Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 24: Relics of the Golden Age (Transition chapter, please collect, reward, and everything.) (

"Sorry, I still have things to do and cannot accept your employment invitation, but if possible, I would like to make a deal with you."

"What deal?" Madeline Cullivan, who was rejected, had a flash of deep disappointment in her eyes, but she quickly regained her spirits. Since she couldn't recruit him, it would be a good choice to let Chen Guo owe him a favor: "Sir, you say."

"Actually, it's nothing. I just want to exchange a battleship for a cruiser." Chen Guo said as he took out the contract and thank-you letter from the Mechanicus from his magic bag like a magician.

"Hmm?" Madeline Cullivan silently took the letter, quickly scanned it, and immediately showed an expression of disbelief on her face: "This is the thank-you letter and exchange contract from the Mechanicus? It can be exchanged for a retribution-class battleship that can be customized at will... How is this possible?"

As a mature wandering merchant, Madeline Cullivan has traveled across half of the galaxy. She has been to many forge worlds and Mechanicus outposts, and has seen too many sages, commanders, and forge generals.

But she has never seen these rigid cyborgs feel grateful to a human being, and they solemnly wrote a thank-you letter.

In her impression, they only issue orders in a superior tone, and make the most stringent requirements for every transaction. They also pick and choose every time they receive goods, just to give the lowest price, and even use physical threats to make the transaction unequal.

Recalling the ugly performances of those mechanical faces in her mind, Madeline Cullivan read the thank-you letter and the contract again. This time she read it very carefully, and finally succeeded in finding the key information in the thank-you letter... the adamantium vein.

Seeing this word, Madeline Cullivan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt much better in her heart.

The value of an entire adamantium vein was only exchanged for a retribution-class battleship. The sages, masters and casting generals of the Mechanicus did not seem to have changed their temperaments and were still so stingy. No wonder they wrote such a thank-you letter.

Using a thank-you letter saved a huge amount of remuneration and covered up the guilt in her heart. If this business was given to her, she would do it, and she would do it better, and the letter would be written more sincerely.

"It takes several years or even more than ten years to cast a battleship.

But I don't want to wait that long, so I want to use a new battleship to exchange for a heavy cruiser in good condition." Chen Guo took out the black metal block key again and kept playing with it in his hand.

"...Sir, yes, but I can't fulfill it now. I don't have a cruiser now. I have to contact other branches of the family to see if I can transfer a cruiser to you." Madeline Cullivan hesitated for a moment and didn't dare to give a positive answer immediately.

Chen Guo smiled, "I'm not in a hurry. How about this? I'll give you the key and the contract first. You can leave me the address of the star system where your Cullivan family is located. I'll find you after I finish the things at hand. How about you fulfill it with me then?" After saying that, Chen Guo threw the key in his hand to the other party without any reluctance.

"Sir, are you not afraid that I will turn my face against you at that time?" stroking the key, Madeline Cullivan suddenly showed a playful expression on her face, and her tone was as kind as if she was treating her lover.

"Hahaha, what's there to be afraid of? If you dare not admit it, I will make your Cullivan family disappear from this universe. Believe me, I can definitely do it!" Chen Guo's only left eye began to emit blue sparks, causing Madeline Cullivan's body to tremble involuntarily.

"I understand. Then I will wait for your arrival in the family." Putting away the contract and the key, Madeline Cullivan asked again, "Where are you going? I'll take you there!"



The interstellar journey is particularly boring. From the star map, it can be seen that the two galaxies are so close that it will take a month or even several months for the huge fleet to reach these two galaxies without the ability to make a subspace jump.

The subspace storm around the Badab galaxy is still continuing, and according to the navigator's assessment and estimation, the scope of this storm is still getting more and more intense.

According to estimates, a super-large subspace storm that will last for decades or even hundreds of years is about to be born.

The old crew members were used to such subspace storms.

After all, they spent most of their lives on ships. Whether the ships flew fast or slow, the scenery outside the windows was the same.

But for new crew members like Chen Guo, long-term space travel was boring and tedious.

Although Chen Guo was not alone, he could see many crew members when he was wandering around the ship every day, but for some reason, the crew members here seemed to be afraid of him.

No matter where Chen Guo went, they would talk about him in a low voice, and no one was willing to talk to him actively, so he could only hide in the cabin and talk to himself every day, which was no different from being alone. He was almost depressed.

It has been nearly two months since Chen Guo broke up with Madeline Cullivan. Although they broke up, the cruiser Chen Guo was riding on at this moment still belonged to the Cullivan family, but it belonged to the fleet under another family head.

This is an extremely large fleet, larger than the fleet that Madeline Cullivan had before, including five main battle cruisers, more than 25 frigates and dozens of transport ships.

In addition, there seems to be a colony ship, which is densely packed with nearly 700,000 interstellar colonists frozen, but they will not be awakened before they reach their destination.

The destination of the fleet was the dark world at the edge of the Extreme Western Regions - Markov VII, a world that had just been conquered by the expeditionary fleet. The Cullivan Merchant Ronin Family accepted orders from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Colonization, and the Mechanicus, and set sail from the planet Ben III in the Solar System, responsible for transporting colonists and a large amount of steel building materials, preparing to assist the Imperial Navy, which was building a starport there, to reoccupy the dark galaxy at the edge of the lighthouse and transform it into an agricultural planet.

Originally, this fleet was not going to stop in the chaotic Badab Star Region, but was going to resupply and add fuel in the Calilant Star Region, which was adjacent to the Badab Star Region but had much better security.

However, because of the relationship between Chen Guo and Madeline Cullivan, the owner of this fleet changed the route specifically for Chen Guo, preparing to stop and resupply at the planet Badab 3 in the Badab Star Region, which is the capital planet of the Badab Star Region.

