Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 199: Scrap it, old antique!

"It's because there's not enough current!" The old craftsman immediately understood the problem after just one glance. "The amplitude of the current is really too small. These Fengming intelligent control robots have been modified and their electricity resistance has been greatly increased. Just a little bit of electricity can't hurt them."

Linda did not speak, but silently charged energy to the guns in her body. As the energy continued to gather, blue light began to slowly appear all over her body, in the black muzzles of the guns. The terrifying pressure continues to spread.

The old guy subconsciously stood to the side, but the next second, he shrank back again, because a ball emitting blazing high temperature quickly passed by his body, almost threatening to kill him. Half of his arm was directly shattered, but even if he cleverly ducked back, there was still a deep wound on his arm that was visible to the bone.

Moreover, the wound was immediately cooked without a drop of blood flowing out.

The old guy grimaced in pain, but he did not cry out, but continued to stare at the intelligent robots that were constantly walking towards them.

"The current must be increased. From the twitching of their bodies just now, it is not difficult to see that they have also been affected by the current to a certain extent. However, if we want to make them lose the ability to fight, we must increase the current and increase the current to their bodies and The energy core cannot bear it, so they will have an overload reaction!"

How could Linda not know the weaknesses of these intelligently controlled robots, but it was very difficult for her to support herself at this time, let alone fight back. The old guy next to her was obviously just standing and talking without pain in her back. If she had That ability to fight back has already been fought back.

However, Linda was thinking about another thing, that is, how could this kind of intelligently controlled robot with almost no weaknesses be broken?

Do they all use high-intensity electric current?

This possibility is not high. Furthermore, once some insulation is applied, no matter how strong the current is, it will not be able to harm these robots at all.

And their internal structure and artificial intelligence also mean that they are not so easily invaded by electronic demons...

Suddenly, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Linda's eyes.

Artificial intelligence, these intelligent control robots are controlled by independent artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence also has one of the most significant characteristics, that is, their thinking and logic are almost the same as humans. It is precisely because of this that they can It is called artificial intelligence.

This means that they will not operate according to the designed logical thinking like ordinary systems and machines, but will make logical errors like humans... They cannot be regarded as rigid. machines, but should treat them as human beings.

"Do you know the language of ancient Terra? For example, the language of the Golden Age!"

"Yes, there are not many who know a little!"

Linda just asked casually, but she didn't expect that this old guy would choose to be extra confident, which made her couldn't help but look at this guy a few more times... She didn't find any relevant information about this guy. They are some master craftsmen who have not appeared on Terra for many years, but have been staying in this underground palace.

"In the language of the Golden Age, order these guys to stop!"

"What did you say?"

"I'll let you order them in the language of the Golden Age!"

"...Okay!" After the old guy was silent for a moment, he immediately issued a strange tone. The appearance of this tone made Linda look at him with admiration again.

This guy is definitely no ordinary master craftsman!

"I...order you to cease fire immediately, lift the alert status, and return to your defensive positions!"

The old guy shouted seven or eight times, and his voice got louder and louder. When he shouted the last time, he even screamed.

"Ahem, it seems to be of no use!"

Touching his hoarse throat, the old guy's face looked a little pale due to the excessive exertion of shouting.

"That's because your voice is too quiet!" The nanomechanical insect squirmed quickly, and a small speaker appeared above Linda's head.

"I... order you to cease fire immediately, lift the alert status, and return to your defensive positions!"

The sound coming out of this speaker was two or three times louder than the old guy roaring with all his strength, and with the sound of this sound, the intelligently controlled robots who were originally indifferent and still moving forward step by step started to panic. Standing in place.

However, the guns in their hands did not stop venting, but they continued to shoot while starting to look at each other.

"I...order you to cease fire immediately, lift the alert status, and return to your defensive positions!"

Linda continued to play the screams made by the old guy while carefully observing these intelligent control robots. Soon, she discovered the flashing red and blue lights in the eyes of these quality control robots.

"That's it!"

It turns out that these intelligent robots do not communicate with each other.

