Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 25 Please, I am willing to acknowledge you as my Lord. (1/2)

"Sir, my wife is not available to see you now. If you have anything to say, please tell me." The old man with a serious face blocked Chen Guo's steps without a smile.

"I want to join the expedition, but I am not a retainer or a mercenary."

Facing the old man who blocked the way, Chen Guo was not surprised at all. It would be strange if he could meet Madeline Cullivan's aunt so easily.

"Sorry, sir, I can't make a decision on this matter. Expedition is not a joke. Every member of the expedition has his own mission. There is no way to protect you comprehensively. Please stay on the boat!"

Chen Guo really didn't know what to say after hearing this. The old man's answer was flawless, blocking all the roads, so he could only shrug and turn away.

But he had just walked a short distance when he heard the old man behind him arguing with a woman again.

"Madam, you can't take risks. You are the head of the family now, not an adventurer."

"Shut up, old John, I'm tired of your endless nagging, get out of my way, don't force me to beat you."

"Madam, even if you beat me to death, I won't let you go."

Take advantage of the opportunity to turn the corner, Chen Guo saw a mature young woman, wearing a mighty exoskeleton armor, pushing the old man in front of her with an impatient face.

It is not difficult to hear from their words that she should be Madeline Cullivan's aunt.

"Tsk tsk, well-maintained."

Before Chen Guo separated from Madeline Cullivan, she had heard her talk about her aunt. Her aunt had never liked the family's roving trader profession since she was a child. Instead, she wanted to be an archaeologist and adventurer, and wanted the entire galaxy to know that she was a great archaeologist.

But unfortunately, she had passion but no talent, and had never made any major discoveries or research in the field of archaeology. Finally, after spending all her savings, she was forced to return to her family and become a roving trader.

It must be said that the roving trader inheritance talent of the Cullivan family is terrifyingly high.

Even Madeline Cullivan's aunt, who was so unenthusiastic about being a roving trader, finally succeeded in finding herself in this universe full of intrigues, and it took only more than twenty years to expand the size of the fleet a hundred times.

You must know that when she first entered the industry, the family only gave her a frigate that had just been manufactured.

Rejected, Chen Guo silently returned to the cabin.

Well, I have to stay in this small cabin again. There is no way. This is the consequence of living under someone else's roof.

Chen Guo has never wished that he could own a starship or even his own interstellar fleet like he does now.

In this way, he can go wherever he wants in this vast and boundless Milky Way, and no longer have to look at other people's faces.

Half a day later, the fleet slowly stopped moving.

Chen Guo learned through the broadcast that the entire fleet will be anchored in this unknown galaxy that has not yet been named for fifteen Terra days.

During this time, the ship will open the sightseeing deck, and all crew members can go to the deck to experience the pleasure of space walking up close.

Chen Guo also experienced a space walk, which was very shocking, especially when the towing rope slowly stretched out, he really left the spaceship and floated completely in the space. The feeling was very wonderful, as if the stars were right in front of him, and he could pick the stars in the distance directly with just one hand.

Because of the spacewalk project to relieve boredom, Chen Guo was in a particularly good mood these days, and even the frustration caused by the failure to break through the fourth level of Thunder Horizontal Training disappeared without a trace.

However, when the time for the docking came to the seventh day, the spacewalk project was suddenly closed, and all the fleets entered an emergency state, and a large number of landing capsules were launched one after another to the barren planet in front of them.

Chen Guo, who was not part of the establishment, was restricted from leaving his own cabin. It seemed that something important had happened on the planet.

Chen Guo guessed that this was most likely a mistake made by the not very obedient head of the family.

Tsk tsk tsk, she is already a young woman and is still so ignorant.

The alert lasted until the fourteenth day. When there was still one day left before the departure date, the alert of the entire fleet was still not cancelled, and more and more landing capsules were launched to the planet in front of them.

It seemed that this planet had become a bottomless pit that could eat people, ruthlessly devouring every illegal intruder.

Soon, most of the fleet soldiers responsible for guarding each deck were withdrawn, and only a few soldiers were left on each deck.

I tried to talk to a soldier in charge of guarding for a while. Although his words were full of vigilance and he kept silent on many key questions, Chen Guo still drew a conclusion from his facial expression.

His guess was completely correct. The soul of the entire merchant fleet, the head of the family, Came Kaliwen and her retainers' expedition team completely disappeared on the planet in front of them.

Not only that, but also the large number of rescue teams that landed from the spacecraft later disappeared. After landing on the planet, they all disappeared without exception. This is why there is a steady stream of landing capsules landing on the planet in front of them.

However, what does this have to do with Chen Guo?

Chen Guo eats and drinks as he should every day, and he doesn't feel nervous at all.

Since he was not allowed to go out, he would stay in the cabin and read books, cultivate his mind and practice Thunder Horizontal Refining at the same time.

For some reason, the Thunder Horizontal Refining, which had been progressing rapidly before, refused to move forward any further, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking his way forward...

On this day, it had been one and a half months since the ship docked in this galaxy.

The landing capsule had not been launched downwards since three days ago, because almost all the soldiers and retainers on the major ships who could fight had already gone down, but they were like a stone sinking into the sea, and all traces were lost without causing any waves.

As more and more people lost contact, various rumors began to spread on the ship, and the panic was like a nightmare that eroded the crew members with weak psychological endurance bit by bit.

Fortunately, the retainer who temporarily commanded the fleet was an old hand. He directly issued a bloody killing order. Once any talkative crew member dared to spread rumors, he would be sentenced to the most severe death penalty. Not only would he be punished, but any crew member who heard the rumors but did not report them would be executed together, and the video of the execution would be played in every corner of the spacecraft.

