Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Twenty-third escape from 18 interstellar legions, completed (2/18) (ask for everything.) (1/2)


Madeline Cullivan gave an order, and several short subspecies killers immediately took out daggers from their waists and quickly approached the enemy not far ahead.

Their movements were extremely agile, and their methods were extremely vicious. In the blink of an eye, the ground was covered with corpses. However, the engineers and soldiers who were repairing the ship in the distance were completely unaware of what was going on here. .


Without leaving the water at all, the huge team quickly rushed into the deck. It was not until seven or eight minutes later that the engineers and soldiers in the distance realized the movement here belatedly, but they were all stopped by Madeleine. The approaching killer under Callivan struck first, and soon fell to pieces again.

But it is a pity that even though their movements were so fast, they still missed the mark by one move, and the alarm was directly triggered by the engineer who was still hiding somewhere.

Suddenly, a sharp alarm rang through the sky, and half of the starport knew that there was a problem here.

"No, send a signal quickly and let the spacecraft land quickly!" Madeleine Cullivan's expression changed, and she immediately gave the order, and at the same time turned around and walked towards the empty deck in the distance.

"Yes, Master."

As the signal was sent, within a few minutes, the frigate rushed directly into the outer ring deck despite the artillery fire from the star port. At the same time, a large number of Astartes and Word Bearers Legions appeared at the entrance of the splint. Mortal Auxiliary Army.

As soon as he saw that these guys were about to escape by boat, all kinds of heavy weapons were fired at the frigate's engine for free. The captain of the frigate was so frightened that he didn't even dare to turn off the radiation shield, so he could only fire a one-person shot at the back. What a wide little opening to get them on board.

But at this moment, such a small opening was obviously not enough for dozens of people to pass through quickly. Seeing that they had no way to escape, some retainers simply refused to run. They shouted at the owner of the family to leave quickly, and then turned around with weapons and faced Ah in the distance. Stat and the mortal auxiliaries rushed over.

Chen Guo saw a hole in the radiation shield. Without any hesitation, she immediately reached out to pick up Madeleine Cullivan and rushed onto the spacecraft. Following him were Qing and two elderly people. old man.

As soon as these two old things came up, Madeleine Cullivan yelled loudly before she could speak, "Take off quickly, take off quickly!" The ugly expression of fear of death was vividly displayed.

Madeleine Cullivan was not so anxious, but wanted to wait for more subordinates to board the ship.

But obviously it is simply unrealistic to get everyone on board, and the Astartes are getting closer and closer, but there are still nearly half of the people outside who have not come on board, including those Several subspecies killers of short stature but accomplished great feats.

"Master, we can't wait any longer. If we wait any longer, we won't be able to leave!"

"Yes, head of the family, give the order to take off quickly!"

Madeleine Cullivan gritted her teeth and resisted the pressure. She was still unwilling to give up these loyal retainers and subordinates, and the subordinates outside who had not yet come in were also trying their best to squeeze in. Several unlucky ones even He was squeezed onto the radiation shield, and his body and face were immediately covered with dense blisters from the highly corrosive radiation shield.

But even so, they kept pushing in. After all, who would want to die if they could live.

Chen Guo looked out through the hanging window. In just a few dozen seconds, the Astartes had already reached within a hundred meters of the spaceship. Those retainers who wanted to use their lives to stop them could not even take a second. If he didn't hold on, he was knocked away by the indomitable iron can trains, and was crippled and even smashed into pieces.

"Set the ship. If you don't leave, no one will be able to leave."

After hearing Chen Guo's words, Madeleine Cullivan still did not make up her mind to issue the takeoff order until the two Astartes rushed into the crowded crowd like meat grinders, with broken limbs and residual arms flying everywhere. When it was time, she finally gave the order to take off.

"take off!"

The spaceship that had been prepared for a long time took off without even having time to close the hatch, and flew out of the deck. However, Madeleine Cullivan's hesitation still made the two Astartes jump. Entered the cabin, and as soon as he entered, he waved the chain ax and dagger in his hand and began to slaughter the retainers and the crew of the frigate in the cabin.

Although the retainers and crew members in the cabin immediately drew their guns and started to fight back, in this extremely small space, how could the small-caliber weapons in their hands be any different from toys to the Astartes?

Chen Guo frowned, and metal ingots began to appear in his hand as if by magic. His whole body turned into a catapult, and he accurately hit the head of Astartes with these shockingly heavy metal ingots. superior.

