Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 28: The Labyrinth of the Mind (Please give me a reward, please add me to your collection, pl

"We have no intention of being your enemy."

I don't know if they were frightened or frightened, but the faceless people slowly retreated, leaving only the parallel importer Carmel Cullivan standing there without moving.

Came Cullivan's body suddenly twisted and quickly transformed back into a faceless man with a unique silver-gray appearance.

"We are just looking for a way out..."

Chen Guo frowned. He could feel that the faceless man was scared and seemed to be preparing to negotiate with him.

However, Chen Guo didn't want to negotiate with them now. He wanted these guys to rush forward at all costs and increase his materialization points several times.

However, Chen Guo is not a violent person.

He knew that once the fight started completely, his life would not necessarily be in danger, but Madeline Cullivan and the others would be in trouble.

The number of these faceless men is endless as far as the eye can see. If he had not stopped them and allowed them to kill Madeleine Cullivan, it would have been a luxury for Chen Guo to return to the ship. .

Until then, he will have to become an indigenous person on this planet.

Therefore, Chen Guo endured her temper and did not take action.

"If you want to negotiate, don't talk so much nonsense. Is Came Cullivan still alive?

If she died, there would be nothing to talk about. "

"... Of course she is still alive, but she may no longer be her... She has become the incarnation of God, no, she is God now. Even the weakest God, she still has the supreme status of God, It is also an existence that mortals cannot despise..."

Looking at the faceless man who suddenly went crazy in front of him, Chen Guo was a little confused. What the hell, it must have been created by some subspace power... It was so idle that it hurt. Space is not enough to play with, so Tiantianjing wants to come to the real physical universe to get a piece of the pie.

"If you want to save her, you must kill her first. Only by killing her can she be rescued, and we can also be rescued... Keep going down, and soon you will see her. Of course, you will also not see her. To her... If you can successfully kill him, you will gain the allegiance of the Demon Face. Otherwise, you will be trapped in this endless darkness like the Demon Face. "

After saying that, the faceless man with a unique appearance slowly turned around and walked into the darkness behind him.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Chen Guo chased after him, but was still a step too slow. All the faceless men disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared here before.

Turning around and walking back speechlessly, Chen Guo asked Madeleine Cullivan, "Do you have any idea about what she just said?"

Madeleine Cullivan shook her head and said with a confused look, "No."

Chen Guo looked at the others, but all he got was shaking their heads and not knowing.

"Forget it, since you don't understand, then stop thinking about it and go on down. I think these guys won't bother us anymore."

Seeing Chen Guo come to a conclusion, everyone agreed, and the stagnant team passed through the long collapsed tunnel and continued walking down.

This time, there was really no trace of the faceless man on the road, only countless corpses lying on the ground.

These corpses are like signposts, guiding the team on the right path.

After walking for nearly an hour, Mink, who was walking at the front, stopped. While he stretched out his palm, he raised the laser gun in his hand and pointed it at the dark tunnel ahead, "Who is there?" There, come out quickly!”

The fierce beam of light hit where he pointed, and hundreds of soldiers from the Kallivan family appeared in the beam of light, but they were pointing their cold guns at the approaching team.

Seeing that they were soldiers from her own family, Madeleine Cullivan breathed a sigh of relief. She stepped forward and wanted to go up and ask them, but Chen Guo held her back and said, "Don't go, they are all Faceless man, stay here and don’t move, I’ll come as soon as I can.”

Chen Guo walked quickly to Minke's side and said, "When I rush forward in a moment, you run backwards and be smart."

"Your Excellency... they all seem to be dead."

"No, they are all alive!"

By the time she spoke, Chen Guo had already completed the demonization, and the blue electricity all over her body began to flash among the black hair.

Although I don’t know why these faceless men haven’t fired yet, but since they are blocking the road ahead and have no intention of giving way, Chen Guo will not show mercy.

"Three, two, run!"

Minke followed Chen Guo's instructions and ran towards the team behind him without looking back, but Chen Guo turned into a blue lightning and ran towards the opposite gun.

