Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 198: The last line of defense of the Imperial Army Armament Hall - Fengming Intelligent Cont

"how did you do it?"

Being clinging to the wall with a mold of flesh and blood, Alpha's face was filled with disbelief.

"Should I ask you this?"

Throwing away the Alpha's corpse that was stuck to his hand, the berserker armor slowly fell off, revealing his original face.

"Are you really human?"

"Of course, I have always been a human being, before I wake up and after I fall asleep...hehe, you are confusing me?"

Chen Guo looked at the blood in her hand and subconsciously put it in front of her nose and smelled it. A smile that was sure to be true immediately appeared on her face.

Just as he thought, the blood indeed contained something that could confuse him.

Or rather it should be called Veritaserum!

Using veritaserum as blood, he is indeed the Alpha who is good at penetration and interrogation, and is known as the spy army!

Shaking off all the blood on his hands, Chen Guo walked up to Alpha, who was still alive and well with only half of his body left. He looked at the Primarch that was stuck to the wall and sliding down bit by bit. , eyes full of curiosity.

"As soon as I kill you, you can copy yourself, and you can even copy your equipment. This is really incredible to me.

I wonder if you can tell me why this is? "Chen Guo lit the cigar and also lit one for the Alpha in front of her.

Alpha shook his head, then bit his tongue and committed suicide.

However, the next second, Alpha appeared again, and appeared behind Chen Guo again.

"It feels better when your body is intact!" Alpha took the cigar from Chen Guo's hand very familiarly and started smoking.

"Well, it's good enough. I like it!"

"You haven't answered my question yet?" Chen Guo casually crushed a chaos egg that rushed towards him. Judging from the color, it should belong to Khorne.

Only these brainless club-killing guys would come looking for their own death when there were corpses all over the ground.

"I am not an immortal!" Alpha had no intention of taking action at this moment.

He just didn't want to do anything anymore. After all, the corpses on the ground had not rotted yet, and they were so densely packed that they almost formed a hill.

"I know that among all the Primarchs, except for Vulcan, none of them are immortals." Chen Guo's words made Alpha raise his eyebrows fiercely.

Even among the Primarchs, there were only a few people who knew the identity of Vulkan the Immortal, including him who had joined the Secret Cult, but he did not expect that this was considered the top secret in the entire empire. Chen Guo actually said it casually.

Could it be that Malcador opened the empire's most secret vault for him?

With doubts in his heart, Alpha continued to say: "Since you know the immortals, then you should also know what the real immortals are? The immortals do not refer to endless life, but to those who are in death. In the future, people can be quickly resurrected in the universe and on other planets.

Because it can be resurrected, it means that the eternal person can be resurrected quickly even if he dies. "

"Don't talk nonsense like this. Tell me something I don't know." Chen Guo interrupted Alpha rudely and asked him in a bad tone: "What I want to know is, why can you Restricted self-replication, instead of listening to you here explaining things about the Immortals.”

"I may not be an immortal, but there is another immortal in my body, or that immortal is me, and my brother Omega is not an immortal... Well, this sounds possible. Some convoluted words, but you just need to know that I am not a normal living person, I am an immortal being who was born, an experimental immortal being is enough." Alpha continued to take a puff of the cigar in his hand: "In addition, self-replication is not infinite, but limited. I don't know how many times it can replicate itself, but I can feel that it is limited, and as the number of self-replication continues to increase, I will lose more and more memories...maybe in the end, I will become a madman who doesn't know who I am."

"Well, it does sound like a defective product."

"It was originally a defective product. In other words, all the Primarchs in the entire empire are just crude imitations of him. He created us based on himself." Alpha's face was filled with impatience. At the same time, there was also some melancholy: "Okay, if you listen to what I have to say, there is a high probability that you won't kill me again. In this case, we have to say goodbye."

"It seems that you have already thought about where you should go."

"I have already thought about it, but I always had to struggle before. Otherwise, if I had planned for so long and had no effect at all, wouldn't it make me look stupid?"

"Ha!" Looking at the corpses piled high beside him, Chen Guo said noncommittally: "Actually, I feel that you are quite dull. Otherwise, you wouldn't have wanted to negotiate with me after so many casualties! "

"Haha, that seems to be true."


"You can't unlock the secret here, and there is no way to unlock this combination lock. This combination lock is an item from the Golden Age, with 500,000 calculation possibilities, a purely mechanized product... What are you going to do?"

The craftsman sitting on the ground looked at Linda with some disbelief as she was sticking explosives on the seemingly gorgeous golden door. He recognized the origin of those bombs, which were the famous Roarers. Not long ago, he just handed a dozen Roarers to a guard and asked him to be responsible for eliminating the Chaos Demons that invaded the underground palace.

The formula of this bomb is different from the formula of most bombs currently used by the empire. Only their Armament Hall can make it. It is not only powerful, but also has some white phosphorus effects. Once it is contaminated with the enemy's body, it will never be extinguished unless it is burned to ashes.

