Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 166: Treating the Blood Angel's Blood Thirst. (1/2)

"Thunder... warrior!"

As expected, the Thunder Warrior, who could easily deal with multiple Astartes and PK with two Custodes, was easily beheaded by Sanguinius.

The whole process lasted less than a minute!

Slowly wiping the sweat from his forehead, Sanguinius threw away the sword in his hand and said to Chen Guo very seriously: "To be honest, this is the Thunder Warrior, right?"

"Have you seen the Thunder Warriors?"

Sanguinius shook his head neatly and said, "I have never seen a Thunder Warrior.

Before I returned to Terra, they had all been secretly executed!

However, I am curious as to where Sage Linda got the formula from. Thunder Warriors and Astartes are not the same thing at all. Due to genetic problems, their body organs will rapidly age as their genes continue to collapse.

This has already been reflected in the battle just now. If it weren't for the rapid aging of the organs in his body, which caused extremely fatal flaws to be exposed in his battle, I might have to spend a lot more time to kill him. effort. "

"No need to be so modest, your strength is not comparable to that of a small Thunder Warrior!" Chen Guo rolled his eyes.

Sanguinius is a powerful swordsman. In addition to the perverts among the Primarchs, his dueling ability has also reached the level of the top few. Otherwise, he would not have been able to do it easily by relying on his own strength alone. Slaughtered the great daemon of Khorne.

"Thank you for the compliment, my brother. But where is my reward, the reward of my victory?"

Chen Guo reached out and handed the potion in his hand to Sanguinius, "I think Sanguinius no longer needs to restrain his blood thirst and black rage!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Sanguinor, who was standing behind Sangeles, said very calmly.

But although his tone was exceptionally calm, his eyes were filled with respect.

This is not a kind of respect for Chen Guo's identity, but a kind of recognition of his strength... Obviously, only the truly strong can gain the true respect of others.

"Go and call Egg over!"

Soon, an equally tall and handsome Blood Angel Astartes slowly walked in from outside.

"Egg, drink him!"

Sanguinius reached out and threw the potion in his hand to him. The latter said without any hesitation that he was his father, then raised his head and drank the potion in his hand.

From the way he kept smacking his lips and subconsciously licking his lips, it was easy to see that the potion tasted quite good.

At least, it tastes better than blood!

It is also worth mentioning that Egg is an ascetic.

The so-called ascetics are a special kind of existence among the Blood Angels Astartes. They rely on their own perseverance to block their desire for blood. Unless it is life-threatening, they will never suck blood. .

The way to identify them is to look at their faces. The paler the face, the less bloody it is, and the more it looks like a corpse, it must be an ascetic monk.

"How long does it take for it to take effect?"

Chen Guo shrugged, indicating that I didn't know the details, and then said to the top of her head: "Darling, how long will it take to take effect?"

"Damn...go to hell...Darling, one minute, Lou Doyin'er, what are you doing? Hold him down quickly..."

Linda's voice came out from the overhead speaker, along with her violent yelling and a man's constant yelling.

"One minute... Darling, do you need my help?"

"No, I've already cut his head open, damn hold him down..."

Chen Guo shrugged, shook her head in embarrassment, and looked at Sanguinius, who had a strange expression on her face, and said, "Well, she is usually a very quiet person, but once she gets involved in work, she will Become very serious. You should know that these wise men are like this."

"I see!"

After saying a few words, Ige, who was pulled over to test the medicine, suddenly let out a low roar, and his body fell to his knees on the ground.

At the same time, the surface of his originally pale skin began to slowly become covered with veins, and a large amount of blood began to surge under his skin. The whole person looked like a cooked prawn, and his skin became more and more dense. Red and blood gradually covered his entire body.

This process lasted for about five minutes. After five minutes, he recovered and quickly stood up from the ground.

"how are you feeling?"

"Feeling very good?" Egg moved his body, with a surprised expression on his face. He felt that his whole body was full of strength.

This kind of power will only appear every time he sucks blood.

And he can clearly feel that this kind of power will exist for a very long time, and it is definitely stronger than the power brought by having to suck blood every day.

"This state will last for three months. How long it will last will depend on the level of combat you have experienced."

Linda, covered in blood, slowly walked into the room. She held a glass vessel in her hand, which contained a gray brain the size of a fist, floating up and down.

Putting the glassware in her hand on the table at one side, Linda walked over slowly and continued to speak: "If your fighting range is too large in the past two or three months, the time to take the next test tube potion will be shortened. Even if you only do routine training in the past two or three months, the duration may be more than three months, and may even exceed four months!"

"Thank you, Sage Linda!" As soon as Linda finished her explanation, Sanguinius bowed slightly to express his respect.

Although Linda has not been able to completely solve the blood thirst, the appearance of this potion will greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the Blood Angels.

"Don't thank me. The completion of this potion is not very high, so it can only suppress blood thirst for a short time. When the complete version of the potion comes out, it should be able to completely solve the problem of blood thirst."

"Thank you again, Sage Linda!"

"Okay, don't be so polite." Chen Guo and Linda exchanged glances quietly, then hugged Sanguinius's shoulders and said quickly: "What do you think? I said Linda is very reliable!"