It's just that they are using this oldest form of light communication... and since they have a way to communicate with each other.


The Neptune Mechanical Ark hidden behind the sun immediately erupted with a large amount of electromagnetic fluctuations, and the brain computing terminal began to work rapidly.

A large amount of computing power was added to Linda's body. Her eyes quickly locked on those of the intelligent robots, and she carefully analyzed the light emitted every time their mechanical holes beat...

"Morse code...so ancient?"

Linda almost couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud. She thought what the communication method of these guys was, but she didn't expect it to be the oldest and original Morse code.

Feeling funny in her heart, Linda began to quickly put the contents she decoded onto the still beating hole.

"Is he asking us to resolve the combat situation?"

"But the master asked us to eliminate all intruders."

"The intruder...but he also knows Universal Language!"

"There are many people who know the common language... maybe he only knows this one sentence!"

While deciphering the conversations between these intelligently controlled robots, Linda felt a childish aura coming towards her face for no reason.

Why do I feel like these guys don't seem to have very high IQs.

However, the shouts she was playing continuously played a certain role in causing some minor errors in the logic of these intelligently controlled robots.

"Say something else!"

"I order you to return to your posts immediately and enter hibernation."

"Bang!" As soon as these words appeared, an intelligent robot immediately put down its gun, turned around and walked in.

"Is it effective?" The old guy's eyes immediately revealed an expression of surprise.

Linda ignored him and just silently played the sound over and over again.

"I order you to return to your posts immediately and enter hibernation!"

More intelligently controlled robots put down their firearms and slowly turned around and headed back to their original places.

However, that's not all. There are still one or two intelligently controlled robots that did not obey the orders, or there were logical errors, and they still kept shooting.

"Put down the gun and go back to sleep." The old guy yelled on his own initiative.

But it is a pity that these two intelligent robots are still shooting.

"No need to yell. The logical thinking of these two guys is already quite mature. They have identified us as intruders. It will be very difficult to change their logical thinking in the future. It seems that they must use force. The means!"

"Dead brain!" The old guy shrank back again and cursed fiercely. He was just a little bit close to being blown up by another stray bullet.

"You hide here safely, I'll get rid of them two!" The nano-mechanical insects and mechanical tentacles all over his body kept squirming, and two constantly rotating spears appeared on his body.

"Hey!" The old guy's expression changed, and just as he was about to stop him, Linda had already rushed out from behind the protective stance. He could only hold the small switch that kept firing the protective stance, and stood alone. Shivering.

Although he has lived for hundreds of years and is a master-level craftsman who has created countless equipment and armors, he is still an ordinary mortal, an extremely weak blacksmith.

"Puff puff puff~"

The hot bullets streaked through the air, but Linda's trajectory was as elusive as a ghost. But as combat robots from the golden age, their strength and combat effectiveness are not just about standing there with guns in hand and shooting like targets.

Just when Linda was about to approach them, the two intelligent robots suddenly moved. As if they had already agreed, two golden arms suddenly appeared from behind them, one on the left and one on the right. Holding a red spear, he stabbed Linda's body hard without any hesitation.


The red power spear directly penetrated Linda's body without any accident and lifted her up in the air. However, no blood flowed out of Linda's body. Instead, a proud smile appeared on her face. smile.

"be cheated!"

The drill bits in their hands were pierced into the chests of the two intelligent control robots. The sound of violent steel churning was heard. The drill bits quickly began to cut the places they touched. Sparks flew and tiny depressions appeared on the drill bits. above the touched location.

The intelligent control robots tried hard to pull out the power spear inserted into Linda's body, but found that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't pull it out. Seeing that they couldn't pull it out, they all turned their guns and prepared to kill Linda at close range. She cums.

But at this moment, blue electric light suddenly appeared on Linda's body, and the continuously rotating drill finally successfully broke through the metal shell of the intelligent control robot.

"Scrap it, old antiques!"


Linda turned into a blue electric person in the air, and the powerful and eye-catching electric current was also injected into the bodies of the two intelligently controlled robots along with the drill.

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