Under such iron-fisted and bloody governance, the rumors that were like poison attached to the bones did not completely disappear, but were completely suppressed and had no tendency to spread further.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The heavy knock on the door disturbed Chen Guo who was meditating. He opened his eyes impatiently, "Who is it?"

"Sir Chen Guo, I am Madeline Cullivan. I am here to ask for help from you."

"Madeline Cullivan?" Chen Guo opened the door, and it turned out that Madeline Cullivan was standing outside.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go back?"

"No time to explain. Please follow me!"

Madeline Cullivan stretched out her hand and pulled Chen Guo forward, but what she didn't expect was that in the next second, a light sound came, "Puff~" and the huge fist went straight through her chest, punching her through.

Madeline Cullivan looked down at the palm that went through her chest. She turned her head slowly. She didn't feel any pain on her face, but showed a puzzled expression, "How did you... find me?"

Chen Guo didn't speak. The silver-gray mask on her face flashed by. Under the strange runes, Madeline Cullivan turned into a naked woman with gray skin all over her body.

Pulling out the fist with all his strength, watching the wound on her back slowly heal like plasticine, Chen Guo stretched out his hand to pinch her neck, lifted her up and walked into the room, "Give you three seconds to think, whether you want to tell me the situation or not."

"If you can't kill me, I'll come back for you!" Madeline Cullivan's face twisted and turned into the look that can only be seen with perspective.

"Who told you that I'm going to kill you?" Chen Guo showed a cruel smile on his face, he slowly stretched out his finger and gently placed it on the top of the woman's head.

The next second, a weak electric current quickly rushed into her body, and this strange woman immediately let out a miserable howl, her body hanging in the air began to twitch violently, and a large amount of blue liquid began to drip from her body.


After a minute of electric shock, Chen Guo slowly took away his fingers as he saw the woman's breath getting weaker and weaker. "I'll give you three more seconds to tell me who you are and why you're on the spaceship?"

"I'm going to eat you. I'm going to eat you bit by bit..."

"Eat me? I'm afraid you don't have such good teeth."

Chen Guo put his fingers on her head again. This time the current was stronger, and she was directly electrocuted into a fan. Her limbs were shaken by the electric shock, and more and more blue liquid began to seep out of her skin. A faint flower fragrance began to fill the room.

"If you can't stand it, just say it directly. As long as you are willing to tell me the truth, I will stop..."

Chen Guo didn't expect that this woman was still a hard bone. She was electrocuted for nearly half an hour, and the blue liquid on the ground was almost gathered into a small pool, but she still refused to say anything.

Just when Chen Guo was considering whether to kill her to see if she would really come back to find him, there was another knock on the door outside the cabin, "Sir, I am Madeline Cullivan, I need your help with something."

"Another one?" Chen Guo looked at the strange woman in his hand who was still alive but only had her muscles twitching, and the face of truth appeared on his face again.

This time he didn't even open the door, but looked out directly with perspective. This time the person standing outside the door really didn't run away, and was no longer a fake.

Fearing that the strange woman in his hand would run away, Chen Guo didn't dare to put her down, but held her up to open the door, but he didn't expect that as soon as he walked to the door, this woman who was as hard-mouthed as iron suddenly began to struggle and beg for mercy, "Please, I'll say anything, please don't let me see her, I beg you, as long as you don't let me see her, I am willing to recognize you as my master, and I can accept anything you ask me to do..."

"Ha~" Ignoring her, Chen Guo directly opened the hatch. The next second, the impostor who was eye-to-eye with Madeleine Cullivan suddenly let out a scream that was more piercing than being shocked by electricity. Her limbs began to soften and melt. In the blink of an eye, she completely melted and turned into a ball of blue liquid, which slowly dripped from Chen Guo's hand.

"Your Excellency...this?" Madeleine Cullivan frowned after watching the whole process, completely confused as to what happened.

Chen Guo didn't mean to explain, she stretched out her palm and put it on her neck, "Where did we meet for the first time? What kind of clothes was I wearing at the time?"

"...it was in the ventilation duct of the starport in the Devon Star Sector. You...were not wearing any clothes at the time, but later you changed into my fiancé's clothes." Madeline Cullivan had an unnatural blush on her face.

Staring at her expression for a long time, Chen Guo retracted her palm and pointed at the blue mucus on the ground: "This woman just came to me disguised as you. After I subdued her, I tortured her for half an hour. She refused to say anything, but before she wanted to see you, she suddenly gave in and said she was willing to accept me as Lord. The only price was that she didn't want to face you face to face, and then she melted in front of you... …Do you have any idea?”

"Huh?" Madeleine Cullivan's face was still confused. It wasn't that there was a problem with her understanding, it was just that Chen Guo summarized it very briefly, and she just didn't understand what happened.

After explaining it carefully again, Madeleine Cullivan finally understood. However, she could not solve Chen Guo's question. Instead, she brought a new problem to Chen Guo: "Your Excellency, I would like to ask You go save my aunt."

"Save your aunt? Go to this planet in front of you?"


After hearing the affirmative answer, Chen Guo silently walked to the window and looked at the black planet in front of her with her back to the star.

It is like a fluorescent stone in the center of the abyss. Although all the crises in the surrounding darkness are covered up because of its light, the crisis will always exist and will not disappear just because it cannot be seen.

"What will you do to me if I say no?"

"I will never force you, but Your Excellency, my aunt..." Madeleine Cullivan said the first sentence without any hesitation, but the next sentence began to hesitate.

"Keep talking!"

"My aunt... is very important. In order to rescue her, the family not only sent me, but also sent another family head, and issued a reward. Whoever can rescue her will receive extremely generous rewards. "

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