Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 174 Abaddon and Ahriman (1/2)

Alpha Legion

The most special legion among all the Astartes Legions, it is a legion that has been specialized in infiltration since its inception.

More importantly, this legion has a very important point, it has two Primarchs, Alpharius and his twin brother Omega.

But more often, they are collectively referred to as Alpharius Omega.

And there are actually not many people who know their secrets. In addition to most of the gene Primarchs, there are only some senior members of the Astartes Legion. Others don’t know that the Alpha Legion’s gene Primarchs are actually two people.

At this moment, in addition to the gene monster being restrained by the Thunder Warriors, there is another gene monster in this place.

This is also the source of Linda’s uneasy feeling.


Without the slightest surprise, a palm stretched out from the darkness quickly pierced Linda’s body. Just as expected, the gene monster fighting with the Thunder Warriors in front was just a bait, a bait that was specially released.

The real killer move was another genetic monster that had been hiding in a dark corner, quietly waiting for the best opportunity to strike a thunderous blow to the "commander".


Without any mercy, there was only ruthlessness. After the monster's hand, which had been completely deformed and blackened, grabbed the organs inside Linda's body, it suddenly pulled out the organs, electronic components, and the lines specially used to connect these organs, all out of Linda's body.

"Ci La~"

The harsh sound was accompanied by flashing blue electric sparks, and Linda's body began to twitch uncontrollably.

However, she did not fall down, but slowly turned her body, raised her steel foot, and kicked the genetic monster behind her, which was also tall but without wings.

The huge force directly kicked the monster behind her, who was staring at the electronic organs in his hand, and flew out.


It hit the steel wall heavily.

The steel wall was not made of any hard alloy. After years of disrepair and lack of maintenance, a huge concave hole was directly knocked out, allowing the genetic monster to be embedded in the wall.


The nanomechanical bugs that flew out quickly drilled back into Linda's body and began to repair her body at a very fast speed, replacing the mechanical internal organs that she lost in her body, helping her to come back to life.

Feeling that the mechanical body that had lost its connection slowly regained consciousness, Linda breathed a long sigh of relief. She was also glad that the previous decision was right. She did not let Mintis come down, otherwise Mintis would have died just by the thunder strike just now.

"Wish me good luck? Is this the way to wish me good luck?" Linda grinned and sneered, and she remembered what the man said to her before.

And a few Thunder Warriors who were a little free immediately rushed towards the genetic monster that was struggling on the wall and trying to crawl out of the concave.

Compared with this genetic monster, the power of the Thunder Warrior is nothing.

But when multiple Thunder Warriors rushed forward together, the power of this genetic monster became insignificant.

He was quickly pressed against the wall and could not move. A large number of nano-mechanical insects rushed up. In just a dozen seconds, this extremely tall genetic monster turned into a skeleton amid screams.

Following the same method, another genetic monster that was also roaring turned into a skeleton.

Linda did not let go of their bones and collected them thoroughly, and then began to search in the laboratory.

Until she was sure that she had no more omissions, she ignited the laboratory and took a large number of Thunder Warriors to leave the Mechanical God Cult Gene Library under the vast plains while the flames were constantly burning.

Returning to the ground, before she had time to stand firmly, the dense sound of gunfire immediately reached her ears.

"What happened? Why are there gunshots?"

Mindis, who looked alert, heard the voice coming from behind him and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Meow, you finally came up... A group of rebellious soldiers inexplicably appeared on the plain not far from us.

If I am not mistaken, they should have been teleported in, and at the same time, two Warhound Titans and more than a dozen heavy vehicles were teleported in, including poison blades, Leman Russ...

The Thunder Warriors who were responsible for staying behind had already exchanged fire with them, but they were numerous and More and more rebel soldiers and Titans are being teleported here.

I guess they can't hold out for too long.

If you don't come up, I'll go find you!"

Linda raised her eyebrows and said in disbelief: "So unlucky?

This is too much of a coincidence.

This wasteland is not an open space. There are many fortresses around. They actually teleported here. Is the commander in charge of the teleportation crazy? "

While talking, a magma shell filled with red light quickly fell on the temporary cabin above their heads.


A deafening roar was accompanied by violent vibrations. A large amount of red magma dripped downward from the hole where the explosion came out. The blazing high temperature quickly ignited everything around it. A thunder warrior who did not dodge in time was caught by this. After the hot magma covered his body, he immediately began to melt.

"Let's go, I've notified the nearby defense forces, let them handle it here!"

Linda notified the troops stationed in the nearby fortress through the signal sent by the Neptune suspended in space.

Coincidentally, it was Louis Meg who happened to be leading his guards to inspect a nearby fort.

After receiving the signal from Linda, he immediately mobilized his troops and drove here quickly.

On the way, Louise Meg happened to meet Linda who was retreating this way.

"Madam!" Louis Meg bowed and saluted very neatly, "Madam, did you just say that they came to the moon through teleportation?"

"Yes, I understand what you mean!" Linda immediately understood what Louis Meg meant: "On the moon, the fluctuations emitted by the radiation shield will seriously affect the space transmitter. accuracy!

However, these guys chose a very flat place to teleport and land. This can only mean one thing. Among the defenders of the moon, there is a mole with a very high status and weight. mouse.

It was he who revealed the information about this safe location to the attacking Horus side and arranged the corresponding beacons in advance.

