Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 27: The Domineering Oath to Exterminate the Clan (Please Save) (1/2)

"This way!"



Chen Guo looked at the tracking expert who had taken her place and led the team forward with a gleam in her eyes. This man's tracking skills were very superb. Chen Guo had not had time to see clearly many of the messy footprints. He had already made an accurate final judgment and led the team to avoid many detours.

What a talent!

Madeleine Cullivan seemed to notice Chen Guo's surprise and explained thoughtfully: "Mingk is a famous hunting master. His planet is a wild primitive forest planet. He has been hunting since he was born. He received extremely cruel jungle training. In order to cultivate his tracking ability, his father once placed him in the middle of the primitive forest, and then asked him to find his way out by looking for the footprints and various extremely small traces left by his father. That primitive forest... It is no exaggeration to say that if it were not for his body's inability, he would have become a great Astartes. It is a pity that an accident in his childhood caused his spine to be severely damaged. , there is no way he can survive even one surgery.”

There was no regret in Madeleine Cullivan's words, but she was full of luck. Mink was one of her most capable assistants. If it weren't for the help of Mr. Mink, many things might have ended in the same way. The bad ending comes to an end.

"Shh, there's someone in front!" Mink in front suddenly stretched out his hand to stop the ongoing chatter behind him. Chen Guo moved his ears. He also heard the sound coming from the front, like some rodents. The sound an animal makes when gnawing on a bone.

Making a gesture of waiting where you are, Chen Guo quickly walked to Mink's side and looked towards the corner of the tunnel in front of her.

Because Mink put away the flashlight, everything in front fell into darkness.

However, this was not a problem for Chen Guo.

The silver-gray face of truth reappeared, and everything in the tunnel came into view again... In this underground tunnel, countless gray or brown faceless people were lying on the piles of corpses and feasting.

Some of these corpses are human corpses, some are the corpses of beasts in the forest, and there are even some slowly melting corpses of faceless men.

Looking at these faceless men who looked like beasts, Chen Guo's eyes flashed with excitement.

Experiments have proven that when these guys die, they can provide their souls as materialization points. However, compared to ordinary adult men, the materialization points provided by their souls are very rare. The soul of a faceless man can be exchanged for The actual number of points is equivalent to at most one-third or even one-fourth of an ordinary adult man.

However, the most important thing right now is to find Madeleine Cullivan's aunt. Even though the limited points are extremely tempting, Chen Guo still knows the order of priority.

Patting Mink's shoulder and pulling him back to the corner, Chen Guo asked him in a low voice, "Are you sure they all ended up here?"

"Yes, I checked hundreds of footprints and found that there were more than ten different batches of footprints, but no matter which fork they took before, they all ended up here."

"Are you really sure?"

"I pledge this to you with the honor of the Kakaku warriors."

"That's enough. You go to the back and tell them to block the entrance of the tunnel. Don't let one escape. I'll take care of the ones inside!"

"Your Excellency, please don't be impulsive. There are many enemies..."

Chen Guo didn't have time to listen to Minke's advice, so she transformed directly into a demon. She took a Huanglong Pill to ensure that she had enough energy in her body. Then she rushed around the corner and turned into a black lightning, quickly pounced in. Among the piles of corpses piled high.

Before the few faceless men who were "eating" had time to see clearly what was coming in, the bodies separated in the next second, and their heads and bodies fell to the side.

Such an injury could kill ordinary people, but it could not kill them. However, as the strong current from Chen Guo's body rushed into their separated bodies, the crystal beads in their bodies suddenly couldn't withstand the strong voltage and shattered one after another. The collapse completely sounded the alarm of their death.

[Realistic unit]: 12250

[Realistic unit]: 12290

[Realized unit]: 12312

Seeing the continuous increase in manifest power units, Chen Guo felt endless pleasure. Not only was the boredom of being locked up on the spaceship for several months swept away, but under the influence of such a good mood, the indestructible The bottleneck of horizontal training has also begun to slowly loosen, as if it is only one step away from being able to completely enter the fourth level of Thunder horizontal training.

