Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 175: Interception and Breakthrough! (1/2)


A dense noise came, and Abaddon sat expressionlessly under the temporary sand pit. He felt the vibration from the top of his head, and simply closed his eyes and began to rest.

Ahriman seemed even calmer. His psychic perception told him that the mortal soldiers outside could not detect the place more than ten meters deep underground, and they were very, very safe now.

The only pity was that the four guards that Abaddon had always brought with him were probably completely dead at this time in order to cover their tracks.


Listening to the sound gradually fading away above his head, Abaddon opened his eyes again, "The person in charge of leading this hunt should be a hunting master. Without any clues left by us, he was able to find the right direction smoothly. I really want to meet him!"

"Hehe, maybe he is just a mortal!"

"Yes, a mortal!"

After waiting for a moment deep under the ground, the two of them crawled out of the ground in a mess through the pit dug in advance.

Looking up at the dark back of the moon, Abaddon felt a little relieved.

The claustrophobic and narrow space below made him lose the correct concept of the passage of time.

Fortunately, the sky was still dark at this time, which meant that the moon had not turned around yet, and they still had the possibility to complete the mission.

"It's time to go!"

"Wait a minute."

Stepping on the ground, which was particularly solid after being pressed by heavy vehicles, Ahriman curled his lips slightly, "Akaro!"

Invisible ripples slowly spread from the tips of Ahriman's fingers, quickly wrapped around Abaddon's body, and covered his entire body. And his own body was of course no exception, and was also covered by the invisible ripples.

"What is this?"

At this moment, Abaddon had not replaced Horus and became the successor of the Chaos Force, so he had not yet acquired the ability of psychic energy, and knew nothing about psychic spells.

Under such circumstances, it was normal for him to have doubts about the spell released by Ahriman.

"This spell is called the cloaking spell. It is a spell I created to conceal the breath. It can not only conceal the breath, but also cover up the heat. It is one of my most proud words!" Ahriman's face showed a smile, "In such an open place, the enemy only needs to set up a red-hot external sensor to easily find our traces!"

The proud expression on Ahriman's face has not disappeared. When he looked up, he saw that Abaddon's eyes were full of mockery.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you know that the armor has its own heat balance?"


After rolling his eyes in silence, the two continued on their way.

Ahriman's spell was not revoked. Although the armor's own temperature balance system ensures that it will not be sensed by the so-called heat sensor, its other aspects are still very useful.

For example, covering footprints and relatively simple optical camouflage.

After walking on the dark back of the moon for nearly 20 minutes, the search team appeared in front again, but this time Abaddon and his team did not hide.

Because, at this moment, they were less than 40 kilometers away from their target location. Such a short distance was only a matter of minutes in their eyes, so there was no need to hide.

"Go!" Abaddon waved the power sword in his hand and picked up the power axe in his other hand.

"Don't be impulsive!"

Ahriman frowned. He suddenly didn't recognize Abaddon beside him... This guy was very rational before, how could he become so reckless not long after arriving on the moon?

"This search team in front of us is no match for you and me, but there is no need to waste time on them. The concealment spell I cast on you is reliable enough. While we are still on the dark side of the moon, hurry up and get through!"

After Ahriman finished speaking, the psychic fluctuations all over his body intensified again. The power of the concealment spell that had already been cast on them began to increase geometrically, allowing them to completely merge with the boundless darkness around them.

After narrowly passing by the search team, Abaddon's face was a little ugly. Looking at his palm that he couldn't see clearly, "With such a psychic spell, why didn't you use it just now? Did you have to let my four subordinates die?"

"Heh, you didn't ask me!" Looking at Abaddon's increasingly cruel eyes, Ahriman quickly added: "My psychic strength is not as strong as my father's. It is already a very reluctant thing to be able to use it for you and me. If you add your four subordinates, no one can escape!"

Glazing at Ahriman beside him fiercely, the two continued to move forward.

This time, the speed of travel was obviously much faster. Because they were sure that the psychic spell on them could help them avoid the search team, they simply stopped slowing down and rushed to their target location.

The location of the shield launcher was on the front of the moon at this moment.

As a specially manufactured shield launcher known as the Silver Moon Ring, its size and scale are much larger than conventional planetary shield launchers.

Although, after the joint modification by the Empire and the Mechanicus, most of the shield launchers have been reduced.

But some things are not so easy to reduce, such as the cooling device of the shield launcher.

The radiation shield launcher will emit extremely high temperatures when working. This is the same reason why there is a cooling pool in a nuclear power plant.

In order to maintain the normal operation of the shield launcher, the cooler is the most important part. Once the overload is caused by excessive temperature, the consequences will be more than ten times more terrible than the active overload of the shield launcher.

Louis Meg, standing next to the huge radiator like a mountain, his face is full of confidence.

In front of him, one steel fortress after another is being built out of thin air at a rapid speed.

They want to use these steel fortresses to completely wrap up the huge heat sink behind them like a mountain.

"Sir, how can you be sure they will come here?"

"Although the moon has been transformed, the atmospheric concentration is still very low, or even almost non-existent. In this case, the sun's radiation will bring a lot of heat to the side that is illuminated.

Once the shield launcher is turned on, it must be cooled at all times, otherwise it will cause overload.

For this reason, during the construction, a total of two coolers were built on the moon. One is right next to the shield launcher, responsible for cooling and dissipating heat when it is not exposed to light, and the other is built on its front and back, that is, the dark side of the moon. It is responsible for dissipating heat and cooling when the shield launcher is under light.