Looking at the blue lightning running towards them, all the faceless men with guns did not fire immediately. Instead, they waited for Chen Guo to run in front of them and were only five or six meters away. After being activated, he started to pull the trigger of the laser gun in his hand.

In an instant, colorful laser barrages were like bright fireworks, illuminating the dark tunnel and shooting towards Chen Guo.

If faced with this terrifying barrage from a distance of one or two hundred meters, Chen Guo might retreat, but at this distance of five or six meters, he was obviously faster than they could pull the trigger. , before the lasers in the sky hit him, Chen Guo had already found a shield and turned into a meat grinder, frantically slaughtering these faceless people blocking the way.

Soon, the dazzling blue electric light summarized the brightness of the laser barrage, and a large number of limbs and body fragments were scattered everywhere with purple mucus.

Chen Guo didn't expect that these faceless people were not of the same species as those faceless people outside. The mucus inside their bodies was purple and smelled like a certain Zhi and stinky tofu, unlike the blue mucus of the faceless people outside, which had a faint fragrance.

In addition, Chen Guo also found that although these faceless people would dodge, their movements were stiff and rigid, as if they were robots without movable joints and emotions. They were expressionless and only knew to tirelessly press the trigger.

Fortunately, their souls could also contribute to the materialization points, and the materialization points provided were the same as those of ordinary humans, which made Chen Guo, who smelled the stench, feel a little more comfortable.

A few minutes later, only a few faceless men were still able to stand and pull the trigger. As the bodies of the dead faceless men slowly melted, the rancid purple liquid slowly accumulated, gradually covering Chen Guo's feet, and slowly soaking the hot and red laser guns in it.

Smelling his own stink with great disgust, Chen Guo looked at the faceless man who was still pulling the trigger in the distance. As his palm turned, several heavy metal ingots appeared out of thin air. With the help of the Face of Truth, Chen Guo accurately embedded these metal ingots into the body of the faceless man, smashed all the purple crystal beads in their bodies, and restored the whole tunnel to peace again.

"Damn, it stinks!"

After shaking off the purple mucus on his feet, Chen Guo walked back to the team. He directly lifted the demonization, and in front of Madeline Cullivan and everyone, he used the towel and water in the magic bag to slightly clean the stinky purple mucus on his body.

Madeline Cullivan wanted to come up to help, but was rejected by Chen Guo. She could only retreat with a face full of disappointment. However, when she looked at the magic bag on Chen Guo's waist, her eyes were full of curiosity.

After cleaning the mucus on her body, although it was still smelly, it was obviously much lighter than before. She took out the clothes she had prepared in advance and put them on. Chen Guo said while chewing on the energy bar: "There has been no forked road for a long time. I think there may be no more forks below. I will lead the rest of the way. Once I stop, it means that there must be danger ahead. Also, be careful. Something may sneak up from behind to attack. We need to get two people to watch the back."

After a short rest of more than ten minutes, the team continued to move forward. After the massacre just now, although there was still resistance from the faceless team on the road ahead.

But compared with the previous team of hundreds of people, these few people, a team of more than a dozen people, were simply vulnerable in front of Chen Guo. Chen Guo just used metal ingots to solve them from a distance.

The further they went, the more faceless teams they encountered. The dark black tunnel seemed endless. After walking in it for nearly two hours, Chen Guo and his team still hadn't reached the bottom of the tunnel.

Facing such a huge underground tunnel, Chen Guo even had an illusion that the underground of this planet was completely hollowed out like the prison planet, which gave him a "familiar" feeling of returning to the death prison planet.

However, compared with the maze-like forks on the prison planet, walking in such a straight tunnel downwards was obviously much easier.

And compared with the well-equipped stormtroopers and the strong Ogryn ape team, these dull and wooden faceless teams were simply vulnerable.

When they stopped to rest again, Chen Guo asked Madeline Cullivan: "How far have we walked here?"

"About... more than 300 kilometers?"

"So far? Then haven't we reached the center of the earth?"

"No, we are now 36 kilometers away from the surface of the earth in a straight line. We are still quite far away from the center of the planet... Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Madeline Cullivan looked at Chen Guo, whose face was gloomy, and asked in confusion: "What is the oxygen content of this planet?"