That's what you mean, right? "

"Yes, that's right. That's what I mean, ma'am." Louis Meg's eyes flashed. As a commander, what he likes most is talking to smart people, and what he hates the most is talking to those who can't enforce orders and prohibitions. Stupid guy talks.

"Leave the job of finding the mole to me, and leave the task of closing this gap to you." Linda said a few words and turned around to leave, but after taking a few steps, she stopped again and faced Louis Meg. Said: "Mintis said that a small team had just left the battlefield and was heading towards the back of the moon at this moment.

You send a team to wipe them out. No matter what conspiracies and plans they have, they will never be allowed to succeed!

By the way, your face doesn't look good. Did you forget to inject the genetic medicine? Although you have only injected part of the body's genetic organs, the injection of the medicine used to stabilize the genetic organs must still be injected. Otherwise, if a rejection reaction occurs, you will not have time to regret it. "

"Understood, ma'am!"


"Abadon, your time is very tight. Once these bastards of the empire discover that fatal loophole, they will completely fill it. If they want to tear open the shield emitted by this big mushroom, they must become It’s extremely difficult!”

Reaching out and closing the door, Abaddon turned to Ahriman, the stern-looking psychic mage of the Thousand Sons Legion, and said calmly: "Turn off all communication channels! All the noise has been ringing in his ears." Communication signals will become a way for us to be exposed. Now turn off all communication signals. Only in this way can we escape capture. "

"Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

Compared to Abaddon's energetic voice, Ahriman's voice was very old and hoarse, and at first glance he sounded like a knowledgeable sage.

But in fact, before the rebellion, he was a ruthless and perverted psychic mage, and experiments on living people also happened from time to time.

"If you don't believe what I say, then let's separate. The bunch of losers in the back won't last long. If you help me cover it, I can complete the task better!"

After Abaddon finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to the Thousand Sons Wizard beside him. He led his four personal guards to form a small team and ran into the pure white wilderness ahead.

"...Damn idiot!"

Cursing silently in his heart, Ahriman's face became very ugly, but he still obediently shut down the communication system in the inner armor.

At the same time, spiritual energy surged all over his body, and he easily got rid of the earth's already very low gravity, and quickly chased Abaddon ahead.

These damn Luna Wolves...

Although the Sons of Horus have not yet become extremely crazy and irritable like their Primarch Horus, their arrogant character is slowly revealed.

This has never happened before.

The former Sons of Horus could be said to be the representatives of the Empire's Friendly Legions. They were approachable and extremely humble at the same time.

Hundreds of thousands of troops descended on the plain. With the assistance of hundreds of heavy vehicles and more than a dozen Titans, it took only a few minutes to completely surround the huge plain. .

The artillery fire fired from the distant node fortress intensively bombarded the place designated as the teleportation connection point. During the earthquake and the mountains shook, the rebel legions teleported here through the subspace were unable to even fight back. It was charred and turned into shocking war debris.

For such a small war, Louis Meg didn't take it seriously at all. He didn't even get out of the command vehicle.

After seeing the big scenes he was used to, he felt nothing about this small scene that could be crushed unilaterally.

Sitting in the seat of the command vehicle, the genetic pharmacist injected several genetic drugs into his body to stabilize his genetic state at this moment.

Feeling the powerful drug power rushing through his body, Louis Meg was grinning in pain, and kept making various extremely painful groans.

This is why he had been reluctant to inject this genetic drug even though he had started to feel a dull pain in his body before.

This drug was too painful to inject into the body, and after injecting this drug that stabilizes genes, he could not take related painkillers for a long time, and could only bite his teeth and bear it.

As for how long this pain will last, no one knows!

After an unknown period of time, the pain in the body finally disappeared completely.

Louis Meg sat up with the help of a chair.

He reached out to take the towel handed over by his subordinate, wiped the sweat off his face vigorously, and then immediately asked the adjutant beside him: "What's the situation!"

"The subspace teleportation point is no longer spewing out rebels and heavy vehicles, and the existing rebels and heavy vehicles have been completely destroyed..."

"What are you hesitating about? Is there something I don't know?"

Louis Meg frowned. This adjutant of his was a subordinate he brought here from the Punishment Corps. He has always been loyal and hardworking, and has never been like this before.

"Sorry, sir... I didn't complete your order. I didn't catch anyone alive. In addition, we didn't find any trace of the escape team... They not only shut down all the radio communication systems, but also wiped out all the footprints. In addition, they split up and moved in six different directions. The search was very difficult..."

"That means you didn't bring any good news now. You returned empty-handed, right!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Bring the map over!"

Louis Meg took the map and began to carefully study it.

"Your Excellency is in the control center, and there will be absolutely no problems there. The so-called rebels who can't be caught alive in your mind, they can't die in front of Your Excellency.

And they obviously know this, after all, it's no secret that Your Excellency came to the moon.

What's more, there are traitors here.

So, their target is not the control center.

But their target must be the shield launcher!

Because only when the shield launcher is destroyed can they win the interstellar war outside.

In this case, what method can they use to destroy the shield launcher without passing through the control room?" Louis Meg's eyes gradually became solemn, and he looked in the direction where those guys fled in advance.

These guys are heading to the back of the moon at this moment, and the shield launcher is on the front of the moon at this moment, under the sun...

"Got it!"

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