Facing Chen Guo's massacre, the Faceless People first organized a resistance, but as they watched Chen Guo kill more and more, they became more and more happy. However, their compatriots who rushed up in groups fell to the ground without even being able to block them for a second. The top began to melt rapidly, and he was immediately frightened. He stopped resisting and fled deep into the tunnel in panic like a flock of frightened sheep.

"Don't run!"

How could Chen Guo let these living manifestations escape? She waved to the people chasing behind her, motioning for them to follow her, and then rushed into the depths of the tunnel at the head of the pack.

Madeleine Cullivan looked at the tunnel in front of her that was like a Shura field, with a flash of anger in her eyes, especially when she saw that many of the corpses were wearing the clothes of the Cullivan family. They were obviously soldiers and retainers of the Cullivan family. The anger in her heart was completely ignited.

He walked over quickly and stepped on a faceless man whose lower body was flying to who knows where, but was still alive. He raised his gun and pointed it at its chest, shooting until it exploded the constantly moving crystal beads in its body. Seeing it lose its vitality and melt rapidly, Madeleine Cullivan stopped her finger that kept pulling the trigger.


After venting her anger, Madeleine Cullivan quickly led her team to chase after Chen Guo, who had already lost sight of her back.

Chen Guo kept chasing the faceless people, chopping melons and vegetables and killing countless faceless people along the way, until he chased them to a fork in a certain tunnel. He was afraid that the people behind him would not be able to keep up. Fearing that there would be an ambush ahead, he stopped and lifted the demon.

[Realistic unit]: 34560

Looking at the tangible points that nearly tripled in succession, Chen Guo showed a satisfied smile on his face. These faceless people were really his nobles!

These "noble people" not only allowed him to vent his anger, but also gave him such a large number of manifestation points.

Comparing them, think about the difficult opponents Chen Guo encountered on Devin and the prison planet, especially the one who could turn his body into green slime, almost smashed himself into pieces, and made himself lose forever. An apostle of Nurgle with one eye, Chen Guo fell in love with these faceless men from the bottom of her heart.

"Your Excellency Chen Guo, where are you?"

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"This way."

"Sir, are you okay?"

"It's okay. I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to keep up, so I stopped specifically to wait for you... Why are there two people missing?"

"They were captured by the Faceless Men."

Only then did Chen Guo realize that all of them had injuries on their bodies. Looking at the disgraced looks on their faces, it seemed that they had to go through a hard fight before they caught up with her.

"Sorry, I was impulsive!" Chen Guo pointed to the two forks in front of them and said: "Most of the faceless people ran towards the fork on the left, and only a small number of faceless people ran in. There is a fork on the right, but the messy footprints on the ground show that there are obviously more people on the left fork, and the walls of the fork are full of dense craters, so I suggest going to the left. What do you think? "

"Mink, what do you think!"

Minke first performed a strange etiquette towards Chen Guo with admiring eyes, and then quickly walked to the fork in the road and looked inside. After a moment, he agreed with Chen Guo: "There is a vortex of airflow at the right fork in the road. It kept blowing outward, and I suspected it might be leading to the ground.

Compared with the forked road on the right, although there was a very small airflow blowing through the forked road on the left, I also heard an extremely subtle sound of running water. This is consistent with the phenomenon of groundwater seepage due to geological subsidence, so I am basically sure that the passage on the left is It should continue going down. "

"Okay, Your Excellency Chen Guo, then let's continue walking down!"

Chen Guo nodded and continued to lead the way into the fork on the left. However, this time he did not walk too fast, but always paid attention to the movement behind him to prevent another tragedy of someone being dragged away.

Ever since Chen Guo went on a killing spree, not a single faceless man was left on the road, leaving only corpses and various miscellaneous equipment on the ground. Although no living people were seen, the things on the ground were also This indirectly proved that the path Chen Guo and the others chose was correct.

Looking at the corpses on the ground with varying degrees of decay, Chen Guo suddenly had some ominous premonitions in her heart.

Some of these corpses have been chewed down to their bones, but the equipment scattered around them is not the clothing and equipment of the Cullivan family, but more like the equipment and clothing of the Imperial Navy and Army.