Although Chen Guo did not say much on the surface, he knew that he owed Madeline Cullivan another favor.

It was not a trivial matter to temporarily change the route of the fleet, and it was unknown how Madeline Cullivan persuaded her aunt.

It was speechless enough. Chen Guo had never owed a favor in his previous life. He did not expect that he had owed a lot of favors in less than a year after crossing over, and they were all the kind of favors that he wanted to repay.

Flipping through the wizard book in his hand, which was like a heavenly book, Chen Guo forced himself to imprint these strange, boring and difficult runes into his mind as much as possible.

Although he did not understand the meaning of these runes at all, and there was no dictionary for comparison, this was the best way for Chen Guo to kill time besides sitting and meditating.

In the past three months, he had memorized several books. He felt that if he could work so hard in his previous life, he would not be just a crane driver in the end, but would definitely be admitted to a prestigious university and have a better future... No wonder.

After shaking his head to clear his mind, Chen Guo put down the book in his hand and prepared to go to the cafeteria to eat, then come back to have a good rest and sleep, to recharge his energy for tomorrow's attempt to break through the fourth level of Thunder Horizontal Training.

Not long after leaving the cabin, Chen Guo came to the cafeteria on this deck. Although the food here is not very delicious, it is much better than the sour energy bar.

He casually took the plate and sat down in the corner. While eating, Chen Guo listened to the chats of the crew around him.

After listening carefully, Chen Guo didn't hear any meaningful topics. These guys were not talking about work topics, or talking about gossip and scandals about which female crew member had sex with which retainer, or they were constantly drinking and bragging, and talking about their strange experiences in various galaxies.

The life of interstellar crew members is more boring than that of planetary sailors. After all, as a sailor on a planet, you don't go home for a few months at most, while as a crew member between stars, you can go home at least once every few years.

Some can only go back once every ten or even several decades. Often, when they left home last time, their children were only a few years old. When they return again, they have grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.

How does that saying go?

The moment a mortal steps into the starry sky is not the beginning of the journey, but the beginning of death.

After slowly finishing the vegetable puree on the plate, Chen Guo stopped just as he was about to leave.

Because he finally heard a topic that interested him.

"Hey, have you signed up?"

"What for?"

"Explore the ruins! Don't you know?"

"Explore the ruins, what ruins? Don't keep us in suspense, just tell us what you want to say."

"The advance fleet discovered the ruins of an underground city left behind by a technological civilization that had already died in the Golden Age on a desolate planet ahead. The owner decided to stop at that desolate galaxy for a while and is preparing to send an expedition team to explore and salvage the ruins. He is now recruiting volunteers from the entire fleet!"

"Is this true? How did the advance team know that it was a relic from the Golden Age? Besides, the fleet is not on the main interstellar route. ? Even if there are relics from the Golden Age, how could it be that no fleet has discovered them until now? "

"Oh, yes, if you say it is in the fringe star zone, it's fine. We are now on the trade route. All the planets that can be colonized along the way have been developed and colonized. How could there be a barren planet? Did you see it wrong? "

"Pah, I didn't see it wrong. It's a barren galaxy. Otherwise, why would the head of the family issue a volunteer order? "

"...If it's true, then I have to sign up. If I find some treasures from the Golden Age, not only can I retire, but my children don't have to be crew members anymore. "

"Forget it. The requirement in the volunteer order is that you must at least be proficient in certain individual combat capabilities. You have been a boiler engineer all your life. You are good at repairing radiation shields, but you can't even hold a laser gun. Go and do it. What? Being cannon fodder? ...I advise you not to think about it. This volunteer order is issued to the armed forces and mercenaries, and there is no chance for you and me. "

"Then you kept talking about it in a big way. I thought you had relaxed the requirements this time, which made me happy in vain!"

"I'm just gossiping, why are you so ungrateful?"

After eating, Chen Guo learned about the so-called volunteer order.

The so-called voluntary order is actually more like a reward within the Rogue Trader fleet.

After all, the retainer troops of the Rogue Traders are not the regular army of the empire, but private armies belonging to the major Rogue Traders. Their combat effectiveness is not necessarily inferior to that of the Imperial Navy and Imperial Army, but it has a fatal flaw, that is, there is no place to replenish it in time. manpower.

Therefore, in order to preserve strength and ensure that the ship has enough troops to deal with emergencies and interstellar pirate gang wars during the voyage. When encountering desolate planets and rebel planets with oil and water, the Rogue Traders often do not dispatch the main force on the ship. Instead, they choose to spend a lot of money to recruit non-combatants inside the ship, but they have Crew members with certain actual combat experience, or secondary employment of interstellar mercenaries, hiring them to represent the fleet to explore or conquer planets.

Just like this desolate planet that the Kallivan fleet has just discovered. Although I don’t know why this planet on the main trade route has not been occupied and colonized yet, it is obvious that the head of the Kallivan family, Madeleine Kallivan The aunt was tempted.

After all, if she is lucky enough to find any technological items and lost technologies offered by the Adeptus Mechanicus on this ruined planet, then she might be able to add one or two cruisers or even battleships to her fleet. A very possible thing.

"Relics of the golden age..." Chen Guo's eyes flashed. He had been almost moldy for more than three months. He just had such an opportunity. He wanted to go there and stretch his muscles at the same time. , see if you can find one or two items from this planet that can make the fantasy data manifest, so that it can be refreshed again.

Otherwise, almost all the useful things inside have been exchanged, and what is left is either useless garbage or treasures that cannot be exchanged, leaving tens of thousands of tangible points in vain to mold and rot.

However, Chen Guo is neither a retainer, nor a crew member, nor a mercenary. He is just a passing traveler. He has no reason to participate in the expedition... It seems that Madeline Cullivan's relationship will be used again. .

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