"Of course... Is there anything you need my help with?"

"Hehe, since you asked, I won't be polite anymore!" Chen Guo said with a grin: "This is the case. You should have seen the Thunder Warrior just now.

This is the version reproduced by Linda, but because of genetic problems, it will cause continuous organ failure during collapse, and even cannot fight a decent battle and will die directly due to organ failure."

"Do you want to deposit the method of suppressing genetic collapse in the Terra Palace?" Sanguinius's eyes flashed some pictures quickly, and accurately said the request that Chen Guo had not yet said.

"Have you seen it through the prophecy?"

"Yes, I have seen it... This favor should not be a big problem. This method of suppressing genetic collapse should not be a secret... I will go to Malcador and try to convince him!"

"Thank you so much! Linda can actually solve this problem, but she estimated the time and it will take about ten years. But we don't have so much time to wait right now, so if there is a ready-made method to use, then we will get Thunder Warriors to participate in the upcoming war, which will greatly increase our chances of winning.

Don't forget, your genetic father, the Emperor, unified the chaotic Terra with less than 20,000 Thunder Warriors."

Sanguinius hesitated for a moment, then nodded affirmatively, "I dare not make any absolute guarantees, I can only try my best!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news!"

Sanguinius left with a large number of potions. He was going to distribute this potion to his Blood Angels' golden descendants.

Meanwhile, the pharmacists of the Blood Angels Astartes will arrive on the Neptune Mechanical Ark in a few days to learn how to make this kind of medicine that specifically suppresses their blood thirst.

"What do you think is the chance that he can convince Malcador!"

"One hundred percent... no, it should be one thousand percent!" Chen Guo was extremely sure.

"Are you so sure? Although Sanguinius has a very great personal charm, I don't think Malcador will buy his account. This method of suppressing gene collapse is absolutely a secret among secrets.

My research shows that even if the materials and methods used to make Thunder Warriors are used again to make them one-to-one, the Thunder Warriors produced will die in a very short time due to gene collapse. This is something that cannot be avoided at all.

And the reason why most Thunder Warriors can hold on until the unification of Terra is because of the unique method of suppressing gene collapse.

If there were no means to suppress gene collapse, they would definitely have died completely in the war." Linda was very determined not to believe that Malcador would give a method to suppress gene collapse so easily.

"My dear sage, actually..." Chen Guo suddenly showed a meaningful smile on his face, "In fact, you shouldn't regard Malcador and the Emperor as politicians.

After such a long time, politics, a social concept that all humans are crazy about, has long passed their excitement period.

They no longer care about politics. In their long life, they have lost their desire for politics and power.

So don't look at them with the eyes of politicians, it is a kind of disrespect to them!

Of course, politics and power are still their means and methods to rule the empire, and hidden behind politics and power is their real purpose!"

"...Humans?" Linda is not a fool. Chen Guo just gave a little hint, and she has already woken up and given her answer.

"Yes, but it's not accurate... To be precise, their purpose is to let humans return to the golden age, to the peak period of mankind.

Old people are nostalgic.

It's just that when people get old, they will become less rational. So, this will lead to the situation of Horus Heresy."


Walking in the empty palace, the passing guards saluted Sanguinius. As the most like the emperor, Sanguinius was almost the same as the emperor in every move and style.

The only difference might be the pair of snow-white wings behind him, but it was this pair of snow-white wings that made him look more heroic!

Standing in front of Malcador's office, six people wrapped in black robes were walking out of Malcador's office quickly.

When walking past Sanguinius, Sanguinius subconsciously paused. He felt an indescribable murderous intent from these six guys.

Although these six guys had suppressed this murderous intent as much as possible, Sanguinius still felt it clearly inadvertently.

"Is it the Assassin's Court... It should be!" Sanguinius just thought silently for a moment in his heart, and then stopped paying attention to this matter, but knocked on the door in front of him.

"Come in!"

Sure enough, just as Chen Guo expected, the moment Sanguinius saw Malcador, before he could open his mouth, Malcador had already seen through what he was going to say, and directly took out a yellow parchment, stretched out his hand and put it in front of him, "Give it to him!

Consider it his reward for curing his blood thirst!"

"Already know?" Sanguinius was a little surprised at first, but soon came to his senses. Malcador's psychic power is the second strongest in the empire. With his powerful psychic power, nothing that happens in the solar system can escape his perception.

"Sanguinius... are you sure you must continue to follow the direction of destiny?"

"Of course!" Sanguinius put away the parchment, "I have one less regret. With the disappearance of bloodthirst, the probability of the appearance of Black Rage will be greatly reduced.

My descendants will finally no longer live in pain because of genetic defects, and I can continue to move forward with peace of mind."

"Okay... child, take this thing. It can't save your life at a critical moment, but it can keep your body absolutely intact at a critical moment. At least when you are buried, you won't have to sew thousands of stitches on your body!"

Malcador knocked the scepter in his hand deeply, and a golden glass ball fell from above his scepter and fell on his palm.

"Thank you!"

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