One metal ingot is not enough to destroy the hard helmet of Astartes, but with ten metal ingots and twenty metal ingots hitting the same position, it is a gene that can withstand beatings like Ascart. The warriors gradually became unbearable. Not only did small cracks appear on their helmets, but their heads also began to feel dizzy due to the vibration. This made him immediately drop the Rogue Trader that was torn in half in his hands, and rushed towards him brandishing his chain axe. Come over.

The distance of a few meters was reached in an instant. The chain ax in his hand slammed down hard, vowing to cut Chen Guo in half from the middle.

"Be careful!" Madeleine Cullivan immediately shouted loudly to warn, but Chen Guo didn't even hide. Instead, a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

How could he refuse this kind of realization that was delivered to his door?


At the critical moment when the chainsaw axe was swinging, Chen Guo kicked hard with his feet and hit Astarte's hard chest armor hard, knocking the rushing Astarte off the ground.

Then his body began to swell and become a half-demon, and in the blink of an eye he became a half-demon almost as tall as Astarte. The claws in his hands were as precise as a scalpel and began to dismember the bloody butcher who had just been so arrogant in mid-air.

The blue electric current flashed with dazzling light, making all the people who looked at the electric light close their eyes involuntarily, and only the crisp sound of "kakaka" could be heard.

When the dazzling blue light disappeared and they opened their eyes again, there was an Astarte lying on the ground with his chest turned into a hornet's nest, twitching constantly there.

The black-haired monster that knocked down Astarte was standing next to him at this moment, staring coldly at another Astarte in the distance, and the only remaining single eye was full of teasing and ridicule.

"It's you! You killed Tom and Jerry?"

"Hehehe, Tom and Jerry, cat and mouse, but unfortunately, they are not cat and mouse."

With a dull laugh, Chen Guo moved. He turned into a black and blue lightning and quickly wrestled with the Astarte in front of him. His sharp claws flashing with blue electric sparks thrust back and forth, twisted up and down, quickly peeled off, melted, and penetrated the thick armor on the Astarte's body, and released a high-intensity electric current the moment it touched his skin, causing the powerful gene warrior to twitch and tremble uncontrollably, and every time he swung his fist, he would give up halfway because of the involuntary trembling and twitching, and finally could only hit Chen Guo's body that seemed as hard as steel like cotton.


Accompanied by the extremely tragic roar of steel, Chen Guo finally tore off his helmet in his shocked and unbelievable eyes, and without hesitation, he used his strength to deeply pierce his skull with his sharp claws that glowed with blue light.

[Unit of Manifestation]: 11400

Standing up from the corpse, Chen Guo stretched his sore body. These two Astartes were much weaker than the previous two Astartes. His fists hit them softly as if they had not eaten.

After removing the demonization, Chen Guo became naked again. His clothes were blown off again. Only the black bag around his waist was still there, which just happened to cover his sensitive parts.

Lifting the weighted chain saw axe beside him with force, Chen Guo held it and walked to the Astartes who was not dead yet.

Because of the secret lock, he couldn't activate the chain saw axe. He could only walk in front of him and smash his broken helmet with brute force until his whole head and helmet were smashed into a pulp lake. The fantasy materialization data table finally gave a hint.

[Material force unit]: 15650


Throwing away the chain saw axe in his hand, Chen Guo clapped his hands, wiped the brains on his face, and looked coldly at the people around him who were pointing guns at him, "What are you doing? Do you want me to send you over to accompany them?"

"Put down your guns and do what you need to do!" Madeline Cullivan dispersed the crowd and walked to Chen Guo with a strange face. She looked at the corpse on the ground, and then looked at Chen Guo's relatively thin but plump and strong body, "Sir, who are you?"

"Hehe, just a passenger on the boat!" Chen Guo ignored her and turned to the window. He looked at the planet and the starport that were getting smaller and smaller, and the heart that had been hanging in his heart finally let go.

There were no ships chasing them. He had managed to escape, and had managed to escape from the hands of the Huaiyuan Legion... Unconsciously, he seemed to have managed to escape from the hands of two Astartes Legions.

They were all rebel legions... Am I a natural emperor?

Chen Guo suddenly felt a little funny.


With a slight shake, the spaceship sailed out of the subspace steadily. This was the seventh time it had come out of the subspace since it escaped.

Because there was no navigator on board, the spaceship could not make accurate jumps and could only adjust the jumps according to the general direction, which resulted in it having to come out of the subspace every once in a while to determine the direction.

Sitting on the bed in the cabin, Chen Guo closed his eyes and practiced his skills.

Suddenly, a dazzling blue electric light flashed all over his body, and at the same time, his body began to crackle.