The speed of the moon's rotation has become extremely slow after the transformation. Therefore, at this moment, the cooler it can rely on is the "mountain" behind us.

Once the cooler behind is destroyed, they don't need to attack the area where the shield launcher is located. You can directly witness the explosion and destruction of the shield launcher due to overheating and overload.

So, no matter what method they use to evade and escape pursuit, their final destination must be here. "

A trace of admiration flashed in the eyes of the adjutant, but then he asked doubtfully: "But, sir, the mountain behind us is full of coolers, and only less than a quarter of the coolers are actually activated, and even with the most powerful explosives, there is no way to destroy them all in a short time.

And as long as there is no immediate destruction, even if we are not here, we can get here in a very short time! As long as we can arrive in time, repel the enemy, and activate the coolers that have not been destroyed, can't we guarantee the safety of the shield launcher? "

Louis Meg glanced at the adjutant beside him: "How can you guarantee that they don't carry any large-scale explosives? What if they bring nuclear bombs? "

"Nuclear bombs..."

I ignored the adjutant next to him.

Louis Meg walked quickly into the steel fortress that had been built on the side.

On the radar projection that had just been temporarily built, hundreds of red dots were appearing at this moment. Each red dot represented a team of dozens to hundreds of people, all of which were search teams he sent out, and were also called early warning teams.

Although he didn't know what method the two escaped guys used to avoid his pursuit, under such a dense defense of the early warning team, not even a fly would want to fly in.


Just as he looked away, a harsh sound appeared beside him. Louis Meg's eyes suddenly flashed with golden light, and he quickly found the attacked team.

Looking at the location of the attacked team, which was only two kilometers away from him, Louis Meg suddenly felt a burst of fear.

Fortunately, he sent out so many early warning teams, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable.

What on earth was the origin that could run here without anyone noticing!

Could it be that a certain gene original body came?

It shouldn't be!

He swung his lightning claws and cut the mortal soldier in front of him in half. The blue electric sparks quickly ignited and charred the bodies of the soldiers who had not yet fallen to the ground.

Abaddon once again took out his power sword and chain saw axe.

What bad luck!

Of course, this bad luck was not directed at himself, but at these nosy mortal soldiers who did not turn a blind eye and had to come up to seek death.

Of course, it also included the Thousand Sons wizard Ahriman.

"How are you?"

Ahriman on the side covered his chest and kept twitching. Although he could still stand on the ground, anyone could see whether he was in a good state at this moment.

"Heh, I won't die!"

He slowly let go of his palm, and a blood hole the size of a baby's fist appeared on his chest.

"Are all of you Thousand Sons so useless?

You were actually injured by a mortal?"

Abaddon took out the potion hidden under the armor and hit Ahriman's neck. Of course, he didn't forget to make a mockery while hitting.

Feeling the power of the special potion, which rushed through his body, Ahriman's face looked a little better. At the same time, the blood hole in his chest began to be covered with granulation and healed quickly.

"Let's go!"

Ignoring Abaddon's ridicule, Ahriman looked at a corpse that had been completely turned into minced meat not far away with a grim look.

As a powerful psychic mage, the captain of the first company of the Thousand Sons Legion was actually injured by a mortal. This is really incredible.

But, even though his psychic power is extremely powerful, he still didn't expect that these mortals would hold the determination to die, rely on their own flesh and blood, and rush in front of him with a large number of eagle beak cluster bombs and self-destruct!

The eagle beak bomb is a very powerful explosive bomb with strong penetrating power. Even though his psychic shield has amazing defense, it was still blown through a hole when he was caught off guard...

Continue to sprint forward.

This time, even the concealment spell was not used again.

Abaddon was in front, Ahriman was behind.

One was running on the ground, and the other was floating in the air. They were both so fast that they rolled up the white dust and sand on the ground. From a distance, they looked like a Mercedes-Benz locomotive.

"Damn, damn..."

Because they did not hide themselves, and because of the warning issued by the previously destroyed guard team, the leader of the guard team in front who was responsible for sniping immediately covered the two with a searchlight, and issued an attack order at the first time!


The hot laser, accompanied by various powerful gunpowder weapons, immediately covered the locomotive formed by the two of them.

But soon, even the high-power searchlight could no longer illuminate their figures.

Because the dust rolled up by the violent explosion quickly covered them all, the soldiers who shot could only predict the shooting based on some vague afterimages they saw. As for whether they hit or not, they didn't know.


Abaddon's body suddenly hit a heavy tank. This was a Leman Russ tank. The short barrel was square. There was a pink flower painted on the tank's armor. Combined with the article representing the kill record, it looked like a gentle man, but in the gentleness, there was an indescribable killing intent.

The huge force hit the side of the tank. As the hard armor collided with each other, Abaddon, who was wearing armor made entirely of adamantium, won the wrestling match. Now with the help of Ahriman's auxiliary psychic spell, Abaddon turned the entire tank over.

At the same time, he waved the chain saw axe in his hand like flowing water, aiming at the corner of the fuel tank hidden under the tank and slashed it hard.

The chain saw axe quickly cut through the fuel tank, and the sparks from the friction between steel and adamantium detonated the fuel tank in an instant.


The red mushroom cloud, accompanied by the earth-shaking vibration, Abaddon and Ahriman disappeared again!

Their goal was not to kill all the guards who tried to stop them, but to destroy the cooling center. Therefore, they had no need and no time to continue playing with these mortals.

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