"18.80%~19.1%, which is already at the critical value. A little lower..." Madeline Cullivan also stopped suddenly.

Yes, the oxygen content on this planet is low. After walking hundreds of kilometers underground and more than dozens of kilometers away from the ground, they should have needed oxygen-assisted equipment to breathe normally. How come there is no adverse reaction to hypoxia until now?

Is there any large oxygen-generating equipment deep in this tunnel?

This is obviously impossible.

"Measure the oxygen concentration!"

"Yes... the oxygen concentration is normal, 18.80%~19.91%..." The retainer who measured the data was also stunned. How could this be possible?

How could the oxygen concentration here be exactly the same as on the surface?

Is there something wrong with the machine?

He measured it again, but the result was still exactly the same.

"Go back!" Chen Guo led the team back without question, but as they walked, a creepy scene appeared.

The slope in front of Chen Guo was not upward, but continued to go downward.

It seemed that he did not turn around just now, but continued to walk forward to another downward slope.

Stopped beside the slope, Chen Guo stood for a while and then sat down with a gloomy face. He was now almost certain that someone had done something to his brain or hypnotized and intervened in his spirit, making his consciousness walk forever in this dark tunnel.

And his body at this moment might be like those faceless people he met at the beginning, a puppet without any emotion... Maybe those faceless people were not faceless people at all, but real people, and those purple mucus were not mucus at all, but blood and smelly internal organs.

In addition, the materialization points will not lie. The materialization points they provide are the same as those provided by an adult soul... Does this indirectly prove that Chen Guo killed a human, not a faceless person?

No wonder it smells so bad!

"Sir... what should we do now?"

Madeline Cullivan came over and wanted to listen to Chen Guo's opinion, but Chen Guo interrupted her rudely.

"What's my name? Tell me, what's my name?"

"Your Excellency's name is... Little Jack..." Madeline Cullivan's anxious face suddenly became indifferent, and the retainers and mercenaries behind her also walked over with expressionless faces.

"Why, don't you want to continue pretending?"

"Hehehe, you are quite smart. I originally thought that it would take you a long time to react. I still want to play with you more!"

A ethereal and indistinguishable male and female voice suddenly came out of Madeline Cullivan's mouth, but from the tone, it sounded very much like a childish and playful little girl.

"When did I... get hit?"

"It started from when you passed through that landslide. How about it? Is my design very clever? Do you have forgotten how you passed through that landslide?"

Madeline Cullivan sat next to Chen Guo, and the retainers and mercenaries behind her had disappeared into the darkness.

"Are they still alive?"

"Of course, they are all alive, but soon, they will become a part of me, including you.

It's just that I'm not hungry now, so I have to let you live a little longer.

But please rest assured that although your bodies will merge with me, your spirits will live forever."

"Are you... a star god?"

Chen Guo's eyes flashed, and he asked uncertainly.

"Don't call me by that name, mortal!"

Madeline Cullivan suddenly jumped up like a madman, grabbed Chen Guo's neck, and slammed him against the wall.

Blue electric sparks began to emerge quickly from Chen Guo's body, but Madeline Cullivan extinguished them all with just a glance.

"You can call me God, but don't call me Star God. Remember, my patience is limited."

"Heh, you're just a defeated Necrons!"

"Oh, it seems you know a lot, but it's a pity that no matter how much you know, it's useless. You're just an ant!"


Chen Guo's face suddenly twitched, and when it stopped, two completely different expressions appeared on his face. One side was a cruel grin, and the other side became extremely indifferent.

[Puppetry]: Level C-. From the world of "Psychosis Frenzy", the protagonist has an assimilation-type mutant psychosis, which can assimilate and infect any other creature with thinking thoughts, and assimilate the infected into a new self, a new puppet. This psychosis has a strong splitting effect. Every time the user is infected, there is a chance of giving birth to a 1-∞ subsidiary personality. Please rest assured that this psychosis has been strictly treated and screened, and the subsidiary personality will always be a subsidiary personality.

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