Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 219: The Eternal Wall Falls. (1/2)

"Maybe we can't hold on." Paul loaded a group of bullets into the double-barreled shotgun known as the Mortal Hellfire. He snatched this Mortal Hellfire from a dead Mechanicus Mechanicus. The loyal Mechanicus was unfortunately corroded by corrosive acid in the battle with the Nurgle demons. Therefore, even if he had a mechanical body, he still couldn't escape the fate of death.

Silently stretching out his palm and loading the shotgun in his hand, Paul looked at his teammates beside him.

Cornell Buck had been moved to the last line of defense because of his serious injuries. At this moment, with him was Cornell Buck's deputy, an equally young Ratman from Lester, named Kens. His shooting skills were also very accurate. He could use ordinary firearms in time, and in complicated situations, he could blow up the head of a Chaos Demon from a hundred meters away without using a scope or even his own eyes, relying only on his intuition.

This talent is very terrifying. Even Cornel Buck can't do this... At least at this moment, he can't do it anymore.

"Sir!" Kens's face looked a little ugly and nervous, but this is also a very normal thing. He is still a very young Ratman from Lester. This time he was only ordered to take over his legion commander Cornel Buck and lead the few remaining subspecies of Ratman to fight. He didn't have much experience, so he automatically handed over the command to Paul: "What should we do now?"

Looking at him indifferently, Paul said indifferently: "What else can we do? Just like what we usually do, see the enemy shoot his head, use up the bullets in his hand, and then replenish ammunition, and then carry out the next round of blocking... This kind of defensive battle is the most boring, but..." Paul suddenly pointed out and quickly climbed up from the ground. Seeing his actions, other soldiers also stood up from the ground one after another, and they also noticed the burly man walking towards the trench.

Nodding slightly, Chen Guo saluted all the soldiers who stood up, but he did not stop.

Behind him closely followed Louis Meg and Linda, but at this moment they did not show their faces, but wore armor that looked full of mechanical beauty, without exposing any part of themselves to the air...

Although the virus content in the air is very low at this moment, it is still necessary to be on guard when it is necessary. In addition, the Aegis may be broken at any time and anywhere. Once the Aegis is broken, the possible situation is that it will immediately enter a state of close combat.

So it is also necessary to dress neatly and be ready to go. You can't wait until the battle starts before changing into armor in a hurry.

But what no one noticed was that as Linda walked by, a large number of nanomachines slowly penetrated into the air from the armor that looked a little bloated from the outside of him, and entered the bodies of the surrounding soldiers.

Although the soldiers did not notice this, they could clearly feel that as Linda walked past them, they could immediately feel that their bodies were much more relaxed. Some of the hidden injuries caused during the battle were also restored and improved under the repair of the nanomechanical worms.

Step by step, Chen Guo walked past the soldiers, waving his fingers from time to time, pointing out the direction of some soldiers.

And with the appearance of these small movements, more nanoworms entered the bodies of these soldiers... These soldiers, without exception, have all suffered from the invasion of Chaos. At this moment, they have become the apostles of Chaos to a certain extent, but as for which god they belong to, it is probably not until their bodies are completely mutated that they will be truly revealed.

However, it is sad that these soldiers do not know that they have been invaded by Chaos. At this moment, they still think that they are imperial soldiers loyal to the emperor.

After inspecting this last trench, Chen Guo returned to the command room deep in the palace. He looked at the dense red dots on the projected map and sighed helplessly. Each of these red dots represents a soldier who has been invaded by Chaos. They still don't know that they have been invaded by the will of Chaos. They may be completely transformed into Chaos Apostles or even low-level Chaos Demons at any moment in the future.

Even if they are not successfully transformed and survive after the war, what awaits them is not honor, but ruthless extinction... Between the two behemoths of the Empire and Chaos, there is absolutely no room for the existence of a grain of sand.

"All the soldiers you pointed out have been injected with excessive amounts of nanomechanical bugs. These excessive amounts of nanomechanical bugs will heal their bodies and at the same time closely monitor their bodies. Once their bodies appear After any bad transformation, the nanomechanical bugs will end their lives as soon as possible." Linda's voice without any emotion came from the loudspeaker above her head, "I have said it in advance, if this happens. If there are any survivors among the guys who can survive to the end, then you must hand them over to me for experimentation.”

"I see...can't you use your own body to speak? Now I don't even know if you are a robot or something?"

Taking off the heavy glass mask, Linda rolled her eyes angrily: "I'm too lazy to tell you so much... Our last biochemical army has been deployed, but according to my measurements, even if Sending out all these biochemical legions and facing the vast ocean of Chaos Demons, the final result may not be much better."

"It doesn't matter, just remember to collect the data so that improvements can be made more conveniently."

"Don't worry... nothing's wrong, I'll continue the experiment!"

Linda put on the heavy mask again and then stayed where she was like a puppet.

But everyone knew that she was not motionless, but her main consciousness was taken away. What was standing here at this time was just a mechanical clone of her. Is there any?

