogal Dorn's kindness to visit other fronts, but returned directly to Terra for rest and replenishment.

Sanguinius was called away by the Imperial Guards as soon as he returned to Terra. His father finally agreed to see him, and not only to see him alone, but also summoned all the genetic descendants on Terra.

Of course, Leman Russ was not among them.

This was not because of the mistakes he made before, which made the Emperor dislike him, but because after he gave Horus a hard blow, he led his Space Wolves Legion fleet and disappeared. No one knew where he fled.

Sanguinius and his team went to a meeting, while Chen Guo returned to his fleet and asked the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs for reinforcements.

In this battle, although the main force did not suffer too much damage, the biochemical legion and the mortal auxiliary army suffered heavy casualties. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish these cannon fodder troops in time, otherwise, if the cannon fodder troops are not enough, then his main army will be used as cannon fodder.

After meeting with Louis Meg and Linda, Linda immediately designed a complete set of genetic modification surgery for him and asked the best biological sage under her to carry out the modification... Since the fall of the Mars Foundry Base, many mechanical sages who are truly loyal to the empire have fled to Terra. Linda naturally could not miss such an opportunity. Relying on her understanding of these mechanical sages, she successfully recruited a lot of mechanical sages with good character from them.

And she actually found a genetic sister of hers, but this genetic sister of hers, because she could not bear the humiliation, had completely transformed her body into a mechanized one. And even her personality was transformed, and she had completely lost most of her humanity. At this moment, she was no different from a robot.

But it was also because of this that she successfully retained her loyalty to the empire, so she did not join the camp of the rebels on the Mars Foundry Base.

Linda was very sad to see such a result. She had been trying to save her sister these days, so she had no time to perform the operation herself. She could only let the newly recruited biological sage perform Louis Meg's genetic modification operation.

Louis Meg had no complaints about such a result. The only thing he wanted now was to quickly undergo genetic modification and get rid of his weak body.

After being intimate with Linda, Chen Guo went to see his daughter again. Seeing his daughter who had obviously grown up, Chen Guo couldn't help but sigh that time in this world was really worthless.

It was just a small war, but it made his daughter, who had finally gotten close to him, become a lot stranger again.

But what Chen Guo didn't expect was that Soni, the little girl, dragged him away in front of Solan before he could get close to his daughter for too long.

There was no way. In order to fulfill her wish, Chen Guo could only drag his slightly tired body and work hard for her wish.

Soni was very confident this time, as if she had taken some reassurance pills... It was obvious that she must have taken something from Linda to help her increase her chances of getting pregnant.

Sure enough, once jealous, even former enemies may become helpers to satisfy her jealous desires.

After working for dozens of hours, Soni was satisfied and fell asleep, but Chen Guo had no time to rest because Alice also came.

Facing his mother-in-law, Chen Guo did not show any mercy. After giving her sufficient nutrients, he hugged her against the wall.

Looking at her worried expression, Chen Guo knew that she came to him not to satisfy her own selfish desires, but for something.

"What happened?"

"I... I discussed it with Leopold and decided to leave... I want to go outside the Milky Way and settle on the planet you gave me the address for... What do you think?"

"Well... OK!" After a moment of hesitation, Chen Guo nodded, but he continued: "If you want to go out, don't set your sights on the Milky Way... Let's put it this way, I know there is a place that is absolutely safe, Slaanesh will never be able to find you, but it may take a long time for us to see you... What do you think?"

"Where?" Alice's eyes were full of confusion.

"Another world, another world of absolute safety!"


"What do you want from me?" Old Man Xuehe drank the coffee in his hand and walked to Chen Guo from the void with a tired face.

His whole body was filled with unspeakable evil aura.

Obviously, he had just escaped from the endless killing not long ago.

"I want to place two people in your world. I wonder what the price will be?"

"Oh... I have many worlds, thousands of them.

However, most of the worlds have been transformed into killing farms by me and are not suitable for habitation. Only a few worlds are still habitable.

Oh, if you want to send those two women here, I do have a place to go, and I guarantee that it is absolutely safe, but the price is a bit expensive... However, it should be a drop in the bucket for you! "


"The world of a good friend of mine is an ordinary and peaceful interstellar world. By the way, his name is Snook, and he also has another name called Supreme Lord..."

Chen Guo nodded thoughtfully. A new cosmic world would be a good place, especially suitable for Alice and Leopold, the two former interstellar pirate queens.

But is that world really safe?

After all, a world that can fully grow into a cosmic world feels like a large-scale interstellar world that is no less terrifying than the Warhammer world... Perhaps the only difference is that there is no subspace and four troublemaking brats.

"You can rest assured on this. As long as you give me the realization points on time, I can leave corresponding meanings on them and let them teleport out when they encounter danger... However, the price is also very high. !”

"No problem, the realization of points is not a problem, as long as they can ensure their safety!"

After settling the issue of Alice and Leopold's departure, Chen Guo still had no chance to rest.

Because, the Imperial Prime Minister Malcador is looking for trouble again!

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