Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 167: Rog Dorn's Toy Defense Line.


"Horus begins his attack!"

The battle report from the front line had already reached Chen Guo's captain's cabin the moment Horus started his attack.

"The vanguard of the Word Bearers Legion led by Lorgar, with the assistance of several rebel fleets and Chaos Demon Fleets, began to attack the first line of defense composed of Neptune and Pluto from the front!" Following Des's words After leaving, Lou Duoyin temporarily took over the duties of chief staff officer.

"What configuration?"

"The fleet of the Word Bearers Legion is very small, and it looks like it was pieced together. In addition to ten cruisers with different configurations, there is also a ship that seems to be modified from some kind of Astronomical Hall black ship. ship, in addition to which there are less than forty frigates left.

As for the configuration of the Chaos Demon Fleet...the configuration of the Chaos Demon..." Lu Duoyin'er frowned and began to flip through the documents in his hand very hesitantly.

Strangely, the battle report sent back from the front line did not show any detailed information about the Chaos Demon Fleet, but the battle report not long ago clearly mentioned that in this attack, the actual There is indeed a Chaos Demon Fleet, but why did those Chaos Demon Fleet suddenly disappear from the battle report?

"No need to look for it? There can't be any information about the Chaos Demon Fleet in the battle report, at least not in your battle report!"

The battle report that Lu Doyin brought back is called Mingbao, which means just like its name, it is a battle report on the bright side. It is specially used for outsiders to see. At the same time, many civilians of the empire may see it. .

Therefore, in order not to affect morale and the mood of the people, although the open report will not conceal the situation on the battlefield, some key information will be buried covertly and placed on top of the secret report!

Chen Guo stretched out her hand and took out the secret report sent by Sanguinius not long ago, and handed it to Lu Doyiner in front of her.

"There is a detailed configuration of the Chaos Demon Fleet on it. You can mark them all on the star map."


Lu Duo Yin'er threw away the thick document in his hand, took the thin piece of paper handed over by Chen Guo, and then began to directly copy the information on it onto the big screen not far away.

While transcribing, Lu Doyin'er was also gasping inwardly.

It would be almost impossible for the Word Bearers Legion commanded by Sorogar to break through the twin fortresses designed by Rogal Dorn himself, that is, the first line of defense composed of Neptune and Pluto. .

After all, Rogal Dorn was a famous civil engineering master in the empire, and the defense line he set up was not something that the cannon fodder fleet commanded by Lorgar could break through at will.

Even if you find some weaknesses in the defense line and make targeted breakthroughs, it is completely impossible to destroy the entire defense line!

But if you add the existence of these Chaos Demon Fleets, a thing that was originally impossible to accomplish has suddenly turned into an almost certain thing.

"My lord, it is impossible to hold the first line of defense. The number of Chaos Demons is dozens of times greater than theirs. It is impossible for a company of Emperor's Fist to stop them alone." Lu Doyin'er said. He was very sure, but before he could finish his words, a man's voice came from outside the unusually thick hatch.

"Master, the battle report from the front is here again. The Neptune frontline base has been completely destroyed!"

Chen Guo raised an eyebrow and said with some disbelief: "If I remember correctly, the Neptune defensive position was specially designed by Rog Dorn. After several months of construction, even though Lorgar has the Chaos Demon Even with the help of the fleet, there is no reason for it to be completely defeated so quickly. "

"They did not dock, but through intensive artillery fire, they directly reduced the Neptune to ashes along with all the soldiers preparing for war and the Astartes!" Linda walked in slowly from the outside. , and walked to Chen Guo's arms and sat down, "I eavesdropped on the communication signals between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Department of Military Staff.

Horus seemed to be very anxious this time. He did not push forward steadily. Instead, he relied on bombing to completely bomb the entire surface of Neptune! "

"Did Guilliman and the others have any news?" A noncommittal thought flashed through Chen Guo's mind, "Could it be that Guilliman's fleet has arrived near the solar system, which led to the complete loss of Horus?" We need to prepare patiently and resolve this war as quickly as possible, so that even after Guilliman arrives, nothing can be saved."

"I don't know, they seem to have completely lost contact!"

Linda did not detect any signals related to Guilliman's fleet in hundreds of galaxies around the solar system.

"Why did you suddenly lose contact?"

Chen Guo smelled a conspiracy in it. You know, Guilliman's fleet is not a handful.

Even if such a huge fleet encounters Horus's fleet, both sides will have to go through a series of hard battles before they can come to a conclusion.

"My lord, the Pluto's defense line has also been breached!

Captain Sigismund of the Emperor's Fist Astartes Legion died in the battle. Millions of new recruits who had just been sent to the front line not long ago, as well as a large number of veterans, also died in the battle. There were only fifteen Astartes in the company. Stat successfully escaped and returned, and everyone else died in the battle. "

The latest battle report was delivered to the captain's room. Lu Doyin immediately turned around and put a cross on the screen... Against the background of this cross, the first line of defense did not even last an hour. When it lasted, it was completely shattered.

Roger Dorn excitedly dug out the first line of defense, deployed heavy troops on it, and sent most of the soldiers recruited from Terra... But in the end, it was Didn't even last an hour.

And this directly caused the door to the solar system to open, allowing Horus and his rebel legions to enter and exit the solar system at will.

"My Lord, the Iron Warriors Astartes led by Perturabo have passed by Pluto and will soon arrive near Uranus!"

Less than two hours later, the fleet led by Perturabo and the fleet of Chaos Demons had already appeared near the second line of defense... It seemed that the second round of attack was ready to start immediately. !

"The Terra Guard's flagship, the Lanx, has personally arrived. Tens of millions of mortal troops have also arrived at the position. This time there is no way to carry out orbital bombing. Guess how long it can last this time?"

"Ten hours!"

"I bet it will take up to three hours!"

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