Chen Guo opened his eyes and stood up suddenly. His bones kept making crackling sounds, and a large amount of black mud quickly seeped out from under his skin.

Today, with the help of the Great Rejuvenating Pill, which he could only take once every three months, he successfully broke through the third level of Thunder Horizontal Training. While completely igniting the invisible Thunder Fire in his body, he cleansed his meridians and marrow, and completely expelled the dirt deep in his body.

At this moment, not only did he feel much lighter all over his body, but even every inch of his muscles, bones, blood and flesh seemed light and transparent, as if he had been completely reborn.

Not only that, thanks to the Great Rejuvenating Pill, his body seemed to have grown a little taller again, his muscles bulged, and his muscle fibers seemed to have been tempered a thousand times. His body lines were more sturdy and strong. Although he could not be compared with bodybuilders, he was much more refined and finally got rid of the word "skinny".

As Chen Guo washed away the impurities and filth on his body, his copper-yellow skin, like an ancient bell, was exposed. All the scars and old marks on it had disappeared. It was just unknown whether it was the effect of the Great Rejuvenation Pill or the effect of the Thunder Fire.

After taking a bath, Chen Guo could no longer hold back his excitement. He simply did not even put on his clothes, stretched out his white nails, raised his hand and clawed at the air.


When Chen Guo swung his claw, the air that his fingertips slid through seemed to be squeezed and exploded. The sharp and piercing sound, like the howling of wolves and the chirping of birds, began to spread and echo in the cabin, and could not stop for a long time.

Chen Guo had an ecstatic and excited look on his face, and a large number of electric sparks flashed violently on his body. He swung his claw again, and this time it was not only faster, but the deep blue electric light seemed to cut through the space. After the tiny electric light left his palm, it floated in the air for a long time before it completely disappeared.

Swish, swish, swish~

Unconsciously, Chen Guo had turned into a demon. His movements were not only more fierce, but also faster. And with each of his lightning-fast movements, each of his claws, each swing caused a thunderous wind to sweep through, causing a whirlwind to blow through the small room, pushing all the small objects in the room to fall, drop, and even be directly rolled up and float in the air.

"Is this the power of the third level of Thunder Horizontal Refining?"

Shocked in his heart, but in order to avoid attracting unnecessary attention, Chen Guo stopped his movements, and with a godly look, he spit out a long airflow, which swayed in the air, blowing the sheets in front of him directly into the air, and the wind force was comparable to that of an industrial-grade electric fan.

Walking to the corner of the room, picking up the pressure gauge that he had specially requested, Chen Guo slowly closed his eyes, and the last static electricity quickly hit the surface of the pressure gauge. The digital display screen flashed rapidly and finally stopped at 30.

After looking at the unit behind, Chen Guo took a breath of cold air. No wonder the Astartes who could be electrocuted kept twitching. This inconspicuous flash of electricity actually exceeded 300,000 volts, more than three times that of Pikachu!

This is still the third level of Thunder Horizontal Refining. There are six levels in the whole book of Thunder Horizontal Refining. The third level is already 300,000 volts. The sixth level must be millions, or even tens of millions... With such a strong voltage, I am afraid that even if the original body comes, it may not be able to withstand it!

"Dong Dong Dong~"

"Who is it?"

"It's me, sir." Madeline Cullivan's voice came from outside the door, "I have something to say to you in person."

"Wait a minute!" Chen Guo quickly put on her clothes and opened the hatch.

Madeline Cullivan stood alone outside the door, wearing a decent but revealing long skirt, and the waves on her chest let Chen Guo see them all.

"What's the matter?"

"Sir, you won't invite me in?"

"... Please come in."

Madeline Cullivan walked into the cabin with a smile. She looked at the messy cabin, as if a battle had taken place. A trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, but she didn't ask any more questions. She was still smiling, "I have contacted the family. The family's fleet is in this galaxy. I don't know where your destination is. I can arrange for the fleet to take you there.

If you haven't decided where to go yet, you can follow me temporarily. I, Madeline Cullivan, am willing to hire you as the head knight of the family. The reward is one thousand pure steel per day, and it will be paid on a daily basis. You can leave whenever you want, and there will be no problem. I will settle the bill with you immediately."

Sure enough, just as Chen Guo guessed, Madeline Cullivan came to recruit him.

But this is normal. A strong man who can tear two space warriors apart with his bare hands, only a fool would not want to recruit him!

Especially since Madeline Cullivan has now spent all her family fortune, she particularly needs the help of a strong man like Chen Guo so that she can make a comeback faster.

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