Ignoring him again, Chen Guo took the strong drink handed over by the demon face.

He poured a glass for Louise Meg, and then he sat on the throne with the bottle in his hand, "Where's that idiot Lu Duoyin'er?"

"Still patrolling the front lines... He is very excited because he heard that many of his genetic brothers will also participate in this attack." Louis Megpi twitched his lips with a smile. , this Night Lords Astartes army is really united. When they heard that they could kill their genetic brothers, they actually became so excited.

"Tell this idiot to stay back..." Before Chen Guo finished speaking, there was a sudden sound in the sky, similar to the sound of breaking glass, as if there was something huge, completely It's like the bottom is broken.

Chen Guo immediately stood up from the throne.

You don't need to guess that this sound is from the Aegis shield. This powerful shield that has protected mankind's last hope for nearly a year has finally been completely shattered under the continuous bombardment.

Rolling her eyes and drinking down all the strong wine in her hand, Chen Guo picked up the black sword that had been placed next to the throne.

Although, with his strength, he can definitely fight in and out of this blocking battle, there are some things that need to be paid special attention to, especially in his body, but there is another one that turns the entire battlefield into a A time bomb of nothingness.

"Go as planned!"

"Yes, my lord... do those two guys need to be silenced?"

"Just keep it and don't let them escape."



"Take your people and follow me soon."

"Understood sir."

He violently pinched the head of the ratman behind him with his hands, and Paul put on his helmet.

This helmet is very heavy and specially made. Although a small purification system is installed on it, it still makes people feel difficulty breathing. But this is equipment that he really must carry, because the enemies they may encounter are those who are covered in green pustules and spit out deadly germs all the time.

He didn't want to think that instead of dying at the hands of the enemy, he would cough up his entire lungs because of those deadly germs.

After checking the shotgun in his hand again and for the last time, Paul no longer followed the defensive strategy he had formulated before, but directly led his company and quickly rushed out of the trench.

His actions immediately attracted the attention of the trench commander. He was an imperial political commissar and a member of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, because there were not enough people on the battlefield, he was temporarily transferred to work on his own. Old business. Seeing such behavior, he immediately subconsciously thought that these guys wanted to defect.

But then he saw the unique marks on these guys who stood up, and immediately suppressed the roar that had reached his mouth again.

No joke, if it were any other imperial army, he would definitely order the shooting without mercy.

But it is a pity that this army is definitely not something he can afford. This was not because the person standing behind them was Chen Guo, but because the top brass of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had given the order. As an officer who came out of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he can disobey anyone's orders, but he cannot disobey the orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Otherwise, even if he is lucky enough to survive until the end of the war, he will never be able to leave the army and return to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Department.

If you are used to being a bureaucrat, who would want to be one of these big soldiers?

However, he was still a little aggrieved. His current official rank was much higher than Paul's, but he didn't even say hello to him. This simply meant that he didn't take himself seriously!

It’s really amazing to have such a good backer!

You didn't obey orders and rushed out of the trench rashly. Who do you think you are? I want to see how you will die! Haha

While speaking, the imperial political commissar silently cast a sarcastic look in the corner of his eyes.

But at this moment, his eyes suddenly showed an incredible expression, because he saw the indestructible Eternal Wall in the distance, which had a large number of defensive soldiers on top, suddenly collapsed in front of him... This situation made him subconsciously open his mouth!

The Eternal Wall actually collapsed!

Not only did he see what happened here, but all the soldiers in the trenches also saw the collapse of the Eternal Wall. Their eyes showed unbelievable expressions, and their morale was severely hit at this moment and fell into a trough. However, what shocked them even more was not completely over, because they immediately saw a large amount of green mist, which suddenly poured into the interior from the breach of the Eternal Wall.

"Equip respirators!"

Without any hesitation, the highest commanders of each trench issued orders one after another, but it was obviously too late to equip respirators at this time. In addition, not all legions were equipped with various weapons and equipment like those under Chen Guo, and they also had full-body purification equipment. These breathing masks that could only simply supply oxygen could not block these highly permeable disease mists at all.

Paul ignored the panicked expressions of his colleagues in the trenches beside him. He calmly led his soldiers and quickly crossed trenches one after another until he came to the damaged mouth and stood at the front of the damaged mouth.


He made a gesture, and the soldiers behind him immediately threw out powerful explosive incendiary bombs as if they had been arranged long ago.

As these incendiary explosive bombs were thrown out, the green bacterial powder in the air was immediately ignited, and the fierce flames turned the damaged mouth of the city wall into a sea of ​​fire in an instant. Until this time, other legions rushed over here, but countless black shadows had already jumped out of the sea of ​​fire. The mutant orcs covered with pustules became the first sharp knife to attack the Eternal Wall of the Terra Palace.


Paul fired the first shot, and with the first shot, countless steel balls flashing with red light immediately tore the huge mutant orcs rushing towards him into pieces like a meteor shower falling from the sky.

The final offensive and defensive battle of Terra also officially began with this shot!

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