In addition to the clothing and equipment of the imperial army, Chen Guo also discovered some body tissues of members of the Mechanicus.

Chen Guo even saw the body of a mechanical monk in a corner whose non-mechanized body parts had been eaten away, but the mechanized body was completely preserved.

His brain was completely dug out, but the battery pack that powered the mechanical body tissue and the prosthetic brain used to store memories were still intact.

Logically speaking, Chen Guo can completely know something about this place through the memory in this prosthetic brain, but it is a pity that Madeleine Cullivan did not bring a technical engineer or a reader. To obtain this kind of special memory crystal device, Chen Guo could only stare at the memory crystal in worry.

After tinkering for a while, Chen Guo gave up tinkering with the memory crystal and continued to lead the team forward. More and more corpses that had completely turned into bones appeared in front of them, and more and more corpses wearing the clothes of members of the Kallivan family appeared in front of them. Also appeared in front of them.

The tunnels around these corpses were filled with various new craters. A short section of the tunnel was directly destroyed by the bombing, and then a temporary path was dug out that was only large enough for two people to walk side by side.

"Your Excellency, please wait a moment!"

Madeleine Cullivan suddenly stopped Chen Guo who was walking in front, then used a flashlight to go to the wall of the collapsed tunnel, and carefully read the strange words on the wall.

Chen Guo had never seen such words before. To say they were words was actually to praise them. They were more like maggots crawling on the wall.

"What text is this?"

"This is the secret language of our Cullivan family. Only the core family members can learn it... This is the secret language left by my aunt."

"What does it say?"

"This is a secret language for help. It says that my aunt and her friends are besieged by an organized and orderly faceless monster. These monsters can transform at will and have mastered a special psychic talent. They can assimilate part of the memory of the creatures they transform through psychic perception.

However, this monster cannot imitate the transformation of blood and internal organs of the body. Therefore, to identify them, you only need to cut a hole on the body and let the blood flow... This place has been artificially erased!" Madeline Cullivan suddenly stopped translating and pointed to a place on the wall with obvious scratches and exclaimed.

"But it seems that you can still roughly see what is written!" Madeline Cullivan said, and then she pounced on the scratches and began to carefully distinguish the erased secret language.

"Give me ten minutes, I should be able to tell them apart."

"... There's no time, someone's coming!"

Chen Guo turned slowly and looked at the dark passage behind him. The Face of Truth flashed, and countless gray-brown faceless people appeared in his field of vision.


Madeline Cullivan was stunned and turned around to look. She immediately saw the densely packed faceless people coming, and saw the bodies of the faceless people in the front row twisted and changed, and finally turned into a group of members of the Cullivan family, even the clothes on their bodies were successfully imitated.

Looking at their final transformed appearance, Chen Guo suddenly had an idea and said in a deep voice: "If my guess is correct, the last sentence should be that they cannot meet the creatures they have transformed face to face, otherwise it will trigger psychic backlash and die directly... Am I right?"

The faceless people did not answer his question, but slowly stopped ten meters away.

After stretching all the bones in his body, Chen Guo signaled the people behind him to protect Madeline Cullivan against the tunnel wall. He walked forward a few steps, and a blue electric light began to flash in his one eye. "Hehehe, I was just about to look for you, but I didn't expect you to show up again. How many of you can I kill today?"

"We can't kill you, but the people you want to protect will definitely die! And you... can't kill all of us."

A familiar woman's voice came from the faceless crowd. Immediately, the faceless crowd gathered together to spread out to both sides, revealing the figure of Madeline Cullivan's aunt, Carme Cullivan, who was walking slowly.

But at this moment, everyone knew that she was just a fake.

"Hehehe, are you trying to get my attitude? Or are you just threatening me?"

After waiting for a while, seeing that the other party was pretending to be dumb again, Chen Guo turned into a demon directly, "Then I, Chen Guo, swear here that if one more of them dies, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, to the Milky Way, or even to the edge of the universe, I will find you and kill you until you are completely exterminated.

I will not spare a single one!

No one will be spared!"

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