Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 218: Decisive Battle



Everything was so sudden, without the slightest warning. As Rogal Dorn's words fell to the ground, the final battle began completely.

Chen Guo felt a little strange when she looked at the enemy who had only launched an attack at this moment.

They all muttered softly: "Why, you have to get the "bugler" who gives the order to blow the horn of attack before you choose to attack. How gentlemanly is that?"

Jokes aside, the final battle did indeed begin like this.

On the distant horizon, countless dense figures were running towards each other. The first to enter Chen Guo's sight were countless beastmen. These subspecies of humans, after being eroded by chaos, have completely become incompatible with the word human anymore. There is no relationship anymore. Behind these guys were a large number of tall mutants wearing various armors. Although these guys have also been eroded by Chaos, at least they still retain traces of humans.

However, the strange thing is that these two legions, which arrived one after another, suddenly stopped when they arrived in front of the palace.

They seemed to be waiting for something, which made the people standing guarding above the Wall of Eternity feel confused for a while.

But soon they no longer had any doubts, because as time passed, a large number of transport ships suddenly rushed into the planet from the sky, and quickly landed in front of the beasts and mutants.

Everyone had a bad premonition in their hearts, and what accompanied their premonition was a large number of mortals who were in tatters and looked tortured... In order to win, this guy Horus actually came from other places. The galaxy has captured so many prisoners, and their purpose for coming here should be.

Almost as soon as the thought in Chen Guo's mind appeared, Rog Dorn punched the city wall in front of him hard.

Immediately afterwards, those people who came down were torn into pieces by mutants and beastmen. A large amount of blood gathered together like a rushing stream, and countless corpses were piled randomly into a hill. Soon a mountain of corpses and a river flowing with scarlet blood appeared in front of the palace.

And with the appearance of this mountain of corpses and scarlet rivers, both the Astartes, whose morale will never be low, and the mortal legionnaires who are loyal to their duties and stand on the city wall ready to fight until the last moment, feel the danger. Their hearts suddenly sank, as if some invisible shackles appeared on their bodies out of thin air.

This is... an unholy sacrifice, and the Emperor's will is being severely weakened.

Without any hesitation, Sanguinius immediately waved his wings and flew high in the sky. He looked at the corpses in the distance and the river of blood, and suddenly raised the brand new golden power sword in his hand, facing towards The crowd roared: "Humanity will win, the Empire will win, long live the Emperor."

"Humanity will win, the Empire will win, long live the Emperor."

"Humanity will win, the Empire will win, long live the Emperor."

Along with his roar, the Astartes mortals and even the subspecies legions and temporarily recruited levies raised their melee weapons one after another, shouting along with Sanguinius, and as they were heartbroken The lungs screamed, and the invisible shackles on their bodies seemed to be lighter.

"A drop in the bucket!" Khan shook his head, "Such an action has no effect. Although it can boost morale and revive the weakened emperor's will slightly, it cannot change the final result at all."

As if to confirm Khan's words, countless chaos demons suddenly appeared on the battlefield. After these sensitive speculators sensed the emperor's will and did not cause any harm to them, they couldn't wait to appear on the battlefield. On the battlefield. And accompanying them were endless Chaos Demons. As soon as these guys with their teeth and claws showing and the stench of Chaos appearing all over their bodies appeared on the battlefield, the morale they had just managed to gather was severely hit. , suddenly stagnated.

Sanguinius flew back, he sighed deeply, and the palm holding the hilt of the sword made a crunching sound.

He couldn't bear to look at what was happening in front of him, but he forced himself to keep looking.

Chen Guo stretched out her palm and patted his shoulder, "It's going to be a tough battle. Don't let such a trivial matter affect your mood. If we lose, not just these few people may die."

"Attack!" Seeing that the number of Chaos Demons and Chaos Demons was sufficient, the attack finally began.


The last heavy firepower among the defending legions began to vent their last shells. The deafening artillery, accompanied by shock waves that could be seen with the naked eye, quickly swept through the open space in front of the palace.

The drones that had been hidden also quickly took off. With a suicidal attitude, they carried various explosive bombs and flew towards the Chaos Demons on the ground who had escaped the bombardment from a swooping perspective.

After being filled with special fuel, the explosive bomb ignited a sea of ​​​​fire the moment it exploded, and the scarlet river composed of scarlet blood was also ignited. Aegis could not block the high temperature emitted by the blazing flames, so even though she was standing on the high Eternal Wall, Chen Guo could still feel the high temperature coming towards her face.

If ordinary people walked in, they wouldn't be able to survive even a few seconds before they would be burned to ashes.

Unfortunately, such high temperature did not stop the enemy's attack.

The dense footsteps were getting closer and closer in the flames. Even though the brainless Chaos Demons knew that the flames in front of them could turn them into ashes, they still used their bodies to put out the fire, leaving a safe path for their compatriots behind them.

Finally, this time it was no longer the mutants and beastmen who first hit the Aegis, but one after another of the hideous Chaos Demons.

These insidious guys deliberately slowed down when passing through the Aegis, thus avoiding the inspection and defense of the Aegis and entering the shield, and began to climb the Eternal Wall in a hurry.

Although, when they started to climb the wall, they would be immediately shot into sieves by the muzzles of the guns guarding the wall, but they still climbed up tirelessly.

Obviously, the Eternal Wall, which had resisted countless attacks, could no longer be an obstacle to the enemy's advancement.

When the hot bullets could no longer stop the enemy, the Astartes had to work.

"It's time for us to get to work." Chen Guo said to Sanguinius with a smile, "See you at the Eternal Gate!"


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