"You can't do this. This combination lock is an item from the golden age. It is a rare work of art. Its historical value far exceeds its current value..." The old craftsman was about to rush up to dismantle all the bombs, but Linda just waved her hand and slapped him away, hitting the wall again.

"If I were you, I would shut up or open the lock. Do you understand?" Linda showed an impatient expression on her face. The best way to dismantle this purely mechanical creation is to crack it violently. Otherwise, it would take a lot of time and waste computing power to crack the password characters one by one.

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" A fierce look flashed in the old craftsman's eyes, but when he thought of the other party's powerful fighting power just now, he finally sighed and slowly walked forward to start unlocking the complicated golden combination lock.

The combination lock is actually very simple. Although it is a purely mechanical creation, it is a creation of the golden age and is often maintained, so there are not too many difficulties and dog-blood things when opening it.

The old craftsman took less than a few tens of seconds to open this golden combination lock.

"If you knew this, why didn't you do it earlier?" Linda's tone did not contain any emotion, and her whole body was full of mechanical god style. She looked like a full-metal robot.

"What are you doing here?"

"Shut up!" Linda pushed the old craftsman standing next to her away again, and quickly dodged to the side. At this time, several white marbles wrapped in hot flames almost rubbed their bodies and flew over quickly until they hit the wall not far away, blasting several bowl-sized holes in the wall.

Several intelligent control robots covered with gold appeared in front of them.

"Where did this come from?" The craftsman showed an incredible expression on his face. He had worked here for decades, nearly a hundred years. He served countless imperial guards and forged countless combat equipment by hand, but he never knew that there were so many intelligent control robots hidden in the Armament Hall.

He couldn't help but feel a little sad. He worked hard all his life but still didn't get trust.

Linda didn't have the shocked expression of the old craftsman. She had long expected that the defense force guarding here would never be just that thin. In fact, it was just as she imagined.

Using powerful intelligent control robots as the last line of defense is indeed in line with the usual style of the imperial guards.

"This is the Fengmingzhe intelligent control robot. It is very powerful. Even in the golden age, it is the top combat robot. However, the records in the record hall have all been destroyed by the electronic demons. I didn't expect that there are still here..." The old craftsman broke away from the lonely state, and a different brilliance appeared in his eyes again, which was the brilliance that would bloom when he saw the treasure.

It was like a collector who saw a treasure that he had been pursuing for many years but could never get. The enthusiasm in his eyes would bloom.

"Where is its connection point, that is, the controller?" Linda quickly propped up an energy field to block them, defending against the powerful bullets fired by these intelligent control robots.

"There is no controller and signal receiver. Everything is built-in. They do not need to be controlled. They are real artificial intelligence.

In addition, as the main battle robots of the Golden Age, in order to defend against the existence of nano robots, they have been specially treated as a whole. The inside and outside are completely in two spaces. There will be no gaps outside for nano robots to enter..."

The fanaticism in the eyes of the old craftsman began to become more wild. He now wanted to pounce on one of the robots and dismantle it.

Linda frowned. No wonder he sent nano robots to circle around the bodies of these self-controlled robots for several times, but did not find any entrance to penetrate.

It turned out that these intelligent control robots left over from the Golden Age, as the main battle robots of the year, had already been specially treated and specially prepared to prevent nano robots.

"In that case, how did the electronic demons get rid of them back then? If there is no chain interface, how did they invade their bodies... If there is no way to invade with external signals, then how do they receive orders to fight?"; Linda asked the most concerned question.

"No one knows, all the records have been destroyed, and there are not many written records about these aspects in the remaining records. These guys are the most perfect war machines. In the heyday of mankind, they were used as trump cards... However, according to a record, these guys seem to be cast with the hardest alloy in order to pursue the strongest defense.

Therefore, although they have strong defense and combat power, they are not very interested in strong currents. Therefore, every time during the battle, each intelligent control robot will be equipped with one to three maintenance teams to help it apply insulating paint before the battle begins to prevent the enemy from using weapons such as strong currents... And they don’t seem to have any insulating paint on their bodies."

"Is that so!"

Quickly scanned the metal shells of these intelligent control robots.

Linda nodded. What the old man said was absolutely right. The places where these guys were scanned showed metal layers, and there was no insulating paint layer. They should have started in a hurry and had no time to spray paint, or they did not prepare any insulating paint at all.

In this case, we can try to use strong current weapons to cause current overload on their bodies, so that they lose the ability to fight.

Linda immediately commanded the nanorobots to rub violently back and forth in the air.

Soon, blue and white currents quickly emerged in the air and wrapped up the bodies of those intelligent control robots.


The tiny currents quickly gathered on the bodies of those intelligent control robots, and then quickly poured into the metal shells.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

"It works!" The old craftsman smiled, but then became gloomy again.

Because these intelligent control robots only trembled and twitched briefly, then returned to normal and ignored the dense electric currents on their bodies, and continued to pull the trigger to fire a large number of round bullets, bombarding the stand shield in front of them and emitting invisible ripples.

The risk of collapse is seen at any time and anywhere!

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